Hi Sage, Linda here. Long time reader, "liker" and supporter. I haven't commented to anything up to this point because I haven't had anything of value to add. I'm just a small town person, not big smart and no college degree. I haven't taken part in the voting process since 2008 but have merely been observing. When I was informed by my coworkers the morning following the 2016 election that Trump had been elected I had the first and only panic attack in my life. I literally had to leave work which hadn't happened before or since in the nearly 50 years I have worked in the family business. On some level I just knew that it was the beginning of the end. I still feel that way to this day.

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Hi Linda!

Thank you for breaking the ice.

What you are describing sounds like Christopher Bollyn's Israeli girlfriend when the Likud assumed power.

I think Trump was groomed for this role since the '80's.

He is a uniquely useful polarizing sales rep. If you watch pro wrestling, the heels and faces MUST get ENGAGEMENT.

And the more passion (HATE OR LOVE) the more useful.

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Sage, this was a great post - I too adore the picture of the goats.

I always think about how Jehovah's Witnesses preach that satan was cast down to earth in 1914 and how so much history of food growing and livestock breeding and farming and tool making was lost with the 40 million people that died - most apprenticing and learning everything required to carry us forward on a good and green earth.

Not a dystopia, or the the nightmare scenario you describe.

I never saw the whole Bob Roberts movie and now I kinda want to.

Speaking of Witnesses, Candace Owens does the most stellar job of vindicating Michael Jackson here. I loved this, and it pissed me off royally. (More juice for the archons....)


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"I think Trump was groomed for this role since the '80's" - yup, me too

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And possibly, his whole life - when you go down the rabbit hole on his ties to Bavarian Illuminati through his family.

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Are you actually The Linda?

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Hi Linda.

I am really sorry for being snarky if you are a real person and mean well.

I'm also sorry you had a panic attack after an election.

My father had a stroke the morning of Clinton's first inauguration.

Really, it truly is as Sage says, "And the more passion (HATE OR LOVE) the more useful."

Malevolent forces parasitically feed off the juice of human emotion.

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“You really like us Linda”

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Now I see the deep glow.

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Hahahaha! Hilarious. Don’t know how you live in the real world....and don’t care.

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Please elaborate.

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That was for Linda not you.....

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Sorry bout that. I thought you were replying to Sage.

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Love the goats!!@ that's how I feel sometimes too lol. But yeah they're using that "Polaris Potan" for all it's worth, building up the energy for the final release. And omg Vince's destroy eerrrann strategy and bobbi's no mandates bullshit, coupled with toolsi's I'll say whatever they want 'with feeling!' rhetoric , looks like trinity from hell is in the plan. Thank you for providing this aspect, gives us something to 'work with'

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goats are so photogenic!

they smell like the European Commission, but in picture, goats look much better.

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Roger - found this comment on X about the beepers being set off in Lebanon:


Seems Israel serves as shock troops for the NWO. So many implications tied into this: touches the humanitarian, financial.

NYTimes is refering to children who are victims as 'noncombatants':


Introducing the idea that any device one has in their possession can be a weapon:



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AFAIK, NYT has always been and always will be an enemy of justice, truth and the human race.

No one should give any credibility to the evil lies these sick bastards publish.

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One of your best, SH. Nicely done 👏

(Luv the Alan Rickman cameo in that first Bob Roberts clip…)

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Thank you!

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I hope that your scenario does not come to pass- I pray that it doesn't, and that Good ultimately triumphs from this murderous mess- but who knows? Everything is scaling up in evilness right now, and the few good men are not stepping up to right or stop these things. (Sorry, but where are the 2A supporters today? Did their guns do anything against the "CV" tyranny?)

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At the least, would it shock you that it is Game Theory Plan 37B on a whiteboard in Davos, or Zurich, or under the Denver Airport?

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My nightmare is 2020 never ended. Sanitary Totalitarianism is law and order. The Hegemony is today the open air psychiatric hospital with Big Nurse. The nation’s median age increased by 0.2 years to 38.9 years between 2021 and 2022. The United States population aged 65 years and above was 52,888,621 in 2023. Yes you are accurate this is scripted. Chilling then like a 60's black and white horror film. Which it is. That too is curious. History is then the made for TV movie to grab total power for the movie moguls. Image warfare. Conditioning us culturally.

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Since you bring up Archduke Ferdinand, are you aware that the license plate of the car that he was assinated in had the license plate predicting the exact day that WWI would end 4 years later.

Just a coincidence, I am sure.

Events are engineered and we are ruled by a power which we do not see.


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I never saw "Bob Roberts," but a "staged assassination" seals it as a precursor to the current Trump Theater.

Great find.

Interestingly, Tony K. of the Minute-to-Midnite YT channel interviewed a former high-level freemason who said before the 2020 election that the plan was to "successfully assassinate" Trump (though it would be fake and Trump would still be alive, hidden away).

The purpose? To foment a civil war.

It never happened of course, back then, but here we are.

Interesting times.

All according to Bible prophecy (locked down world, digital currency, one world leader/religion); so, it will come to pass.

------------------- aminutetomidnite:


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I have stood on that fateful bridge many times and tried to understand the madness that followed leading the world into that war. I think it has to be considered that there were very different underlying tensions. Different history and temperaments as well. There are other commenters here who can add more substantively to this conversation.... Skullduggery and plots abound nonetheless...always have, always will, but lets keep our heads. People are sick of lies and war and tension and needless strife. The world is sick of the manipulations.

That is a force to be reckoned with, as well.

(I worked on the survivors of the rape and concentration camps from the 90s war over a 14 yr period)

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The tension leading up to WW1 was so great that in most European countries involved the masses were excited, and even relieved, at the outbreak. Remember of course that they were told it would be over in just a few months......

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A few months to slow the spread. . .

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Good gawd, seeing that mug of Leana Wen is an excellent way to purge the body.

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Ha - compare her facial geometry to Alain Delons....

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I got nothing.

Someone(or some entity) wants to start a war desperately.

In the Middle East, or lobbing American made and American targeting operations deep into Russia.

Heck maybe even Asia.

As Gerald Celente says, " when all else fails, they take us to war."

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"The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions in Lebanon and was not aware of the incident beforehand." In unrelated news, the American University of Beirut Medical Center replaced the pagers of their doctors and staff 2 weeks ago.

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On the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, though this was interesting- shows how much power and control they had over 100 years ago:

'A II II 18': Franz Ferdinand's prophetic number plate

The number plate of the car carrying Franz Ferdinand when he was shot bears a strange coincidence to the end of the Great War.


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Something. But this 👉 Cyber outage ? Also in predictive programming box. How many could maintain sanity during cyber lockdown coupled with killerdemic isolation in the western world? Social lines severed, full stop. That’s all hammers did in 2020. Is physical war needed to bring western pop to their knees?

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There are now speculations about whether Israel just used a tactical nuclear warhead against Lebanon. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149226733?source=queue

Whether factual or not, it's these kinds of rumors that precede other events, like Ferdinand and WWI. When I heard this history (in history classes) I was always puzzled about how the assassination of a single man (who seemed obscure to me) could trigger a world war. Obviously I was never a history buff. Looking at current times this makes sense.

It was the scorpions then, and is still today.

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>>They burned up those kids in Hawaii!<<

What really happened there? By citizen’s accounts no missing kids ?

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