Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Remember it was the BBC that reported Building 7 had fallen down on 9/11, while the building was displayed fully intact over the broadcaster's shoulder. Oops, timing a little off.

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Now we working a case, gang! Freaking great call. 🥳

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With the US being constantly involved in armed conflict nonstop for at least two generations, there are a great many of us military vets out there.

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And lot of us live in Pennsylvania.

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No doubt.

Navy. You?

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Navy retired - 23 years.

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Pit snipe for 6.

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Photog for 23.

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Thank you both for serving our country.

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Bet you saw way more stuff than I did. Seeing that great fireball in the sky was a real treat. So was seeing the sky, come to think of it.

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I was in the military and they forgot to issue me a cool Jason Statham, "I'm ex-military" voice. Where do I go to complain?

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Shipmate, you know the answer. File a complaint with your chain of command.

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"WATCH LIVE: Trump "Assassination attempt" rally shooting latest news, Trump wounded in ear | LiveNOW"


I suspect that Fox News *knew* there would be a major event at the Butler Pennsylvania rally because of what Fox talking head Carel Lajara (with the long black hair wearing a red dress) stated a few minutes after the initial commotion and an instant replay (or two). Carel Lajara stated [and I quote]:

"This is the first time in this campaign season that we have aired a live event for a presidential candidate, and we have such a situation play out ... ."

I find this very suspicious because Trump has had numerous [untelevised] rallies *prior* to Butler, PA. Yet for some reason Fox News decides to televise THIS RALLY "the first time in this campaign season" and ... then BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Shots rang out at the *first live televised rally* in this campaign season.

I find ^THIS^ aspect very suss. I do think Fox News high-ups knew it was planned & that's the reason why they decided to televise THIS RALLY, but none of the prior rallies this election cycle!

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How convenient the shooter is dead, and so am attendee.

Uh huh secret service didn't have all lines of sight covered before the event.


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Time for a watery grave like Bin Laden.

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No need for a Jacob Rubin this time .

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I wonder if it is possible to create social media posts now, with falsified dates and reactions. Don't they say AI LLMs can do anything?

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Funny you should say that. Last month or so on Facebook there's been these video reels with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. The sound of the voices is off kilter. So it's most likely AI generated. It has Musk going on about UFO/UAP and how the grey aliens fly them with a BCI.

They trying to make BCI cool to the facebookians.

Maybe it just comes up on my feed?

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Hey guys. Whatever we all think of gaslighting/controlled opposition/rabbit holes...this ass attempt on Trump is going to be a nuke bomb of takes. Reign On Me!!

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Good Lord, never have I felt the presence of the Minders on my Stack more than right now.

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It’s hebbbbinning (did I do it right?)

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I mean....yeah, we in the middle of something.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

I was thinking the same thing. Lots of new names here today. Strange how today, of all days, they chose to visit with their thoughts.

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Trump appeares to squeeze something in his hand as he goes down

Could it be a blood capsule?

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Marianne, that was my first thought.

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Do you have a link to that video? I’d like to review it. Available time has been short for me. Thanks in advance if you don’t mind sending it.

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Have you ever been hit in the face? I have. Not shot. Just hit. More than once. You know how much blood comes out of your face from a good hit? A shit ton of blood. Lips, ears, face, nose, from even a grazing shot - oh Lordy it just gushes. I bet good money Trump was not shot. That is fake blood on his face.

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I did have that thought. I want to see pictures of his ear before he went on stage. Any little bulges that could be popped with a slap or pinch? That is so old school…

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Could have been applied by SS while on top of him.

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Asshole Biden voter no doubt.

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No, but I do question everything, no matter who it is. You should too.

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Totally staged.

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Good point, but it looked authentic to me.

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Here's a high res image. Doesn't look like a fake blood pack sort of deal to me and there was a huge pool of blood and a dead person taken out from behind him.


blood behind him:


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who is JwMeyn and is he in shock right now, or tweeting pics? "Guy in the bleachers next to me...killed".

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That was my first thought when I saw it. There were two small streams of blood. Then Trump is very concerned about getting his shoes. And then the fist pump. Kinda weird.

I was expecting to get a barrage of fundraising emails, but I guess they were smart enough to not start them so quickly. I'm sure they will start soon.

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Thats what the go fund me is about.

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Dunno — pics look like Mike Tyson made an attempt at the top of his ear. How much blood was there in that fight?

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What if one of the SS agents who dogpiled actually bit his ear?

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Oh boy

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I get that shaving.

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What happened to his tie?

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He wasn’t wearing one

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You people are disgusting

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That is part of the op right there, Karen - getting someone like you to think and say that folk who deeply respect and support what you do are disgusting. Divide and conquer. You may be too wed to the scripted story of Trump as some sort of hero to see clearly. You can call me whatever names you want but this bs yesterday is 100% part of the overall op and you got got.

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Perhaps it is you they have twisted. Our own government planned this hit on Trump. You can have your own OPINION but you cannot have your own FACTS. Witness has already come forward. He SAW the shooter climbing up on the roof of the building with a RIFLE. He told the SS and the cops and they ignored him. So you can live in your lala land all you want but the truth and facts cannot be denied.

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Maybe. Wouldn’t be the first time. But I’m not the one out here professing to be a Christian and then calling people nasty names just for saying something I don’t like. What I am doing is calling balls as they come out the chute. And everything about what happened yesterday smells like a performance. Trump got rolled back in March 2020 and he’s their guy this time. They queued him up for the big win yesterday. Watch him win and then take us to war and then make peace and usher us into the NWO.

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And one more thing - the only real war we are in is the one our own fucking fraudulent govt declared on us and all the other people of earth.

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I did not call anyone nasty names. I said the comments that Trump set this up himself were DISGUSTING and they are. I won't argue with people who refuse to look at the REAL facts. Take us to war???? We are in 2 wars right now.....started by BIDEN. We had economic prosperity under Trump and energ independence and Biden undid all of that because Biden is owned. When Trump was President we have 4 years of peace and then Biden botched Trumps plan to get us out of Afghanastan. You truly need to stop watching MSM.

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I have not watched or listened to or read MSM or any of its expats in yrs. I hate Brandon. I hate all the Dems and almost all the Repubs (Thomas Massie may be the lone exception at this point). Trump is a PoS and always has been. He comes from a family of wealthy landlord grifters. Everyone from Queens back in the day knew this. He also always wanted to be in the big boys club but they’d never let him thru the gate. So he ran for pres. They tried to stop him every which way and failed. I liked almost everything he did as president. I was going to still probably vote for him this fall just on the off chance he was still maybe a wild card. But in the back of my mind I kept thinking about how they got to him and rolled him in March 2020. And then of course they have kept working on him and now, after yesterday, it appears he is fully read in. So now I ain’t gonna vote for anyone. (Except maybe in my dreams for the Sage / Kemper / Sasha / Katherine ticket.)

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Pretty sure somebody shot this guy behind him. Would you let them use real rounds on a fake assassination attempt?



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Head wounds do bleed profusely. However, the ear is mostly cartilege, so probably not the same as other areas of the head. Maybe someone who knows can comment.

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Portrait artists will verify the ears always need a lot of red in the paint to look normal. Most people don’t notice it, but look at some good portraits and you’ll see it.

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Oh, and people's ears turn red when they blush. Forgot that.

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Totally agree. E=mc squared. A bullet would have been going over 3000 ft/s. Lots of energy!

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Zero hedge has more videos.

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Is it weird that none of the people behind Trump, and in the direct firing line, tried to make a run for it? Just huddled together. While 5 shots come your way? I think after the second shot, I'd be outta there.

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Remember it's bleachers. Not easy to get down from bleachers with a lot of people panicking around you. Keep your head down might be best.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Secret service let’s shooter get on roof with rifle. Ignores warnings. Then Shots fired. Then secret service acts altruistic to save President. Then Trump says “wait” to agents so he can mouth “Fight “ to crowd. After fake blood smeared on his ear. All Theater!!!!!

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Fiery but mostly peaceful assassination attempt

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

I really like your sense of humor. Hey, if we can’t laugh while our nation gets trashed, then all is truly lost.

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There was a guy in the school book depository too. Supposedly. But I think the nation is far more divided now than in 1963 (wasn't born until 1985). So they don't need to really assassinate like they used to. Especially since Trump went along with the globalists plandemic and election fraud hype.. sorry Trump fans but this reeks of further dividing us all. If they wanted him dead he would be right now. They didn't let Kennedy walk away from Dallas.

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Correct ✅ you have an intellect thank you 🙏🏼 for being alive 😅

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Yepper Sage-I’m from western Pa and as usual you are right on ‘target’

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Flying on instinct, Roy. ✈️

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I'm just putting this here for

posterity, we'll see how well it ages.

My first thought is that someone tried to kill Trump and missed. I doubt The Donald was in on the scam and lets someone take potshots at him. Now, that doesn't mean that the now dead shooter was the only one popping off or that he wasn't controlled.

I don't think everything is an Op, and that the entire world is a bunch of John Wick-like killers controlledfrom a bunker in Switzerland, but that's me. You guys do what you do.

I have some jokes about this "incident", but I'll wait out of respect for the dead.

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Fat antifa type guy not guy on roof...he seems to be involved

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana


Bad guy gets it?

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Counter-sniper already had the shooter in the crosshairs. He didn’t have to swivel to locate him.

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Why did he look up over the scope and jerk way off the target. I don't understand that. Looks like he just woke up.

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Yeah what was he looking at… Letting it hebben?

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Are the communications between snipers and command recorded? Do they say something like "shoot after he shoots"?

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I'm no sniper but if I spot a deer in my scope, I sure as hell don't look OVER the scope at it because it takes time to get back on target. There were photos of police shirt snipers, might have been those guys in the video. Maybe police guy wasn't as highly trained at secret service should be? Freaked a bit when he realized something was happening? Hard to say.

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Thought it sus at first, but seems to match wider shots and a zoom


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Tatoos help in rapid unique identification. No need for fancy lung scars.

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I never understand the tattoos on someone who probably wants to be incognito.

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Was that guy shooting in direction of dead guy on roof? Can't tell...

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Angles look all wrong but probably distortion in the photos.

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Or the usual crappy AI.

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I think consistent so far.

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Hard to know,..but no guy was fat

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dead guy doesn't look like the fat guy photo floating around imho


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I’m trying to see if this new picture posting function works on my cel phone.

This guy?

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Didn't work, says I can post a picture, but no picture posted. Sad.

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No pic?

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Didn't work!!

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RFK Jr still asking for Secret Service?

He may do better with his own paid protection.

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