Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

*edited: Added a bunch of more background material to post.


Dance on those graves, Bob Malone.

Thoughts and prayers on those mRNA vaccine injuries. (::wink-wink::)


"This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening."

June 2, 2021

How long was this after Bob "almost died"?

Thoughts and prayers, Jill.

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Well now he is adding psyop to his cv

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Always has

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Oh, (and I reinterate) Fuck You Bob, and your little wife too!!!

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Never forget !!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

It seems, (particularly over past 2yrs) that Bob the Knob jockey will ride any horse that will take him to the winners podium with a place and the sympathy of a crowd. Love your work Ms Sage, keep that whip crack'n on those ass's.

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I sincerely thought (hoped) to never have to concern myself with this person ever again. I don't enjoy it.

He is there...always there...Covid Gump...for a reason.

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Covid Gump🤣😂🤣perfect

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And it's disturbing as all get out.

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He's here for the long (covaids) haul, my dear. Like a sticky fly, hovering over a sickly beast waiting for them to drop. As you well know there's others just like him buzzing around in high places.

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A good Lusitano runs like a quarter mil.

Bob misses that old life. You can tell in the first Rogan rollout how much self esteem he has in it. You could see it again when he was talking all tough with his boy Anthrax Suspect Hatfill in contradiction to his weepy Headwinds performance. 😅

Dude is rarin' to get back in the game.

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Like almost every human : he love those gossips . He feel special when he bring up his CIA sunday brunch pal. . . .i dunno if he can be in a "power" position.

Feels like any intel personnel could spin him any "reason of state" spiel and pacify him. I dunno what to make of Bob. 1 thing tho Power is very real and if something is not done we will all suffer.

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

“He wants to be Special. So Special. But he’s a Creep.” Creep - Radiohead

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Waiting for the Fall... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7zWEFkhJmo Grass...UK slang for snitch... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shr4IEZpyXc

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Meanwhile, people are still dropping like flies due to operation warp and Malone (the self-proclaimed inventor of mRNA), has the audacity to tell people to just go back to sleep and follow the piper?

Yeah, F that garden gnome.

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The Owners of the World have apparently made it abundantly clear that Jabs Bad time is over and expect their Zombie Middle Managers to chop-chop get the King of Israel installed and start that World War.


And they have no plans to stop experimenting with the gene editing.


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Sigh, yep.

The Chabadists are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of the great orange Nebuchadnezzar.

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Mene mene tekel parsin.

Words that teach kings of kings and presidents of presidents to be always "just" or else.

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Belshazzar paid for it...let's hope our tyrranical, psychopathic "leaders" do as well.

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A coin has already been minted for such an event.

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Do you think team freedom members will recognize the irony, as the collar is being slid around their neck? Of covid being an op with an express purpose to crystallize freedomy type sentiments in such a manner as to require a shock collar crackdown? I wonder about this a lot.


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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Sage keeps ALL the receipts!

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And WE need to keep all of the receipts that Sage shares with us!

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Your—and ONLY your—Substack writings elicit in me the following: connecting dots I felt but hadn’t put together in my mind; slapping my forehead and yelling “of course!”; belly laughing out loud; shuddering with horror; cringing with realization of my sweet summer childishness; nauseated disgust at the abject evil; belly laughing again; and exhaling deeply at the horror show we have unfolding—all within a 2 - 3 minute reading period. 🙏🏻❤️🎯

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Oh boy. Trumpy gonna gut the FDA, to make us all feel better. Then appoint Maloney baloney & friends to continue the scams. Ahoy! OWS ahead! I feel so much better now.

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All to cover up a long-planned global depopulation surveillance operation on biomedical pretexts.

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In the tweet he mentioned pseudo-mRNA jabs. The hyphen where it is suggests that non-pseudo-mRNA jabs (like the ones he invented, according to him anyway) will be just fine.

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That nasty, arrogant demand exposes everything about this jerk. Who the hell does he think he is?! Addressing his minions like this...tut tut, little man.

That's schwab in his space costume to me... Oh, the glory that awaits me...la la land.

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He is playing a role same as Evergreen Boy.

As Anointed "Freedom Team" leader.

He is playing his Trojan Horse role and he can't stop because he is penciled into the next admin.

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Seeing it now....more clearly as you continue to help.

so deluded...

RFK stood alongside trump so lifelessly in his big moment. Not a good look...

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

He looked dreadful, didn't he. Like all the Kennedy charisma had been drained out of him.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

dread-ful....You nailed it! Katie!!

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🐴 ♫ "The Equestrian Statue" ♫ 🐴

by Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band (1967)


(3 min)

"♫ There once was a very famous man

On his 🐴 famous horse 🐴 he'd ride through the land ♫

♫ The people used to see him everywhere

When he died, they put a statue in the square ♫



♫ Here comes 🐴 the Equestrian Statue 🐴

Prancing up and down the square ♫

♫ Little old ladies stop 'n' say

"Well, I declare!" ♫ ... "

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Any amount of federal executive power is better than any Nobel Prize.

Also, the USG and the oligocracy that backs it are the biggest influencer in the world. The so called wealthy countries follow the lead of the US.

If Malone has been working to get himself some power, I have to say he has done a great job, has worked like a horse for many years, and his advisors have given him a good strategy. He is almost there now.

All the students of Machiavelli, von Bismark, Lenin, Burnham, de Jouvenel and Alinsky have to acknowledge the superior tactical prowess of Robert Malone.

I wonder how long will it take for him to regret gaining access to power, and seeing the insides of the Monster. Washington DC is no Galt's Gulch.

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Winter is Coming for DC et al.

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Has anyone read any good tea leaves lately ?

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Well, I am voting for Trump. I like RFK too.

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As if you had a choice. Think about that.

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You can vote for a ham sandwich, or write anyone in you like.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

The irony is that Malone launched an envious attack on RFK jr. the moment he announced that he was going to run for president. He attended as a visibly grumpy bad fairy during the speech and then posted an envious attack on his "Friday Funnies" about not to trust politicians immediately after. For me that was a turning point in my appraisal of him. I had been grateful to him for explaining what was wrong with the vaccins in spite of declaring that they might be good for older people (I am 75) as it confirmed what I already felt but lacked the technical knowhow for. when I saw the "Funnies" I already felt misgivings because of his creepy attitude in his video'd conversation with the kids so had already become wary of what I then interpreted as misguided pomposity but failed to recognise for what I now think it was.

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There is no irony.

The Scorpions move their chess pieces around in fake feuds.

To keep the hammers distracted with a manufactured soap opera.

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Consider this... By the time he showed up on scene, anyone who didn't already have doubts would've taken them (especially older people given the thrust of the propaganda). If he didn't show up, would you have taken them still? 🤔

Or perhaps he was there to stand in front of other people (given how prominent he is today) so that he is the one who controls the message? 🤔 And why is his message always 5th generation warfare and not mRNA (transfections) platform is bad? 🤔

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

I would absolutely not have taken them but I wanted to understand before I could feel confident that I had made the right decision. I live alone and was surrounded by people who thought I was crazy not to rush to receive the miraculous life saving injection.Also I had bought into the fear porn so it felt like there was a lot at stake I needed to make up my own mind so I was as critical of him as I was of anybody talking for or against.

That is why it was immediately clear to me he was wrong about it being ok for “the elders”. ( how I hate that word!) However he was better at explaining the MRNA than anybody else I came across and I was grateful. Like I wrote I have become disenchanted with him since.

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That's what I suspected. By the time they came out, the only people left would've probably not taken it anyhow (even if nothing changed). But it breathed in a sigh of relief and more importantly set them up as the heroes and people to look up to.

Yet to this day, Bret Weinstein has probably been useless. I swear listening to him has made me dumber not smarter (and I can't believe otherwise people I would consider smart would think he's got anything to offer). I'm sorry Bret, but Biology happened to be my favourite high school science and I'm not completely stupid about it and I've actually kept up with some of it so blowing smoke up my ass and pretending to be smart doesn't sit well with me.

Malone we've covered.

I'm not sure if Steve Kirsch was much better. Aside from trying to be the center of attention. Despite having half a billion dollars, it didn't occur to him that maybe finding the best lawyers and trying to break the Prep Act or some other meaningful action (all while tweeting and writing PowerPoint slides) would have been more effective? Well, I suppose if CHD couldn't get it done, we're all hopeless.

Nonetheless the one remedy that the US needs (because Canada won't do anything until the US does), is legal avenues to strike down and punish all these actions.

Yet that's the thing that has been slow rolled to the point where a BC Class Action suit and vaccine mandates for health workers might see certification and a trial date before many suits in the US even gets processed (in the most litigation-friendly nation in the world...).

We're 5 years into this now. So whatever these heroes are, they're certainly not helping as much as they should. If they don't want to bring their own lawsuits, what about John Beaudoin Sr's lawsuits? Do we see them promoting it everywhere? Or his bill? What are they most busy doing on a daily basis? 🤔

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Did RFK refer to them as Vaccines? They never were, fyi, they were EUA Medical Counter Measures. Did RFK mention that in his book in 2021 (The Real AF)? No He repeated a Big LIE (Pandemic) like 50k times. RFK was likely SELECTED to be the people's hero who fights Big Biz that Pollutes, and Big Pharma that has Regulatory Capture and injections that hurt people. As SH says below, Supposed Good Guy vs Bad Guy soap opera. And JFC one doesn't even need to mention he comes from a political family (kennedys).

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Bob's busy in the barn mixin' up the medicine...gonna git that Nobel by hook or by crook, I tell ya. Formula, baby...it's all 'bout the right formula, baby. Y'all are gonna be eatin' his dust or else surfin' his Finagalin's wake all the way to Oslo once The Wellness Company get the exclusive rights to market HydroxyChlorEquine. Tellin' ya, Jim...He'll be so famous Jill'll have to change her name to Joyce. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxjIBEZvx0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7DbzJI2SUM https://www.britannica.com/topic/Humphrey-Chimpden-Earwicker

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I remember when I was hanging out in bars. At some point, I said, "fuck it", and I started hanging out a strip clubs do I could seee titties flapping about with insanely overpriced Miller Light.

I knew it was..................... overblown................way out of proportion, I told myself.

It actually took my 1.8-2 years before I could say to myself, "No, actually it's fake."

Titties in your face means it's fake. OK? If you were wondering. It's just fake. It might seem real, you might say to yourself, "It's in the nursing homes" but actually it just means it's fake.

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