Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

*Bonus Stacking*

Added a 1:38 clip from the below video of Bob addressing Pono Coalition for Informed.



Website appears to be down at least on my browser.


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Excuse me as I find my left eyeball after misreading “PONO Convention”

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We are going to find some people down there in HI who got rolled from a Psy Op standpoint, me thinks.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Scorpions are big on ritual humiliation, mind fuckery and torture (ex Gaza) especially innocent children. Wonder how many of those kids used in the Malone/ Blackrock promo were burned alive or turned into slaves and snackfood for the shiny ones.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

LOST is very easy to decode once you consider the writer is a smirking scorpion who is just retelling the same "scorpions and their sky fairy hoodwink the goy and murder everyone - the end" narrative over and over in endless variations of settings and genres and rake in millions getting paid by the victims (us) to do so.

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Is there Any Word on The missing children by now?!!! Has someone located them?!! Like people have said, in this world of surveillance, they're shpuld be Records of exactly who is missing from the school systems and who is enrolled in other schools or home schools!! Remains found at burn site?!! Make this a Priority, never stop demanding answers. Anyone know Anything?

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...until the ongoing DOD psy-op is Dee-Activated.....

Within the hive mind there is no capacity






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Which do the thinking

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Strategically "informed" consent.

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Pono Coalition: Helping others make informed decisions, but if they are all 'in' on the vaccine cult, is it more just the art of persuasion?

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"Pono Coalition for Informed Consent advocates for true informed consent before taking the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, before authorizing for another, or before administering."

We wouldn't want people just blindly taking this poison or distributing it. They should first be informed before they consent to being poisoned.

Thanks, Bob! Our hero!!!

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What the hell am I watching¿?

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If viewing the "northern lights" from Maui please look south towards MaMauna Kea

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Oh you mean a different assassin?

There was a multi-sourced identical tweet circulating yesterday: “Meet Ryan Wesley Routh, a democrat from North Carolina who moved to Maui to work with FEMA building shacks. “ …

Which I think got an island wrong, but the guy’s residence and maybe occupation there begs a question regarding connection to a certain episode of bad land management perhaps.





Mucho grande shitfuckorama as we say in Haiti. Or Venezuela. Or something.

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😂 I'm stealing that shitfuckorama for a meme!

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Friday's meme-orama cannot come quickly enough. Just be careful not to add an 'od' and make it shitfuckodorama, lest you get a C&D letter from John Waters' legal team. Which, on second thought, might be a cool thing to have...and use in a meme.

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😂 I already made the meme! And might as well collect C&D letters to go with all the kicked off FB and Twitter letters...

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Yeah, and what about those stories of Fema and red cross maybe (UN workers, whatever mafia) shooting people who swam to another part of the island to escape the smoke? Heard about mysterious personell killing people during the fire in lahaina too. Probably kidnapped children. Any word on this?

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Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse managed the initial clean up and removed 50 Gal blue drums of something.

They retained authority over reentry of citizens to own property somehow.

DOD plus ACE manage ongoing psychological operation.

Maui pressure cooker.

Everybody gone pau Hana

Or just POW.

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I guess that's 55 gal blue drums.... I'm tired

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I remember back to Hurricane Katrina where people were being shot as they tried to get to safety. Horrific stuff.

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Was that Blackwater ?

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I remember them being involved, but not sure if they were shooting. Quite likely, though. This was before I understood what I do now. I just thought it was terrible at the time, not that it was part of an ongoing psyop. It is so much worse than I knew. I was a sweet summer child.

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The operators I think approached from the sea while the "officers" who had just completed "homicide" training in kuku wailuku (@4:30 p.m. August 8th 2023).

The operators arriving from the water, from Lanai and Molokai is just my hunch since the psy-operators maintain the false narrative of "local" assistance/heros arriving from Lanai and Molokai with water and supplies (cause they knew the DOD,MPD,RED CROSS, SAMARITAN'S PURSE and MEMA/FEMA were going to be maintaining that unconstitutional road closure validated by the EP issued previous... While HECO contractors operated with impunity within the lockdown/lockout burn zone)

"End parentheses"

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He was a "roofer". Good cover fro FEMA.

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It's a theme. Operators from "the agency" and presumably elsewhere get into these particular gigs. Actually this theme hits me at a broader and older sense because hurricane Irma cleared path for simultaneous coordinated building spree in Florida. Lots of ... Virtually all of the new homes look like same floor plan and built by seabees (military construction).


Submarine with pod was seen departing day of or night before.

"Operators".... Word cluster with MMA, ADU construction, (affordable housing subsidized(ish) construction ---for veterans or homeless or whoever,...., really useful to portable prison infrastructure agenda) PPP's, and Alternative health.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Just take ticket:

See the world

Sell bullshit to marks

Get a fancy horse farm

Be given lines for consumption: 5G warfare; globalism bad, at least the dirty commies; free your mind with my lame memes

Whisper to horses in my spare time.

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Hi Sage.

Just a gut instinct here, but from the marginalized ground I stand on, there appears to be a push for a vague, two-tiered technocracy before it gets hammered into a more finely tuned hierarchy with Pharaoh god-kings at the top — first distinguish the plebs from the patricians. Or more extreme — slaves and masters, Eloi and Morlocks. That "Talk Story" stage play sure shows which side of the tracks those kids come from.


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Go over to Amy's latest board for a quick and dirty timeline.

These fucking Scorpions and their elaborate crafted plans. All heading to the Day Tapes revealed One World Order/Build Back Better/Central Command.

Every single development leads to less people and Surveilled Slaves.

They told you. The WEF told you.

And the marks just cannot pry themselves away from the Dortios and the Heroes.

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The N5 AI "sensors" were being installed by MPD SWAT

DOD partnered with MPD

FBI trained the CCP

BATF about to release the investigation report!!!!

Can't WAIT to see the DOD and the DOT go down!!


No duck yeah!!!!

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

The autism moms and antivaxxers are buying it hook line n sinker. Any mention about these guys being CO will get you banned.

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They have **earned** some compensation. Some little victory. Even if it's the fakest and most placating victory myth, that doesn't offend much the ruling class or the Strangelove class that caused the damage.

They cannot snatch defeat from the jawss of victory (i don't get that image at all) at the last stretch of the marathon.

They are bound by emotional necessity. Poor folks.

I think it's good to be careful about them, to not humiliate them, to not insult them, to not belittle them. Compassion is good. But it's impossible to talk about anything with any clarity by trying to be careful with the feelings of the victims.

The best path is to seek what is true. To Cut the Gordian Knot kind of thing. That is, for those whose business is to research and talk about these horrors.

Besides, diplomacy is hard, and is always a Machiavellian art that is guaranteed to blow back at some point in time, maybe fifty years into the future.

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We're getting there, as one by one SH knocks them down like bowling pins. Is there anybody left?

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Lots of dots...

BTW, I hadn't watched any of that Hawaii video before now, b/c well, gross. I found myself watching Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone watching her husband talking, and watching him extremely intently. I noticed her mouth moving slightly as he spoke. Just like I'd seen an intern do when a US Congress critter was speaking, and the Critter was lambasted - no, can't recall her name, but she's black with long hair - terrible, but that's all I recall. So... Was Mrs. Malone in on the session(s) where Mr. Malone was given his script and told to memorize it & recite it word for word??? What part exactly does SHE play in all of this???

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Here we have a history of this... It's been around for a while but the first time I noticed was in 2012 with a meditation group the leader of which had a partner (wife) who was always present and focused though in the background. Psychic teamwork from Å perspective, division of labor and managerial efficiency from Ånother.

Even the monks down at the temple when they do the two or three days chanting, one of the monks is present but silent.

The guru circus has all the teams vibe through Maui.... Like the mecca of hypnosis.... Errrr hypnotherapy.....errr therapy....errrr therapy reduction technology

(Not to be confused with the Thread Reduction Agency...

https://epigirl.substack.com/p/thread-reduction-agency/comments )

Kula is the tip of the spear for the DOD psy-op

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

that was definitely creepy. Well, the whole thing was.

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Malone. McCullough.

Liars. Frauds.

Shills for the pharmafia

Shills for allopathic medicine

Shills for the medical cartel

One will sue you

The other will lie to you for money

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A lot of people are just following incentive structures to shepherd "changes" through, me thinks.

They get big mad at the dwindling few who point out what is actually going on and explode the storytime narratives that they were given by their bosses to STFU and sell sell sell the Clear Coat of narrative.

Kind of amazing, but not nearly as "Mythical" as I once thought. It's just people going along.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana


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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana


Learn how to see and listen to what is actually being said and done, and what is not. Stop seeing and hearing what you want to witness.

It's easy when you accept being called cynical and pedantic. Both are labels I proudly wear.

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5D Monster Chess: "Black Pill" is the new "Blue Pill" and "Controlled Opposition" is the new "Discredited"


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Those shifty little Gnomes are loose with the truth.

Changes they minds, they does, and scurries off

on they tiny feet...and into the shrubberies.


Watch out tho!!

He'll be back!


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Intentional or not, thanks for the scurrying trip down Kliban Lane.

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Just now getting *Kliban*.

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They Tiny Feet


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As a Christmas gift, about 45 years ago my GF's BIL gave me a checkbook wallet that had the Kliban Mousies cartoon on it...had it and treasured it for a couple decades.

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Love Kliban!

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Yeah, first he said "We're not here to talk about vaccines", then he said "This is not about being anti-vaccine", on two different "talks". Setting the narrative, always. He should say, "We're not here to discuss my role in all this." That would be so much clearer lol. I really can't believe people listen to him anymore.

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I don’t trust ANY of these assholes.

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Malone can go suck a spiked pineapple.

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