
"This is well described in the literature."


::raises hand slowly::

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

And Art.

Different Bosch, sounds the same!


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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

The Netherlands. The nether lands. Nether world means "world of the dead."

After reading yesterday (Conspiracy Sarah) about legal infanticide in the the Netherlands and Downs syndrome individuals being euthanized, etc. it made me reflect on the name of that country and now this stuff with Bosch. Wow, very dark.

I always thought of the Dutch as common sense people (in general) but now there's this dark side. Very dark.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Constant screens and constant allopathic medicine have done away with common sense (and much beauty) around the world, I think. Where ever those two are most prevalent.

Or is it mainly the loss of enough humility to be able to pray?

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Raises hand…and…points!


I’ll be here all night, folks.

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Being awake is so fucking surreal.

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Like wandering in a field of zombies.

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Not "like": "IS"...

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

"Surreal"....perfectly stated.

Like being in a 'Twilight Zone' episode, but there's no commercial break.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Yes 👏

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You have a talent for understatement.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana


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It does matter though. Despite the Bohemian Rhapsodic vibes, it does matter.

This has always been the unintended consequence of no longer viewing other humans with respect and dignity. We can become ginea pigs, and the world a lab.

This has been the issue with viewing others as "a global collective problem of population." As if we are a problem to be solved. The true problem here is these people that believe they have been given sanctions to determine the fate of a species.

If anyone truly believes that depopulation must be the answer, then they must be willing to remove themselves from the equation. You can't have it both ways. Everyone that views population as a problem I guarantee you doesn't stop at all to make a determination that they should be the curve that needs to be flattened.

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Population is a problem. The world does not need a billion Indians, a billion Chinese, or a billion Africans. Gott im Himmel give thanks for the mRNA vaxxxxxxxx.

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Go get the gun, point it at your head. Save the World.

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It's a necessary bottleneck, a filter. This is how we do natural selection in a postmodern age.

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Help the bottleneck out. Do it right now.

Will you do it?

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I passed this test, and protected my family. I'm ready for others.

I'm prepared to do the needful.

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Wait...you popped out kids.

You selfish louse.

That was very selfish of you!

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Be the change.

Do it today.

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This is a religious view. It’s not an objective truth.

Nothing is limiting the ability of the planet to easily permit 8 billion people to have honourable lives.

It’s psychopaths involving themselves in others existences alone that created the “problem”.

We’ve had over half a century of lying about “overpopulation” in the modern era.

It’s not a new preoccupation, either.

Malthus was wrong.

The birth rate had fallen as expected such that very few countries were experiencing sufficient births to even maintain their populations. Only a handful of African countries have growth in their demographic forecasts.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Years ago, a very smart Sage I knew said "brains will be broken before this is over."

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"This deal will break everybody before it's over."


2024 is when I really began to see it heeebbbeeennninnng.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Ok..serious? or are you GVBing? You saw it from the get go methinks.

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This year is when I realized that the bargaining Purple Pills just say, fuck it, this is too hard.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Send in the Clowns 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Um, Infectious Clowns or Sterile (replication incompetent) Clowns? Would you like the cytokine sauce on the clowns or on the side as a dipping sauce for the fries that come with the clowns. If you're low-carb, you can upgrade fries to onion rings. :-)

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Given those choices, Sterile Clowns with cytokine sauce on the side. Eunuch Clowns would be the best practical choice, eliminating a host of foreseeable adverse events. Sweet potato fries would be a nice side option instead.

I have now thoroughly lost my appetite 🤮🤮🤮🤮

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I'd offer the low-cal Eunichs Clowns...very resistant to viral infection...but a dev team from the local MMORPG studio completely wiped us out during the lunch rush today. Get Sterile Clowns w/cyto and I'll comp you on sweet potato fries. I'd throw in a free sweet potato pie for dessert, but the Nation of Islam meeting place wiped us out on those for some big shindig they're having tonight. Bought up all the cordero & cabrito, too. Thanks for choosing HALal 9000.

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Imagine a child´s birthday party, where there are five clowns and one child.

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This is depressing imagery, so of course I laughed.

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Guilty here, too! 😏

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Coulrophobia!!! OMG!!!

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This Gert guy just makes it up as he's going along, pulling it all directly out of his arse.

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I used to be a staunch GVB proponent. And then about 7-mos ago I had a debate about the above 👆. About him warning that the UNVACCINATED were at danger from the variants, blah, blah blah.

Because I was watching closely as I was UNVACCINATED.

And thinking shit...I'm in trouble.

And so I remembered what he had said.


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So basically, he was wanting people to get vaccinated to "protect" themselves from the vaccinated;-)

And now that the cat is out of the bag that the vaccines ONLY make you sick with covid and just about everything ELSE, he says the unvaccinated are going to be fine. The guy is just floating around back and forth with his finger to the wind, long after it's already changed.

I would die (or kill someone else) before taking that jab.

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It's weird. He was def. saying the opposite, but then he would double speak it with BUT IT'S TRUE THE VACCINATED CARRY LESS VIRAL LOAD.

And then her would blah blah blah forever and ...

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Science is complicated and is only understood by the highly intelligent 'scientists' among us.

We must bow down with the utmost respect.

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Trust me. I used to live there.... my daddy was an auditor with nato and we lived there in a Belgian house with Belgian neighbors

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

My inlaws lived in northern France and we would cross the border into Belgium often.

On outward appearance,s, Belgium is a very twee country but a center for child trafficiking:


Couldn't revisit the sordid details in this Wikipedia entry, but it looks like Wiki scrubbed the part that this just wasn't about him.....Dutroux was delivering these poor souls to the deletes.....the French press covered this fact.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

How bizarre! Back when I watched him on the Highwire it was all about the vaxed -and still is. Had no clue he had flipped the page there in between. Good grief ! MKMindBosche

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Johnny Carson had a gag/routine about how the judges determined how much alimony he had to pay based on tossing darts at a dartboard. GVB might be doing the finger-in-the-wind method you describe, but if he's really believing all the virus propaganda, maybe he's worried about catching cooties on his finger and is resulting to other truth-seeking tech, like a two-headed coin or a Magic 8-Ball (toy)?

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Just reread your comment. It made me laugh AGAIN, this time a good belly laugh. THANK YOU! So TRUE, which is what makes it so funny.

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Te he.

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Pluto tv sometimes has old Johnny Carson Shows... but I believe it is just a small collection bc I have seen all of them now lol

GVB, I do not understand him. Does he still keep up a blog?

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No idea whether GVB maintains a blog, but if he does, I wouldn't want to try to read it unless I was wearing a T-shirt that says, "I'm Fluent in Bullshit".

I was going to ask if any of the shows on Pluto tv had any of the old Tea Time Movie skits, but just checked on YouTube and found enough to take me back fifty years or so...as opposed to those scifi plots where the visitor from the future brings only depressing news about the dystopia-a-comin', reverse gear time travel can be refreshing, especially if one enjoyed Carol Wayne as the Matinee Lady. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCG1DDp-Tmw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twqa9AppfeE

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And those who recovered from a bad Covid infection are at risk, too, he says? He hopes groups, A B and C, among which those recovered from a bad Covid infection, will keep it at bay using antivirals? That means he is spooking also those unvaccinated who bumped into a toxic cloud.

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It doesn't matter because he is just making shit up.

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Here: "My sincere hope is that the prophylactic use of safe and effective antivirals by C-19 vaccinees who experienced symptomatic breakthrough infection following exposure to Omicron (descendants), individuals who recovered from severe C-19 disease after natural infection, or those vaccinated following symptomatic infection will prevent such a catastrophe."

He wants to scare everyone.

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Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Doom Porn.

And you need antivirals. Floated MANDATING IVERMECTIN AND HCQ.

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Exactly. It shows by the way he talks about it. Sounds like a typical con man.

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Man, he is a tough dude to figure out. I clipped so many of his videos when I first got here. He was kind of a rock star.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I don't know if his shell game geek speak is more compelling or he's just not as revolting but may haps in the end he's just another sort of Peter Hotez.

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He doesn't know what he's talking about.

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He is from Belgium.

Do you want me to tell you about Belgians?

I thought he was sane, but dunno. I guess he just went Belgian on us.

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He's not wafflin', he's just bein' Belgian? www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGEv5dC0lo4

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Yes! Let’s start with say, the early 90s, and maybe talk about the networks the royals were moving in? Let’s start with something light. 🤣

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Let me know when you reach the Marc Dutroux section of the syllabus.

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I think unvaxxed and chronically ill people who have gotten sick with covid a few times will be in trouble...it's not all or nothing....never is

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Covid is the disease of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Syndrome is a collection of symptoms.

Once named, the symptoms grow to include anything. Lumped in.

Once "diagnosed" with background signal amplification of pre-existing strands of proteins with bad tests, now we can really just make shit up.

Nobody is "vaccinated" by the way.




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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Nope they are injected

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With any mRNA shot, they are transfected. "Injected" with the other type vaccines.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

My vaxx family are a mess 💔

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By the way....no one is vaccinated

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

My family are still believers. They'll take this new series because TV will tell them to:



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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias, two terms I never knew until 2020

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Or listen to Peter NcNutty et Al & let’s all inject ourselves with a different rna to fix it

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these are the two who red-pilled me. GVB and Dr. siRNA.

This was not on my bingo card.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

lol. I don’t feel so bad 🤣🤣

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😅 I mean...it's like watching a movie and at the end your protagonist was in on it.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

It’s like finding out that the hamster you brought home from the pet store is a rat.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

That tail….was NOT there when they rang him though….¿

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::GVB staggers in from the wilderness for the 17th time:: WEEE’RE ALL GOING TO DIEEee ::collapses::

::everyone else:: Yes and?

::looks at each other:: OK who let him back out there this time?

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Exactly Dr Flurm!

GVB, July 3rd 2022, "Within weeks....massive death.....end of the Whirled, Goodbye World........you too Might Die (maybe), distraught hand wringing........Big Long Science.....Triple Death......(but probably NOT me, GVB, NotGonnaDie...)

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I always liked that movie 12 Monkeys. The hidden subtext of it was that the scientists deliberately released the horrific virus so they could have total power in the post-viral apocalypse society [the 'insurance' lady on the airplane in the last scene.]

Turns out that they don't even need a virus. It's pretty much like Europeans using their almanac to predict an eclipse to the native Americans and thereby ascending to godhood, at least for a while. As long as the scientific knowledge is sufficiently cryptic to be beyond easy criticism and the public facing narrative about it is sufficiently monolithic, they can lead people like sheep wherever they want them to go.

Like for instance a few years ago I read about how FBI hair analysis was completely fake. It had been used for years to prove this or that by expert witnesses in court, but it was 100% fake. There wasn't any way to tell whose hair belonged to whom. I wonder how many of our other beliefs are like this. We like to imagine that we are so much more advanced than some ancient people following the proclamations of their priest caste, but are we?

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I’m hopelessly behind.

Did the tsunami hit?

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No, it didn't.

We are fine until the next apocalypse mania with the scheduled heat wave of July, right after the elections in the UK and in France.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I’ll keep my water wings on for two more weeks. Just in case.

While I get over Dengue Fever. Which doesn’t exist. But I actually have. Somehow. On a coyote ranch in Indiana. Oh and my wife had a series of strokes Father’s Day weekend. Had every work up known to medicine. No source was found. I guess it’s just a fuckin fluke? No perm neuro damage, but…it’s more than a little spooky.

It’s been one fuck of a year.

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Very sad that happened to you guys.

Give it a read to the Turpentine protocol:


Also, this podcast interview:


Doctor Jennifer is very “ethnic,” so a few people will dismiss her words because of that alone.

My own conjecture: the element carbon itself a reparative substance, since we are mostly carbon anyway. Turpentine is mostly carbon.

It definitely removes gunk from paint brushes and tools and whatnot. Maybe people also have gunk accumulated over time. It’s very safe, probably safer than any modern medicine.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I think turpentine was an early kid dewormer back in the day when the science of the time thought deworming kids was a wise thing.

I don’t know what to think. I tested positive Tuesday and a CDC US wide warning for Dengue goes up on the news sites yesterday. The test isn’t PCR, for those interested. It’s an antibody protein thing.

I’m mostly ‘post symptomatic’ now. Just tired. The actual symptoms aren’t much different than…well…flu…at first. Fever, impossible to hydrate, massive headache. Then nausea. Then bloody diarrhea, which isn’t flu like at all and isn’t capable to life in a yeti on blood thinners. That’s when I sought medical attention.

The curious part is when I read about Dengue and note the 4 strains and the ADE angle. Trying to make sense of it.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry to read about your & CCat's troubles. We were in Costa Rica from 2009 thru 2018. Dengue is a big concern down there. Never was closer than a couple handshakes from knowing someone who had it, but it was a big topic of conversation during the rainy season. The popular belief was that your odds of managing the first episode were fairly high, but that any subsequent infection made you susceptible to more serious problems, from which you were less likely to emerge unscathed. I don't recall anyone using ADE terminology as an explanation, but there was definitely a generalized belief that the 2nd time would be even less charming than the first go-round. Get better at whatever pace makes sense to you...I'm not going to the Moon-Lite BBQ by myself, dammit...although I might order a tub of burgoo or two by mail, pending a date when we can descend on the joint and lay waste to their buffet and ourselves. :-)

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Father in law just dropped off 2 lbs of burnt ends. Heaven.

My concern about the stuff I read about dengue is that it does say your first dance with her is pretty light. Well. This was a slam dance. So? I’m thinking I might not have been dengue naive. Now, I’ve spent plenty of time running through the Everglades camping, canoeing and chasing skunk apes. I’ve been to Jamaica a few times.

Outside of that and Florida…I can’t think where I’d have contacted skeeters that have it. We have nasty skeeters here in Indiana. Ones that eat ya in the day and others at night. And skeeters love my flavor of coolant. CDC site says NOTHING about how these types are getting this far north…but I can guess.

What I couldn’t tell was the relationship between the infection, the vaccine for dengue and the ADE. Where do I fall in that mess…being possibly twice bitten and unvaxxed for it?

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Ouch! So sorry!

Turpentine acts as a blood thinner. At least, I can confirm that on shallow wounds or scratches on the skin, it prevents coagulation and keeps the blood moving for a bit. Then, as it evaporates, the wound seals as it should.

So, if you are on blood thinners drugs, the doctors will tell you "definitely not turpentine!!! you crazy or wut!!!"

I think I heard this Dr. Daniels on a podcast saying patients can substitute their regular drugs with turpentine, but they have to taper off over time, not all of a sudden.

I think Daniels would suggest reparative food for connective tissue, which is why you were bleeding like Stephen King's Carrie in her prom. Connective tissue: chicken feet, cow feet, pig feet, the clean small intestine of a lamb (without the Chianti, let's be serious), and a few other parts of animals which are rich in gelatin and the aminoacids proline and glycine.

Now, here's the curious part about Daniels: she was a vegetarian until 2012 or so. She realized she was sick and debilitated because of her ideology of not eating meat. Malnutrition. She overcame the ideology because she wanted to live. She ate, and she recovered quickly. Had she been rich, doctor would have run all sorts of tests on her before 2012, and a weird diagnosis she would have received, as all rich people do, and she would have been enrolled in experimental drug studies (very compassionate measure!) and she would be dead.

No regular MD before 2015 would have ever said to a rich patient or middle-class patient with weird symptoms: eat egg yolks, eat meat, eat connective tissue, eat salt, for you are malnourished, stop that stupid veganism if you want to live.

But Internet changed that. Now, almost all doctors speak about nutrition and how corrupt is their field.

You need reparations, Yeti! Like everyone else in the Covid Plantation!

I guess the wife can also benefit from detox and nourishing. But this idea probably goes against her education. That's a bit of a problem.

Ideology is how they get us.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

It actually doesn’t go against her education at all. Matter of fact, that is the last step now. She has identified a MD that specializes in anti inflammatory diet. Nutrition and semi homeopathic. She found out about him through her patients and she’s now getting a consult.

It won’t be easy. She lives on coffee and chocolate. She loves sugar and has managed to run on it for a long time with few issues, but this has got her attention now…so she will be fine. If I can quit sugar and empty shit carbs she can.

As far as my blood thinners? I’m off them now because of this. The cardiologist had planned to take me off all cardio and cardio related drugs because my AFIB issues have completely resolved.

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A Gates GMO skeeter? They made some big releases a year or so ago. Betcha it’s turned into a silent ongoing program.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sententia my assetur. Geertspeaks with forked tongue as he gene edits and splices random nonsense to create a replication clone.

these things could make it all better

1. ‘prophylactic use of (safe and effective-haha) antivirals by C-19 vaccinees’

For folks who ‘experienced symptomatic breakthrough infection’ following exposure to Omicron …….

what??? Using antivirals prophylactically means taking it to prevent getting sick, but didn’t you just say the people who got sick should take antivirals prophylactically? Is that even possible? to prevent getting sick after you are already sick?

But I digress; My head spins; Highly vaccinated populations are doomed

those who are healthy and unvaccinated will not be affected.

2. individuals who recovered from severe C-19 disease after natural infection, or

3. OR those vaccinated following symptomatic infection…….huh? …..”will prevent such a catastrophe”

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Did you see his Woeisme post today?

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The rest of his life, after making all that money with that characteristic contorted gnarled claw of a STEM neurodivergent brain...the rest of his life as he has to wrestle with what he thought he knew.

Gotta be rough.

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I wouldn't write off GvB quite so quickly... Faltering immune response due to jib,JAB,JAb,JAB,jab,jab,jab... JAB... hasn't panned out to it's fullest... There's Deagal to consider. It might not be nukes.

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He seems too neurodivergent to be in on the OP, but then again he did have a Duper's Delight smirk when discussing with Rodeo Clown Kirsch the "30-40%" of HIGHLY VACCINATED NATIONS who may....DIE!

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I live in SW France, we don't trust Belgians fully, ever... Nor Parisians, nor anybody living north of Orleans as they are Germans or cunts... or both... And you spelled DEI wrong... Xx

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Is Belgium like The Netherlands?


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More paedos...

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

You have such a wicked sense of humor and I am here for it, haha. I know exactly what you mean by that smirk during that interview~~I found that so...jarring. And now seeing how the people who defend him are acting (they really, really want the vaxxed to all die) I am grateful to read your posts from another perspective. I just listened to an interview last night of Dr. Shankara Chetty (with Dr. McMillan) and I tend to agree with him that this is a serious bio-weapon and no one is safe. It seems to be a very careful and deliberate cull with certain genetic targets. I hope that is not the case, but something really odd and unnatural is happening to folks. I don't think it will be a mass die-off as Geert predicts, but more of a slow, debilitating roll.

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Seems like that is what is happening

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

When I was originally trying to express my concerns about how insane and weird the "vax" was in 2021 I frantically sourced as much information as I could - which at the time was guys like Geert Bossche and Bob Malone and what not - to refer to friends and family. Sometimes I think the purpose of these guys making ridiculous prognostications and flip-flopping all over is to destroy their own credibility and by extension anyone who referred to them to justify their own concerns about the "COVID/jabs/etc".

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We were supposed to find Geert and Malone.

We were supposed to end up on Substack.

They led us all to see what we were supposed to see.

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The other day someone posted a picture of an actual Nigerian Prince sitting on trillions worth of US Dollars bills, with a decomposed face. He said "I've been trying to get rid of this for decades now by contacting people via email, but no one wants the money! It's incredible!"

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

The total information dominance that nevertheless was unable to stop a few "dissident voices" from "slipping through the censorship cracks" ... 🤦

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The speed with which the Minders descended upon me here was astonishing.

Once I started busting out posts in early 2022.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sage Hana, you mentioned NYC in Geert's post and I have always been so curious as to what actually happened there. My good friend had a very good friend (a prison counselor) who during that time suddenly felt like his "lungs were on fire" and he stopped answering her phone calls and she actually had his apartment door busted down by the police for a welfare check (he was staying at his ex-wife's place and was very sick, but was told to not come to the hospital. He's fine now). Because of that experience I could never convince her that Covid wasn't was they were telling us and of course she was frightened into having the jabs. Has anyone got a clue as to what was going on with all the sick people in NYC? And also that choir near Seattle, WA? The ones who kind of started the whole fear thing?

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This is the question.

I think that multiple vectors were deployed on NYC including aerosolized spray in either selected subways and/or radiation poisoning or Infectious Clones (virus) drop (and JJ Couey says that RNA can't pandemic....but it can make the first round very sick.)

The govt. has done this before.



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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

The "lungs on fire" does sound like it was some kind of aerosolized spray that was deployed. I saved a screenshot of a tweet from a woman named Caroline Orr (she was big on Twitter during Russiagate for the left) that said she was told by Gov. Cuomo (from scientists) that the strain that came to NYC from Europe was much more virulent than the strain that came from China to the West coast. Doesn't that sound odd? At the time I wondered why that would be (because Italy had a hard time, too, so I guess I believed it for a while). P.S. The tweet was from May of 2020.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you, I will have a read. Nothing adds up and never has in my mind.

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The thing that I come back to again and again:

The "virus" didn't spread and murder the world like it did in NYC for eleven weeks.

Same pathogen should have. The ACM dropped to baseline and never came back up...until the shots.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I am here in Southern IL and I still don't know a single person in my circle who has died "from Covid" nor was even hospitalized with it. However, I do have many friends and classmates who have dropped dead for no apparent reason. And now it seems a lot of the vulnerable are developing "Parainfluenza 3" (one of my friends is currently hospitalized with it). It's a virus that doesn't have a shot to "prevent' it, coincidentally. But at least it's not Covid! *sarcasm*

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Add in factory loads of malnourished Chinese working in the northern Italian leather factories... plus the Chinse continued to fly into the west coast of the US throughout the travel restrictions. "Since Chinese officials disclosed the outbreak of a mysterious pneumonialike illness to international health officials on New Year’s Eve, at least 430,000 people have arrived in the United States on direct flights from China, including nearly 40,000 in the two months after President Trump imposed restrictions on such travel, according to an analysis of data collected in both countries." We were the restricted ones...not the Chinese. Flexing the cage... we never caught on in any significant way. Trump knew...

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From the nocebo angle, the question is: did the people who report having had something unusual and very bad ("lungs on fire") heard the terror campaign BEFORE they experienced that? Can they rememeber after four years?

The radiation and 5g and other ideas sound more likely if it happened before Mid-January 2020, because that's when the spies were deployed in the podcast-sphere to begin to scandalize the public with unsual pneumonia symptoms from Chaaayna.

The terror campaign en masse started in March, but early adopters got terrorized through podcasts in January and February.

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I knew a woman who was in NY holidays 2019. She got sick in a way she'd never gotten before, very sick, lasted very long. She thought she got it on the subway. But said it couldn't have been "covid" bc too early. Curious. Likely she later got the vaccines, IDK since we've lost touch.

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YES. SAME other places, Bozeman MT (Motel Row) two weeks, Washington State (near University Med Labs), Also fall and winter of 2019 Europe and LA.

Briefly, poisoning somehow.

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