Hi Sage.

I saw the notification email for GVB's latest.

Just sighting 'BLUNDER' in the headline was enough to know I wouldn't be reading it.

But was confident you'd be flagging it here.

So many words have been written. So many lives taken. They are laughing at us as we sicken and die.

How anyone at this stage can portray it as DBS beggars belief.

For someone who has lived and worked behind the curtain of the bioweapon complex to portray it as DBS tells me they - GVB - are playing a role in this Kabuki Theater.

Judas Goat style.

Still waiting on that reckoning.

Still waiting for the slightest trace of accountability, justice, or even for the culling to cease.




The bioweapon complex is daily poisoning us, whether we choose it or not.

The Juggernaut hasn't so much as slowed down.

The daily grind is absorbing; however, one hopes that everyone is getting ready.

We won't always be stuck in the blocks.


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Hi Sage--Thanks for keeping alive the video evidence of the confabulation and misdirection and slow rolling of data that we have witnessed....Ginger

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Apr 12Liked by Sage Hana

My favorite part "Graphene-based nanoparticles possess remarkable physiochemical properties, making them promising for diverse applications in biomedicine, agriculture, food, and industrial applications." Graphene-based nanoparticles possess remarkable physiochemical properties, making them promising for diverse applications in biomedicine, agriculture, food, and industrial applications. These nanoparticles have also been used in the fight against COVID-19."

Stated another way, when coupled with 5G there is the potential to facilitate a huge "kill switch" - and we're not talking cell phones....if you know what I mean. Pax

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Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

Cole lost me when he claimed that the many spots he saw in a human tissue sample were spike proteins. Because if the diameter of the supposed Covid virus is 100nm and only visible via an electron microscope, the proteins spikes on the surface would be less than 10nm and impossible for anyone, even someone with magic red pants, to identify via an optical microscope. And because he didn't isolate and analyse the supposed spikes & examine further, there's no telling what they were.

I was actually disappointed that he didn't also identify the furin cleavage sites on the supposed spikes. That would have been hilarious.

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Apr 12Liked by Sage Hana

This stuff is going so off script into Soap Opera Melodrama...


Thanks Sage...

You always seem to cull the b.s.

to keep things "real"

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

GVB upholds the evolutionary side of the story. One of the few times I've seen him was on Evergreen Boy's podcast, when GVB was a brand new face on the scene early on. Both he and Evergreen Boy promoted the idea that this crazy virus just mutates all the time, travels around the globe all the time, reproducing and mutating. If we vaccinate it might make it do that even moar, worst case scenario is bound to happen and even get worse.

Nope, it was extremely hard to get this thing (this thing is different) to mutate at all. If it was a seeded infectious clone, the poor thing had all it could do to travel into the next county, much less around the world. By itself the most it could afford was steerage class in a slow moving boat. So it needed help to be moar and moar scary.

So hard to get it to mutate that they had to clone away and seed it in various places to spread. And it stayed Delta, no matter where it traveled, or Omicron, or the original. Never mutating. Hand delivered by hoommmanz, maybe FedEx, if the feds were doing it. Or UPS, if it was the first step in the User Profile System, next step was testing to collect yur genes and then killya. With a shot. Not the second amendment type of shot either, more deadly.

The UPS was also used to profile dead folks in NY and a huge spike appeared. On a chart: Promo code Jessica Woodhouse.

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Oh man that never gets old

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Apr 12Liked by Sage Hana

Moderna (MRNA) $105.08 (1.93)


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OMG...is there a pill I can take for over-exposure to fake media?

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Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

"This should never have happened in Sweden, a country strongly promoting freedom of speech 🇸🇪"

That was ages ago and only on paper today. The [far] left made sure of that and alot of people are brainwashed here ...

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Badness full stage. So, GVB also tried to shut up Astrid!!!! Wow. That bit of the Cole/Astrid drama was cut early. That player was not exposed until now 🤔. Thanks for this SH.. GVB’s early and ‘heartfelt’ hand wringing about zee explosions in mutations, align to a form of ‘empathetic complicit confession’, very clever role play 🎭.

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It's history time, kids...... The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset https://www.globalresearch.ca/dark-origins-davos-great-reset/5797113

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The American people get the best incompetence that money can buy. Why buy just one idiot when you can get two at three times the price.

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I think graphene is the long con.

Unpopular notion, I know.

It has to be something material. The thingification of all evil, all the malicious intent.

An unexpected turn in the script. It used to be that the intangible waves to control people didn't need an interface to connect to the nervous system. Now we need a fluid computer growing inside us to make sense of this nonsense.

But I know better than to hate on the people who believe in this con. It takes time to realize that science has been thoroughly falsified since the 1920s. The greater the education level (at the monster's education system, btw) the more difficult it is to see it.

I like to practice compassion. That's my Venus in Pisces, folks!

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

"...in the fight against COVID-19." LOL Yeah, right.

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Nobody just fucking ‘forgot’ that quarantining the sick is the way to end this shit.

Thousands of years in practice.

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