Wow. Just wow. Hugs. ❤️

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::Agent Bender::checks notes...




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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Speaking of Satan, I wanted to send this last night, but by then, not only was the "like" not working for me (or for anyone? I guess), but there were no "reply" buttons.

Sending a deep dive on these connections.......whooooa baby.

Not exactly unrelated to Day Tapes, I don't think.

Please excuse the ridiculously long link.


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That is a very intimidating hyperlink.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

And it all makes sense now.... a person who's worked at Chatham House for decades, has always said they are poor. This person has, for all this time, asked relatives for money.

I learned from this post that Chatham House is a CHARITY


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Satan's Purse

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

The little people - the "lesser" - bled fucking dry.

Desiccated livers fatty livers - dead.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Satan is nothing, if not intimidating....

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May 20·edited May 21Liked by Sage Hana

😂 (it was the very intimidating hyperlink that was funny)

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Brave Sasha condemned me to a life of internal hell for not bringing Jesus into my life and then blocked me.

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It's not the first time you confused Jesus with the Tooth Fairy, friend. Tsk tsk.

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Lemme help: do you see that interrogation sign?

In that link it is located between the word 'private' and the characters "utm_source="

You can delete all the weird stuff after the interrogation sign and it still works:


---cut here--- ?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=1181838&post_id=144662373&utm_campaign=1987912&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozODY0NDkzMSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ0NjYyMzczLCJpYXQiOjE3MTYxMzAyNTEsImV4cCI6MTcxODcyMjI1MSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTExODE4MzgiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.UB2x0Kv5D37WvOkXy4hoIhXlv_M5Ryd-8oy7ZHkdGMA&r=n0amb&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email


Explanation: the interrogation sign is used to mark the beginning of a vector of variables and values that is passed to the server through the url string. System engineers call those variables "GET" variables of the HTTP protocol. In contrast, invisible variables are passed through the "POST" method, and normally the users do not see that.

Substack is programmed in such a way to "abuse" the GET method and avoid other means of software communication, for whatever reason.

Conveniently, the "token" variable is base64-encoded (an ASCII based method to pass textual and binary data in a gibberish appearance, security-throug-obscurity kind of deal); the first part of the value translates to a json hash including your user_id (public) the post_id number (public) and some dates and stuff. The rest of the info is binary, and who knows what it does, I'm basically retarded lmao

As a general rule, one can shorten urls by removing the variable section.

But, sometimes, the links break: some variable is needed and cannot be eliminated for shortened sharing purposes.

[There used to be a time, way way back in the day golden days of 1997, when the ancient "hotmail" included login and password right there in the url, which was extremely exploitable to abuse users of public networks.]

Or, you can use url shortener websites, like tinyurl.

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Thank you Argent R., good to know.

Have never used anything other than Linux but am still a cheechako.

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Haz lively boutique Stack.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

new products in the works, heaven sent. that's how this all works

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“Science does not remove the terror of The Gods!”

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What was he waiting for you to say

"Oh wait, you're paying my stack, in that case, I take it back I take it all back!"

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

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"I will smite theee with a smackdown."

XMen 3:13

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“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” a phrase that works in any Civil War!

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And what's that about foxholes....?

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My wife used it on me; I turned and ran. That phrase can be deadly in the wrong hands

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I can tell when Satan whispers in my ear because he's got a lisp like a snake. If you want a sample of what Satan sounds like, listen to the Pope talk.

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We may as well fully DETONATE THE STACK!


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Jesuit oldtimer. Great longevity, as long as they stick to the script. Maybe the kerosene the Rockies put in their coffee each morning is the true elixir of eternal youth or somethin'.

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Is this the guy?

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That the guy!

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Is a Jesuit like a Turbo Catholic?

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They are an ecclesiastical caste of murder priests. I was just joking about the Pope. I didn't know we were going to blow up the stack like the Pope blows up his throne room after his second espresso.

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I think they are anti-catholic, because they do not talk so much about God's love for his creation, but about politics.

In the beginning, 500 years ago or so, the Jesuits were the OG NLP masters of deception and infiltration. Anything to expand the glory of God, or their version of that. Anything means anything. They would make any argument about any topic. One Jesuit was the first one to argue it was morally just to kill rulers if they acted against God (for instance, when the King or Count would steal money from the peasants.) Then other Jesuits made different arguments because they did not want to end up in prison. Another Jesuit is credited with having invented "international law" in an early attempt to make wars less frequent, which of course only made wars worse.

They sought genius kids and enslaved them with repetitions and fantasies of exciting adventures (just like maaany science fiction novels describe; not a coincidence.)

When the kids got older and realized it was not right they would try to leave, and many would get whacked.

First rule is we don't talk about the fight club.

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Why are you Argent now?

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana


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No worries! I don’t really like liver

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Woof. Me neither.

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Dr. Flurm Liverbean

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana


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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

My doc suggested I change it to Mozart - Morgart gets chopped up everywhere - wait - chopped livermozart

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Liverbean oil scares away the varmints!

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Dr. Flurm Eisenliver

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Eat your Eigenliver to stay properly diagonalized

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I've never really believed the concept that liver is so healthy for you. Isn't that where all the poisons are detoxified? What if you harvest the liver before it was done?

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

pharma grade liver.

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Synthetic Livermectin

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana


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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Speaking against a person whom one has never met in person is weird.

Online, one can only react to dead dots on the screen. These dots are patterned to resemble letters, words and sentences, but they can never reflect thoughts.

Thus, whenever the typing person puts his/her emotions into a post or comment or reply, he/she is always reacting to his/her own mind reacting to these dead dots.

Computer screen is a magical mirror for the mind.

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I like tacos.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Tacos are natural anti-spike body fat supplements, recommended :-)

By the way… we are told that work on the spike took some 20 years, $?? bn and international scientists. Is their work really so sloppy that three common natural supplements can disable this marvel toxin?

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*Spike* is meeeebbeeeeeee an Op.

Sounds like a weapon.

The SPIKE protein.

We are being led down a road.

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A medeval weapon called a "flail". They probably used a focus group to test it.

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Sage Seasoned Bison Liver Tacos from TWC...what kind of sauce would you use? I know you hate Notes but the Sky Fairy blesses you this week:


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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Aah, people make God into how they want. Everyone has their own conception of God. Even if they deny God's existence they have to know what they're denying. If God exists, it's beyond anything any of us can conjure up, so I don't let it bother me and take it all with a grain of salt. I personally think God is like a scientist and we live in an ant farm. He cares about us, but in the way you wouldn't want all your ants to die, unless they deserved it. Then you would pick out the best and flood the rest.

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"unless they deserved it."


☝️ There lies the anthropomorphism of the Concept.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah it was sarcasm, referencing Noah's flood. 😁

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Good one!

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May 20·edited May 20

Don't stir up shit in my ant farm, Sage. 😂

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I would never stir up shit.


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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

You know not what you do... Gotta go yell at people.. Later!

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The truth is that we all deserve it. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Each one of us has rebelled against a holy God and deserve eternal separation from Him. I know that it is a hard concept to grasp because many of us think that we’re good people because we’re not as bad as others. We use ourselves as the standard. However, God is just and must deal with sin. But God is also loving and merciful, so He made a way for that sin to be punished and for us to be absolved from it through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All we have to is accept the free offer of salvation in Christ. We can take it or leave it. For those who leave it, God doesn’t force Himself upon them and gives them what they want—eternal separation from Him.

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Right. Written by man.

"We all bundle."

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The natural man doesn’t understand the things of God. Revelation is a gift. Thank you for your comment.

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God the Scientist/Engineer (skip to 4:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfoIHoxDsgA

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“Why do they all come to eat my liver?”

Pass the fava beans

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

So... I will beg an indulgence. (ha... you see what I did there?)

I wasn't sure where to put this comment, but I think this post/comments section may be ideal. And I would *really* love to apply to collective brainpower of this group of readers to a conundrum I stumbled across yesterday. Okay... here it goes:

I'm sure many of you are familiar with The Ethical Skeptic. If not, please go read his blog. It's fascinating.

His latest article is incredibly unsettling (to me). And I couldn't help but think about what it would mean for how we interpret all the PsyOppery going on around us (and whether any of that matters at all anymore). For once, it seems like it goes to a curtain that's behind the Day Tapes curtain. (!! my head just exploded) And WE'RE ASKING THE WRONG QUESTIONS (again, dammit!).

Why bother culling zee humans if the Great Reset is an unavoidable (and about to hit in 15yrs-ish) planet-wide cataclysm that all the Earth's signs and portents seem to indicate? Seems like the Great Sky Fairy has the culling already baked into the grand design, no? Why would there need to be any Monster on Earth or cabal of evil to do the dirty work a decade or two prior?

What if the Great Reset is truly a means to degrade humanity's technological advances to keep us perpetually ensconced in our global petri dish/cage? 12,000 years seems not very long when you push the RESET button and wipe the collective memory files of homo sapiens. And our geological record shows us this has happened MANY times over already. WTF. Talk about smackdown.

I don't get it. I don't get anything. Why would the Monster need/desire to do any of this as the clock is running out? We don't need a bioweapon when sloshing oceans do the job in a day.

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May 21Liked by Sage Hana

Sage you are fighting the good fight against the evil amongst us so in my book you ain’t having no smite shite or smack downs from any “higher being” apart from false prophets who can take a running jump as far as their little demon legs can take them 😀

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I think if they made liver fajitas at Taco Bell, they would be a top seller. Would pair nicely with Mountain DEW Alpine Sky Blue. OMG u haz detinated zee stacks! LMAO

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Damn...I haz not had zeee Bell in a while.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I can tell you the exact date and time actually.

April 24 @9:02 pm. (Adjust for proper time zone.)

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My grandpa and I used to joke around about the idea of "liver tacos" when I was a kid.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Well then, he better start smacking the hell out of the government.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

This is great! 😂

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About Jews.

I would like that people realize, at some point in the course of events, that they are being hit with a PsYoP clusterfuckery, always afoot.

When one detects known liars repeating similar bullshit crafted by NLP magicians, it's time to start questioning those towers that birth holograms of planes.

What if Jews do not exist?

There are two views on this:

1) Saint Paul writes that there is no distinction of people in God. Salvation is both for the Jew and the Greek (gentiles, everyone)

2) The people commonly known as Jews are just a weird breed of bellicose Europeans with a few Asian demi-mongols splitters. They don't share enough genes with Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, according to their own genetic research.

So, in these postmodern times, not only Slavery is Freedom and Up is Down and Paper is Silver and the viruses are not gonna virus, we also have that Jews are not Jews.

Interesting turn of events.

Has a real race even been isolated and purified?


By the way: did a "Jewish" producer rape a 19-yo John Lennon using LSD or something? Did that happen? What do the Sage of the Quay opine on that rumor?

It's funny: when some individuals are revealed as violent criminals or swindlers, then they stop being called "Jewish." That would be good- jacketing of bad people, we cannot have that.

So absurd.

Who is a Jew, asked Rabbi Jacob Shapiro: Only those who observe Judaism, which is a religion that denies Christ, Mohamed, Buddha and Marx and Engels. But who is Jewish? Only people who like to play with fire.

In general, it's so fucking stupid to attribute any action, of merit or demerit, to a stupid category invented by the Therapeutic State.

And the pseudoconcept of ethno-state is as corrupt and irrational as it sounds. Commies are gonna commie, that's the problem.

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Great piece

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It’s rich in iron. Bioavailability.

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Whoever Xmen is they look like they have a problem with you Sage, but you took the highroad.

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Xmen and I go way back with our differing concepts of the Sky Fairy.


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I have no issue with Sage.

It's he, that has an issue with me and my belief in GOD.

Sage does not like GOD and he does not care for those that are open about GOD in their belief of His power .

Either he does not believe or he is angry at GOD.

That's fine.

But to mock GOD openly and those that attest to their faith in GOD is really unprofessional.

All he has to say is " to each their own way and I do not hold faith in a GOD that allows suffering", and all would be good.

Sage taking the high road??


Take a look at the profanity laced responses just today in the link he provided.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Thou hast been found guilty of WrongThink.

Let the smackdown commence!

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Think of it as an insurance policy. Or preparedness.

Free beach towel, flip flops and Wellness Kits, while supplies last.

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That is sort of another version of the Concept.

1. Santa\/Be Good! And you get the "Protection" goodies

2. Insurance broker

3. Enforcer/Drill Sergeant

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana


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I do too like GOD!

Just not your SMACKDOWN version.

Everybody haz their own version with their own rules and stuff.

(It's now "unprofessional" to discuss the nature of God, i.e. disagree with a Thought Fascist)

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God just told me in a vision that you are getting a smiting.

I hope that you survive it, Oh Holy Person.

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May 20·edited May 20

You mock GOD and all that believe in Him and attest to Him.

Belief has shown us that entire populations were removed from existence for their mocking GOD and His message.

So you don't have to agree, but to mock those that do is low and dirty.

I don't lie.

Put the link up from the earlier post and let everyone else see who's being truthful here.

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(God forgives you.)

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it's already in the comments, but here you go.



This is more of your platitude bullshit and you of course speak for GOD.

Blasphemy! (God forgives you,)

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Well Im a Roman Catholic and I believe in God and I go to church, I hope that doesn't offend anyone.

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We had a Catholic guy here who would lose his shit and go off on people.

Religion gets people very aggressive very fast

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Not me, maybe he was a fake Catholic. I don't care what anyone else does I just know what I do and that is to praise God.

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The "No True Scotsman" was exactly his go to when you would ask about anything, say...Catholic Church pedophilia cover up.

"No True Scotsman" is a taxonomy trick to preserve a paradigm.

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“a nod’s as guid as a wink tae a blind horse” sayeth the Scotsman!

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Every time I try to ask about people's faith it usually goes nowhere or somewhere ugly. The other day I asked a self proclaimed ultra orthodox Jew what he thought about Jesus. Crickets. I just wanted to know because I've never talked to such a Jew before. So I've heard there are different kinds of Catholics ever since Vatican ll and also offshoots like the Eastern Orthodox that basically believe the same things as Catholics but were declared schismatic a thousand years ago. Is this correct? What are the two different kinds of Catholics and which are you? Haha, only if you feel like discussing it. I promise not to get rude

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I’m Catholic and there’s a group of us that pray for the conversion of the pope. Honestly, the way some of the church leaders act it makes me think they don’t even believe in God. Death will bring some rude awakenings.

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You never know if your going to strike a nerve?

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You never know when you step outside the protection of the Concept.

Cuz...none shall be...never mind.

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You have to have faith to understand that comment as I said back in December.

You don't need to make it a war here.

You did not like the comment and I understand why when you showed those photos in the post.

It's your substack and you can do as you please.

I was not offended back then, but you were and still are.

Let it go and use your GOD given talent to write and expose.

Look at all the good you have done by shedding light on the hydra and they have shot back.

It means you are being successful! Keep going.....

We just disagree here and it's over.

I will still support you writing even though you don't like me.

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Also, I enjoy these discussions and find them fruitful because the World War 3 will be grounded in a lot of this dueling Sky Fairy Concepts.

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"You have to have faith"

is code for:

You have to believe what my youth pastor taught me.

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