Emerging Fire footage streamed two days ago by Fox 11 News
Fox News footage streamed live two days ago at Griffith Park, Los Angeles
Promo Code: Suzanne O’Keefe who promo codes Jeff Snyder on YouTube.
Before we even watch, I want to make clear that I do not derive conclusions on this one piece of footage, but find it interesting.
(Some of the other stuff is definitely more perplexing.)
Still this is fascinating.
Here is the relevant footage for this post clipped from Snyder’s video where he highlights where the fire begins.
Snyder says this is spontaneous combustion.
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
If it is not, fire experts, please advise.
Sound off, so you can watch and focus on the fire rapidly emerging. Snyder’s video and the source video are linked below.
Here is the source video that Jeff Snyder uses.
Go to 6:37 for the above clip.
Watch it over and over, perhaps.
The NewsChopper guy seems flabbergasted.
Watch the whole 19m video if you like. The NewsChopper guy said the wind was not high.
Snyder’s treatment of the evidence.
I am not co-signing or disputing his conclusions. Just finding the source video to examine and throw it open to the fire experts and Not an Experts.
Is this just normal fire stuff?
The assumption that it's spontaneous makes no sense. There was a tell-tale line of smoke in that spot for like a minute before that. Assertions that it couldnt have been due flying sparks also don't make much sense as the main fires smoke clouds obviously have a left headed direction, so there was a wind coming from the right. Thats the Occams Razor of it, a single small ember flew over from the right somewhere, and percolated in the landing spot for a minute and then the blaze caught fast. However, if you want to get conspiracy theorist on it, sure, that yellow airplane that flew by a little earlier maybe shot at that spot with a laser. Or someone planted a fire starting device of some type in the ground. But the Occams Razor assumption is simply that an ember flew like 50 feet over and landed there, then once that caught, it flared up quickly
There's a commercial on Facebook that talks about how electricity surges were noted by some company in these areas right before the fires. Found an article on it. Something called Ting sensors picked it up? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/power-grid-faults-surged-right-before-los-angeles-wildfires-began-expert/ar-BB1rhp8H