Here are some Rabbis calling for a New World Order. Guess who gets to be in charge?
Guess who owns Donald Trump? Guess who owns our Congress?
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(2:13 video, Adam Green-Know More News)
Listen I am no FBI profiler, but I am picking up on some hubris here!
There is this superiority, this condescension in play.
One might even call it Supremacy.
The World is being allowed to behold.
I did not especially want to dive into this, and I lament that I was not as brave as others.
I absolutely do not wish to foment harm upon innocent people.
Listen Insufferable Old Lady, I’m just posting what the rabbis say.
Some of them.
Right? Not all.
Right? Not all. Not all?
There is some definite overlay in the “ruling class” who will save you (after they destroy you).
Strangely, it seems A-Okay to lambaste say, China.
Or Russia.
Back in the day, it was RADICAL MUSLIMS.
Are the rabbis above RADICAL?
Also, I’ve been sitting on that Sayanim clip from Matthew Tower’s flick and pondering.
Wandered into They Live ville courtesy Me Stuff and Spookipedia warned me that it was NOT about Jewish control of the world!
“neo-Nazi” interpretations.
This may shock you.
I have these Globalist videos labeled “WEF/CFR” on my hard drive.
But got-damn these Venn Diagrams are starting to make a circle!
And I’ll say it for the millionth time: I hate collective guilt. And I hate hate innocent suffering.
But that’s one reason I keep digging into the old Bible verses.
To what extent is this considered…uhh…kosher?
Following God's law, the Israelites killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys. Only Rahab, her parents, brothers and all "those who belonged to her" were spared. They were incorporated into Israel. Joshua then cursed anybody who rebuilt the foundations and gates, with the deaths of their firstborn and youngest child respectively. This was eventually fulfilled by Hiel the Bethelite under King Ahab's reign.
*God’s Laws may be maniac Man’s Laws.
On what planet, do you learn that stuff, and think, EXCELLENT. YES.
Only I guess if you and your tribe are the Heroes in the movie and they get to you very young and overlay with social structures.
Balls out the chute.
And shout out to the loving and decent Jewish friends that I have known.
No snark.
Shalom. (Peace)
To the psychotic types, we don’t want to send our kids and moms and dads to kill and maim and die for your Sky Fairy Power Trip any more.
Here are a couple of pull quotes from Day Tape #3.
Randy Engel:
"Talking about media events and access to the brain, I remember the first speech Bush gave in which he talked about the New World Order... I remember jumping halfway off my seat. That term. Here he is, the president, saying New World Order as if it was something everyone knew about. And someone looking across the room said, "I heard that. What did he say"? And I said, "He said, 'New World Order'!" And they said, "What does that mean? Why is that extraordinary?"
So, I think one of the weapons we have against the controllers is that if we can cut off his access to our mind then we have a shot at escaping the manipulation, if not totally - at least escape a portion of the manipulations. Remember, one of the books on Chinese POWs pointed out that some of their survivors in order NOT to be brainwashed broke their eardrums. And in that way - not being able to hear - the enemy could not have access to their brain and therefore they were able to survive where others did not."
Lawrence Dunegan:
R.E: What about those who decided they didn't want to go along?
D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that… because this is a "New Authority" and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this... authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn't... and I'm not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn't explored in great detail... one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go.
If you don't sign up then you can't get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won't have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood.
R.E: Could you get these things from other people, or would that be... in other words, let's say if you had a sympathetic family...
D.L.D: No you could not because the housing authority would keep close tabs on who is inhabiting any domicile. So the housing authority would be sure that everybody living there was authorized to live there.
R.E: Could I get some food?
D.L.D: Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched so if you were spending too much money at the super market, somebody would pick this up and say, "How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don't look that fat. You don't have that many people. We know you're not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?" And these things then would alert the...
R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I'm feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go.
D.L.D: They don't belong there and you can't feed them and since you're sympathetic to them, maybe your allegiance isn't very trustworthy either.
"And shout out to the loving and decent Jewish friends that I have known."
It is time for them to step up.
And oppose The Monster.
Because the vast majority seem to be running interference for it, if not directly supporting it.
People kept saying how it was up to "Good" Muslims to oppose the perversion of their faith by moderate or extremist beheaders during the GWOT. LOLs, for the latter, btw.
Well, this band of clinically insane megalomaniac creatures have already caused more deaths in the past few centuries than all the Muslims, ever. 70M Russians. Probably the same of Chinese. And so many others when you actually dig about WWII, WWI, and all the way back to the War of Independence. Or all the way forward to the current time. A million more Slavs, butchered, to feed the MICC and the coin clippers. And to bring about their retarded endtime prophesy.
And the past crimes have nothing on the fact they got ~5B humans to inject slow-kill bioweapons.
Or what they will do next to speed things up.
The overlap in their vision and the WEF agenda is indeed complete.
Oh, how could such a coincidence occur!? All natural and spontaneous. Every Government (down to the lowliest Organ) in Lockstep...
A vaccinated 6yo child could now pattern-recognise The Monster paw prints.
When your enemy writes (many) books telling you what they plan to do to you and your people, a prudent soul would take them at their word and take measures in self-defence.
And they fear that more than anything, hence the 24/7/365 propaganda. But despite that propaganda deluge, like a heroin addict, the effect is wearing off. People are waking up. People are seeing the truth through their lies.
It is inevitable, as the delta between confected fiction and observed reality grows by the day.
Alas, when we win there will not be a soft landing.
Things are too complex and compromised.
The systems will not 'fail safe'.
And their Sampson Option will ensure that the failure is catastrophic.