Something I’ve never understood about the eugenics/population control story. When these ideas started gaining traction, we were at what, a billion or maybe even less? Now we are approaching 9? I’ve lost count.
So, either:
1) the eugenicists suck ass at doing their thing
2) humanity is a true force of nature and they can’t control us in spite of their best efforts. (Sort of a variant of 1)
3) they are allowing the population to grow, just to crush it later, leading to my hunch that we may be part of the greatest death cult sacrifice of all time.
The plan is for them to create Fu Manchu longevity for themselves while eliminating unnecessary threats to their longevity, critical thinking folks and violent behavior folks.
This is not a cull. It’s a new drug treatment trial intended for their benefit. A lot of the rich are old and infirm. They need to test on similar to themselves.
Perhaps part of the explanation is that much of the population explosion has been occurring in countries where our western-based Overlords lacked the necessary cultural influence such as China, India and Africa. Birth rates and population numbers in western countries have been decreasing (not including accelerated immigration). In more recent decades with the increasing influence of the WHO there have been attempts (probably many completely unknown to us) to control population in third world countries with nefarious vaccination programs (see documentary Infertility by CHD). At this point, I am highly suspicious of their ballooning population numbers - they lie about everything else, why not this, if it serves their narrative.
There's a clear correlation between urbanization and population decline or stasis. The obvious solution to uncontrolled population growth is to create urban environments that people actually want to live in because they're pleasant and culturally enriching. In such a situation, you no longer need large families, which in poor countries with no social support systems is mainly a form of insurance. The USSR was aiming for this, but they lacked the technology and ideology to pull it off. When you have social systems that create incentives to get along and add to the net benefit of society you don't need coercion, and you don't give up any more freedom than you would in a feudal, anarchic or totalitarian system.
The Way of Subtle Influence
Superior leaders are those whose existence is merely known;
Because we were poisoned with food, water and vaxes. They (the other places of the world) were not. And so they are a) much healthier and b) reproduce endlessly. Don't worry mass starvation (no food from the northern populated whites that farm in mass scale) will be forthcoming since those farms will be destroyed via death/and restrictions (eg no more cows due to carbon emissions! What a lie). Global warming will be blamed. And they will starve. If we didn't feed them and they had to survive their numbers would be fewer. LIke they say don't feed the wildlife or they can't survive on their own....or teach a man to fish so he has fish for life, versus feed him now and he will starve later... its all a giant and well thought out plan...And yes, I don't think the world pop. is what 'they' say it is. I don't trust them an inch...
I think you may have misinterpreted my meaning and the context in relation to S..’s comment above i.e that “eugenicists suck ass“ at keeping the world population below 1 billion if that’s their plan.
Persuading you to do it to yourself because a) for others! b) you need it to stay 'safe' c) its good for you, d) to travel or 'participate' socially e) if you don't you will d.i.e... so you take the jab and you 'off' yourself.... no guilt for them, its all on YOU. YOU had free choice. YOU chose to do it. YOU die as a result (or your offspring will be sickly and die early)....
I would go with the option that they are completely blinded by their own ideology and hubris. They are not our Creator nor do they respect the force of Nature.
Their true control is absolutely limited as He is concerned. Sure they can have a negative impact as we've clearly seen, but total control...not going to happen.
They're simply very rich gangsters that see the world as their playground and people as their play toys. On the other hand, there are other rich gangsters that see the same. So they continue to push multiple agendas and worship multiple gods fighting among themselves all in the name of power and material.
Reminds me of a wonderful haiku from Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, " “Worker bees can leave.
Even drones can fly away. The Queen is their slave.”
4) Another variant of 1, they are good at making plans, but not good or even bad at implementing them.
This is a common problem for most people and organizations, which I doubt they are immune to.
As others have commented, their numbers are suspect too, and I also suspect there are more than one family/group competing against each other for control. They are still in the process of centralization/consolidation of their 2nd Tier minions and mafia families?
Larken Rose clarifies the 'Dolts Botched Shit' idea very well?
Yes - with their own population control techniques, they’ve managed through abortion and drug overdoses and the coming self sacrifices of euthanasia- they can say they’ve made a mark, a big one!
What you do not realize is that the genetics field is grossly misrepresented as understanding more than it does and, therefore, more genetic information is necessary in their eyes. Getting that information from swabs and bloodwork is part of the operation because once the cull happens, it is lost forever.
If one looks at the death and destruction of WWII and atomic bombs on people seeking to surrender, it is hard to say that they suck at it.
The digital prison into which they wish to put us is not complete yet but is getting close with digital ID and money which is the door that will complete the prison from which they can do their deeds and plans without significant resistance.
Commenting here because I can't comment on your paid post: Australia has plans in place to inject livestock with mRNA this year in collaboration with the NIH, US Army (Fort Detrick) and Gates Foundation through US company Tiba Biotech.
The minister, Dugald Saunders, is in the state of New South Wales and part of the Liberal National Party (nominally conservative). The major powerbroker in NSW has Pfizer as his blue chip client and every LNP candidate is vetted in back room deals by Pfizer.
"... The minister, Dugald Saunders, is in the state of New South Wales and part of the Liberal National Party (nominally conservative). The major powerbroker in NSW has Pfizer as his blue chip client and every LNP candidate is vetted in back room deals by Pfizer. ..."
L.N.P. = Liberal National Party (in Australian politics)
One possible explanation for the prescience of these predictions is that they weren't made in 1969 but in 1988. Much easier to predict the future when much of it has already happened. In other words, it could be a hoax. I find it curious that this was recorded in 1988, and yet the first mention of it I can find on the net is in 2010.
22 years seems like a long time to wait for such earth shaking revelations. I'd be interested to know where the original tape came from because it sounds like it was recorded off short-wave radio. I can hear the carrier, although that could be tape machine noise, but I can also hear flute music, and at one point what sounds like Arab singing (I have sound processing software, so you may not pick that up). You get this sort of background noise on short-wave. I wonder if this was recorded from Art Bell's show? Unfortunately we can't ask him as Bell's not around anymore, and neither is Dunegan. Was it released after Dunegan's death in 2004? That still leaves a 6 year gap, unless someone can find an earlier date for its appearance. The recordings themselves have been up on YT for at least 9 years, so why is this suddenly important? Another distraction?
Another curiosity is this memorial from 2015 which mentions the tapes.
I found a quote from Dunegan's son, but no name was given. It would be interesting to speak to him, but I'm guessing he doesn't want to talk about his father, given the nature of the material and the people who are interested in it.
I did think of this too actually. Good critical thinking bear.
One of the things that overlapped with another video that I recently watched with Alex Jones interviewing Aaron Russo who said he was acquaintances with a Rockefeller who said that they had engineered the women's liberation movement, which overlaps with some of this.
Many recently have been questioning the trans-movement and it def. seems like they can "Bernays" create movements out of whole cloth on a dime. Dunno.
I'm off to bed now, but I'll leave you and your readers with this thought: Nothing in the universe is absolute. The Cabal would like you to believe that, but it simply isn't true. They are not in control of everything, as they'd have you believe, in fact their control is slipping away, which is why the hysterics and heavy-handed actions of late. When you're firmly in control you don't do these sorts of things, you operate from behind the curtain, like the Wizard of Oz. But like all psychopaths do, they've overreached, their program has run off the rails, and now they're facing not one, but a multitude of Totos pulling back the curtains all over the place.
I'm not endorsing him, nor am I discounting him. I operate on a principle I call Managed Uncertainty, or MU for short. My attempt to balance scientific principles and intuitive speculation. It's a self-protection mechanism to keep from getting drawn into manufactured intrigues meant to distract or control us. This goes back to 1981 when I first started doing this kind of research, beginning with the UFO phenomenon. If you don't keep a sense of balance about you, this stuff can mess you up pretty badly. I've seen it happen to a few people, especially those that followed R.A.W. and his 1975 Illuminatus Trilogy.
One example of the weirdness generated by that book:
Mu is derived from the ancient Egyptian symbol for water. Water, which is absorbed by the receptive, and which flows around the unyielding. Same principle as embedded in the Tao Te Ching, a key part of the puzzle.
An Eternal Golden Braid passes through and unites us all. We're all in this together, and like the man said, "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now"
I enjoy his bitter comment that, where it comes to very famous recording artists, that “Nobody’s father is a plumber”.
Two routes to stardom:
You’re the child of a bloodline family.
You’re so talented that you’re offered a deal to make you famous, with some heavy riders. You can decline but you’ll never become big.
Used to push social engineering agendas over long periods of time.
Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll are just the start of it.
Mike Williams website is “Sage of Quay” and he’s one of the authorities on The Beatles. Not the first but the most successful & enduring scams ever.
Satanism is very commonplace as is horrible interference with young children.
“Trauma based mind control” features in the career development of most of the famous female stars.
I was a huge fan of a number of bands and artists 1960s onwards but, with rare exceptions, not any more.
It’s absolutely not necessary to know this, but almost nothing in the field of culture is what it seems.
It’s so important however as a source of propaganda and societal shaping that to be unaware of how the perpetrators have been & continue to shape the mileu is, I believe, a blind spot.
Mark has a very listenable to style of narration and in particular I recommend his books, “Musical Truth”.
RAW is the reason I look through things instead of at them now.
What amazed me - is back in 1975 - this stuff was secret, hard to find. Imagine my shock when internet came and all kinds of "illuminati" "hollywood" stuff is available to children. Normalising it.
I think there’s a *lot* to your dissection here, ebear.
There’s lots of places where the account feels manufactured and manicured, almost a caricature. Marionette-like. It gets the *very* squinty eye from me.
The bit about music was rather laughable:
“ As regards music, he made a rather straightforward statement like: Music will get worse. In 1969 Rock music was getting more and more unpleasant. It was interesting just his words-the way he expressed it " it would get worse" acknowledging that it was already bad. Lyrics would become more openly sexual. No new sugary romantic music would be publicized like that which had been written before that time. All of the old music would be brought back on certain radio stations and records for older people to hear, and older folks would have sort of their own radio stations to hear and for younger people, their music as it got worse and worse would be on their stations. He seemed to indicate that one group would not hear the other group's music. Older folks would just refuse to hear the junk that was offered to young people, and the young people would accept the junk because it identified them as their generation and helped them feel distinct from the older generation. I remember at the time thinking that would not last very long because even young kids wouldn't like the junk when they got a chance to hear the older music that was prettier they would gravitate toward it. Unfortunately I was wrong about that, when the kids get through their teens and into their 20's some of them improve their taste in music, but unfortunately he was right. They get used to this junk and that's all they want. A lot of them can't stand really pretty music. He went on to say that the music would carry a message to the young and nobody would even know the message was there they would just think it was loud music. At the time I didn't understand quite what he meant by that, but in retrospect I think we know now what the messages are in the music for the young. And again he was right.”
Even if it is real (whatever that means here), I don’t need a supposed second hand recant—that could be a farce—to tell me that nefarious manipulation has been in play for an awful long time. It doesn’t make what’s happening more or less heinous, in my opinion. And when you boil it down, it doesn’t change my read on any of it.
This thing plays on the part of humans that shudder in the dark at spooky campfire stories.
I've studied music, vibration, sound, as healing modalities. I've also studied music, vibration, sound as harming modalities (interestingly, it was the Seventh Day Adventists who brought this to my attention in 1978).
The loudness, the backbeat - feels good. Energetically, it drives the energy down (genitals, mostly). It hardens and solidifies trauma. Yogic teachings indicate that it feels good when you are draining - it feels blissful. The movement of energy - even draining energy - feels good. But what you are left with after a night of dancing to backbeat is depleted. (believe me, I've worked with my psychedelic friends, trying to move them away from "D&B" and "House music")
In Vienna during the peak of the Strauss era, people would go to bed after dinner, then wake up after the first sleep, and dance into the wee hours - to waltz. Waltz resonates with heartbeat - and so - dancing all night was not draining.
All of these discussions about "things that suck" - start with the Green Revolution. It was then that they corrupted our wheat, in preparation for mass production monoculture. It was then that they put fluoride in the water. 1950's and 60's.
The document appears to be an excerpt from a newsletter (page 37 begins with "continued from page 36") and there's a notation on page 33 "Winter 2001", which could be the date of publication of the newsletter. The file metadata dates were updated when the document was uploaded into their content system, so it reads July 2009.
She maybe could establish that the tapes were from the late 80's but not that the original event occurred in 1969.
Thanks for asking this question - it's far too easy for us trusting souls to fall for a hoax. Admittedly though, even if it was a hoax from the 80's it's pretty well called the situation today.
Excellent sleuthing! I'm inclined to believe Dunegan is being authentic, and that the event actually occurred as he related. The question then becomes was Day "preparing his audience of physicians for what was to come" or was he planting a seed that he knew would be revealed? When you swear people to secrecy aren't you actually expecting them to spill the beans? You can't come right out and say it of course, you have to make it mysterious so the receiver believes they are privy to important secret knowledge. But is that knowledge actually revealing "the shape of things to come" or simply an attempt to steer events towards that outcome? You can ask the same question of Wells, Huxley, Orwell and Toffler. Nothing is ever quite what it seems, right? Armadillos, all the way down.
Huxley was "predicting" most of the same basic social trends in the mid-1930s, in Brave New World. And of course he was Galton's cousin, etc. I have a copy of his 1958 nonfiction followup "Brave New World Revisited" where he's keeping score, basically bragging that he got most of it right. Of course it's framed as a "warning", but his peer group certainly didn't stop him.
Anyway, those publication dates aren't faked, at least.
Going on my new assumption that Hollywood is a massive Psy Op Predictive Programming Factory (Monster Film Studios), I now begin to understand much of the entertainment industrial complex.
It seems like it used to be more subtle than now when they just shoot the train wreck on Netflix and use extras from the same area....that they have the train wreck/dioxin cloud almost immediately. 😮
Yes, indeed. It feels like a concentric circle that is getting tighter and tighter.
Imagine that if in 1969, they felt like "everything is in place", how they must feel right now. They got the entire world to go along with the *pandemic* that they had been practicing for/programming for 20-years with test runs.
And esp. when I watched Kanada and Aussie, it occurred to me that they don't really have a back up plan. They crossed into uncharted territory and if people accept that they were still in a "democracy" after that, then they are now mindlessly going along.
New book just out: The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick, Attention Capture, and the Inception of AI by Jasun Horsley Haven't read it yet but sounds interesting.
As a kid in the 60's I read every piece of SF I could get my hands on. Jaffey's Used Book Store was a required stop on the way home from school. You could pick up tattered old Analog magazines for 25 cents! Money well spent.
True, but there were newsletters that circulated in the underground and short wave radio shows like Art Bell's, which is why I wondered if it came from there. For most people the internet got started around 1995 once HTTP was in place, but before that we had bulletin boards, email, FTP, IRC, Usenet and Telnet. Some really strange stuff went on back then because not many people knew how it worked, including even some system admins., while some of the ones that did were behind the pirate sites hosting material like these tapes. At one point we even had a pirate video conference running on a major corporate server that I won't name, but you get the idea. A T1 connection was gold back then. Most people were lucky if they had 56K modems, 28K being the norm after the 9600 gear hit the dustbin. Gawd I miss those days.
I think my first use of telnet/bulletin boards was 1982. Prior to that the newsletters were excellent fodder for my tinfoil hat. And they were communities - you corresponded with the people in the newsletters.
My first hubby ran a UFO newsletter MUFON style. He spent some time with John Keel (of Mothman fame) working on the Silver Bridge investigation. I sold his stacks of newsletters at a yard sale in Indiana, a big box I labelled "X-Files"
Whoooowhhhf ..... the reading was getting so heavy I had to take a break half way through for some easy listening ...... naturally I tuned into a Stew Peters show.
"The sad thing is that this I actually started researching 9/11 as a "getaway" from Covid. now I see it's just more of the same damn OP!"
Sage, for me, the sad thing is that I actually started listening to, and researching, early Beatles music as a "getaway" from Covid. Now I also see how it's just more of the same damn op:
"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
I think a lot of music is part of the op, it just seems so obvious, but I’ve never heard anyone else say it. And people dismiss me when I say I think the Beatles or Credence Clearwater Revival or Tupac are propaganda, but I’m pretty sure they are. It’s intended to make you feel a certain way and plant certain ideas in our minds, to change culture, to normalize certain things, etc.
I know this is a very late comment but I’m just reading all this.
I just watched a video of Joe Biden the week leading into 9/11 predictively programming all of it. Planes, anthrax. Asking for more money to fight the baddies and their bioweapons.
I may post that video if I can find it.
The anthrax letters were mailed the same day, dated 9/11.
Your best qualities are your desire to know and that you are willing to admit you don’t know. I know too much and the more I know the more I pray for my godchildren, nieces and nephew.
There is a Die Antwoord song where Ninja prays for his enemies so they can live to see his success. My hope for the seekers is that they will be successful and victorious and the pragmatic materialist psychopaths will live to see it...... and then suffer immensely before choking on their own vomit.... oops, I think I added the quiet part out loud.
"The anthrax letters ..." and the 11/12/2001 crash of American Airlines flight # 587
My sense of it was the anthrax letters were sent as a warning to frighten any U.S. Senators into going along with the op, and to frighten the public of course.
The anthrax letters, as well as other contemporaneous events, such as the strange Nov. 12, 2001 crash of American Airlines flight # 587 after takeoff from JFK airport in NY, added to, and prolonged the terror of Sept. 11 for a couple of extra months ...
The anthrax letters and A.A. flight # 587 kept most all of us in a state of constant fear of whatever could be coming next ... but also served IMO as useful distractions from the main events -- like a 3-ring circus -- or a Laser Pointer like "Look over there another squirrel" to cause people to divert their attention, even if just briefly, from the main show (the smoking guns being WTC-1, WTC-2, WTC-7 (which wasn't even hit by an airplane), the round hole in the Pentagon, and the empty field at Shanksville, PA.)
I never figured out what happened to the passengers (if any) on the planes (if any) or how the passengers were disposed of (if any).
I have an abundance of memories flooding in from these tapes, only through the first 3.
I found the first couple were easy enough to follow on 1.5 speed but the third wasn't as clear, to much distortion for my hearing.
Much I was aware of , like the changing of word definition, along with the demonization of rebelling against new progressive policies, i.e. you're a racist or transphobe. Indoctrination in the schools etc. etc.
But a few things certainly make sense, now that my eyes have been opened, is the actual changing of books by just minor changes in the wording to give a totally different meaning.
Also was a reason I walked away from the Catholic church when I was about 17. At the time they were making changes such as eating meat on Friday. Confused me purposely I guess.
Another thing stood out was the purposeful lower quality of production in the auto industry.
I distinctly remember this in real time (d.ob. 1957) as the American automobiles in the mid seventies were coming off the assembly line as anchors for the navy.
I remember thinking at the time how foolish it was for a company to lose it's reputation and eventually profit's.
They sure blind-smacked me there. Unfn' believable.
Talk about hubris, from tape one .....
"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now".
A few million apparently individuals, mostly shilling while pretending to be one of us.
Then there’s us, not a team, because we prize our independence more than we like the warm, fuzzy feeling of being in sync with others. We know we face the grandchildren of the current plan, they’re none of them it’s authors.
Not so many of us. We OTOH haven’t inherited anything & our blazing anger is fresher than their dull technocracy from grandpa and grandma.
I wonder how they would fare facing the laws of the jungle.
Say in a cage fight with my big Samoan friend?
Or a shootout with my old buddies from the military special operations units?
Social Darwinism isn't exactly the law of the jungle now is it.
Anyway, thank goodness we have them to save us from ourselves. I'd hate for humanity to thrive naturally to its natural conclusion one-day when synthetically manipulating it seems so much... Faster, stronger, prone to catastrophic errors.
"A big item .. was elaborated at some length was the cost of medical care would be made burdensomely high."
This one I hadn't thought of as such.
I'd viewed it as a bug not a feature.
Objectively it shouldn't be the case. The famed 'free market' medical system costing twice the GDP of the (somewhat socialist) western contemporaries? The only nation in the world that runs medical bankruptcies.
How did the Dolts Botch that Sh!t so badly?
Take the above (Sage's not mine), layer it with things that have been in play for a century, and you have one uninterrupted arc of history to right now. To what is almost the endgame for a generational assault on our species.
Every piece in alignment. No left over pieces.
There was no swamp to drain. There was no institution that could be changed from the inside by idealistic 20-somethings fresh out of their Ivy League schools. More cul-de-sacs with ice cube trays as far as the eye can see.
And there is no head of the snake. No happily ever after once we decapitate it.
What to do about this pickle?
Do we sing Kumbaya and wait for the solar micronova to deliver freedom with the real reset in 10-20 years?
Because The Monster knows it is coming too, and has all the resources on this planet to ride out the storm. Odds are, they come out stronger in relative terms.
Do we have 10-20 years? Everything for the past 3 years has had the feel of urgency. The rate of change in the information environment is approaching the event horizon. They need to keep us off balance. So like an addict the doses will get bigger and bigger. How much longer can they keep the wheels on as we spiral to infinity/zero?
It is little more than a feeling, but I believe the hammer will drop in 2023.
Bluebeam. Cyber Polio. Northwoods Redux. Wouldn't be surprised if a 'Russian' nuke was detonated in a western city, smuggled in, you see. Followed by a limited nuclear exchange. Who knows what their playbook has next. If nothing else, they too are running down the clock waiting for their DeathVaxx to thin the herd before the next overt play.
So - I've been thinking about the USA model vs. the Australian/Canadian/UK model.
The advantage to chaos in the medical system is that it is much harder to regulate top-down. The US has done this with exorbitant costs. I've had friends die because they were afraid to call an ambulance they couldn't afford.
But here in Aus (and Canada and UK) - medicine is easy and free. The difference being - and this still fits with the interview in this article - it's so easy to control medicine top-down. The regulators say you cannot take vitamins, behold! You cannot find vitamins in a therapeutic dose. Amino acids must be prescription only. The regulators say that thyroid must be managed by TSH only, then so it is. IV vitamin C is determined at the top to be useless, so doctors practicing this are delicensed. I could list dozens of examples where the top-down algorithms are thwarting the practice of medicine. Two of my doctors are under investigation, one by his practice, the other by a regulating body.
This is why I'm so resistant to digital ID of any sort. Just the flick of a switch ties it into my medical records.
So - USA controls medicine by cost. The socialised medicine countries already control medicine.
Personally I don’t buy that there’s a natural disaster that the Useless Eliters all know about and we don’t, and this is all prep for that.
If I had to pick a reason why now, it’s because they couldn’t do it before & their continually, low level concern is that being rumbled by a tiny number inexplicably balloons.
Hi Sage. Had to barge in and do a 🐴 alert. Tommy had Roseanne and 🐴 on his show. And Roseanne calls out 🐴 about mRNA. She says: “what kind of good did you think you were bringing to the world with that?”!!! I was in absolute heaven. ☮️❤️☮️
He basically said he got into "gene therapy" because he wanted to cure genetic diseases in little children (tiny violin). He said he left the field when he realized the mrna "therapies" were a dead end (my pun) because they couldn't solve the inflammatory response issue and went on to justify his current "work," saying how now he feels it his duty to let the world know of the harms. I need to listen to it again--I got sidetracked alerting you to the podcast--but it was an epic moment for me when Roseanne called him out like that.
I guess Tommy (or Roseanne) didn't know or care to ask him why Jill was still extolling them in June, 2021, clamoring for more credit for them and him.
But in fairness, I do imagine that all of these scientists at least in the beginning think they are going to "save the world". (Sweet Summer Child)
Yes, and Tommy reveres Malone. Calls him Dr. Malone all the time, name drops that he has interviewed him many, many times. I've never heard Tommy ask him a hard question. I find it hard to believe Tommy doesn't know any of the other stuff, though--he had George Webb on his show (episode 1164) discussing remdesivir (I haven't listened to that one yet) and the Malone/Barr interview was episode 1161.
I've tried to ask people: is the power there or not? To break free from this.
And if you pin any Two Party Paradigm stalwart down, they will almost always point to reasons why their "team" cannot effect change due to the Deep State.
But because they keep playing along because to not do so leaves you in a very dark place.
Just keep voting harder, I guess. And most now realize that the voting systems are not reliable as well.
I’ve always thought breaking the two party paradigm would be the solution and can see that starting to happen in Australia (2 party primary votes have been steadily decreasing). Which I still think overall is a good thing.
But, I now think they all just end up being on the same team/payroll just wearing different jerseys. Look at Germany* they always seem to have multiple parties that need to form coalitions to govern. Are they any better than the US, UK (Canada ?) and Australia which seem to have an entrenched 2 party system? Hobson’s Choice**
I’m beginning to think that politics and science are all just Kayfabe.
Great find! And our doctor friend was already unwittingly drunk on another of their poisons when he wrote: "I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease". (The anti-salt, anti-saturated fat campaigns were also tentacles of The Parasite). Poisoners! Grrr....
He says that he thought AIDS was a manufactured disease. This tape was made in '88, after Reagan signed the law indemnifying vax manufacturers. I wonder if he had suspicions there? 🤔
A lot of people were suspicious around that time. I don't know how old you are, but I'm old enough to have lost a couple of friends from AIDS, one of them only 24 years old.
My 24 yo friend died in 1985. He lived in Vancouver but was active in the San Fran scene, so he probably had multiple exposures. From diagnosis to death took only about a month. I was involved in the Vancouver music scene at the time, which is how I came to know him. I also remember the delays and frustration surrounding introduction of AZT, which was the only hope offered at the time, a bitter irony. The scene changed dramatically around that time as many of our friends became fearful and reclusive, with some declaring themselves celibate. Bad times. Not the worst I've experienced, but close.
I knew many who were taken out by AIDS (my girlfriend was a florist and it seemed that most male florists were into the "gay lifestyle"). The conspiracy-aware among us talked about the alleged origin in bioweapon research and that it was said to have been deployed via a (Hep b?) "vaccine" in NY and perhaps SF... Meanwhile, the "last weekend I went up to the bathouses in San Fransisco... had XX men... fueled by drugs and 'poppers'..." stories made it easy to comprehend how disease spread like wildfire through that "community".
Great post. I heard the first tape on rense back in 1999, but it was low quality and he didn't have access to the others for some reason. I was listening to this on the way to soccer practice and my kids thought it was far out. It smells authentic and the guy is believable recalling this 20 years after the talk, because he seems extremely well organized mentally and clue's you in several times to different mnemonic prompts and images he uses to remember key points. I thought it was interesting how he conveyed several times that the planners had nothing but distain for those who can't catch on, and that uneducated or overweight or poor folks who "don't achieve much in life" somehow deserve to die or live shortened lives, like some sort of snobby "nobless oblige" Ivy League meritocracy.
The drug part and the date struck a personal note.
On March 21, 1969 I was arrested for possessing pot and being politically active. Everyone knew at that time that the drug craze was assisted by government, just as alcohol bootleggers had been assisted in earlier decades.
Banning a commonly used and normally approved product gives government huge discretion about WHO to prosecute. See homeopathy, Ivermectin, gas cars, gas stoves, etc, etc.
"The RESTRICT ACT (anti-TikTok law) is an Orwellian NIGHTMARE that would seize web domains and imprison Americans for 20 years if they contradict the regime in power."
When I was researching 9/11, I came across a scientist in a (Swiss? Nordic country) symposium of sorts making the case for mini-nukes at WTC/9-11.
(I have tried repeatedly to find that video again, and cannot.)
That part was fascinating, but over my head as most science is. But the end of the talk the last 7-8m, he went through all the clues that not only were we being attacked from within, but trolled and mocked.
People don't understand we live in a criminal world. They will say things like, "oh, do you really expect that many people to keep a secret?"
Yes, I do. Just look at organized crime. They all keep secrets. They go through rituals of acceptance and tribal belonging. Isn't this what happens also in "polite society"?
Detaching people from the myth they believe is as easy as saying, "your God is not real". America good. Life convenient. Life good. Bug off.
It is an uphill battle against a plan decades and decades in the making.
Something I’ve never understood about the eugenics/population control story. When these ideas started gaining traction, we were at what, a billion or maybe even less? Now we are approaching 9? I’ve lost count.
So, either:
1) the eugenicists suck ass at doing their thing
2) humanity is a true force of nature and they can’t control us in spite of their best efforts. (Sort of a variant of 1)
3) they are allowing the population to grow, just to crush it later, leading to my hunch that we may be part of the greatest death cult sacrifice of all time.
Any 4th or 5th options?
The plan is for them to create Fu Manchu longevity for themselves while eliminating unnecessary threats to their longevity, critical thinking folks and violent behavior folks.
Hence the continued push for vax for elderly at risk populations.
Which makes me think of the 'high dose' flu vax for seniors. Does more harm than good, but I suppose that's the goal.
This is not a cull. It’s a new drug treatment trial intended for their benefit. A lot of the rich are old and infirm. They need to test on similar to themselves.
They probably have been using the flu vaccines as cover for all sorts of experiments for decades!
Perhaps part of the explanation is that much of the population explosion has been occurring in countries where our western-based Overlords lacked the necessary cultural influence such as China, India and Africa. Birth rates and population numbers in western countries have been decreasing (not including accelerated immigration). In more recent decades with the increasing influence of the WHO there have been attempts (probably many completely unknown to us) to control population in third world countries with nefarious vaccination programs (see documentary Infertility by CHD). At this point, I am highly suspicious of their ballooning population numbers - they lie about everything else, why not this, if it serves their narrative.
There's a clear correlation between urbanization and population decline or stasis. The obvious solution to uncontrolled population growth is to create urban environments that people actually want to live in because they're pleasant and culturally enriching. In such a situation, you no longer need large families, which in poor countries with no social support systems is mainly a form of insurance. The USSR was aiming for this, but they lacked the technology and ideology to pull it off. When you have social systems that create incentives to get along and add to the net benefit of society you don't need coercion, and you don't give up any more freedom than you would in a feudal, anarchic or totalitarian system.
The Way of Subtle Influence
Superior leaders are those whose existence is merely known;
The next best are loved and honored;
The next are respected;
And the next are ridiculed.
Those who lack belief
Will not in turn be believed.
But when the command comes from afar
And the work is done, the goal achieved,
The people say, "We did it naturally."
YES! Thank you for that. And it is TRUE.
Because we were poisoned with food, water and vaxes. They (the other places of the world) were not. And so they are a) much healthier and b) reproduce endlessly. Don't worry mass starvation (no food from the northern populated whites that farm in mass scale) will be forthcoming since those farms will be destroyed via death/and restrictions (eg no more cows due to carbon emissions! What a lie). Global warming will be blamed. And they will starve. If we didn't feed them and they had to survive their numbers would be fewer. LIke they say don't feed the wildlife or they can't survive on their own....or teach a man to fish so he has fish for life, versus feed him now and he will starve later... its all a giant and well thought out plan...And yes, I don't think the world pop. is what 'they' say it is. I don't trust them an inch...
Option 1 cracked me up. 😂
Maybe we can rely on dolts-botching-shit to save us i.e. they’re not as powerful or as smart as they think they are.
Wait a minute - BILLIONS took the life destroying injection AND two years on, the deaths and injuries aren't even being acknowledged by 99% of them.
The dolts haven't botched a thing.
I think you may have misinterpreted my meaning and the context in relation to S..’s comment above i.e that “eugenicists suck ass“ at keeping the world population below 1 billion if that’s their plan.
You're right - I should have framed it differently. Yes, their plan is to reduce the world's population and they're employing various means to do it.
Persuading you to do it to yourself because a) for others! b) you need it to stay 'safe' c) its good for you, d) to travel or 'participate' socially e) if you don't you will d.i.e... so you take the jab and you 'off' yourself.... no guilt for them, its all on YOU. YOU had free choice. YOU chose to do it. YOU die as a result (or your offspring will be sickly and die early)....
do you think it's bigger or smaller? ( the population as reported)
Option 4 - This thing is built like a Russian nested doll. A level in, and you know more than previous level.
To ultimately find out they are not the only show in town.
They are working on "their" agenda, but it's not like they are the masters of the universe and what they desire happens by decree.
Round of applause for your username 🤣
I'm gonna go with:
4) They're lying about the population count.
I would go with the option that they are completely blinded by their own ideology and hubris. They are not our Creator nor do they respect the force of Nature.
Their true control is absolutely limited as He is concerned. Sure they can have a negative impact as we've clearly seen, but total control...not going to happen.
They're simply very rich gangsters that see the world as their playground and people as their play toys. On the other hand, there are other rich gangsters that see the same. So they continue to push multiple agendas and worship multiple gods fighting among themselves all in the name of power and material.
Reminds me of a wonderful haiku from Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, " “Worker bees can leave.
Even drones can fly away. The Queen is their slave.”
Wow. Huge death cult sacrifice. Damn.
I think the whole overpopulation myth is contrived. No real evidence for the numbers they put out.
4) Another variant of 1, they are good at making plans, but not good or even bad at implementing them.
This is a common problem for most people and organizations, which I doubt they are immune to.
As others have commented, their numbers are suspect too, and I also suspect there are more than one family/group competing against each other for control. They are still in the process of centralization/consolidation of their 2nd Tier minions and mafia families?
Larken Rose clarifies the 'Dolts Botched Shit' idea very well?
Yes - with their own population control techniques, they’ve managed through abortion and drug overdoses and the coming self sacrifices of euthanasia- they can say they’ve made a mark, a big one!
What you do not realize is that the genetics field is grossly misrepresented as understanding more than it does and, therefore, more genetic information is necessary in their eyes. Getting that information from swabs and bloodwork is part of the operation because once the cull happens, it is lost forever.
If one looks at the death and destruction of WWII and atomic bombs on people seeking to surrender, it is hard to say that they suck at it.
The digital prison into which they wish to put us is not complete yet but is getting close with digital ID and money which is the door that will complete the prison from which they can do their deeds and plans without significant resistance.
Commenting here because I can't comment on your paid post: Australia has plans in place to inject livestock with mRNA this year in collaboration with the NIH, US Army (Fort Detrick) and Gates Foundation through US company Tiba Biotech.
The minister, Dugald Saunders, is in the state of New South Wales and part of the Liberal National Party (nominally conservative). The major powerbroker in NSW has Pfizer as his blue chip client and every LNP candidate is vetted in back room deals by Pfizer.
I wrote this in October last year and the response from Minister Saunders to the people's pleas was "safe and effective."
"... The minister, Dugald Saunders, is in the state of New South Wales and part of the Liberal National Party (nominally conservative). The major powerbroker in NSW has Pfizer as his blue chip client and every LNP candidate is vetted in back room deals by Pfizer. ..."
L.N.P. = Liberal National Party (in Australian politics)
L.N.P. = Lipid Nano Particle (key gene therapy enabling ingredient in Pfizer's injections)
How ironic: BOTH LNPs serve as mRNA delivery systems. One is manufactured by Pfizer, and the other is vetted by Pfizer.
That is the linguistic hell story right there
Thankyou for writing and providing. Australian and this is new news to me 🫣
Please subscribe to my stack and especially share the article on social media (I'm banned)- I am trying to get answers on this.
Yes I have subscribed and will share!
I’m not banned yet! But not many likes.
Will get it out best I can
On a tenuously related and (sinisterly) more comical note - “Farting cows to get food additives to stop them breaking wind in climate fight”
This is what passes for “news” in UK MSM. Written by the Deputy Political Editor, no less!
One possible explanation for the prescience of these predictions is that they weren't made in 1969 but in 1988. Much easier to predict the future when much of it has already happened. In other words, it could be a hoax. I find it curious that this was recorded in 1988, and yet the first mention of it I can find on the net is in 2010.
and it wasn't uploaded to the Internet Archive until Nov. 2020.
22 years seems like a long time to wait for such earth shaking revelations. I'd be interested to know where the original tape came from because it sounds like it was recorded off short-wave radio. I can hear the carrier, although that could be tape machine noise, but I can also hear flute music, and at one point what sounds like Arab singing (I have sound processing software, so you may not pick that up). You get this sort of background noise on short-wave. I wonder if this was recorded from Art Bell's show? Unfortunately we can't ask him as Bell's not around anymore, and neither is Dunegan. Was it released after Dunegan's death in 2004? That still leaves a 6 year gap, unless someone can find an earlier date for its appearance. The recordings themselves have been up on YT for at least 9 years, so why is this suddenly important? Another distraction?
Another curiosity is this memorial from 2015 which mentions the tapes.
Posted by this guy, who has also left this world:
I found a quote from Dunegan's son, but no name was given. It would be interesting to speak to him, but I'm guessing he doesn't want to talk about his father, given the nature of the material and the people who are interested in it.
I did think of this too actually. Good critical thinking bear.
One of the things that overlapped with another video that I recently watched with Alex Jones interviewing Aaron Russo who said he was acquaintances with a Rockefeller who said that they had engineered the women's liberation movement, which overlaps with some of this.
Many recently have been questioning the trans-movement and it def. seems like they can "Bernays" create movements out of whole cloth on a dime. Dunno.
I'm off to bed now, but I'll leave you and your readers with this thought: Nothing in the universe is absolute. The Cabal would like you to believe that, but it simply isn't true. They are not in control of everything, as they'd have you believe, in fact their control is slipping away, which is why the hysterics and heavy-handed actions of late. When you're firmly in control you don't do these sorts of things, you operate from behind the curtain, like the Wizard of Oz. But like all psychopaths do, they've overreached, their program has run off the rails, and now they're facing not one, but a multitude of Totos pulling back the curtains all over the place.
Your lips to God's ears, but lets just say the next 'plandemic' down the life look bleak to me... too many NOT AWAKE
You may have heard of Art Bell
I'm not endorsing him, nor am I discounting him. I operate on a principle I call Managed Uncertainty, or MU for short. My attempt to balance scientific principles and intuitive speculation. It's a self-protection mechanism to keep from getting drawn into manufactured intrigues meant to distract or control us. This goes back to 1981 when I first started doing this kind of research, beginning with the UFO phenomenon. If you don't keep a sense of balance about you, this stuff can mess you up pretty badly. I've seen it happen to a few people, especially those that followed R.A.W. and his 1975 Illuminatus Trilogy.
One example of the weirdness generated by that book:
Whoa...Tammy Wynette?
In the role of Eris, Goddess of Discord.
Mu is derived from the ancient Egyptian symbol for water. Water, which is absorbed by the receptive, and which flows around the unyielding. Same principle as embedded in the Tao Te Ching, a key part of the puzzle.
An Eternal Golden Braid passes through and unites us all. We're all in this together, and like the man said, "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now"
Do you follow DJ Mark Devlin or Mike Williams?
I’m sure Ms Wynette has been & continues to be what is known as a “lifetime actor”.
Purpose: social engineering. Many examples mentioned by the doctor recalling the 1969 lecture by a Doctor Day. Day didn’t specify methods, only goals.
I do not, but if you have a link on either, feel free to leave it here.
One of my contacts here on stack is fam with Elvis...and...😅
Right where my mind went.
Very many podcasts on Mark’s website.
I enjoy his bitter comment that, where it comes to very famous recording artists, that “Nobody’s father is a plumber”.
Two routes to stardom:
You’re the child of a bloodline family.
You’re so talented that you’re offered a deal to make you famous, with some heavy riders. You can decline but you’ll never become big.
Used to push social engineering agendas over long periods of time.
Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll are just the start of it.
Mike Williams website is “Sage of Quay” and he’s one of the authorities on The Beatles. Not the first but the most successful & enduring scams ever.
Satanism is very commonplace as is horrible interference with young children.
“Trauma based mind control” features in the career development of most of the famous female stars.
I was a huge fan of a number of bands and artists 1960s onwards but, with rare exceptions, not any more.
It’s absolutely not necessary to know this, but almost nothing in the field of culture is what it seems.
It’s so important however as a source of propaganda and societal shaping that to be unaware of how the perpetrators have been & continue to shape the mileu is, I believe, a blind spot.
Mark has a very listenable to style of narration and in particular I recommend his books, “Musical Truth”.
Ahhh… I can’t believe you posted The KLF! Those guys were my jam circa 1990.
Dethkult video w all those subliminals...
RAW is the reason I look through things instead of at them now.
What amazed me - is back in 1975 - this stuff was secret, hard to find. Imagine my shock when internet came and all kinds of "illuminati" "hollywood" stuff is available to children. Normalising it.
I think there’s a *lot* to your dissection here, ebear.
There’s lots of places where the account feels manufactured and manicured, almost a caricature. Marionette-like. It gets the *very* squinty eye from me.
The bit about music was rather laughable:
“ As regards music, he made a rather straightforward statement like: Music will get worse. In 1969 Rock music was getting more and more unpleasant. It was interesting just his words-the way he expressed it " it would get worse" acknowledging that it was already bad. Lyrics would become more openly sexual. No new sugary romantic music would be publicized like that which had been written before that time. All of the old music would be brought back on certain radio stations and records for older people to hear, and older folks would have sort of their own radio stations to hear and for younger people, their music as it got worse and worse would be on their stations. He seemed to indicate that one group would not hear the other group's music. Older folks would just refuse to hear the junk that was offered to young people, and the young people would accept the junk because it identified them as their generation and helped them feel distinct from the older generation. I remember at the time thinking that would not last very long because even young kids wouldn't like the junk when they got a chance to hear the older music that was prettier they would gravitate toward it. Unfortunately I was wrong about that, when the kids get through their teens and into their 20's some of them improve their taste in music, but unfortunately he was right. They get used to this junk and that's all they want. A lot of them can't stand really pretty music. He went on to say that the music would carry a message to the young and nobody would even know the message was there they would just think it was loud music. At the time I didn't understand quite what he meant by that, but in retrospect I think we know now what the messages are in the music for the young. And again he was right.”
Even if it is real (whatever that means here), I don’t need a supposed second hand recant—that could be a farce—to tell me that nefarious manipulation has been in play for an awful long time. It doesn’t make what’s happening more or less heinous, in my opinion. And when you boil it down, it doesn’t change my read on any of it.
This thing plays on the part of humans that shudder in the dark at spooky campfire stories.
I've studied music, vibration, sound, as healing modalities. I've also studied music, vibration, sound as harming modalities (interestingly, it was the Seventh Day Adventists who brought this to my attention in 1978).
The loudness, the backbeat - feels good. Energetically, it drives the energy down (genitals, mostly). It hardens and solidifies trauma. Yogic teachings indicate that it feels good when you are draining - it feels blissful. The movement of energy - even draining energy - feels good. But what you are left with after a night of dancing to backbeat is depleted. (believe me, I've worked with my psychedelic friends, trying to move them away from "D&B" and "House music")
In Vienna during the peak of the Strauss era, people would go to bed after dinner, then wake up after the first sleep, and dance into the wee hours - to waltz. Waltz resonates with heartbeat - and so - dancing all night was not draining.
Then there's autotune... (ugh!)
+1 defibrillator. To save lives. From heart attacks.
you can add margarine and statins to your list too.
All of these discussions about "things that suck" - start with the Green Revolution. It was then that they corrupted our wheat, in preparation for mass production monoculture. It was then that they put fluoride in the water. 1950's and 60's.
I found a slightly earlier reference to it from July 2009. The transcript is attributed to Randy Engel, who appears to still be alive. According to the document she is the interviewer on tape 3, which was recorded in 1991.
The document appears to be an excerpt from a newsletter (page 37 begins with "continued from page 36") and there's a notation on page 33 "Winter 2001", which could be the date of publication of the newsletter. The file metadata dates were updated when the document was uploaded into their content system, so it reads July 2009.
She maybe could establish that the tapes were from the late 80's but not that the original event occurred in 1969.
Thanks for asking this question - it's far too easy for us trusting souls to fall for a hoax. Admittedly though, even if it was a hoax from the 80's it's pretty well called the situation today.
Excellent sleuthing! I'm inclined to believe Dunegan is being authentic, and that the event actually occurred as he related. The question then becomes was Day "preparing his audience of physicians for what was to come" or was he planting a seed that he knew would be revealed? When you swear people to secrecy aren't you actually expecting them to spill the beans? You can't come right out and say it of course, you have to make it mysterious so the receiver believes they are privy to important secret knowledge. But is that knowledge actually revealing "the shape of things to come" or simply an attempt to steer events towards that outcome? You can ask the same question of Wells, Huxley, Orwell and Toffler. Nothing is ever quite what it seems, right? Armadillos, all the way down.
Huxley was "predicting" most of the same basic social trends in the mid-1930s, in Brave New World. And of course he was Galton's cousin, etc. I have a copy of his 1958 nonfiction followup "Brave New World Revisited" where he's keeping score, basically bragging that he got most of it right. Of course it's framed as a "warning", but his peer group certainly didn't stop him.
Anyway, those publication dates aren't faked, at least.
Going on my new assumption that Hollywood is a massive Psy Op Predictive Programming Factory (Monster Film Studios), I now begin to understand much of the entertainment industrial complex.
It seems like it used to be more subtle than now when they just shoot the train wreck on Netflix and use extras from the same area....that they have the train wreck/dioxin cloud almost immediately. 😮
The gap between fiction and manufactured events just keeps narrowing. Must be the Singularity 🙄
Yes, indeed. It feels like a concentric circle that is getting tighter and tighter.
Imagine that if in 1969, they felt like "everything is in place", how they must feel right now. They got the entire world to go along with the *pandemic* that they had been practicing for/programming for 20-years with test runs.
And esp. when I watched Kanada and Aussie, it occurred to me that they don't really have a back up plan. They crossed into uncharted territory and if people accept that they were still in a "democracy" after that, then they are now mindlessly going along.
Spot on. I concur, though recommend extending orbit of cynicism to all major players in any field of endeavour that classifies as “culture”.
New book just out: The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick, Attention Capture, and the Inception of AI by Jasun Horsley Haven't read it yet but sounds interesting.
As a kid in the 60's I read every piece of SF I could get my hands on. Jaffey's Used Book Store was a required stop on the way home from school. You could pick up tattered old Analog magazines for 25 cents! Money well spent.
Predictive programming.
"I find it curious that this was recorded in 1988, and yet the first mention of it I can find on the net is in 2010."
It's possible it's a hoax. But bear in mind, there was no internet in 1988.
True, but there were newsletters that circulated in the underground and short wave radio shows like Art Bell's, which is why I wondered if it came from there. For most people the internet got started around 1995 once HTTP was in place, but before that we had bulletin boards, email, FTP, IRC, Usenet and Telnet. Some really strange stuff went on back then because not many people knew how it worked, including even some system admins., while some of the ones that did were behind the pirate sites hosting material like these tapes. At one point we even had a pirate video conference running on a major corporate server that I won't name, but you get the idea. A T1 connection was gold back then. Most people were lucky if they had 56K modems, 28K being the norm after the 9600 gear hit the dustbin. Gawd I miss those days.
I think my first use of telnet/bulletin boards was 1982. Prior to that the newsletters were excellent fodder for my tinfoil hat. And they were communities - you corresponded with the people in the newsletters.
My first hubby ran a UFO newsletter MUFON style. He spent some time with John Keel (of Mothman fame) working on the Silver Bridge investigation. I sold his stacks of newsletters at a yard sale in Indiana, a big box I labelled "X-Files"
Dr. Dunegan was taped on the short wave program of Dr. Stanley Montieth. I sometimes listened to that on shortwave about 25 or 30 years ago.
Whoooowhhhf ..... the reading was getting so heavy I had to take a break half way through for some easy listening ...... naturally I tuned into a Stew Peters show.
The sad thing is that this I actually started researching 9/11 as a "getaway" from Covid.
Now I see it's just more of the same damn OP!
"The sad thing is that this I actually started researching 9/11 as a "getaway" from Covid. now I see it's just more of the same damn OP!"
Sage, for me, the sad thing is that I actually started listening to, and researching, early Beatles music as a "getaway" from Covid. Now I also see how it's just more of the same damn op:
"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
~ former CIA director William Casey
I think a lot of music is part of the op, it just seems so obvious, but I’ve never heard anyone else say it. And people dismiss me when I say I think the Beatles or Credence Clearwater Revival or Tupac are propaganda, but I’m pretty sure they are. It’s intended to make you feel a certain way and plant certain ideas in our minds, to change culture, to normalize certain things, etc.
I know this is a very late comment but I’m just reading all this.
This gentleman Mike Williams explains your point in great detail in his many videos. This recent audio (below) is but one example:
"Sage of Quay® - Mike Williams - The Frankfurt School, Tavistock and Cultural Marxism (July 2024)"
1h 43m
Thank you for the link.
Definitely part of the same op.
I just watched a video of Joe Biden the week leading into 9/11 predictively programming all of it. Planes, anthrax. Asking for more money to fight the baddies and their bioweapons.
I may post that video if I can find it.
The anthrax letters were mailed the same day, dated 9/11.
Your best qualities are your desire to know and that you are willing to admit you don’t know. I know too much and the more I know the more I pray for my godchildren, nieces and nephew.
Thank you, yes, just very curious.
And most definitely, the next generation appears to be coming up into a dark timeline . 🙌
I am hopeful that if people can wake up and see some of this, and not fall for the "messages", there is hope.
There is a Die Antwoord song where Ninja prays for his enemies so they can live to see his success. My hope for the seekers is that they will be successful and victorious and the pragmatic materialist psychopaths will live to see it...... and then suffer immensely before choking on their own vomit.... oops, I think I added the quiet part out loud.
"The anthrax letters ..." and the 11/12/2001 crash of American Airlines flight # 587
My sense of it was the anthrax letters were sent as a warning to frighten any U.S. Senators into going along with the op, and to frighten the public of course.
The anthrax letters, as well as other contemporaneous events, such as the strange Nov. 12, 2001 crash of American Airlines flight # 587 after takeoff from JFK airport in NY, added to, and prolonged the terror of Sept. 11 for a couple of extra months ...
The anthrax letters and A.A. flight # 587 kept most all of us in a state of constant fear of whatever could be coming next ... but also served IMO as useful distractions from the main events -- like a 3-ring circus -- or a Laser Pointer like "Look over there another squirrel" to cause people to divert their attention, even if just briefly, from the main show (the smoking guns being WTC-1, WTC-2, WTC-7 (which wasn't even hit by an airplane), the round hole in the Pentagon, and the empty field at Shanksville, PA.)
I never figured out what happened to the passengers (if any) on the planes (if any) or how the passengers were disposed of (if any).
I have an abundance of memories flooding in from these tapes, only through the first 3.
I found the first couple were easy enough to follow on 1.5 speed but the third wasn't as clear, to much distortion for my hearing.
Much I was aware of , like the changing of word definition, along with the demonization of rebelling against new progressive policies, i.e. you're a racist or transphobe. Indoctrination in the schools etc. etc.
But a few things certainly make sense, now that my eyes have been opened, is the actual changing of books by just minor changes in the wording to give a totally different meaning.
Also was a reason I walked away from the Catholic church when I was about 17. At the time they were making changes such as eating meat on Friday. Confused me purposely I guess.
Another thing stood out was the purposeful lower quality of production in the auto industry.
I distinctly remember this in real time (d.ob. 1957) as the American automobiles in the mid seventies were coming off the assembly line as anchors for the navy.
I remember thinking at the time how foolish it was for a company to lose it's reputation and eventually profit's.
They sure blind-smacked me there. Unfn' believable.
Talk about hubris, from tape one .....
"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now".
At this place in time.......
Pleading self defense is not out of the question.
God bless
Great insights Michael. This stuff is fascinating to me.
Like the end of a movie reveal. Just chess pieces on a board. Move 'em around.
Same here, almost went into the Psychology fields, changed sails and dropped out.
I feel like I'm in Rod's play, unwilling of course, but I can't seem to look away. When I sit still I hear music, it's funny though, it's soothing.
I think we know what's coming, might need to get on the opposite side of Damar.....
Play some offense.
I actually started all this rabbit hole stuff after 9/11.
Made the COVID thing obvious! :D
There’s only one operation & only one team.
Well, one consolidated team.
A few million apparently individuals, mostly shilling while pretending to be one of us.
Then there’s us, not a team, because we prize our independence more than we like the warm, fuzzy feeling of being in sync with others. We know we face the grandchildren of the current plan, they’re none of them it’s authors.
Not so many of us. We OTOH haven’t inherited anything & our blazing anger is fresher than their dull technocracy from grandpa and grandma.
"And Pierre doesn’t want to live in this world."
Oh the professional certainty of group tremendousness !
I mean, how dare you, this is almost as long as one of my comments on a dogmatic day, how dare you, how dare you
80 A4 pdf pages
how dare you
I wonder how they would fare facing the laws of the jungle.
Say in a cage fight with my big Samoan friend?
Or a shootout with my old buddies from the military special operations units?
Social Darwinism isn't exactly the law of the jungle now is it.
Anyway, thank goodness we have them to save us from ourselves. I'd hate for humanity to thrive naturally to its natural conclusion one-day when synthetically manipulating it seems so much... Faster, stronger, prone to catastrophic errors.
Who doesn't love a good disaster?
"A big item .. was elaborated at some length was the cost of medical care would be made burdensomely high."
This one I hadn't thought of as such.
I'd viewed it as a bug not a feature.
Objectively it shouldn't be the case. The famed 'free market' medical system costing twice the GDP of the (somewhat socialist) western contemporaries? The only nation in the world that runs medical bankruptcies.
How did the Dolts Botch that Sh!t so badly?
Take the above (Sage's not mine), layer it with things that have been in play for a century, and you have one uninterrupted arc of history to right now. To what is almost the endgame for a generational assault on our species.
Every piece in alignment. No left over pieces.
There was no swamp to drain. There was no institution that could be changed from the inside by idealistic 20-somethings fresh out of their Ivy League schools. More cul-de-sacs with ice cube trays as far as the eye can see.
And there is no head of the snake. No happily ever after once we decapitate it.
What to do about this pickle?
Do we sing Kumbaya and wait for the solar micronova to deliver freedom with the real reset in 10-20 years?
Because The Monster knows it is coming too, and has all the resources on this planet to ride out the storm. Odds are, they come out stronger in relative terms.
Do we have 10-20 years? Everything for the past 3 years has had the feel of urgency. The rate of change in the information environment is approaching the event horizon. They need to keep us off balance. So like an addict the doses will get bigger and bigger. How much longer can they keep the wheels on as we spiral to infinity/zero?
It is little more than a feeling, but I believe the hammer will drop in 2023.
Bluebeam. Cyber Polio. Northwoods Redux. Wouldn't be surprised if a 'Russian' nuke was detonated in a western city, smuggled in, you see. Followed by a limited nuclear exchange. Who knows what their playbook has next. If nothing else, they too are running down the clock waiting for their DeathVaxx to thin the herd before the next overt play.
Healthcare kills. The more expensive it appears, the more desirable it appears. So everyone wants healthcare. But healthcare kills.
I don’t use healthcare systems even though I have premium insurance paid by my employer. Because healthcare kills.
Make a purse expensive and every woman wants it. Make a car expensive and everyone wants it. The price creates the desire.
So - I've been thinking about the USA model vs. the Australian/Canadian/UK model.
The advantage to chaos in the medical system is that it is much harder to regulate top-down. The US has done this with exorbitant costs. I've had friends die because they were afraid to call an ambulance they couldn't afford.
But here in Aus (and Canada and UK) - medicine is easy and free. The difference being - and this still fits with the interview in this article - it's so easy to control medicine top-down. The regulators say you cannot take vitamins, behold! You cannot find vitamins in a therapeutic dose. Amino acids must be prescription only. The regulators say that thyroid must be managed by TSH only, then so it is. IV vitamin C is determined at the top to be useless, so doctors practicing this are delicensed. I could list dozens of examples where the top-down algorithms are thwarting the practice of medicine. Two of my doctors are under investigation, one by his practice, the other by a regulating body.
This is why I'm so resistant to digital ID of any sort. Just the flick of a switch ties it into my medical records.
So - USA controls medicine by cost. The socialised medicine countries already control medicine.
Outstanding analysis. ☝️
Personally I don’t buy that there’s a natural disaster that the Useless Eliters all know about and we don’t, and this is all prep for that.
If I had to pick a reason why now, it’s because they couldn’t do it before & their continually, low level concern is that being rumbled by a tiny number inexplicably balloons.
Hi Sage. Had to barge in and do a 🐴 alert. Tommy had Roseanne and 🐴 on his show. And Roseanne calls out 🐴 about mRNA. She says: “what kind of good did you think you were bringing to the world with that?”!!! I was in absolute heaven. ☮️❤️☮️
Oh wow! What did he say?
And thank you for reporting in, I cannot watch his stuff any more. Which I should be doing, to stay informed and stuff. 😅
He basically said he got into "gene therapy" because he wanted to cure genetic diseases in little children (tiny violin). He said he left the field when he realized the mrna "therapies" were a dead end (my pun) because they couldn't solve the inflammatory response issue and went on to justify his current "work," saying how now he feels it his duty to let the world know of the harms. I need to listen to it again--I got sidetracked alerting you to the podcast--but it was an epic moment for me when Roseanne called him out like that.
I guess Tommy (or Roseanne) didn't know or care to ask him why Jill was still extolling them in June, 2021, clamoring for more credit for them and him.
But in fairness, I do imagine that all of these scientists at least in the beginning think they are going to "save the world". (Sweet Summer Child)
Yes, and Tommy reveres Malone. Calls him Dr. Malone all the time, name drops that he has interviewed him many, many times. I've never heard Tommy ask him a hard question. I find it hard to believe Tommy doesn't know any of the other stuff, though--he had George Webb on his show (episode 1164) discussing remdesivir (I haven't listened to that one yet) and the Malone/Barr interview was episode 1161.
Is Tommy related to Dr. Peter McCullough?
I don't know. I don't think so. Tommy moved a few months back to Portland, Maine, where I live. I'm pretty sure he grew up in New Hampshire.
I want scientists nowhere near the human body.
Roseanne is a sharp woman. She should run for president or sumpin'.
Sage. I’m not sure if you saw this in the comments of a previous post but I thought you might appreciate this clip from an underrated 80’s movie.
For you enjoyment.
Please feel free to delete.
This is hilarious! 😅
😅 Everywhere all the time.
Multiple Malones (rhymes with clones) but no matter how thin you slice it, it's still Maloney.
Roseanne Barr has history in corrupt circles
I had to look that up. Yeah, sounds like it.
This Tommy podcast perhaps (?):
"Cancelled: A Masterclass | Roseanne Barr & Dr. Robert Malone (TPC #1,161)"
1h 7m
People think we can vote our way out of this...
This is the craziest part.
I've tried to ask people: is the power there or not? To break free from this.
And if you pin any Two Party Paradigm stalwart down, they will almost always point to reasons why their "team" cannot effect change due to the Deep State.
But because they keep playing along because to not do so leaves you in a very dark place.
Just keep voting harder, I guess. And most now realize that the voting systems are not reliable as well.
I’ve always thought breaking the two party paradigm would be the solution and can see that starting to happen in Australia (2 party primary votes have been steadily decreasing). Which I still think overall is a good thing.
But, I now think they all just end up being on the same team/payroll just wearing different jerseys. Look at Germany* they always seem to have multiple parties that need to form coalitions to govern. Are they any better than the US, UK (Canada ?) and Australia which seem to have an entrenched 2 party system? Hobson’s Choice**
I’m beginning to think that politics and science are all just Kayfabe.
I know! It’s bizarre hey
we can't vote our way out of a paper bag...
Yup 😁
We are still using plastic
Great find! And our doctor friend was already unwittingly drunk on another of their poisons when he wrote: "I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease". (The anti-salt, anti-saturated fat campaigns were also tentacles of The Parasite). Poisoners! Grrr....
Oh, you know what I didn't think about?
He says that he thought AIDS was a manufactured disease. This tape was made in '88, after Reagan signed the law indemnifying vax manufacturers. I wonder if he had suspicions there? 🤔
A lot of people were suspicious around that time. I don't know how old you are, but I'm old enough to have lost a couple of friends from AIDS, one of them only 24 years old.
I lost a friend to AZT (not "aids")
In March 1987, AZT became the first drug to gain approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating AIDS.
My 24 yo friend died in 1985. He lived in Vancouver but was active in the San Fran scene, so he probably had multiple exposures. From diagnosis to death took only about a month. I was involved in the Vancouver music scene at the time, which is how I came to know him. I also remember the delays and frustration surrounding introduction of AZT, which was the only hope offered at the time, a bitter irony. The scene changed dramatically around that time as many of our friends became fearful and reclusive, with some declaring themselves celibate. Bad times. Not the worst I've experienced, but close.
I just watched “Dallas Buyers Club”. What an eye-opener!
I knew many who were taken out by AIDS (my girlfriend was a florist and it seemed that most male florists were into the "gay lifestyle"). The conspiracy-aware among us talked about the alleged origin in bioweapon research and that it was said to have been deployed via a (Hep b?) "vaccine" in NY and perhaps SF... Meanwhile, the "last weekend I went up to the bathouses in San Fransisco... had XX men... fueled by drugs and 'poppers'..." stories made it easy to comprehend how disease spread like wildfire through that "community".
I read a conspiracy theory once that aids is the effect of the hepatitis vaccine targeted at the gay community. Sounds familiar
I did a post somewhere in the archives about the theory that AIDS came from the oral polio vaccination testing in the Congo.
"Everything Good
Needs replacin'
Look up
Look down
Look all around,
Headlines read
Someone's secrets
You've seen
Eyes & ears
Have been"
{You're A Diamond In The Sky ! Sage}
Thank You.
Great post. I heard the first tape on rense back in 1999, but it was low quality and he didn't have access to the others for some reason. I was listening to this on the way to soccer practice and my kids thought it was far out. It smells authentic and the guy is believable recalling this 20 years after the talk, because he seems extremely well organized mentally and clue's you in several times to different mnemonic prompts and images he uses to remember key points. I thought it was interesting how he conveyed several times that the planners had nothing but distain for those who can't catch on, and that uneducated or overweight or poor folks who "don't achieve much in life" somehow deserve to die or live shortened lives, like some sort of snobby "nobless oblige" Ivy League meritocracy.
That part felt VERY resonant. Yes!
“listening to this on the way to soccer practice”
The drug part and the date struck a personal note.
On March 21, 1969 I was arrested for possessing pot and being politically active. Everyone knew at that time that the drug craze was assisted by government, just as alcohol bootleggers had been assisted in earlier decades.
Banning a commonly used and normally approved product gives government huge discretion about WHO to prosecute. See homeopathy, Ivermectin, gas cars, gas stoves, etc, etc.
Same day as the nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site conducted by the US Dept. of Energy.
Hmm. I read this and thought it was just another mad Malthusian/eugenics plot. Then I read
Scientific Progress's reply to Margaret Anna Alice's comment in Igor's substack:
I wonder if Dr Day was a member of the CFR?
Kinda don't want my Stack to get too big b/c of shit like this.
Sadly, this could be around the corner:
"The RESTRICT ACT (anti-TikTok law) is an Orwellian NIGHTMARE that would seize web domains and imprison Americans for 20 years if they contradict the regime in power."
Well, if I were a PTB, and I saw everyone gathered on Substack and Rumble - yeah, I'd take care of that.
All the voices you don't want to hear, conveniently gathered in one place.
Couple this with Yuri Bezmenov's interview by G Edward Griffin.
When I was researching 9/11, I came across a scientist in a (Swiss? Nordic country) symposium of sorts making the case for mini-nukes at WTC/9-11.
(I have tried repeatedly to find that video again, and cannot.)
That part was fascinating, but over my head as most science is. But the end of the talk the last 7-8m, he went through all the clues that not only were we being attacked from within, but trolled and mocked.
People don't understand we live in a criminal world. They will say things like, "oh, do you really expect that many people to keep a secret?"
Yes, I do. Just look at organized crime. They all keep secrets. They go through rituals of acceptance and tribal belonging. Isn't this what happens also in "polite society"?
Detaching people from the myth they believe is as easy as saying, "your God is not real". America good. Life convenient. Life good. Bug off.
It is an uphill battle against a plan decades and decades in the making.
Excellent point!