FACT: The Wellness Company's Dr. Peter McCullough's Negative Stance on the Covid Shots is Dangerous and Unpatriotic. STOP TRYING TO SANDBAG DONALD TRUMP, ANTI-VAXXERS
FACT: The Wellness Company's Dr. Peter McCullough's Negative Stance on the Covid Shots is Dangerous and Unpatriotic. STOP TRYING TO SANDBAG DONALD TRUMP, ANTI-VAXXERS
But now I realize it's because It reminded me of my mom who had a permanently bloated arm after being butchered by a mastectomy.
Your image also triggered me into saying "You're hurting me" - it's what my mother always said, no matter what hell and trauma I may have been going through.......she'd often pull the guilt card and say "You're hurting me".
Being a parent is hard and sometimes you just f'ing fail.........
is this a new meth-posting record? 🏆 🔥 Outstanding all the way!
Hmmmm.....let me count. These are more like..."tweets" than actual posts, per se.
::hates that uses terminology::
Sage Hana,
you can't feel your legs, you have a limp floatie arm,
and a swollen moon face.
You're hurting me.
I'm okay!
I'm keeping the Dangerous Koronavirus at bay.
::gasps:: lays down::
Of course you are. Okay.
It's the bloated floatie arm - your tattoos are gonna be a mess.
You have to admit, Bloated Floatie Arm is creative!
::stares out window::
I loved it.
But now I realize it's because It reminded me of my mom who had a permanently bloated arm after being butchered by a mastectomy.
Your image also triggered me into saying "You're hurting me" - it's what my mother always said, no matter what hell and trauma I may have been going through.......she'd often pull the guilt card and say "You're hurting me".
Being a parent is hard and sometimes you just f'ing fail.........
Happy Halloween!
Thank you for hanging out with me amidst it all. Sincerely.
Muchas gracias señor por estar aquí y tenerme aquí.
Don't worry about your swollen face. Just take #11 as soon as you can get it. It will make your body swollen. You will then look normal.
😅 Man thanks for hanging out, Katie. No snark!
I heard number 11 is a doozie. Dr Drew said not to be alarmed.
Hi My nAmE iS rFk Jr AnD i Am A bEtTeR-vAxXeR
With booster #10, you must be flying well past the Oort Cloud. A few more boosters and you are going to be passing Voyager 1.
Anyone believe this? Do you really think Vance took it?
Like Trump got the booster. I wish someone would ask him how many boosters he has taken at this point - 🤣
LOL. pls tell me where I'm wrong: first he was dumb, which made him take it, and afterwards he got sick (and saw the light)?! just brilliant
“There’s no such thing as intelligent vanity. It’s an instinct. And you’ll never find a man who is not first and foremost vain.”
— Louis-Ferdinand Céline