The assumption that it's spontaneous makes no sense. There was a tell-tale line of smoke in that spot for like a minute before that. Assertions that it couldnt have been due flying sparks also don't make much sense as the main fires smoke clouds obviously have a left headed direction, so there was a wind coming from the right. Thats the Occams Razor of it, a single small ember flew over from the right somewhere, and percolated in the landing spot for a minute and then the blaze caught fast. However, if you want to get conspiracy theorist on it, sure, that yellow airplane that flew by a little earlier maybe shot at that spot with a laser. Or someone planted a fire starting device of some type in the ground. But the Occams Razor assumption is simply that an ember flew like 50 feet over and landed there, then once that caught, it flared up quickly

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I would only add that the framing of "conspiracy theorist" is a thought terminating cliche as a way to get people to not ask questions about events and phenomena.

(Esp. Boomers)

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As a boomer..did I hear today that less than 100,000 people between ages of 25 to 55 listen to most of the MSM tv news per channel?

So boomers make up most of their already sparse viewers..they are the bulk.

God help me...they still believe...

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They really like it! 😅

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Boomers, Boomers, we don't need no stinking Boomers!!

Oops, I said the quiet part out loud. 😱😱

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The Boomers got the most heavy handed and managed propaganda shoved into their brain vectors from the time they were boomed.

And they didn't have a lot of choices for media.

Entertainment too. Just crammed all day every day into the old brain vector.

So it's brutal to sort out which elements are real and not memorex. Pardon the old reference.

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"... Pardon the old reference."

Thanks, I much enjoyed the old reference.

When I was 15, I might have questioned whether the Memorex recording could shatter the glass, but I likely beLIEved at age 15 that Ella Fitzgerald's voice singing live could shatter a glass. I mean, Ella Fitzgerald woudn't participate in a lying commercial, would she? So, yes, Sage, our little brains were bombarded with all manner of vectors starting at a very young age.

For the young'uns, here's the reference:

"Memorex with Ella Fitzgerald - "Is It Live, Or Is It Memorex? (Commercial, 1976)"



P.S. I no longer trust the implicit assumption of the ad, i.e. that a human voice (or a Memorex recording) can shatter a wine glass, unless one cranks the decibels up REALLY LOUD.

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I served Ella once at the Four Season’s in Toronto. She ordered two of everything in case she didn’t like one of them.

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And they cannot change. Trust me, I've tried. ...they're ossified.

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Boomer here. You're not kidding about the choices for media. TV was BBC and ITV. Radio, as far as I recall, was just BBC, until the 'pirate' stations, like Radio Caroline, started playing pop music from boats in the 60s! We were easily pleased. Lots of what was on the Beeb was actually quite good, but we had no clue so much of it was part of an agenda (emanating from MI5). Not going to go into newspapers ...

I was on holiday recently with two fellow-boomers from my student days, plus one of my daughters. During a conversation one of them said how lucky we were to have the BBC. The other fellow-boomer nodded sagely (sorry!) and agreed. I sighed inwardly and said nothing. There are large cohorts of the 'educated middle classes' who revere the BBC nostalgically the way they revere the NHS. Anyway, if there's one thing I've learned it's that if you're in the company of 2 or 3 other people and you're entirely, 100% right and they're entirely, 100% clueless, you are still screwed, so don't even go there. One to one is all that works, and even then about 3% of the time. On a good day. With a following wind.

They're getting the kids early, though. There are initiatives springing up to 'protect' them by training them to 'recognise misinformation' and learn how to 'find trusted sources of information'. No Orwellian stone is going to be left unturned. The generations currently in school will be fluent in thought-terminating cliches by the time they leave for tertiary indoctrination.

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"... one thing I've learned it's that if you're in the company of 2 or 3 other people and you're entirely, 100% right and they're entirely, 100% clueless, you are still screwed, so don't even go there. One to one is all that works, and even then about 3% of the time. ..."

🎯 👍

"... On a good day. With a following wind. ..."

😆 😂 🤣

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I qualify as 2nd wave Boomer. 1957 reintarnation. I always felt comfortable as only isolated child with the generation born in 1937,

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They love to divide us

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There's asking questions and then there is theorizing that it is due to a conspiracy of some sort, of which I do plenty of myself, and so I am conspiracy theorist but the difference between me and someone who sees them everywhere they look is I dony bother seeing them anywhere and everywhere without good cause. That means that it has to be more obvious that something likely conspiracy related happened than not, and not in some unprovable domain of weak possibility. There's enough actual probable conspiracies going on that one doesn't need to make anyone who entertains conspiracy theories look bad by seeing them left and right and creating a generalized boy who cried wolf effect. This just weakens the cause. If people only patiently waited for things that were obvious to point out conspiracies, then conspiracy theorists wouldn't have to face such prejudice. But wait! Counterintelligence is known to involve the deliberate planting of such weak conspiracy theories to water down the probable ones. So, unless you are engaged in Counterintelligence, just wait until you have a sure thing, or else you contribute negative support. That's all I'm saying. This is one of those cases, hands down.

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To each their own "good cause" and this is why there will never be a "movement" of conspiracy theorists.

Because they are Big Smart each of them and decide what the real conspiracy is.

There is no "cause" only in your mind.

There are questions. Such as...are these normal fires?

and there are MINDERS who try to protect the illusory "cause".


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Don't oversimplify what I did. Thats hypocritical. I asked a question, just like you said to do, for the other side, to balance the equation. I said, "could this not simply be, as is most suggested, by the available evidence, a nearby fire started by a stray ember?"

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Right, then we had a philosophical discussion about some illusory "cause" and what questions are ??? allowed?

which... we did Not a Movement two years ago here. Almost right away as it was evident.

I appreciate your insights on the evidence at hand on this particular post.

*I had a Minder from Jabs Bad roll in FURIOUS that I was asking about 9/11 planes, as it was poisoning his "movement" (in his mind) and he and I were on some kind of "team" together.

Naturally I hope he gets shot in the face.

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Ahem, I know you mean a shot of bourbon. . . (for anyone listening).

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Almost everything bad that facilitates the ongoing global coup d’etat, which got into high gear early in 2020, is suspect as far as I’m concerned.

There is a whole-of-system assault on us, the Useless Eaters (TM Yuval Harari), by those I call the perpetrators or the Useless Eliters.

In brief, the principal lies are that earth is over populated, that we’re causing catastrophic climate change and that we’re more susceptible to pathogens and pandemics.

These fake problems are the Problems to which the Reactions are extreme authoritarian government and this delivers the Solutions, a great deal fewer of us, rotting inside 24/7 while living almost our whole lives online in a fake reality.

Reality privilege is reserved for the ultra elite.

Mind you, it’s possible that you regard this as conspiracy theory?

It’s assuredly an open conspiracy. They’re not even bothering to hide it. There’s nothing theoretical about it.


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There are conspiracies afoot. I never denied that. That doesn't mean flood the forums and blogs with mention of conspiracies around every corner. Thats someone with a conspiracy chip on their shoulder. Looks silly after a while. The word "flooding" is appropriate. The concept "boy who cried wolf" combined with the concept of "doom scrolling" is appropriate. Pick your fights wisely, that's all I'm saying. Wait for the Strategic Opportunity to make a difference, not flood the electronic highways with more unprovable sensationalisms. If you don't know, you don't know. Know when you don't know, don't become a "Conspiracy Seer" who prophecies left and right at any strangely shaped cloud or tea lead formation. That makes good Conspiracy Theorists look BAD. I've made my point. Recognize. Thanks

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So now you are a Minder of the Internet about what people are allowed to "flood" the forums with?

Why not just do your thing and others will do theirs?

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I am a strategic analyst who points out shit for people to think about in a rhetorical fashion that people with chips on shoulders feel they need to shoot down. Here is how conspiracy theories work. Look at this picture: https://ibb.co/5kd3z7w see what pops in your mind first, see the causal chain, the memory association mapping. See the story it tells unbidden. Reply to me here, honestly what came up unbidden and automatically.

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Hey Dr Mike, FYI I think this person (below) is spoofing your account:

Here is their Substack link:


Photo/avatar does not match yours. Very little activity. IMO an impostor.

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I would love to hear from vulcanologists, seismologists, chemists and “other” MilOps personnel (you know who you are). EV’s have “spontaneously” combusted. DEWS can (usually) only be seen with Mil grade SpecOps night shades.

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Complacency theorists would have us believe forest fires melt cars' engine blocks and vintage trailers while leaving plastic flamingos next to them in the same yard perfectly intact and pink without a burn mark, which is what happened to my friend's house in Altadena.

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Right, well these are the questions that must be explored to understand phenomena.

Conspiracy=shared intentions and the world runs on "shared intentions" the ability to plot, make plans and so forth.

*Conspiracy theorist is a thought terminating cliche that very much like "anti-vax" is designed to create camps of Right Think and Wrong Think.

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Flamingo-pyromectin is available from all good pet/toy shops and so you can go back to being complacent. Responsible plastic flamingo owners take precautions. It's a dangerous world out there. Stay safe.

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Put masks on them flamingos, and they will be safe.

Hey, FLAME-in-goes. Must be a secret conspiracy.

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There's a commercial on Facebook that talks about how electricity surges were noted by some company in these areas right before the fires. Found an article on it. Something called Ting sensors picked it up? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/power-grid-faults-surged-right-before-los-angeles-wildfires-began-expert/ar-BB1rhp8H

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Former wildfire Tanker Truck Operator here (3 summers in the Arizona mountains). I was never trained to be on the watch for such spontaneous combustion, or certified to make sure the engine hood was painted blue. Must be the chicken-flu ... now jumping from animal to plant. 🙃

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Steve, would you want to watch the Snyder video and pick it up at 3:26 and see if Snyder's analysis seems legit? Or skewed?(another rash of spontaneous combustion in NV)


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Hi Sage,

(Long, so in 2 parts, this being the first. And I downloaded the video in case it is disappeared by YouTube.)

This does not match any of my training or experience while working for the Forest Service, and I am not enough of a STEM specialist to speculate on the journalist's take on electricity, but this is very fishy. If the DEWs had been microwaves, the firefighters would likewise have been affected ... unless the technology has become so advanced, that miniature spot fires could be lit in such short areas and time frames so as to play with us ... as prey sometimes does with its food.

But here is another possibility.

Last summer, I saw more lightning in Tokyo in one month than I had seen in 3 seasons working the Arizona mountains. I took a photo of one nearby strike and posted it in Reddit, along with some observations by minds more technically educated than my own.


I prompted Perplexity Pro and GPT4.o to give the stats on what, at that time, appeared to be an accelerating movement of the magnetic north pole, which might be a prelude to a North-South polar flip. The most recent data became "unavailable' at the time I posted that Reddit.

After a few months of relatively high profile (10K views, and over a thousand upvotes, Reddit suddenly dropped the upvotes to 0, and subsequent queries to PerPlexity Pro and GPT4.o showed 'new data' indicating a sudden deceleration of the magentic north's movement.

Supposing we are at the beginning of a geomagnetic polar flip, which in geologic time has happened often?

Just now did a check on the latest A.I. LLM (DeepSeek) and got the following, but like plandemic, an A.I. is only as truthful about the data as the programmers want it to be. If we are in imminent threat of a geomagnetic flip, I expect it will be in the ruling class's best interest to make sure we plebes will be the last to know.


Me — Can you give data over the last 30 years regarding the movement of the magnetic north pole?

DeepSeek — "Here’s an overview of the magnetic north pole’s movement over the last 30 years (1993–2023), based on data from the World Magnetic Model (WMM) and geomagnetic observatories:

Key Trends (1993–2023)


Historically located in northern Canada, the pole has accelerated toward Siberia since the 1990s.

Since 2000, its drift speed increased dramatically, moving from ~9 km/year (20th century average) to ~50–55 km/year by 2020.

Recent Coordinates (2023):

Approximate location: 86.494°N, 135.826°E (Arctic Ocean, north of Siberia).

Drift speed: ~48–55 km/year (as of 2023).

Comparison to Geographic North Pole:

The geographic north pole (axis of rotation) is fixed at 90°N, but the magnetic pole is currently ~390 km away and moving farther.

Decadal Breakdown

Decade Average Speed Key Events

1990s ~15 km/year Began accelerating out of Canada.

2000s ~55 km/year Shifted decisively toward Siberia.

2010s ~50–55 km/year Crossed the International Date Line (2017).

2020s ~48–55 km/year Stabilized slightly but remains erratic.

Causes of Movement

Liquid Outer Core Dynamics: Turbulent flows of molten iron in Earth’s core generate the magnetic field. Shifts in these flows drive the pole’s motion.

Geomagnetic Jerks: Sudden changes in the magnetic field (e.g., 2016–2019) linked to deep-Earth fluid movements.

Weakening Magnetic Field: The South Atlantic Anomaly and other regional weaknesses may indirectly influence polar drift.


Navigation Systems: GPS, aviation, and military systems rely on frequent WMM updates (e.g., WMM2020 expedited release due to rapid drift).

Arctic Operations: Compass alignment for ships, planes, and infrastructure (e.g., runways) requires constant recalibration.

Scientific Interest: Rapid movement hints at deeper geomagnetic instabilities, though no imminent pole reversal is expected.

Data Sources

NOAA/NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information): Tracks real-time magnetic pole coordinates.

British Geological Survey (BGS): Collaborates on the World Magnetic Model.

INTERMAGNET: Global network of geomagnetic observatories.

For precise annual coordinates, see the WMM Historical Data. Let me know if you’d like more specific yearly details! 🧭🌍"


Me — If we are in for a shift ... what are the consequences?

DeepSeek — A geomagnetic reversal (North-South pole flip) would have significant but non-apocalyptic effects on Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere, with impacts cascading to technology and ecosystems. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Magnetosphere Changes

Weaker Magnetic Field: During the reversal (lasting ~1,000–10,000 years), the magnetic field weakens to 5–10% of its current strength, reducing its ability to deflect solar wind and cosmic radiation.

Solar Wind Penetration: Charged particles would reach deeper into the atmosphere, increasing radiation exposure for satellites, astronauts, and high-altitude aircraft.

Multiple Magnetic Poles: Temporary "mini-poles" could form globally, creating complex, unstable field lines.

2. Ionosphere Impacts

Increased Ionization: More solar particles interacting with the ionosphere could:

Disrupt radio communication and GPS signals.

Amplify auroras (Northern/Southern Lights) at lower latitudes.

Create unpredictable atmospheric drag on satellites, altering orbits.

3. Broader Consequences

Technology Vulnerabilities:

Power grids at risk of geomagnetic storms (e.g., Carrington Event-level disruptions).

Satellite failures due to radiation damage (e.g., fried electronics, loss of GPS/communications).

Ecosystem Effects:

Migratory species (birds, sea turtles) relying on magnetic navigation could face disorientation.

Slightly elevated radiation might increase cancer rates in sensitive species (unlikely catastrophic for humans).

Key Reassurances

No Extinction Event: Past reversals (e.g., Laschamps excursion 42,000 years ago) caused no mass extinctions, though they correlate with minor climate shifts.

Gradual Process: The flip takes millennia, giving ecosystems and technology time to adapt.

Field Doesn’t Vanish: Even at its weakest, the residual magnetic field would still offer some radiation shielding.

What Would Stay the Same

Atmosphere as Shield: Earth’s thick atmosphere blocks most harmful radiation (unlike Mars, which lacks a strong magnetic field).

Human Survival: While modern tech infrastructure would face challenges, life itself would persist.

Historical Context

The last full reversal was the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal (~780,000 years ago).

We’re currently overdue for a flip, but the process is unpredictable.

In short, a pole reversal would reshape Earth’s magnetic defenses and stress technology, but it’s a slow-motion drama, not an instant apocalypse. 🌍⚡"

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Hmm ... another 'conspiracy theory' in the making ... could Trump's sudden interest in Greenland be connected?

And the more immediate question regarding any connection between the pole reversal and the fires?

Me — Could there be a correlation between spontaneous wild fires and a flipping of magnetic poles?

DeepSeek — Short Answer:

No, there is no established scientific correlation between an accelerating polar shift (geomagnetic changes) and spontaneous wildfires. Wildfires are driven by weather, climate, human activity, and vegetation conditions, not Earth’s magnetic field dynamics. Here’s why:

Why They’re Unrelated

Wildfire Causes:

Primary Triggers: Lightning strikes, human negligence (e.g., campfires, arson), and extreme heat/drought.

Climate Drivers: Rising temperatures, prolonged dry seasons, and wind patterns (e.g., Santa Ana winds) amplify fire risk.

Geomagnetic Shifts:

Pole Movement: The magnetic north pole is drifting faster (~50 km/year) due to molten iron flows in Earth’s core.

Magnetic Field Weakening: A weaker field during a reversal might allow more solar radiation to reach the atmosphere, but this has no direct link to wildfires.

Indirect Hypotheses (Unproven)

A few speculative theories suggest potential indirect connections, but none are scientifically validated:

Cosmic Rays and Lightning: A weaker magnetic field might allow more cosmic rays to ionize the atmosphere, theoretically increasing lightning strikes (a natural wildfire trigger). However, no data confirms this effect.

Climate Shifts: Long-term magnetic changes could subtly alter atmospheric circulation, but these impacts would be dwarfed by human-caused climate change.

What Science Says

No Observable Link: Wildfire frequency/severity correlates strongly with climate change, land management, and human behavior, not geomagnetic activity.

Timescale Mismatch: Geomagnetic shifts unfold over centuries/millennia, while wildfires respond to seasonal or annual conditions.

Key Takeaway

Focus on proven wildfire drivers: reducing carbon emissions, improving forest management, and addressing human negligence. Geomagnetic shifts are fascinating but unrelated to fire risks. 🔥🧲


Just for good measure ...

Me — What might be the possible cause of spontaneous combustion with the following conditions, no wind, dry sage brush, 15 seconds, several fires within 15 meters.

DeepSeek —

1. Human or Accidental Ignition

Discarded Ignition Sources: Cigarettes, matches, or embers from campfires (even if unintentional).

Equipment Sparks: Off-road vehicles, chainsaws, or machinery generating sparks.

Arson: Deliberate fire-setting.

2. Natural Causes

Dry Lightning: A lightning strike during a storm with no rain can ignite multiple spots simultaneously.

Electrical Faults: Downed power lines or arcing electricity (if infrastructure is nearby).

Focused Sunlight: Rare but possible if reflective surfaces (e.g., glass, polished metal, or mineral crystals) concentrate sunlight into intense heat points.

3. Unlikely but Possible Explanations

Chemical Reactions: Sagebrush contains volatile oils (e.g., terpenes) that can ignite under extreme heat, but sustained heat buildup without an external source is improbable.

Static Electricity: In extremely dry conditions, static discharge from friction (e.g., rubbing branches) might generate sparks, but this is speculative.

Meteorite Impact: A meteorite breaking apart could create multiple ignition points, though this is exceedingly rare.

Key Observations

Multiple Fires in Close Proximity: Strongly suggests an external ignition source (e.g., embers, lightning, or human activity) rather than spontaneous combustion.

No Wind: Rules out fire spread via embers but increases the likelihood of localized ignition (e.g., electrical faults or focused sunlight).

Next Steps

Check for Human Activity: Investigate nearby trails, roads, or campsites for evidence of recent use.

Review Weather Data: Look for lightning strikes or extreme dry conditions at the time.

Inspect Infrastructure: If power lines are nearby, assess for faults.

Soil/Sample Analysis: Test for accelerants or unusual chemicals.


While mysterious, this event is most likely explained by human activity or dry lightning, not spontaneous combustion. Sagebrush ecosystems are fire-prone but require an ignition source. Always report such incidents to local fire authorities for investigation. 🔥🌿


Hmmm ... or a psyop within a psyop?

Cheers Sage!

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I'm thinking that also..see ethical skeptic magnetic liquid core theory..but im more thinking the elites know..hence the underground bunkers for billionaire's, the drive to build data centers and ai to preserve knowledge, and yes, depop.

I think the fires are dews..to herd people into 15 minute cities..easier to control...and the push to get the great reset and great taking done b6 2030. Best estimates are 2040...

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I think some reason they want to cull pop before pole sh8ft and the set fires and jabs and climate change nonsense all part and parcel..but 8 can't figure 9ut why reduce humans before pole shift?

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One possibility might be found in the "rewilding' of sustainable farms to make a lush all-natural Disneyland playground for the ruling class.

I've noticed what appears to be a radical top-down trend by the globalist WEFies accelerating in England now (and from the farmers' riots in other countries such as France, Holland, and elsewhere).

Perplexity Pro gave a more detailed description of the new laws and examples of rewilding, but this DeepSeek summary is short enough to fit in these limited-length comments (with some of my comments in parentheses) ...


Summary of Policies in England Impacting Generational Farms and Promoting Rewilding:

Subsidy Shifts (Environmental Land Management Scheme - ELMS):

Replaces EU-era production-focused subsidies with payments for environmental stewardship (e.g., Sustainable Farming Incentive).

Farmers are incentivized to adopt eco-friendly practices or set aside land for nature recovery, which can reduce traditional farming viability.

Inheritance Tax Pressures:

(Suddenly) High inheritance taxes on agricultural land, despite Agricultural Property Relief (APR), may force heirs to sell portions of farms to cover costs, often to rewilding buyers. (Not 'may forcing' ... "is forcing).

Economic Pressures:

(Intentionally) rising operational costs (energy, labor, equipment) and competition from industrial agribusinesses (Big Agra) squeeze small farms, leading to sales.

Post-Brexit labor shortages and trade barriers further strain profitability.

Rewilding Incentives:

Government biodiversity targets (e.g., 30% of land for nature by 2030) and grants encourage landowners to convert farmland into forests, wetlands, or wild habitats. (What? Isn't wildlife and nature in general "carbon based" life forms?)

NGOs (National Trust, RSPB) and private entities purchase land for conservation, often outbidding farming families.

Aging Farmers and Succession Gaps:

Younger generations often reject farming due to low profitability, leading to sales. Buyers increasingly prioritize rewilding over agriculture.


These policies and trends disrupt generational farming, pushing land toward rewilding to meet climate and biodiversity goals, often at the expense of traditional rural livelihoods.


Despite it all,

Cheers Duchess

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We are both thinking along the same lines Duchess.

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Amazing video.

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Spontaneous combustion you say?

::digs through closet to find dusty Time Life book reference for further study::

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Oh, Lord, not the chickenflu? I was on a community chat recently and there was a big panic going on of finding dead ducks and geese and how never touch them, don't just leave them, for sure call the authorities to clean them up. I assume this is so the AUTHS can begin to up their numbers and kill more poor chickens or make them illegal. Dangerous jerms are everywhere.

There are a few dissenting voices, some guy said, just put em in a big black plastic garbage bag and throw them in with the regular trash. Practical, sensible, but in the minority. I would have added "ducks and geese are not immortal, all will die sometime" plus we've had some brutal weather lately.

All these psyops have leaked into every nook and cranny, even when it's a place for talking about potholes and posting nice photos of sunsets.

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Griffith Park has lots of shrubbery. There have been weird fires there before. It is an area where homeless can easily hang out mostly un-noticed if they don’t create their piles of crap. Something about this odd, maybe blame will be on a homeless starting as that is not uncommon in LA area anymore.

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Once the fire is set by homeless perps, what happens from there?

Is this what it looks like?

And then if so, how does this translate to vehicles in parking lots melted would be the next line of inquiry. Or rather was the first line of inquiry and this is like research for that.

I get the arson part.

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There will be some spin the easily duped will lap up. The original Criminal Minds was based at a warehouse studio across the 5 freeway from Griffith Park. I remember an odd fire break out there, push the panic and then silence. That one fire was in my view very odd. While they got it out fast another oddity for so much shrubbery I will consider it to this day a mind freak out thing. On the west side of Griffith park lots of homes on narrow windy streets and beyond that density housing. There was some panic it created. Maybe a fire drill so to speak

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Well, sitting here for three years in the eye of the storm, it's not just "easily duped" as "motivated not to see or dig too hard" as it may prove inconvenient and uncomfortable.

The narratives spoon-fed to each "team" are designed to be clean and tidy with a simple solution (vote harder).

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Vote harder is definitely the solution😁

The spoon fed will be like starvng baby birds.

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This reminds me I need to segue back to how the Shitlib Media is handling CANCER VACCINES.

No one likes to remember but the pesky logician, but Trump was Big Mad at kamala and SleepyJoe for being "anti-science" in his mRNA shots.

Then that all went away and flipped. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I view all the trump drama insane. While family and friends hate my view oh well. Who lined up to roll up a sleeve now have issues, but NEVER the shotz, like NEVER the shots.

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From below....or above? Or both? We need more infrared cameras covering live (not) "spontaneous", combustion. Seems to me that "they" are pulling out all the stops and using all of their tricks. Especially the Tesla (not the effing car....Nikola) based shit. Ignore me I'm bat shit crazy....!

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No you’re not! 😊

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Whoa, been intuitively saying sponateous combustion for the last four years but thought it be in reference to the bad guys. Hmm, maybe it is! : )

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I remember doing this with HI, too.

And someone had a theory about solar panels igniting fires. We have the downed power lines. We have the arsonists. We have DEW or DEW we?

Shit gets wild.

But however they start...how do they melt hoods off cars next to plants and leaves?

or...in parking lots?

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🤯 still workin on that one, lol

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Veddy intareshting

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Seems highly unlikely but not impossible. Gives me pause and I have to struggle to not look at it emotionally due to the context. The question id ask was how? I certainly can’t come up with a likely reason. I can come up with unlikely but there’s nobody to bounce those off since I can’t talk to the people there. I’ll leave it at….this is strange.

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Thank you, Steve.

I greatly appreciate your sober analysis in this quest for understanding.

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It would be interesting to hear the firefighters' take on those spontaneous fires erupting around them. For example: have they ever seen this before?

The fires going off look like natural gas firing off.

Thanks for posting.

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If there was a fire tornado elsewhere it could have carried embers for miles & dropped them there. The grass & brush is so dry that it erupts quickly once started.

There are many accounts of fish & frogs raining from the sky from tornados ripping them out of ponds & lakes & raining them down out of a clear sky miles away.

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see next video post

Fire Tornado made the embers melt cars

(Note: Grass and brush looks okay.🙌)

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More "spontaneous" combustion.


Nothing else around this older SL but it is toasted....Not even the road looks too bad?

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Wow how interesting!

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Totally uninformed speculations:

How might fires erupt out of the ground? These are ritzy neighborhoods, do they have buried electrical cables? Could those cables be somehow turned into a source of ignition? They are then not electrical fires. but electrically triggered fires.

This seems unlikely, just brainstorming here.

Last time I made a fire it was to burn some old tax documents. I didn't feel like shredding them per usual, so thought I'd burn them, since it had rained recently and there was no wind. I burned them in a burn barrel, regular metal trashcan with holes.

I put in a few and got a nice flame, then just impatiently dumped them all in. (I should have known better, for I once was a camper and built successful campfires. That came back to me as I proceeded). Well, of course, it smothered the fire below it (oxygen needed). It kind of looked like it went out. But then it continued to smolder. And some small flame found their way through off and on. Seeing those fires pop up reminded me of that.

(Tip for burning old tax documents: It's much faster to shred).

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Powdered Aluminum

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Or, get out the old prismatic refractory glass and hold it over a leaf, grass, paper. Then you will have 🔥

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Does it work on engine blocks? 😅

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Back when we lived in San Diego county, we were evacuated in 2003 (Cedar Fire) and 2007 (Witch Fire)...lotsa trees went up, lost more than a few houses in our suburban development in Ramona, and the drive back up Wildcat Canyon Road from El Cajon in 2007 was like going through a set from a dystopian scifi movie...but neither time resulted in seeing or hearing about melted engine blocks, melted wheels or vaporized hoods. But that was a while ago, so no doubt many tech improvements since then...

For LA, SD, Lahaina & Paradise www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBqmT3jQhFE

Dorito & NFL accompaniments www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWgqTN-8PRw

For Acrylic Phil & Cyrillic Jill www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZy_vHjcyA4

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Never tried it! 😂

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