just like Katherine Watt has been documenting - no matter which party was in the house, they all went along, first from former century with the Rockefeller and co. breaking down the small doctors and herbalists, the midwives and those that used natural ways - then the disastrous law that made vaxx' producers no longer liable for harm their products did - Reagan - and then, little by little, adding more poison to the bunch, I think kids age 18 now have had over 100 jabs. No one in their right mind can believe this is healthy.

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Yep. Thanks Reagan!

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Yes, Reagan, doesn't get enough "credit" for "opening the doors" to where we are. Of course hearing the discourse now, my guess is that if he wasn't a "conservative Republican" when in power but was still a Democrat like 30-40 years prior, we'd be hearing how "Commie Democrat Satanist" Reagan was one of the causes of the present scenario.

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And I every time I hear someone say what a great president Reagan was! I roll my eyes and think about the 1986 Vaccine Act he passed. Plus Iran-Contra scandal. And so much more. He was hardly a great president.

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Oh, but like our new tower of strength Messiah, he (with his CIA VP and friends from the only democracy in the Mideast) was "forced" to "interfere" in the Carter hostage negotiation situation, "forced" to allow the Oliver North situation (including formulating the still existing original continuity of govt/total information awareness plans and lists), forced to remove basically every tax deduction that benefited the middle class and below. But he had such a nice smile.

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I'd guess he was chosen for his role because he was an actor. An actor with a "calming, soothing, demeanor." He was a grade-B actor. But then most of the actors aren't very good at it. Kory, for instance. If I saw him in a community theater production, I'd say he was wooden and unconvincing when he said his hair was on fire about !War!

And Reagan had his minder as VP when the Alzheimer's kicked in. Now his clips are in Trump ads. The gift that keeps on giving. . .

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Just like Trump will be installed so we are all calmer for the incoming capture.

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ruthless actor, remember his show Youre Fired! ?

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He was a great puppet.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

I also wonder whether he was really even in charge after they shot him.

Was GHWBush running the show? (I have no clue) I vaguely recall Dr. Ron Paul saying something about how Regan changed, like maybe had had a gold commission and then suddenly never dealt with the issue again. But I know toward the later years of his presidency he was not that sharp. After waking up to how the govt works, I always wondered if they zapped his brain or something.,

But Reagan was definitely his own man and not controlled when he stood up to Israel over what they were doing in Lebanon--apparently, Reagan called them out, and he didn't get hooked into more war when the Marine Barricks were bombed (I don't care what the official story is on that one, after studying the usual suspects, I'm convinced it was them).

Also, fwiw, after listening to an old audio by Michael Collins Piper on a variety of books on the Jewish mafia, he basically said that's what helped get Reagan in there. (Whitney Webb has said that both parties are controlled by organized crime, and for the Democrats that's been going on for 100 years).

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana


Pssss...t. He was not shot. He kept standing up for more. Would you do that after being shot? No, you would not, and nor would anyone else including him.

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Yep, it's pretty obvious. a bullet grazing an ear. Wtf ? I's not believable.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana


Ron and Nancy regularly and discretely went in to the prs for tune ups, from his early days. So I’ve been told.

“ For those who looked carefully, his global outlook had been foreshadowed during his Hollywood career. Soon after World War II, Reagan joined a group called the United World Federalists. The organization advocated a worldwide government organized along a United Nations–style system of rule making and dispute resolution.”

A new day in America. If only we first build back better.

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John Judge, who did very good research on the People's Temple Agricultural Project a.k.a. "Jonestown" massacre, also did a very interesting lecture/presentation on the shooting of Ronald Reagan, link below stamped to begin at 1m 58s. Interesting presentation by John Judge regardless of one's opinion of the actor President from Hollywood.:

"John Judge The Reagan shooting"


13m total

(John Judge theorizes the Secret Service **intentionally** parked the limousine at a far distance from the exit door of the building so Reagan would be exposed and vulnerable. This was against established S.S. protocol. He also theorizes that Secret Service fired the shots, not John Hinckley. Another interesting point about the disagreement over *which hospital* should treat the shot Prez. )

Had R.R. died, who benefits? For one, Georgie Bush the elder would have ascended to President. Shades of LBJ? ... Yogi Berra? "Déjà vu all over again"?

And IMO Hollywood is just a part of the military anyhow, so I should not be surprised if a Prez comes from Hollywood.

Also by John Judge:

"The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre"

by John Judge


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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, I remember John Judge from when I first woke up.

Haven't looked into his work on Reagan shooting, but that makes sense (set up from SS parking far away), also makes sense that Hinkley never fired and was just placed as the patsy for the lone crazy gunman narrative (kind of like w/RFK, they just had Sirhan there in place as patsy)

I remember hearing about the hospital choice--apparently, Nancy saved his life by insisting going to GWU Hospital and not Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Back when I lived in DC, I had to drive by St Elizabeth's hospital, and once I saw it, I was convinced that he was never there (place was a run down crap hole)- I just figured it was one of those in the front-door, out the back-door operations (these intelligence agencies can easily pull things like that off). Hinkley was probably just living a real life w/different identity, and when they needed him on camera again, they would just trot him out. (at this point, everything looks like theater to me) Hinkley's were family friends w/Bushes. Hinkley father worked for World Vision, apparently a CIA front company.

(fwiw- St. Elizabeth's hospital is also where they tossed Ezra Pound for doing radio shows over in Italy, trying to stop WW2- they called him insane, and tossed him in there for 10 years, that's when he had Eustace Mullins do all that research for him on the Federal Reserve).

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People used to say how Nancy hated the Bushes. I do appreciate her assessment much better now than at the time these events were happening in the 80s.

"ABC reports Neil Bush meeting with brother of Reagan's assassin John Hinckley"



^So weird.^ It's like even back then in the 1980s they were rubbing salt in our wounds.

As you said: "... at this point, everything looks like theater to me ..."

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I did respect Reagan's response to the Marine Barracks bombing. He was bad/horrible enough in other areas (Latin America jumps to mind quickly), but in the region of the only democracy in the Mideast, I sense both he AND Bush 1 (and Carter before, even with Camp David) were less controlled than everyone since (Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump, Biden, and whatever's next)

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Yeah, totally agree- he was great on standing up to Israel, but not sure about the rest of it. Years ago, I read book by Robert Scheer (Great American Stick Up), which was about how we've been looted over the decades, and he had a lot to say about what went on during Reagan's term.

Totally agree on Latin America-I think back then they had that School of the Americas torture training school. I seriously wonder though, how much Presidents are really even in charge- there's a permanent govt that just does whatever it wants, passes the baton from one admin to the next.

Yeah GHWBush/Sec Baker also stood up to them- no money until you stop the settlements. So AIPAC controlled whores called Baker in for a hearing, he stood firm on the policy, so the next day smeared in their media as "antisemite." Apparently, there was even a Mossad assassination plot against GHWBush in Spain. From Clinton on, they've been total puppets.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Bi-Partisan Democide.

Here too. Both 'parties' (really just factions of the Uniparty, or 2 cheeks of the same ass as I call them) have been setting the conditions for the Plandemonium. For decades.

They brought in this coercive measure to get jabs in babies (before C19). Not through the 'Health' Department, but through 'Welfare'. "No Jab No Pay". And "No Jab No Play", where access to care (given most 'work' for money in this Killhouse, kind of important...) was tied to being up to date with the jab schedule.

With perfect hindsight, that 'should' have been the line in the sand. But those opposed were just 'anti-vaxxers'. They were 'crazy' according to authoritative sources of truth in the Government and thee propaganda arms (MSM).

Language was weaponised first. Then the Police were militarised.

Then we started getting arrested for Memes and holding the national flag aloft.

Authoritarianism is like a dragon, easily killed as a hatchling, darn near impossible to kill once grown. The one hatched in ~1918 is now grown. Ironically, the last time it was challenged was 1945.

And it has been gorging ever since.

To live in interesting times...


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I think the number is 74, but that doesn't include the clot shots of course. And no connection to SIDS, autism, allergies... the list goes on.

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Good exchange, everyone!

My father used to shake his head saying, "Reagan's the WORST president we ever had!"

Well, it didn't get better.. In fact, the evil assembled in that room for Bush Sr's funeral was enough to suck the air out of me - astonishing level of murderous ill intent.

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We Are the Poisoners :

We poison your Future.

We poison your Present.

We poison your Past.

Your Education and Universities.

Your Science.

Your Medical Services.

Your Government.

Your Mental Health Services.

Your Children.

Your Daughters.

Your Sons.

Your Information Streams/News Services.

Your Communication Tools.

Your Software Applications.

Your Entertainment.

Your Money Supply.

Your Employment.

Your Role Models.

Your Self Image.

Your Sense of Beauty.

Your Relationships.

Your Morals.

We Seek to Create the War of Each Against All, the better to dominate you in all your chaotic divisivess and misery.


The above was written out as a thought experiment, not an effort to troll or disturb people who might read  it. 

It is satisfying to realize at least  two things:

1) the majority of the souls on the planet do not wake up daily just to rain this shit down on their fellow man.

2) the few who do wake up daily to do so, can get very little sleep, because they still don't control everything.

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Donnie was brought up to lick the open toed sandals of the murder inc cabal, which he has done, with gusto his entire flaccid, fat fingered tassell loafered life.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

What a dink - deflects the question then doubles down on the 'we saved millions of lives'. And so many twatterhead 'patriots' going on about him being tricked (why wouldn't he be tricked again?), he never forced anybody, this time will be different. FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

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Disgusting, never heard that particular clip. Think one of the most disgusting Duper Donny replies I have heard. How many lies can one fit in in under 2 min. I cannot believe how many Donny duped have forgotten, ignore or defend this creature after 2020.

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I question those Trump crowds.....seems odd that so many think he's a savior.

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People are addicted to the idea that Daddy is coming to save us.

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That sure is a big part of it. But these Trump crowds are so ubiqitous and oversized, something about them seems orchestrated.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I have been saving my own life for many decades by avoiding the modern stone age medical mafia as much as possible. I cannot speak for anyone else. If modern medicine saved as many lives as they claim, there would be another billion people alive today.

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Modern "Medicine" is population control.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

This "saved lives" meme is something that those on the left repeat over and over again. I was waiting in line talking to a few random people and it fit to mention the 'demic, so I did. The kneejerk response from these three liberal-progressives was "yes, but we are so lucky to have had the vaccine." I brought up vaccine injuries. They thought I was blowing smoke, I could tell. I know they were liberals because there are only liberal-progressives where I live. So these are the TDS folks EXCEPT FOR THE MIRACLE VACCINE. There, they see eye to eye with Trump. As intended.

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Which may be why Trump was allowed to "win".

To usher in the Operation. The MAGAs would not have been placated with HRC.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

This has been one of the real eye opening observations of high political office. With about a decades distance, it’s exceptionally easy to see why each and every president has been allowed to be president at that moment in time. Who they are, the character they play, is a direct indicator of what the agenda will be for that term or two. It’s not as easy to see what the new guys WILL do, but it’s getting easier the more I watch.

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Funny thing is…I’ve been a Trump supporter since day one, yet I wouldn’t take that vaccine if he personally came to my door to give it to me. Praise be to God for his humble discernment when it came to THE vaccine. I will admit that this vaccine issue is something that I’m finding very hard and struggling to get past or ignore. Unfortunately, I think this will end up being an election of the “lesser of two evils” of which neither side will accept the results. At this point, I’m just preparing for human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together MASS HYSTERIA…haha, just a little Ghost Busters humor!! I do appreciate your writings Sage…leaves me with a lot of “Hmmmm…” moments!

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Exactly and if he is installed a second time likely in part the same as you stated.

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If Kennedy gets the HHS cabinet position - guess who he will drag with him along with many others- Gnome Lusitano boy. 👀

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Hopium….they’ll get it right this time. 🙄

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and the reptilian of the day award goes to.....Pelosi: "We're Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold-Blooded"

: https://realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/08/23/pelosi_were_very_discreet_reptilian_cold-blooded.html

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Wow Debra - and not one person at that table seemed the least bit surprised!

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Oh my gosh Zoe! You're right!!

We may all look human, but what we are under the skin... That's a tough realization.

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Yes Debra, it is a tough realization that I'm not sure I quite "get" it 100% just yet, though I understand and even saw Obama turn into an evil demon on stage (on my TV) back when he was running for Prez. I'll never forget it- I was shocked.

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Obama reminds me of Damien from "The Omen II" all grown up.

Omen II':'Born Unto a Jackel'

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I fell for the disguise before he became the actor who plays president, until I got a look at the real thing - maybe you're exactly right - Damien all growed up!

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Wow Zoe--that would be unforgettable! You were meant to see it...

Going out on a limb here...this started dawning on me in funny ways a long time ago, It had to be gently and progressively delivered. It started like this...I had a best friend/ walking buddy in NYC. She was always trying to lose weight. 'Ok Alice, what do you eat in a day?" (trying to help). "One plain bagel and all the black coffee I want." "For breakfast, right?" "No...for the whole day. And I'm still gaining weight!" "Wait a minute Alice! We're tromping from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Bronx and back every day! That's not even possible!" So we went at it from there.

But something in me thought that, even if she lost all that weight, she wouldn't look like a regular girl.... I mused over it for a few days and then it hit like lightning...oh my gosh! She is shaped liked a GROUND HOG!" NO! NO! NO! Stop seeing! But it was too late. I never spoke a word about it.

But Alice could throw a party now...like nobody's business!!! And her FAVORITE holiday was Ground Hog Day!! I kid you not.

Then just little associations...rat face guy, snake in the grass person, people who adore whales and are shaped similarly and are happiest in water..

Then it got a little more serious when I started getting unwelcome glimpses of pig-people (I have to write some of these stories) and Mr. Hippo and wolf guy etc. And people carried the traits of these critters...

So long story short, because of many experiences, I see us as composite creatures...hybrids....of various human DNAs, various animals and who knows what kind of variety of 'alien', off-planet other stuff.

And that we unconsciously operate out of that. So I give a little more leeway to folks and try to observe intelligently. We are more than we appear to be and those glimpses are startling, as well. On the other hand, scorpions and predators get appropriate treatment. And all these lizard types genuinely like each other! They recognize and gravitate to their own... The masks are beginning to fall. We're ready to deal...not that it makes it easy, but we'll get there. It takes time... What do you think Bill Gates looks like? Pick a name...any name. This all floats just below the surface...

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I call him Billy Goat Gates (in the satanic version of a goat, not a lovely actual goat), so .... What do you think? Thank you for sharing all of that. I have noticed about names seeming to suit people and when I meet someone whose name doesn't suit them, I know right away and it makes me feel like I'm not meeting the real person - I'm not kidding. I try not to see people as animals or demons or whatever, but I'll try a little shift and see what happens. There's no doubt whatsoever that "we are more than we appear to be" as you say. I'm hoping all us truly beautiful souls recognize and genuinely like each other too. It's happening more and more in my life so that's a good shield against the lizard types.

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Wow...I think you nailed it! The name piece is really intriguing....fascinating how and what we perceive! I will definitely pay attention along those lines. I just looked up Zoe....oh my!!! So beautiful...and fitting!!

I agree....many amazing good souls unveiling....

I was driving late at night once in the most insanely beautiful lightning storm. I wound up 2 states away from my destination. I kept being impressed to look up my name in a concordance. I kept thinking "That's silly! I've read those 2-3 lines several times. I know them by heart!" But it persisted. and I had to look it up when I got home at dawn.

A detail... I had never stopped to translate her husband's name: Lapidoth. translation: .Lightning_ Debra was the wife of Lightning. Twenty yrs prior, they used to call me the Cape Breton Lightning Rod because of the things that would happen around me.... I think you can read between the lines...😊

With the shift...just relax into it slowly. As a young and amazing contactee who seemed to know everything about everything once told me "There is no learning...there's only remembering."

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

Good afternoon, good evening, and good night. 🫡⛵️

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Once you wake up somewhat you can't believe how f-ing perverse the shit we are all psychologically hijacked to believe actually is. Any person capable of the tiniest bit of objectivity would be horrified at the idea of injecting shit containing neuro-toxins into babies as young as new borns purportedly to prevent a disease that the babies are at zero risk of getting. And then doing it multiple times to babies & infants throughout their first years of life while claiming how precious our children are. It's so obviously perverse, sadistic demented and corrupt that the people pushing the shit must also and the people who unwittingly subject their children to the shit have been mindfucked to such a degree that they are operating on auto pilot that's been programmed by external forces.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

"Decide what you are willing to do."

We're going to have to be our own heroes.

Its not what most wanted. It is doubtful any wanted it. The horror to come is almost unimaginable.

But the hand was dealt before we were born.

We were born slaves and never even knew it.

Flipping tables and culling slavers is arguably a more worthy purpose than tabulating spreadsheets and building Powerpoint presentations that will be forgotten the second they are finished - the BS jobs that have kept most of us distracted for most of our lives. Locked in a cull-de-sac to live in a cul-de-sac - and in payment forgetting to even dream of freedom.

What the Orange man does immediately after being installed will confirm our assessments. If he doesn't go after the core issues - and what politician has, ever - then it will just be another 4 years of distractions/TDS as the harvest gains pace.


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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

Powerful last couple of sentences - powerfully painful too.

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"These people do not give a solitary fuck about you."

But what if it was multiple fucks, and they were 6 feet apart? Do they care then?

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

“There were no mandates,” says Trump! Sure! None. Nowhere. Never.

That’s exactly what our PM also said.

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And throwing it to the governors to throw shade on himself after he signed EO 13887 .

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Still are ongoing. Certain universities, kahmallow's campaign workers. A friend I know has to keep taking them because she works in home health for elderly people! What is it up to now? 10 shots?

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I was feeling light-hearted and hopeful, for a moment. Its summer and camp fires and folk songs are the order of the day--Kumbaya. Slipping back to youthful days seen through rose coloured glasses. Trump and Bobby sitting on a stage. It felt great! For a moment.

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Nope, only Trumptards who still don't understand how truly scriped, theatrical and architected all of this is...continue to be duped. Only people who STILL believe in our 2 party system and elections..continue to be duped. Only people who don't understand who and what truly runs our country and world...continue to be duped.

If I hear one more moron in my rapidly shrinking circle ask/say something like; "So you're saying a vote for Kamala is better?!?" "So you're saying I should vote for the left instead??!?", I may go postal.

I'm surrounded by the fatuous, feckless, flacid, fluorided and fecal-brained...

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Even if he were, is there any excuse for the POTUS to allow himself to be duped? That would make him just as culpable in my eyes. Something as huge as locking down the entire country? I would be listening to all sides, and then a few more.

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