Thank you for sharing my coverage. I'm still digging and will continue to do so. I invite your readers to join me for my daily Youtube broadcasts at 4 pm pacific👍
Peggy Hall stated “I grew up with Santa Ana Winds and they rarely ever (naturally) occur in January”. The implication here is that not only are the fires unnatural, but the winds are also unnatural because they unnaturally occurred in January, a month in which they actually naturally occur. An entire argument was spun off of the statement that winds don’t naturally occur in January. This feels like fear mongering and these conspiracies are starting to feel like some kind of mind virus.
Peggy Hall did a whole episode claiming these are “electrical fires” and that it is therefore dangerous to fight them because of the possibility of electrocution. This is suspect in my mind because people are successfully fighting these fires and saving their homes and property. Firefighters are overwhelmed by the magnitude of these fires and water supplies are being sabotaged. People with the ability to do so should be organizing their own volunteer fire brigades, street by street and community by community. Fearmongering the risk helps the perpetrators of the fires and I would like to know why Peggy Hall is doing that? Where is her proof of “electrical fires with electrocution risk”? Answer: there is none.
"Peggy Hall did a whole episode claiming these are “electrical fires” and that it is therefore dangerous to fight them because of the possibility of electrocution."
That's not what she said.
You are straw-manning her argument.
She said that you don't fight electrical fires with water. Not to NOT fight them.
You are a fucking clown and I'm now blocking you for being a fucking intellectually dishonest, but persistent commenter.
There isn’t much proof anything anywhere. Just lots of bold claims, all speculation. It’s starting to feel like Conspiracy Derangement Syndrome. Don’t understand something? Great! Just make up anything you want that sounds smart and tell everyone about it!
Santa Ana winds or winter/cold month weather event that do in fact happen in January quite frequently. I remember them in January and it’s well documented everywhere by anyone. I don’t understand how you could begin an entire post with the literal opposite of the truth.
Been wondering when Robert would appear. Looking forward to listening. Thanks for the link.
Wondering about fire basics too.
Question. If no dews, if smart meters pop these off, why do cars melt? Cars have no smart meter. (New ones might...hmm...old cars still melt though...)
Question. I see flames in these videos. If fire has started, regardless of cause, why does it stop so precisely in certain spots? You'd think, once lit, basic fire behavior now applies. But it appears no. It can be well behaved, in certain cases. Respects boundaries. Is there a new fire state? Like a new state of matter. Fire when energy applied; off when energy removed? So many questions.
These are all basic questions similar to asking why the same pathogen that is allegedly making people drop dead IN THE STREETS in Chyynnaaaaa and ravages NYC allegedly BUT ONLY FOR ELEVEN WEEKS did not spread like wildfire all over the world.
good work SH keep calling the balls out of the chute, the anomalies give the game away- the hockey stick, “dead bodies in freezer trucks!”, the burning fire hydrant, the Oct 7 jittery frames of mismatched Ai fakery, the 911 hijacker passport, the Vegas burning man ID, and the trees, all the green trees.
That is so true. Only after one turns it off does one begin to become aware of how impressionable the brain is regardless of whether one knows it is propaganda that is being beamed at it. I think the brain retains the images subconsciously and forms our opinions based on that content, regardless of whether one has intellectual understanding of the lies being spewed. Tavistock is so clever!
The main place I've seen these fires is on the Sage Hana website and some linked sites. People everywhere I go talk about them, though. But the pictures aren't there.
I know what is going on. It's a war. I don't need all the corporate media trying to fill my time and my head with their psyops about it being Klimate change.
I think lithium components and batteries are the key to blowing up and burning smart cars and smart meters. The shit burns hot enough to melt porcelain (3500 degrees F). All you have to do is deliver a surge of electricity to overload the circuit. This is how they're pulverizing homes to ash...DEW (directed microwaves) in conjunction with smart devices. This is how they are leveling neighborhoods while keeping the streets clean.
My assumption is that they have all kinds of tech that we know nothing about. One reason I assume this is that it seems they had some advanced tech long before we had any inkling of it. And certainly they didn't slow down with developing it. Not that everyone involved with the development understands the big picture.
I've known a couple of tech people well and was surprised at the degree of compartmentalization. Basically, they trusted the people in charge to know what they were doing overall, so they could just focus on their micro area. This was long ago, and I thought to myself, "So that's how it's done!"
That's 100% spot on. There's a reason for it too. In order to keep trade secrets "secret" complex engineering tasks are often done by separate engineering groups.
I've seen this for manufacturing in the industrial space, and I've heard about it in the military aircraft manufacturing space as well.
They hire an engineer (or engineering firm) to work on one particular component of a much larger system. That way there are very few people who know the entire process, or in some cases what the device/system might actually do.
It's like hiring someone to engineer just the alternator to be run by some engine, only you never see what the engine goes in. It could be a car, bus, truck, tractor, generator, or a combine, but the person working on it would never know. They know just that they are working on an alternator to be mounted on some engine and will be driven by a belt, that goes in something.
The same practice applies to the COVID-19 vaccines, the components were manufactured by a plethora of 3rd-party contracted companies, so nobody from any one of the constituent manufacturers really knows what goes in the final product.
Been hearing a lot of mentions of porcelain. Not sure I recall that from earlier fires. Is the implication that toilets are being dustified? Or is this about tiles? Are there a lot of lithium powered smart shitters? Saw video of a driveway full of classic cars and hot rods. Melted. I don't think they weren't lithium powered?
The microwave weapon heats all dense metal. It causes an electrical surge that pops the smart meter and the lithium components burn. Melting porcelain means it's that hot. The new smart water meters also have lithium batteries, but their role in the sabotage is unclear to me. Are smart fridges and TVs rigged to blow up with a power surge as well?
Presumably these are limited quantities, which burn off pretty quickly? Like jet fuel in tower, say? They may spark something, but they don't create blast furnace conditions. I'm assuming.
If there is a burst coming through the wiring it might be turning the wiring red hot and burning the house.
I'm also wondering if the DEW is somehow creating a circuit. Similar to an electrical circuit. sayyy like...If the earth is a ground maybe the DEW would be like the positive wire, or positive side of the circuit.
So maybe when the DEW hits its like completing a circuit and metal or similarly conductive material gets HOT
Does it just have to be just one thing? Can't it be a combination of things, after all a combination of elements have been put into place that don't serve any better purpose than the ones they replaced. Both energy and magnetism could be playing a part here since ferrous metal seems to be a common ignition point. Just spit balling. There is a great deal of evidence of HAARP and even worse. What if it was a combo with aircraft involved or satellites with laser or worse a magnetic weapon.
Burned trees are bare of <foliage>. (I wasn’t sure what…?) Foliage covers both, conifers (needles) and deciduous (leaves).
Green trees next to molten metal, yes, give-away. But, DEW or not, the radiant heat from combusting a house into ashes should at least cook foliage as well. There will be heat output by disintegration, cold fire is not a thing. Or is it?
DEW reportedly can be adjusted to target material density. (Metal vs plastic). The way it cooks things is by energizing water molecules. Maybe adds to clean road surface discussion. Wasn’t there some Maui reference to burning pavement ?
The fire hydrant: I don’t like the flame on top of the dangling cap. Maybe some agent used to remove stuck cap ?
Pictures are low resolution and tough on details. But it looks like much of the foliage has a whitish hue. Needles do that if not fully torched, inevitably too damaged to survive.
Reference old style wildfire: not in all cases are branches burned to bole. You do get variations of residual main branching and canopy fine branching in a normal burn. Slope vs flat terrain makes a big difference in pre-heating and canopy flame height. Like: light a match and hold horizontal vs 60 degrees and your fingers notice.
How do bricks but not porcelain make it? If the toilets are gone, is this verified?
Is that a gazebo roof and green plastic fence in the last truck pictures?
Cold fire. Great term. Gonna just take that one. Also, have not watched the video yet, and it might be the odd smoke filtered lighting, but that fire hydrant image screams ai generated. Will be interested to see it in context of the presentation.
I don't think it's poison. Sounds like he takes in lots of community submissions. Probably not intentional on his part. (or IS it?! ...fuck. This 'trust no one' shit gets old. As an ai dod based team, you probably understand.)
AI is getting pretty good, but if you look at them a lot, a sense develops. Lots of tells in that one.
No, the point is that the poison (if it is AI) is purposely entered into the stream to debunk ALL of it.
Basshound is on this thread calling it a "gotcha".
And the "gotcha" occurs at all media tiers.
It's way worse on Twitter (military intelligence) and there are sites that I am positive are set up to poison the well and get people who are not sharp to denounce all evidence with one bad piece.
Also, a lot of people, quite intelligent, (normies), will lump all ops together, like ALL FIRES, with hurricanes, with 9/11, and so forth.
And you have to do each piece of each event separately.
I hear what you are saying. It's true. I appreciate 'brain vectors' most of all. And in second place, I appreciate the "*all?" "*every?" comments you've left. It's a very hard habit to break.
Random tangent: telepathy tapes podcast. listen to it yet?
...the provenance of that captured burning fire hydrant footage showing up on substack begins with me sending Ray Horvath the original youtube link then Ray posting the link on his substack...The youtube video was scrubbed the next day. I had saved a portion of the youtube video as a mp4 with a screen capture tool. After the youtube video was scrubbed, I uploaded the mp4 to MY personal account, which creates a unique URL to the upload. Ray published that and the next day my account's password showed up on the "dark web" as I was notified by a service I subscribe to. Whatever!... I sincerely doubt that what caught my attention while watching the various youtube videos during the height of the fires was AI generated but what do I know?... check it out for yourself. The dead YT link to the original video can be found on Ray's substack. Here is the link to my recovered upload:
This older VW van survived the Palisades fire in this article. Odd though that the color is in the title. Wonder if that is a gotcha for all who question a color.
A Retro Blue VW Van Miraculously Survives Deadly Los Angeles Fire | Los Angeles, CA Patch
Yep and why I mention a gotcha. While it is very clean saw the same with both green and blue recycle bins. Something I found ofd in the Peter Duke video of him and his wife doing their first after fire tour a smaller outside table with a white top looked clean. Possible cleaned by winds.
I do wonder if the blue vw van is a gotcha and later revealed someone moved it to say see those crazy conspiracy peps.
This video with Peter Duke has some info nobody else has addressed and he could be on to something. It is 2 hrs, but interesting info. It is probably easier to follow if from LA and easier if somewhat familiar with the Palisades area.
Finding it interesting there is so much silence from Kamala as she and Doug live in Brentwood and depending on where if one of the canyon over the hill from Palisades. Apparently their home is or was in an evac area and suprise they got rob,what are the chances?🤔
Oddly there were some white buildings that survived in Pacific Palisades and this morning watched Monica Perez who lives in Altadena, her house is also white. One of few sawed, it has a red tile roof and her family did say some and put out some fires in their brush. Also her neighbor stayed behind and credits him to party saving her house. I have been watching what Peter Duke (Pacific Palisades) puts up. Altadena was such a lovely and charming town. A large portion gone. I will not be surprised if Rick Caruso has plans in file box for another one of his mini smart cities.
So red tile rooves surviving would be compatible with the embers starting fires picture. Maybe more than color I’d wonder about material — white painted what?
I'm starting to watch now. Peter says right away that they discovered yesterday (Monday) that the fire dept. did no attempt at putting down the fires.
Sage bro, this is well organized terrorism, military grade. I don't think there is a better term for these events that happen anywhere in the world where there are people who still believe in the miracle of the immaculate conception of the state. Sorry for my bias. I hate this so much. I grew up with terrorism, from revolutionary communists, trained by American spies. They are all environmentalists now. I trust no shade of green.
Amongst all the 2025 fun...there's now the "bald virus" striking villages in India. We are only on day 15 of 2025... and I want to speak to a manager. LOL! I am pretty sure it's heavy metals and other chemicals...but what do I know?
I don't mean there were no high speed winds, I believe the testimonies of people about that.
I mean that what was the point of turning on the machine to make the winds if they were going to hit with the microwave weapons? My conclusion is: the winds are a cover story because they were meant to distract from the real attack.
But maybe there is another explanation.
A hidden premise in this line of questions is that they did create the anomalous weather conditions. That premise can be questioned too.
However, looking at these pictures, it's difficult to imagine that any kind of weather can do anything like that. Natural events seem to be non-discriminatory, or not very much. The hypothetical attack with the magnetrons fits better all the discrimination in the damage done.
Speaking of magnetrons, there was some Isidore Rabi in the Manhattan project. It is claimed that his research eventually led to the invention of the Magnetic Resonance imaging technique.
"C'mon Sage...I know a great little blood-money smashburger joint in New Haven. You could handily helps us get a swath of peons and kulaks back in their boxes...whadda ya say?"
Robert is the best there is. We were friends on fb until I my account got permazucked. What will they DEW next. We all know it's DEW. And they know that we know.
I haven’t watched the videos yet but I’ve seen his stuff before. From what you’re posting I’d say yep, yep, uh huh and yep. Same questions I have are how why and please explain. It’s not consistent with my
Knowledge. Help me understand. I’ll have to reread and look at the rest. I don’t know what it was but it sure doesn’t look like I thought it would. I’ve driven through burned out Yellowstone. There’s nothing standing green as I’d expect.
This detective who lost their house got upset when I asked if it had a smart meter. As though I shouldn't even dare ask such a childish question. It didn't (according to them).
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Thank you for sharing my coverage. I'm still digging and will continue to do so. I invite your readers to join me for my daily Youtube broadcasts at 4 pm pacific👍
Thank you, Peggy. Will watch.
And thank you, Robert.
Bless you both.
GREAT job! The fire hydrant on fire settles any remaining question as to what really went down.
Peggy Hall stated “I grew up with Santa Ana Winds and they rarely ever (naturally) occur in January”. The implication here is that not only are the fires unnatural, but the winds are also unnatural because they unnaturally occurred in January, a month in which they actually naturally occur. An entire argument was spun off of the statement that winds don’t naturally occur in January. This feels like fear mongering and these conspiracies are starting to feel like some kind of mind virus.
Peggy Hall did a whole episode claiming these are “electrical fires” and that it is therefore dangerous to fight them because of the possibility of electrocution. This is suspect in my mind because people are successfully fighting these fires and saving their homes and property. Firefighters are overwhelmed by the magnitude of these fires and water supplies are being sabotaged. People with the ability to do so should be organizing their own volunteer fire brigades, street by street and community by community. Fearmongering the risk helps the perpetrators of the fires and I would like to know why Peggy Hall is doing that? Where is her proof of “electrical fires with electrocution risk”? Answer: there is none.
"Peggy Hall did a whole episode claiming these are “electrical fires” and that it is therefore dangerous to fight them because of the possibility of electrocution."
That's not what she said.
You are straw-manning her argument.
She said that you don't fight electrical fires with water. Not to NOT fight them.
You are a fucking clown and I'm now blocking you for being a fucking intellectually dishonest, but persistent commenter.
Fuck off Tom Tunes.
Could there be multiple vectors of fire, Tunes?
Arson, DEW, Smart Meters. Deployed all at once, perhaps in stages?
Is it all just...FIRE.
I fucking hate doctors.
There isn’t much proof anything anywhere. Just lots of bold claims, all speculation. It’s starting to feel like Conspiracy Derangement Syndrome. Don’t understand something? Great! Just make up anything you want that sounds smart and tell everyone about it!
Santa Ana winds or winter/cold month weather event that do in fact happen in January quite frequently. I remember them in January and it’s well documented everywhere by anyone. I don’t understand how you could begin an entire post with the literal opposite of the truth.
Fact: Santa Ana's occur in S Cal in January, occasionally, and rarely result in serious fire.
Fact: Santa Ana's occur in S Cal in October, frequently, and result often in serious fire.
Both of the above statements refer to natural, "organic" fires.
Been wondering when Robert would appear. Looking forward to listening. Thanks for the link.
Wondering about fire basics too.
Question. If no dews, if smart meters pop these off, why do cars melt? Cars have no smart meter. (New ones might...hmm...old cars still melt though...)
Question. I see flames in these videos. If fire has started, regardless of cause, why does it stop so precisely in certain spots? You'd think, once lit, basic fire behavior now applies. But it appears no. It can be well behaved, in certain cases. Respects boundaries. Is there a new fire state? Like a new state of matter. Fire when energy applied; off when energy removed? So many questions.
These are all basic questions similar to asking why the same pathogen that is allegedly making people drop dead IN THE STREETS in Chyynnaaaaa and ravages NYC allegedly BUT ONLY FOR ELEVEN WEEKS did not spread like wildfire all over the world.
and goes off like a bomb
😅😅😹 And then it SPREAD THE WORLD and strangely did NOT go off like a bomb as it ostensibly did during the initial sales pitch in NYC.
good work SH keep calling the balls out of the chute, the anomalies give the game away- the hockey stick, “dead bodies in freezer trucks!”, the burning fire hydrant, the Oct 7 jittery frames of mismatched Ai fakery, the 911 hijacker passport, the Vegas burning man ID, and the trees, all the green trees.
This is fifth gen. If it goes off in peoples minds, that's almost as good as reality, no? If a tree falls in the forest.
Acting is hard.
Ops are hard.
The wild flinging of pooo on the walls, ESPECIALLY in the Tier Two space is incredibly crafty upon retrospect.
Tier One just went straight on through. Dangerous Germs are dangerous, get more shots.
The cure is turning off the TV. poof....gone....
That is so true. Only after one turns it off does one begin to become aware of how impressionable the brain is regardless of whether one knows it is propaganda that is being beamed at it. I think the brain retains the images subconsciously and forms our opinions based on that content, regardless of whether one has intellectual understanding of the lies being spewed. Tavistock is so clever!
The main place I've seen these fires is on the Sage Hana website and some linked sites. People everywhere I go talk about them, though. But the pictures aren't there.
I know what is going on. It's a war. I don't need all the corporate media trying to fill my time and my head with their psyops about it being Klimate change.
“Infectious Clones” perhaps???
Sit down. Safe. Stand up. Deadly. 6 feet. Safe. 5'11". You god damn granny killer! (etc, ad nauseam)
The major difference being, you don't need a pcr test to measure a burnt down city. That shit IS burnt down. So...kinda the same. Kinda not?
You two need some heavy doses of Common Core.
When are you gonna aquire some CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS!!??
Put some drama spray onnit.
Run in circles.
Yell "Oh Noes!!!" a lot.
clutching non-combustible pearls
Blue pearls.
I think lithium components and batteries are the key to blowing up and burning smart cars and smart meters. The shit burns hot enough to melt porcelain (3500 degrees F). All you have to do is deliver a surge of electricity to overload the circuit. This is how they're pulverizing homes to ash...DEW (directed microwaves) in conjunction with smart devices. This is how they are leveling neighborhoods while keeping the streets clean.
My assumption is that they have all kinds of tech that we know nothing about. One reason I assume this is that it seems they had some advanced tech long before we had any inkling of it. And certainly they didn't slow down with developing it. Not that everyone involved with the development understands the big picture.
I've known a couple of tech people well and was surprised at the degree of compartmentalization. Basically, they trusted the people in charge to know what they were doing overall, so they could just focus on their micro area. This was long ago, and I thought to myself, "So that's how it's done!"
That's 100% spot on. There's a reason for it too. In order to keep trade secrets "secret" complex engineering tasks are often done by separate engineering groups.
I've seen this for manufacturing in the industrial space, and I've heard about it in the military aircraft manufacturing space as well.
They hire an engineer (or engineering firm) to work on one particular component of a much larger system. That way there are very few people who know the entire process, or in some cases what the device/system might actually do.
It's like hiring someone to engineer just the alternator to be run by some engine, only you never see what the engine goes in. It could be a car, bus, truck, tractor, generator, or a combine, but the person working on it would never know. They know just that they are working on an alternator to be mounted on some engine and will be driven by a belt, that goes in something.
The same practice applies to the COVID-19 vaccines, the components were manufactured by a plethora of 3rd-party contracted companies, so nobody from any one of the constituent manufacturers really knows what goes in the final product.
Been hearing a lot of mentions of porcelain. Not sure I recall that from earlier fires. Is the implication that toilets are being dustified? Or is this about tiles? Are there a lot of lithium powered smart shitters? Saw video of a driveway full of classic cars and hot rods. Melted. I don't think they weren't lithium powered?
The microwave weapon heats all dense metal. It causes an electrical surge that pops the smart meter and the lithium components burn. Melting porcelain means it's that hot. The new smart water meters also have lithium batteries, but their role in the sabotage is unclear to me. Are smart fridges and TVs rigged to blow up with a power surge as well?
We now know pagers can blow up.
all at the same time
Now imagine cell phones. Are they already compromised? The batteries?
I wouldn't put anything past these wicked people.
Presumably these are limited quantities, which burn off pretty quickly? Like jet fuel in tower, say? They may spark something, but they don't create blast furnace conditions. I'm assuming.
If there is a burst coming through the wiring it might be turning the wiring red hot and burning the house.
I'm also wondering if the DEW is somehow creating a circuit. Similar to an electrical circuit. sayyy like...If the earth is a ground maybe the DEW would be like the positive wire, or positive side of the circuit.
So maybe when the DEW hits its like completing a circuit and metal or similarly conductive material gets HOT
Excellent article on the role smart meters might be playing:
Alternatively the DEW could be a magnetic weapon and cause a powerful surge of current in wires, thereby causing fire ignition?
Does it just have to be just one thing? Can't it be a combination of things, after all a combination of elements have been put into place that don't serve any better purpose than the ones they replaced. Both energy and magnetism could be playing a part here since ferrous metal seems to be a common ignition point. Just spit balling. There is a great deal of evidence of HAARP and even worse. What if it was a combo with aircraft involved or satellites with laser or worse a magnetic weapon.
Fire is a type of weakly ionised plasma. Fire conducts electricity better than air or water.
Plasma can be "well behaved" with specific electromagnetic fields to contain, direct, bend, empower and disconnect it.
100% DEW.
Some lingo:
Burned trees are bare of <foliage>. (I wasn’t sure what…?) Foliage covers both, conifers (needles) and deciduous (leaves).
Green trees next to molten metal, yes, give-away. But, DEW or not, the radiant heat from combusting a house into ashes should at least cook foliage as well. There will be heat output by disintegration, cold fire is not a thing. Or is it?
DEW reportedly can be adjusted to target material density. (Metal vs plastic). The way it cooks things is by energizing water molecules. Maybe adds to clean road surface discussion. Wasn’t there some Maui reference to burning pavement ?
The fire hydrant: I don’t like the flame on top of the dangling cap. Maybe some agent used to remove stuck cap ?
Pictures are low resolution and tough on details. But it looks like much of the foliage has a whitish hue. Needles do that if not fully torched, inevitably too damaged to survive.
Reference old style wildfire: not in all cases are branches burned to bole. You do get variations of residual main branching and canopy fine branching in a normal burn. Slope vs flat terrain makes a big difference in pre-heating and canopy flame height. Like: light a match and hold horizontal vs 60 degrees and your fingers notice.
How do bricks but not porcelain make it? If the toilets are gone, is this verified?
Is that a gazebo roof and green plastic fence in the last truck pictures?
Cold fire. Great term. Gonna just take that one. Also, have not watched the video yet, and it might be the odd smoke filtered lighting, but that fire hydrant image screams ai generated. Will be interested to see it in context of the presentation.
Good point! ☝️ Now this is how we do the skepticism, thank you.
(Maybe I'll go change the header photo in a not so stealth edit so as not to poison the well inadvertently.)
I don't think it's poison. Sounds like he takes in lots of community submissions. Probably not intentional on his part. (or IS it?! ...fuck. This 'trust no one' shit gets old. As an ai dod based team, you probably understand.)
AI is getting pretty good, but if you look at them a lot, a sense develops. Lots of tells in that one.
No, the point is that the poison (if it is AI) is purposely entered into the stream to debunk ALL of it.
Basshound is on this thread calling it a "gotcha".
And the "gotcha" occurs at all media tiers.
It's way worse on Twitter (military intelligence) and there are sites that I am positive are set up to poison the well and get people who are not sharp to denounce all evidence with one bad piece.
Also, a lot of people, quite intelligent, (normies), will lump all ops together, like ALL FIRES, with hurricanes, with 9/11, and so forth.
And you have to do each piece of each event separately.
I hear what you are saying. It's true. I appreciate 'brain vectors' most of all. And in second place, I appreciate the "*all?" "*every?" comments you've left. It's a very hard habit to break.
Random tangent: telepathy tapes podcast. listen to it yet?
I have not. Someone else mentioned this recently. 🤔
May I ask how this reached your Brain Vector?
*reminds me of when the GATE programs were trotted out. (probably poisoned 😅)
...the provenance of that captured burning fire hydrant footage showing up on substack begins with me sending Ray Horvath the original youtube link then Ray posting the link on his substack...The youtube video was scrubbed the next day. I had saved a portion of the youtube video as a mp4 with a screen capture tool. After the youtube video was scrubbed, I uploaded the mp4 to MY personal account, which creates a unique URL to the upload. Ray published that and the next day my account's password showed up on the "dark web" as I was notified by a service I subscribe to. Whatever!... I sincerely doubt that what caught my attention while watching the various youtube videos during the height of the fires was AI generated but what do I know?... check it out for yourself. The dead YT link to the original video can be found on Ray's substack. Here is the link to my recovered upload:
Cold fire like liquid nitrogen (burns) at the dermatologist.
This older VW van survived the Palisades fire in this article. Odd though that the color is in the title. Wonder if that is a gotcha for all who question a color.
A Retro Blue VW Van Miraculously Survives Deadly Los Angeles Fire | Los Angeles, CA Patch
That...vehicle does not appear to have been in the middle of a fire!
There's a pic towards the end of the article that shows it in the middle of a burned neighborhood.
It looks out of place and could have been driven there after the fires were out.
Yep and why I mention a gotcha. While it is very clean saw the same with both green and blue recycle bins. Something I found ofd in the Peter Duke video of him and his wife doing their first after fire tour a smaller outside table with a white top looked clean. Possible cleaned by winds.
I do wonder if the blue vw van is a gotcha and later revealed someone moved it to say see those crazy conspiracy peps.
This video with Peter Duke has some info nobody else has addressed and he could be on to something. It is 2 hrs, but interesting info. It is probably easier to follow if from LA and easier if somewhat familiar with the Palisades area.
Finding it interesting there is so much silence from Kamala as she and Doug live in Brentwood and depending on where if one of the canyon over the hill from Palisades. Apparently their home is or was in an evac area and suprise they got rob,what are the chances?🤔
I’ve seen this van pop up several places now & suspect several of the posters are color blind to the color white.
Oddly there were some white buildings that survived in Pacific Palisades and this morning watched Monica Perez who lives in Altadena, her house is also white. One of few sawed, it has a red tile roof and her family did say some and put out some fires in their brush. Also her neighbor stayed behind and credits him to party saving her house. I have been watching what Peter Duke (Pacific Palisades) puts up. Altadena was such a lovely and charming town. A large portion gone. I will not be surprised if Rick Caruso has plans in file box for another one of his mini smart cities.
Also more of this is getting filled in:
Black, green = survived, red = destroyed, orange, yellow damaged
So red tile rooves surviving would be compatible with the embers starting fires picture. Maybe more than color I’d wonder about material — white painted what?
Plus its roof is white.
Only the sides are blue.
Or was the "blue roofs spared in Maui" a dodge ( vs. A V-Dub)?
Yep and wonder if it a gotcha.
Maybe the van was planted after the fire
So every single time, after the first raw footage and the narrative points are set, the zone gets flooded.
This is a Zone Flooding story, for sure.
That it is blue is probably a troll on the Blue Roof/Trash Can crew.
That van is so clean...I'm beginning to think it *was* driven in and parked there for a photo-op:
21st century liars.
The blue paint didn't sell like they expected after Maui and now they're stuck with a huge overstock.
As Robert says in the presentation, plenty of plastic of all colors did not burn.
Who burned down my house? by Peter Duke
It's a very recent video.
I'm starting to watch now. Peter says right away that they discovered yesterday (Monday) that the fire dept. did no attempt at putting down the fires.
Sage bro, this is well organized terrorism, military grade. I don't think there is a better term for these events that happen anywhere in the world where there are people who still believe in the miracle of the immaculate conception of the state. Sorry for my bias. I hate this so much. I grew up with terrorism, from revolutionary communists, trained by American spies. They are all environmentalists now. I trust no shade of green.
Amongst all the 2025 fun...there's now the "bald virus" striking villages in India. We are only on day 15 of 2025... and I want to speak to a manager. LOL! I am pretty sure it's heavy metals and other chemicals...but what do I know?
This one must be GOF as it took 30 years to get the bald spot I have?
Bahahahahahaha! It's a super variant. Agh! If you sprinkle your spot with ivermectin it might grow back! Gotta kill the terrorist parasite viruses.
Ivhairmectin scampoo & conditioning on its way!
Brought to you by TWC! Haha.
Geoengineering is obviously a real thing,
and their capabilities go way beyond cloud seeding and aerial dispersal.
They have experimented with steering Hurricanes for decades.
These fire events are associated with unusually strong winds.
I wonder if they have way to create these winds or augment
a naturally occurring wind pattern.
Impressive work.
Were the winds a cover story?
I don't mean there were no high speed winds, I believe the testimonies of people about that.
I mean that what was the point of turning on the machine to make the winds if they were going to hit with the microwave weapons? My conclusion is: the winds are a cover story because they were meant to distract from the real attack.
But maybe there is another explanation.
A hidden premise in this line of questions is that they did create the anomalous weather conditions. That premise can be questioned too.
However, looking at these pictures, it's difficult to imagine that any kind of weather can do anything like that. Natural events seem to be non-discriminatory, or not very much. The hypothetical attack with the magnetrons fits better all the discrimination in the damage done.
Speaking of magnetrons, there was some Isidore Rabi in the Manhattan project. It is claimed that his research eventually led to the invention of the Magnetic Resonance imaging technique.
The strong winds are how they account for the rapid spread of the fire.
They made it impossible for the fire crews to contain it,
and it was too windy for air support to fly.
so... if they fires are provoked, then they wanted to make sure no one could put them out or prevent their spread...
The preengineered controlled demolition of America and the west continues in unobstructed venal horror*
"C'mon Sage...I know a great little blood-money smashburger joint in New Haven. You could handily helps us get a swath of peons and kulaks back in their boxes...whadda ya say?"
Robert is the best there is. We were friends on fb until I my account got permazucked. What will they DEW next. We all know it's DEW. And they know that we know.
I haven’t watched the videos yet but I’ve seen his stuff before. From what you’re posting I’d say yep, yep, uh huh and yep. Same questions I have are how why and please explain. It’s not consistent with my
Knowledge. Help me understand. I’ll have to reread and look at the rest. I don’t know what it was but it sure doesn’t look like I thought it would. I’ve driven through burned out Yellowstone. There’s nothing standing green as I’d expect.
Re: Burning Fire Hydrant ...Here is the screen capture of the news10 reel I saw on YT (now scrubbed)...uploaded to
Thank you!
Excellent summary, Sage! Thank you. Got to this through Peggy Hall, so kudos to both of you!
This detective who lost their house got upset when I asked if it had a smart meter. As though I shouldn't even dare ask such a childish question. It didn't (according to them).
Keep digging/detecting y'all.
Interesting response.
Reminds me of Tucker Carlson calling the dude who asked about the government doing 9/11 a "parasite."
He’s determined to not even consider the possibility
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Just collecting more datapoints (scroll to “Rivers of Metal)
look at trees:
…still poking around, but melted aluminum may not be a novelty
Or...and go with me here... :D