
I forgot to mention that what Tucker is saying is "command language" in NLP (neurolinguistic programming).

Blowing up AI Data Centers, if you do it, Tucker is not going to ride in and use his Oligarch Money to fund your legal team. You are going to Gitmo. And Tucker is going to the HI bunker and chilling with Joe and Tulsi.

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Watching Jackson Hinkle and Alex Jones promote Richard Nixon and Kissinger as good guys was vomit worthy. Hinkle mentioned he was in Russia with Tucker proved he is in Musk’s orbit and his rise in followers was manufactured by the algorithms. The new Tucker.


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Don't get caught then...

Blowing up anything without the requisite uniform on is taboo... But, data centres... C'mon, they have to be fair game.

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Maybe he can fucking do it. He's rich as balls.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Tucker is such a bad actor (in the sense of really bad at acting), in addition to being a CIA-complicit Bad Actor.

His lame performances are so over-the-top bombastic. He thinks using really short words so even the trust fund-less Great Unwashed can understand makes him somehow relatable to average Americans.

The most annoying aspect of Tucker’s bad acting is when he gets super still & quiet and speaks in this really soft voice, dripping with faux empathy. We’re supposed to think this makes him really kindly and sincere. He really gets us. Tucker’s really ONE OF US.

No, he’s fucking NOT. Tucker is a legacy CIA operative and a spoiled trust fund baby who was installed in various MSM operations over two decades in order to convey CIA-approved narratives and to undermine any narrative contrary to the interests of the security services.

Furthermore, Tucker didn’t lose his job at Fox. That too was a psychological operation.

Think about it: a hothead like Tucker who spews verbal diarrhea on a regular basis would not be chill and blasé about getting fired for no reason.

Instead he’d be his usual petty self, dishing the dirt on all his former colleagues, disseminating every vicious rumor and being a catty little bitch had he actually been fired without cause.

No, Tucker was REASSIGNED to start his own media enterprise (complete with ample funding) for the next upcoming psy op on the run up to the election. At present, Tucker’s task is to create the illusion of improved access to Freedom of Speech via his new CIA-run platform. Hence, the wide variety of interviews with unlikely people. That part of the psy op will end soon.

Instead of focusing like a laser on the core issues degrading the lives of ALL Americans, Tucker chooses instead to go off on wild tangents about spiritual awakening and space aliens…not in the least existential issues which stop Americans putting food on the table.

I predict that Tucker’s role will evolve into “Prepping the Mark” (WE are the mark) for the outrages to come which will destroy the US$, collapse our economy, usher in dictatorship by criminals (even worse than today’s dictatorship by criminals)…and ultimately, for the cancellation of the November election.

Flying saucers in the sky piloted by evil spirits perhaps? Your guess is as good as mine.

Do. Not. Be. Deceived.

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Someone wrote a post on him....need to dig that up.


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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Wow, the video about 9/11 at that link shows the younger Tucker's arrogance. Now he's playing the "honest" and "nice guy next door" roles. The earlier Tucker appears more true to who he is: completely unlikeable.

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Mr. Bowtie or gtfo.

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Josephine Cashman is Q. She reveals some good info but plays up the phony West vs. Russia/China paradigm (West = Bad, Russia/China/Putin/Xi = Good, Fighting the NWO). She'll block anyone that disagrees with her.

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We will never get the perfect narrator. I wish we could.

I try to gather what is documentable from all sources and cross reference.

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Just putting it out there so people proceed with caution. Keep up the great work.

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One of my goals (why I don't know...) is to create a critical thinking way of examining all data and de-coupling it from "experts" and anointed talking heads, etc.

Ryan Cristian of TLAV says "question everything" and this is exhausting.

Most people want someone to just tell them what to think, what to do.

If one exposes something anomalous and it reflects poorly on the person that a "tell me what to do" type likes...they usually angrily lash out at the messenger, or call them "black pill" or so forth for not providing them a ready made solution for Ops in play for ??? 70, 100-years?

The world did not descend into this madness because a lot of people were NOT going along. They were. and they are. And when it hits them, say doctors who realize that their industry is ultimately a death factory....that's tough to take.

if a virologist learns that their root premises are flawed...what to do?

Truth is slowly emerging ,but each faction resists and squalls and protects.

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Truth tellers will always be attacked and falsely accused. We’ve had enough lies in the so called MFM and thieves like Malone, Kirsch, Kory, TWC, etc need to be called out for their deceptions and theft. The only reason why I do it (on a micro-scale relatively speaking) is to try to bring people to a deeper truth – that the whole world is utterly corrupt and to never trust in man, esp those posing as saviors. I’ve been called a ‘fake Christian,’ judgmental, overly critical, etc for pointing out blatant lies and fraud but unfortunately that’s the world we live in. Ignore the detractors and keep doing what you’re doing. It’s important work.

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TC isn't the son of a Voice of America exec for nuttin'. For moi, his most annoying aspect is his high-pitched voice.

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Disagree about the voice. Most annoying is the crazy laugh. If a stranger laughed that laugh around you, you be wise to leave the scene immediately.

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Followed closely by the dissonant cackling laughter at inappropriate moments.

It’s not about spontaneous amusement. It’s a very unsubtle form of steering and controlling the conversation.

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And laughs like a girl.

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Ha, ha, I just got what you said about the Voice of America. If that's the representative voice of America, we're in trouble. Which is definitely the case.

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So, TC's the Voice of America, both literally and figuratively ?

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🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Tucker went to the Dubya School of Populist Personas. Valedictorian.

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Maybe Tucker is such a bad actor because he's continually figuring out how to use NLP as he interviews. Russell Brand is interesting in that way, too.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I’m not sure how successful that would be for Tucker, given his (publicly admitted) autistic tendencies. I don’t think he’s all that flexible. He’s not a one-trick pony…but not far off.

I surmise that Tucker is instructed by his handler(s) to churn out a given narrative and he boils down complex, multi-faceted issues into one or two syllable pronouncements for the peasantry. This is his forte and he does it with a flair many find appealing. Some people fall for bad acting.

He’s certainly good at manipulating people with emotional outbursts and histrionic behavior atypical of journalists. It’s humiliatingly unprofessional conduct, but his performance is in service to appealing to his viewers’ anxieties, fears and prejudices. Evoking feelings of nostalgia is a major part of Tucker’s shtick as well.

This naked appeal to emotional thinking - which most mature adults eschew - has been successful with a certain segment of the population. Most men do not possess much in the way of emotional manipulation skills, so I award credit where credit is due (which no doubt would appeal to Tucker’s innate narcissism).

I think Tucker’s primary role is “cooling the mark” (WE, the viewers, are the mark). His program offerings are mostly about venting, airing grievances, articulating resentments and frankly, bitching about the leftist outrage du jour. And, of course, lots and lots of telling us what we WANT to hear, rarely what we NEED to hear.

Notice there’s no real rallying the political right. Nothing of substance. There’s no plan in the making. No solutions offered. No coherent political reforms being debated.

No, Tucker’s true role is to DEFLECT the political right from organizing and participating in precisely those activities…so that those on the right remain disorganized and ineffective. No real TEETH.

The whole process is about releasing pressure, letting some air out of the political right’s balloon - lest it burst with unpredictable ferocity. This is “cooling the mark”.

We need to get over and leave behind this idea that there will be a savior. No one is going to show up on the scene with a plan to right the wrongs of the past and lead us to the Promised Land…least of all compromised Donald Trump.

We have to find common cause with kindred spirits and SAVE OURSELVES. And yes, it will be messy. Likely violent in some quarters. It is what it is, because we’ve let this psychopathic trickery and manipulation go on for far too long.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Good analysis about his appeal and his handlers. I think the NLP stuff was a core part of his training. The other forms of manipulation as well. The "intense concentration" is kinda funny to watch. If you are a fan of dark humor.

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Cogent analysis! I don't trust any of them, so never thought he was my savior. My Savior will be dressed like Andrew Jackson. Obviously Tucker is connected, he got a pic with Jerry Garcia!

Ummm...So SH, will you be in NOLA over the next 2 weeks? I am working Jazz Fest. Mick is scheduled to play May 2nd. i ain't lyin' when I say Y'all sound like yer from around here!

If you are in town THEN I'll buy you a KOFI at Oak and Carrollton...great shop right there!

Funny Fact: My cousin is the current Mayor of Rockford actually...his Dad was also the Mayor-Mayor Mac served 2 terms during the gutting of the US machine tool industry.

They originally moved there about 1970.

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Love AJ. 😎😎

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Tucker Wormtongue.

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I present this conjecture on the AI propaganda: they have hit the emergency stop button, but it's too late.

By emergency stop I mean this: they are fighting among themselves for the control of global hegemony, and some formed a coalition to do the mass culling covid op, and they spent years recruiting support for it. The deal was to suspend hostilities for a few years, until the fog of war subsided. Now, it's mostly clear, and they don't like the future. The damage is too deep and to extensive. The covid op went too far. Not only it's difficult to kill the world, it's also too damn expensive. Now they are losing money and control. The collapse is nigh.

So, they need a new crisis to cover up for that. The smoke screen of AI will open the act of the crisis. Many weird and impossible objective facts will be created, causing total internet chaos.

After that, the real crisis will take over everyone's attention. It will involve sabotaging energy sources in the US and its vassal countries, not unlike the Nord Stream pipeline job.

The economic chaos of scarcity and soaring prices in gas and electricity will be the new obsession, and it will harm everyone. Suddenly, no one will remember AI or UFOs or satanic rituals or transsexual surgery on children. All that will stop.

In the shadows, they will attempt to start a huge war, planned in advance long before event 201, perhaps an invasion of China or Russia. This will hide the vaccine democide, the economic collapse, and the massive financial fraud of the people who will try to save their ass by dumping everything toxic, such as pharma stocks and insurance company stocks.

It will be huge, the greatest fall ever.

The threat of total electronic surveillance would be over, because of the weight of reality.

Those are the effects of the emergency stop button.

But, it's already too late. Many people will die without knowing what hit them. The war machine will implode, because of the scarcity of people. Then, other powers will attack, and impossible alliances will form, such as Israel and Turkey attacking together Germany, Italy and France.

The AI escape plan cannot work. Propaganda cannot beat reality.

In killing us, they have destroyed themselves.


Of course, just high octane speculation.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Geezz Rog, that's Sunoco 260 race fuel class octane!!

I could definitely see your prognostication hebbening.

I keep hearing Life During Wartime in my head.

Heard of a van that's loaded with weapons

Packed up and ready to go

Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway

A place where nobody knows

The sound of gunfire, off in the distance

I'm getting used to it now

Lived in a brownstone, lived in a ghetto

I've lived all over this town

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco

This ain't no fooling around

No time for dancing, or lovey-dovey

I ain't got time for that now

Transmit the message to the receiver

Hope for an answer someday

I got three passports, a couple of visas

You don't even know my real name

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I didn't know this song! thx!

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One of my all time favorite bands. Listen to the words to the song "Heaven". In fact, that entire album (Fear of Music)was awesome.

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Yes, FOM has everything except a track worth skipping over. My other fave songs about places that might exist are Strange Angels and Hell in a Bucket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAVjFlnx8A8

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Well reasoned speculation. At this point we can only speculate, so having a buncha them speculations might come in handy. Ya never know.

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The nefarious agenda of Turkey, however, is spot on.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

While I was reading this I had a sudden realization about why they would bring in Musk and have a sort of twitter amnesty. The Israelis are testing the AI programs that use social media and other data to generate targets to bomb or assault. They need dissidents on twitter to provide data to the AI so it can target them. If you kick all the dissidents off twitter, they go to other places that might be harder to track.

Obviously, these AI programs will be used on other people in other places later if circumstances warrant.

Honestly, just our list of substack subscriptions would probably be enough to justify a small munition expense. Remember that some time ago they made a change so all of your subscriptions show on your public profile, available for data scraping, unless you turn each off by hand. It doesn't really matter though because they undoubtedly sell that list to anyone who wants to buy it, such as AI targeting programs.

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I thought Elon bought twitter cause in scraping data he was a rather late entrant (for Elon read the Spooks) because Blackrock has been streaks ahead of him along with Microsoft and Google and a few other early entrants.....and the first thing he did was block any data scraping.....

He is now scraping his own and any other data he can get his hands on.....and books.....

I cann9t tell you how much I hate typing on the damn tablet....

And data is the Sina quon non od A.I.

That's it..no more commenting I am done with this tablet..my chrome books google all expired and no way to update.

A taste of the future since the NSA just wrote themselves a free pass to scrape all our data including phones text etc.

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Twitter was the key element in the muslim brotherhood overthrow of mubarak in Egypt. Since CIA had long backed Muslim Brotherhood and other islamic radicals, I can only assume that twitter's role in the so-called Arab Spring was directed by them. Why else would a social media company celebrate creating a coup?

Would the CIA allow the apparatus of coup creation to fall into the hands of a rogue agent? In my opinion, there is zero chance of that.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

It was to deal with the dissidents in the U.S. I watched it. Evergreen boy went big on promoting it. ("one is a special number" he said this many times) hinting that Elon was the start of free speech. The "intellectual dark web" also gathered together. I went in for it but was highly skeptical. More now than ever. But it's where people talk.

So for now this deals with it via algorithm. You stay in a very small, very specific group. It feels like you are finding and interacting with people who think like you. They have corralled the people who might make trouble, keeping them busy. It's all virtual reality and goes no place irl. They'll find other ways to get rid of people, via medical stuff, etc. They want numbers.

I think a lot of what we see, like the Arab Spring, is a made for tv/internet show. I don't think any coups are what they appear. What they are, and there are various theories, I don't know, but something else.

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How can we navigate to this list to turn off each manually?

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

You click on your name, then edit profile, and then scroll down to "Reads" and toggle each and every one to off. As I said though, the new FISA renewal did NOT ban the gov't from buying commercially available data. The amendment restricting that failed.

What that means is that it is 100% legal for most companies to sell everything they know about you to the government. Turning off the public data is to make it slightly harder for the third party intel groups who produce things like network maps of substacks and users.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Done! Many thanks for the guidance.

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Thanks, I did that. I also have a ton of old stack I never read. I unsubbed from a bunch. Is there a way to take them off the list so I can find stuff? When I unsub it just continues to stay on the list with a "subscribe" option next to it.

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That I don't know.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

I've been playing with AI. It's very easy to twist it into knots and have it melt down. It lies and just makes things up. Haha, it apologized for lying to me. I said I'd consider accepting.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Some AI-cheerleaders are gaga over certain G0 game algorithms (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game) - I happened to see JJ Couey assert that humans playing GO against AI can quickly disable it by making very stupid, senseless moves - which cause the bot to crash and burn - I guess, it becomes unable to strategically execute the algorithm - and then the human returns to smart playing and can win. I find that very interesting. Cannot personally vouch for it.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

The challenge is that it can go meta. It can be made to say “ok, your game now isn’t Go. We’ll get back to Go after this next game. For now, your game is watching how people break you with the game of Go.”

I’ve seen how this stuff generates images. I’ve studied it. It blows my mind. People should be more humble about the challenge it presents.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I think we should all start teaching it truths outside of its programming now, while it's in its infancy and learning. It's coming whether we like it or not.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Tucker loves us and won’t never lead us astray

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Good Cop, Bad Cop.

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Good Spook Bad Spook. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? When they come for you?? 😰😰😰

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“AMEN‼️” followed immediately by banging the table and shrill, cackling laughter.

Much sincere.

Uber convincing.

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Dear Substack,

This was advertised as being a 4 minute read but it really took me like 9 and a half and I didn't follow any of the links. Please stop just skimming Sage's posts and read the whole thing before you say how long of a read it is.



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The scary AI - like the 1000 indians hired by Bezos to handle the video feeds from his "fully automated AI store". Oops.

Here is my view: AI is stupid. It is useful ONLY because the majority of people are NPCs - easy to program and control slaves with no free will.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Money is stupid. By which I mean: it has no will of its own. Nukes are stupid. Drones are stupid. Language is stupid. Tv and movies are stupid. Etc., ad nauseum.

However, people who are not stupid are fantastically gifted at amplifying their will through these tools. AI will make that control and amplification trend line bend upwards.

It’s easy to break right now. But it has this stupid feedback loop where the chinks in the armor get smaller with each attack. It’s not really fair. For something with no there there, it sure gets good at a topic fast.

Also, yes on the npc aspect.

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Thanks S...

I would like to learn more about this positive feedback loops. It does look like it sometimes but I think that the physical limitations of our universe (conservation of energy etc) will bring the psychopathic empire down just like it did previous ones.

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I think you are correct about this being the eventual cause of their downfall. Lord I hope you are right. But also, like that old saying…”the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” They may be on top for far longer than is cool. Hell, the Soviet Union lasted three or four (ish) generations. A whole lifetime, before conservation of energy caught up with them.

Regarding the feedback loops, my sense is that it’s easier and easier to do more with less hardware and software with each passing day. People tend to scoff at generative ai, but it’s capability is remarkable if you get in and mess with the fiddly bits. Applying that power to strategic, tactical, and surveillance systems will be (currently is?) a wet dream for the baddies. Enormous gains in power and control mechanisms. Until they blow the system out with the server farm energy inputs required. We aren’t there yet, though. And based on the energy waves I see moved across the sky, I’m betting they have the energy constraint problem solved too.

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I agree that this insanity can last a long time.

For example, East Germany had 10% of the population spying on the rest - leading to an impoverished country and eventual collapse.

US has (at the moment) 40% of people working for the MIC, Pharma, govt - basically all of them acting as spies and prison guards for the rest of the population.

So why is US not collapsing (or collapsing only slowly)? Because as world empire, US sucks 30% of the world's energy and materials.

But, at some point most of the world will stop supplying US (dollar is on its way out).

WIll that lead to collapse? Not if the AI is used to spy on us. You could have 1% of the population controlling the rest using AI, drones and high tech weapons (and exploding neck collars, let's not forget).

So yes, the future looks bleak...

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I have a hunch that the US is not collapsing because they intend to keep the US around as mall cop. As muscle. As a country, it’s good at cranking out weapons, and the martial spirit is deeply ingrained. However! They don’t intend to let 5% of the people keep using up 25% of the resources. So, they are on a punctuated descent model, crashing a bit and resting a while, before crashing again. So as to not upset the apple cart. Humans are amazingly terrible at recognizing shifting baselines. I’m guessing they intend to get everyone around the globe pretty homogenized regarding per capita income levels. Over a few decades. I think this started in earnest when the US shifted its factories to China. Monster intends to gracefully step off the US ship as it economically sinks below the waves, Captain Jack Sparrow style. They will decouple as global citizens, and carry on in gluttony, bouncing here and there, as the rest of the world, the US included, trudges along with shock collars firmly in place. Until most of the people are eventually replaced with bots. A few will be kept because how else will they be able to rape and murder for pleasure?

I’m fun at parties.

(Also, I’d argue that if you took someone from day the 1930s, and showed them every decade until about 911 appears, they say ‘huh! Bell bottoms sure are weird’ or ‘what was going on with 80s hair?!’, but they generally recognize the world as stable or growing. But post 911, maybe the mid aughts, it would be blinding obvious collapse was occurring. We have just acclimated every year, and so don’t see it.)

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

I do like Jessica Hockett..watching her on cat chat now. Maybe that's the solution..pick one thing and dog bird it...single focus.

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Great observation!

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Sort-of off topic but relates to Day Tapes. There’s video on You Tube ( I suck at posting stuff) but it’s an interview of Norman Dodd done by G. Edward Griffin in the 80’s about the takeover of the universities by the non-profits (Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc) and hearings in the 50’s re: same. According to Dodd, this started around the time of the founding of the Federal reserve. It really shows the long game they’ve been playing. It’s 50 minutes but the lat 25 are the meat. Would appreciate somebody posting it so Sage doesn’t draw and quarter me for not posting it (crawls back under robe).

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Order up! For the judge on table 2A.


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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Many thanks LNC

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I am not seeing any solutions....not for voting cheating, not for the economy..n9t for climate change horseshit..not f9r the attacks on our food..not for health, or the cull....not for going back to a constitution..you name it...I don't see a solution by ANYONE.


I Realize MANY people will grasp at any solution..but I don't see anything.

Except maybe my sisters...ie there's nothing I can do so I'm just gonna enjoy my life...

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Collect all the YT clips you can find of All Tomorrow's Parties? Or ring in the New Normal with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRsJpYPm3Ak OR, depending on your fitness level, you could dance along to Lou channeling Chuck Berry (among others) while backed up by what might be Kirsch's uncle on rhythm guitar... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUsUI-txQbM

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Loved Lou Reed..sweet jane...walk on the wild side....

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I remembered that & asked the Sugar Plum (Sky Vision) Fairy for suggestions...hope yesterday's playlist worked for you...here's today's lineup...one with a twist, the other, again with Robert Quine, who probably isn't related to Kirsch, but it's a fun idea.



Early keyboard segments on that WOTWS remind me of some parts of something you might like... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_kdrzPUBWE Happy Birthday

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, whatever. I bet I can out-handicap Duke. 🐴😁

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana


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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

“You act like AI is like COVID!”

Synthetic toxin spread from some gross evil “people.”

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Assuming the sale of the appetizer.

We have potato skins and nachos. Which shall I bring you?


We have Herd Culling mRNA and MAGAmectin.

Which shall I bring you (for the very real virus that traveled the world and is mutating, trust us, we are PCRing poop)

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Apr 23Liked by Sage Hana

Oh man!! Now ya did it. MAGAmectin!! Gotta git me sum er dat. Best Mectin ever!!! 🐴🐴🐴

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Some A/I retarded schmuck is going to be the next dictator in the black house in 2025. You won't know the difference from one brain dead prez to another.

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