"Talking about media events and access to the brain, I remember the first speech Bush gave in which he talked about the New World Order... I remember jumping halfway off my seat. That term. Here he is, the president, saying New World Order as if it was something everyone knew about. And someone looking across the room said, "I heard that. What did he say"? And I said, "He said, 'New World Order'!" And they said, "What does that mean? Why is that extraordinary?"
So, I think one of the weapons we have against the controllers is that if we can cut off his access to our mind then we have a shot at escaping the manipulation, if not totally - at least escape a portion of the manipulations. Remember, one of the books on Chinese POWs pointed out that some of their survivors in order NOT to be brainwashed broke their eardrums. And in that way - not being able to hear - the enemy could not have access to their brain and therefore they were able to survive where others did not."
Lawrence Dunegan:
R.E: What about those who decided they didn't want to go along?
D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that… because this is a "New Authority" and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this... authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn't... and I'm not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn't explored in great detail... one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go.
If you don't sign up then you can't get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won't have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood.
R.E: Could you get these things from other people, or would that be... in other words, let's say if you had a sympathetic family...
D.L.D: No you could not because the housing authority would keep close tabs on who is inhabiting any domicile. So the housing authority would be sure that everybody living there was authorized to live there.
R.E: Could I get some food?
D.L.D: Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched so if you were spending too much money at the super market, somebody would pick this up and say, "How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don't look that fat. You don't have that many people. We know you're not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?" And these things then would alert the...
R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I'm feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go.
D.L.D: They don't belong there and you can't feed them and since you're sympathetic to them, maybe your allegiance isn't very trustworthy either.
"And shout out to the loving and decent Jewish friends that I have known."
It is time for them to step up.
And oppose The Monster.
Because the vast majority seem to be running interference for it, if not directly supporting it.
People kept saying how it was up to "Good" Muslims to oppose the perversion of their faith by moderate or extremist beheaders during the GWOT. LOLs, for the latter, btw.
Well, this band of clinically insane megalomaniac creatures have already caused more deaths in the past few centuries than all the Muslims, ever. 70M Russians. Probably the same of Chinese. And so many others when you actually dig about WWII, WWI, and all the way back to the War of Independence. Or all the way forward to the current time. A million more Slavs, butchered, to feed the MICC and the coin clippers. And to bring about their retarded endtime prophesy.
And the past crimes have nothing on the fact they got ~5B humans to inject slow-kill bioweapons.
Or what they will do next to speed things up.
The overlap in their vision and the WEF agenda is indeed complete.
Oh, how could such a coincidence occur!? All natural and spontaneous. Every Government (down to the lowliest Organ) in Lockstep...
A vaccinated 6yo child could now pattern-recognise The Monster paw prints.
When your enemy writes (many) books telling you what they plan to do to you and your people, a prudent soul would take them at their word and take measures in self-defence.
And they fear that more than anything, hence the 24/7/365 propaganda. But despite that propaganda deluge, like a heroin addict, the effect is wearing off. People are waking up. People are seeing the truth through their lies.
It is inevitable, as the delta between confected fiction and observed reality grows by the day.
Alas, when we win there will not be a soft landing.
Things are too complex and compromised.
The systems will not 'fail safe'.
And their Sampson Option will ensure that the failure is catastrophic.
On the Chinese, Larry Romanoff writes on the Jews in China that "Rothschild's Brit. East India Co."Taiping Rebellion", organised by Rothschild & Sassoon where gathered army that killed betw. 70-90 million Chinese to protect drug profits - bloodiest war in history of world...kidnapping millions of Chinese as slaves shipped all over the world"
Highly recommend reading all of Larry Romanoff's writings on the criminal cabal.
As for the anti-Zionist Jews, it's great that they speak out about Israel's crimes, but I've noticed that they never call out Israel's long history of false flags (listed w/links here: https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/israeli-tanks-enter-rafah/comment/55725040), and never talk about 10/7 being a false flag or question the hostage narrative (IMO a total LIE, which has allowed the genocide to continue and allowed them to portray themselves as victims while they slaughter babies). They also never talk about Israel's role in 9/11 or assassination of JFK, and they accuse others of antisemitism for talking about Israels role in those two events. They never call out their tribe's control over the media. And they never talk about the Rothschild banking cartel for enslaving nations with debt and being the power behind all of the wars. So, IMO, it seems like even the "good Jews" have played a role in supporting the criminal cabal within their own tribe.
There definitely have been some good ones, though, like Benjamin Freedman, ex-insider who broke with them and spent the rest of his life and fortune warning about them. Jack Berstein, who exposed them in his books. And Gilad Atzmon and Schlomo Sands.
How can anyone justify killing 1,000 people in a block destruction to kill just one targeted person
If Jews will not talk about the actions of Jews which are found to be offensive resulting in pogroms and country evictions rather than just assume as victims that it comes from a dark place in the heart, how can they be "good" Jews (Good needs a definition and I do not think that one will find it in the Talmud.)
I believe that you would enjoy Gemmar Rudolphs (free) Holocaust Encyclopedia consisting of recorded events of the times. Eye opening and complete.
Yes, I've heard of that book- do you have a link? I know who he is (fearless truthteller). One of the first documentaries that woke me up to the other side of WW2 was Hitler's War- What the Historians Neglect to Mention (I learned that one of my favorite movies growing up, Sound of Music, was just more Jewish brainwashing). The Myth of German Villainy is another good book--the part about who was at the Paris Peace Conference was an eye-opener.
I do not believe that the powerful Jews are religious at all and just use that cover to dominate although they do believe that they are superior and should rule as do the 33 degree top Masons. Jews are some of the most mind-screwed people in the world made to fear and adopt victimhood.
"Rothschild's Brit. East India Co."Taiping Rebellion", organised by Rothschild & Sassoon where gathered army that killed betw. 70-90 million Chinese to protect drug profits - bloodiest war in history of world...kidnapping millions of Chinese as slaves shipped all over the world"😳🤬
Why did we never learn this in our history classes? (rhetorical question).
And I come across info like this almost every single day--so much has been hidden from us. From that same link, guess who was behind the depopulation of Ireland and Easter Island. Same tribe. Jewish slave traders. Yet we never learn about this because Jewish academics are quick to cover for the tribe.
Yeah, I got about half-way through that one too. Still have to finish. So much has been hidden. And what a clever trick they played--getting blacks to blame whitey, when they were the ones running the slave trade (owned the ships, traded the slaves at auction--slave auctions were closed on Jewish holidays).
And since they control education, the media, and Hollywood, they conveniently ignored their dominant role in the trade and have convinced blacks that whitey did it to them. There was a brain black professor (Dr. Tony Martin) who exposed the Jewish role in the slave trade, wrote a book on it, and then organized Jewry destroyed his career:
Interesting that it is the WASPs that get all the blame. Reflecting, I think of the abolitionists (Quakers, but others) who were abolitionists. This makes me wonder about the backstory. I'm not saying there were no WASP slave owners, but this starts to look very different than I was taught.
And today, reparations? Just a scam that is just to funnel money away from the middle class. Should the scorpions pay their fair share? (I'm NOT arguing for reparations, this is sarcasm).
I've always wanted to tell blacks that if they want reparations, they need to go after the big Jewish slave traders who owned the ships, ran the auctions, and they need to demand their reparations in gold.
Ever since I heard that talk about reparations (seemed out of the blue), I wondered if it was part of a plot to blow out the dollar (they are debasing the currency so they can force us into their new system).
Yes, the Jews ran the slave trade (owned the ships, ran the slave auctions, which were closed on Jewish holidays). I also read an excerpt from a book on how the Jews who ran the slave trade in Suriname were especially brutal - they would amputate a leg or cut the Achilles tendon of a slave who tried to escape.
Also, during covid, I recall Catherine Austin Fitts, who usually just calls the perps "Mr global," did say that she thought the people behind the Great Reset/digital slave grid were the same ones who ran the slave trade.
The reason "anti-Zionist Jews" or "good Jews" don't condemn the other Jews is they, fundamentally, share the same worldview. Go look at a Pew survey of Jews and you'll find they support all manner of moral depravity and things that will wreck America and other countries. It would be nice if they condemned their fellow Jews for their behavior, but even if they did, they'd still embrace the worldview that destroys countries.
This is why I'm trying to sort out the root definitions of Jew and Zionist and so forth and also see the extent that the batshit crazy "holy" texts are taken as literal law.
I just put them all in one category—Jews. There is debate about whether it is ethnic/racial or religious. In some cases, it can be both. But, those issues are incidental. The fundamental issue is shared worldview. One Jew may think of himself as committed to "Torah" (which really means the Talmud) whereas another Jew may boast in being part of the Jewish race. But, you'll find they, along with other Jews, agree on things like support for homosexuality, mass immigration, abortion, and many other things. They might not agree on every element that comprises the Jewish worldview, but they will all agree on one or more.
The fundamental reason for the conflict with the Jews in all countries is they embrace a worldview that puts them at odds with the various societies in which they live. Conflict is inevitable.
As the video you posted highlights, how can you cooperate with people whose end goal is world domination under Jewish control? You can't.
A lot of the worldview points come from the "ethics" codified in the Talmud. And, Jews don't need to go to synagogue to be taught in that worldview, its baked into the cake through Jewish news sites, Jewish NGO's, Jewish community institutions, and so on.
As the rabbis pointed out, that's Jewish eschatology. So, while the rabbis think of it in theological (if we can use that term for an atheistic religion) terms your average Jew embraces the same goal/worldview under the banner of Tikkun Olam.
Just saw it again today- Max Blumenthal endorsing the narrative that Hamas (funded by Israel) and the leader of Hamas (Sinwar) was the one who initiated 10/7. They (anti-zio Jews) will NEVER call out the Israeli false flags! How many millions died for the last one (9/11)? How many have already died for this one? There is at least one Jew, here on substack, Michael Ginsburg, who has called them out (he's definitely a RARE exception)--he called Israel out for 9/11, JFK and exposed that on 10/7 there was definitely an Israeli (speaking in Hebrew) directing the operation.
BTW. Good to see you in comments Sandra. I remember you were part of the wars against covid hoax in the early days. Saw you on multiple substack hammering away and telling the truth. I think you got blocked from a few substacks as well like I did. Another man called Allen was also insightful and got blocked by many substacks as well, as did I. If memory serves, one of the substacks that blocked you originally was Celia Farber. Hope all is well. And thanks for staying in the fight.
Good to see you here too. Yes, I was dropping links on operation covid hoax all over the place. Yes, Allen is excellent--I've saved some of his comments to share elsewhere b/c they were so perfect. As for Celia's substack, I'm not sure I was ever blocked from there, but I was definitely held up as an example of "wrong think," along with Alison McDowell, for daring to question RFK's stance on covid when RFK Jr announced his campaign. I basically questioned whether he was really controlled opposition and provided a link to a quick video by Alison McDowell where she reviewed the chapter in his book on Fauci that went over covid. Honestly, it was so long ago, that I forget the details, but I think the idea was that RFK Jr was still promoting covid as a pandemic (as opposed to a hoax, massive fraud, with murder protocol) and he NEVER exposed the fraudulent PCR test, which led to fraudulent case/death counts. And he promoted early treatment when people were asymptomatic--so what symptoms would you be treating??? Well, Celia would have none of that and did a post on my comments and Alison's and basically held us up for "wrong think"--"what is wrong with people like this?" My overall goal is just getting the truth out--so I'll still post over at Celias from time to time, usually if there's a good post on what the demons in Israel are up to.
Ha. It must've been Allen, then, that got blocked. So many of these "health freedom" substack authors turned out to be controlled opposition. I called out Farber for trying to push Musk as the new messiah and then recycling all the controlled opposition characters from Infowars especially Alex Jones. What's remarkable is you often get the best news or truth in the comments.
Yep. Even with Michael, when you start asking if he supports homosexuality, mass immigration, transgender insanity, and many other things that always wreck countries, I'd be surprised if we got blanket condemnations.
The fact that Israelis were experimented on first and that there were injuries and deaths in Israel is used as an argument in a group I’m in for Zionists not being in control/running the world/behind the bioweapon for white replacement. What people don’t seem to know is that for the New World Order with the head seated in Jerusalem before the Messiah comes, they only want 1/3 of the Jews remaining so no, they do not attempt to preserve the existence of all Jews which also serves as good cover for them. It is confusing, however, because I have heard rabbis saying the bioweapon is not for the Jews and yet they took it.
David Icke talks about the "Sabbateans." Sabbatean cult. They try to get buy-in from regular Jews (and often succeed), but they hate the Jews as much as they hate non-Jews. They use the 6 million all the time to justify.
If you haven't read From Yahweh to Zion by Lauent Guyenot, I'd recommend it.... so many dots get connected. The forever persecuted race must control the nations. The jealous God raises his children to this purpose, never permitting them to assimilate with the rest of the world, and encouraging his chosen people to eradicate their neighbors. And how the Holocaust is now the religion that provides cover for any atrocity.
I'm starting to wonder only now whether they (that tribe - whatever *they* are - I'm not so sure anymore) - if they've always been around to be the demonic in the flesh harassing us on this temporal earth for millennia.
I have no way to prove or disprove it. But the thought came to me after pondering E Michael Jones' history of their shenanigans dating back to the time of Christ, "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit".
Are they Satan's true minions on earth? I mean, the really ghoulish ones that can control so many all at once, not those small devils that sit on your shoulder and fight with your conscience when you have to choose between the right and wrong path.
We who have a conscience and a heart are all sick of it.
Yet, the least we can do is endure.
We are not at least suffering or dying like they are in Gaza, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, or Lebanon.
We still have agency, no matter how small or limited it might seem.
No righteous act, word, prayer or thought, small or big, goes unseen by God, nor does it not influence something, somewhere, for the good. The "butterfly effect," if you will.
Yes, I feel the same way--it's extremely depressing. I set up an x account last fall, just to I could know what's going on over there, since the tribe controls the media here. And I'm just sick to death over what I've seen--and then knowing the Palestinians have been enduring this horror for 75 years and our taxes have funded it. And I feel so helpless- there's literally nothing we can do to stop it. All I can do is pick some of the gofundme accounts and try to support this people as they desperately try to escape these genocidal demons.
I feel the weight of this often. Watching near death experiences helps shatter the illusion that this is real. This filmmaker has done some good ones. https://anthonychene.com/project/nde-karen-thomas
Your writing is similar to Dr. James Hill’s here, on Substack. You should check him out but it won’t lessen your depression.
Yes, but you´re not actually taking part in any of it. So it´s just a SHOW. Funny thing is that you can use the same trick to keep yourself calm, should you find yourself being part of it, the show. Repeat to yourself over and over, "just a show', "just a show", "just a show". Worked for me.
Watched this experiment called A Class Divided showing how prejudice can be taught in a classroom within a day — from the late 60s US.
Yeah teach those kids not to be prejudiced. We all should get along be nice share take turns care about one another’s feelings blah blah fucking blah.
All I could think of was the live streamed genocide we’re watching the same US basically perpetrate 60 years later. And how much else in the in between time?!
"I'm starting to wonder only now whether they (that tribe - whatever *they* are - I'm not so sure anymore) - if they've always been around to be the demonic in the flesh harassing us on this temporal earth for millennia."
I've actually had this same thought, especially after digging into hidden history. They seem like such a predatory and criminal tribe, and it's been going on for centuries, actually probably thousands of years. I was recently listening to Martin Luther's The Jews and Their Lies, and he definitely mentioned the thievery and financial predation (usury). I know they were kicked out of England for usury and destroying the economy back in the 1200s or so (there's a good quick video "what is usury" on bitchute that shows how it destroys economies, and how all the wealth will end up in the hands of the usurer). And it just seems like throughout history, they would just move from one location to the next, doing the same criminal behavior.
Plus, all of the ritual murder of Christians that they still deny but even an Israeli professor says was true--his book is posted on archive.org, along with lots of other hidden history/truth telling books, but I think they're now trying to take it downs. But this Israeli professor had a quick summary on what they did to Christians during the Medieval times, including kidnapping Christian boys, castrating them, and selling them as slaves. (I could go on and one about the crimes of this tribe throughout history- yet since they control the media, text books, education, nobody knows)
Unz (ethnic jew, not religious) says that it's a religion based on hate thy neighbor and " the enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion," which seems to fit with the goals of the Great Reset that we are now facing. Even Voltaire said something about this tribe and how he wouldn't be surprised if someday they were a threat to the human race- and here we are in 2024 with a murder plot against us and plans to enslave those who survive.
I used to have doubts about the vicious crimes this tribe is accused of in the Bolshevik Revolution slaughter of tens of millions, but now, after seeing their brutality and cruelty in Gaza, I have no doubts. I also have no doubts about the stories of them poisoning the wells. There have been warnings about them throughout history, even as far back as Roman times, but they want us to believe they've always been the victims and people just hate them for being jews and it has nothing to do with their criminal behavior.
Perfectly said, Sandra ---! I am sorry if anyone feels offended by what I write below, but these are basic things I've gleaned over the last few years, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Many others have been more comprehensive and articulate about their history and influence upon the culture and thinking.
I think the real revelation of these people's evil in all its horrendousness is finally happening, right before the eyes of the stunned world. There is a reason all these old stories about them have come down to us over millennia. They controlled the money for all these rulers in these centuries past, so they controlled the monarchs, too, and were untouchable. They did not mix with the rest of the goyim, and kept all these things to themselves.
And in the 20th century, they took control of the mass media and entertainment so as to suppress these ideas - and it has worked perfectly for them. Freudian psychology (a false "science") was let loose upon the people so as to have "psychiatry" replace the true tenets of Christianity/Catholicism about every person's feeling of guilt and sin, and what to do to live righteous life according to the Natural Law from God that is written in every human being's heart. "Psychotherapy" thus replaced the truly healing Catholic Sacrament of Confession. (And, psychotherapists make good money since their "patients" need to keep coming back to them for relief, not cure, for -- forever.)
Then, the "Holocaust" myth propagated after WWII so that they would again be considered the victims of the "worst crimes" and the guilt for it all imposed upon the Germans, who have been wholly emasculated and possess no more liberty or agency for their own rights today. (Germany is also being rapidly deindustrialized, when once, they were the strongest economy in Europe post-WWII - see Lena Petrova's recent videos about this.)
Meanwhile, the crimes of the Bolshevik Jews have never been spoken about in the same way as that of Hitler and the Nazis are. When people want to insult anyone, they call them "Nazi" -- as if that's the very worst thing you can be. Which is why I long stopped using the term in this way.
And what about the Freemasons and Jews? Is the tribe responsible for this secret society, too? (I haven't delved too deeply into this yet.) Freemasons are now being blamed for the bloody French Revolution, which inspired the Bolsheviks in their own bloody coup d'etat.
So, that "Jewish revolutionary spirit" continues. The cultural degeneracy today in the West is one result of their tampering with the cultural values. Just like Weimar Germany. And I still don't understand how a rabbi (are they not "holy men"?) can own porn websites, or sell sex toys (like "Rabbi" Shmuley). Something is deeply wrong with their "holy book" or whatever rules and guides they follow.
As for WW2 lies, that's another thing that bothers me about the so-called good Jews/Anti-Zio jews, they will never question that narrative and will call you an antisemite if you question it. So, they really do support the criminal cabal.
And on Freemasonry and Jews, yes, they are responsible for that too. I have tons of bookmarked posts on X, where it has Jews in their own words claiming Freemasonry as their creation. I think even Brother Nathanael calls it Judiaism for gentiles. And I've seen some on substack trying to scapegoat Jews for their crimes by claiming "its the Freemasons" as though Jews have nothing to do with Freemasonry.
On this "Something is deeply wrong with their "holy book" or whatever rules and guides they follow," yes, just look up Elizabeth Dilling's book Come and Hear, where she quotes from the Talmud (book of hate against non-Jews). I really don't think of it as a religion--IMO, more like a Satanic cult and international organized crime operation bent on owning everything in the world and ruling over non Jews.
This is the ideological read-in, and what I am referring to when I say to readers here, when you start signing off on stuff that is illogical or irrational because of fee-feee space stuff, now YOU are being read-in to the Operations.
I truly believe this where the elite education, err...*elite, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Oxford, London School of Economics, etc. etc. is critical to shaping the reality of the world.
This is the cusp of what I am beginning to grasp, so...not perfectly stated.
It all makes sense, because the same soul-destroying and murderous spirit runs thru all these “revolutionary” movements in the culture, and ultraviolent actions that upset the conventional order. I’d missed that bit by Bro Nathanael about Freemasonry being “Judaism for Gentiles.”
I agree about anti-Zio Jews. Most, if not all, still believe the H’caust narrative and repeat that lie about “Never again!”- even if their aim is good. The full but painful truth still escapes them. Of course, Jews (secular and religious) might actually be the most brainwashed people in the world as a whole about their own history. It was Max Igan whom I heard first say this shortly after Oct 7, 2023, but he was referring only to the Israeli Jews. I think it applies to most, Israeli or not. They tend to regard themselves as deeply different to the rest of us in some way, for good or ill.
Almost certainly not effective in defending against intrusion by alphabet agencies, but according to a friend who occasionally downloads copyrighted material, they are generally effective against random snooping done by internet service providers...as in, the only time he got a finger-wagging warning from his ISP was the one time he forgot to start up his VPN before doing a download.
Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain. ...Arab sources, Ibn Haukal & Ibrahim al Qarawi, also stressed that the majority of their eunuchs originated from France & were sold to the Iberian peninsula by Jewish merchants."
But Jews are not taught this--they are just taught that they will expelled from all of those places for no reason at all (so in their minds, they have always been the victims)
"If we Americans nationalized our currency we would effectively sever all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of our government & economy would cease, we would live debt-free & we'd stop being the muscle of genocidal Israel -all within 2 yrs.-----"
I like this.
Maybe "America First" Mossad Trump will propose it. 😹
Eunuchs: in the Islamic region, in the 19thc for which we have accurate figures, the fatality rate from castration was 24%, but the price of the slave rose 8-fold. An excellent investment!
This might not be the book you would like to link to on archive.org, but it's probably similar...and it's a free download...I tried my usual Slow Partner Server #3, but something glitched, so I used Slow Partner Server #2...had a waiting period of about 4-5 minutes and then downloaded it in a few minutes...can't beat the price...use a VPN if you have one...
annas-archive.org and oceanofpdf.com have tons of useful publications...annas is by far the more wide-reaching, but ocean is fast and usually has a choice of pdf and/or epub formats
similar journey in my own path of discovery. It began for me by asking is all this just dolts botching shit or is there actually some kind of overall plan being played out. And if this is a massive crime being pulled off by a bunch of scorpions- there are so many suspects that have the means, and the access. But motive- who actually wants to murder the world? It's different than wanting to control everyone, or be the richest, the most powerful etc. We are talking a about a multi-generational campaign- something you care about enough to teach your children, to dedicate your life's work to pulling off. Careful, methodical planning to deliberately poison, degrade, and murder millions of humans, and enslave the rest. That is some biblical level conviction and some heavy duty elitist racial hatred going on there.
So many things I had been tracking all these many years rack into sharp focus when you realize the call is truly coming from inside the house.
In regards to the biblical aspect of this, very few of any of the people who inhabit what they call Israel are descendants of the twelve tribes of there is such a thing and for people who've studied the Bible Israelites and Israelis are two completely different things. And to get just a little deeper an Israelite is actually someone not from an earthly tribe but someone who has the spirit of God within them and it gets deeper but I'm not going any further because I'm exhausted. Anyway..........
The part of the Bible that you want to read is Deuteronomy where the Israelites are told to kill all the Amalekites down to the last child. Netanyahu has called the Palestinians Amalek. Do the math.
(BTW, Netanyahu set a record of 58 standing ovations in a recent ten minute speech before Congress which took an hour. This is reminiscent of Stalins speeches where the first to stop clapping suffered some bad luck.)
If 8 of 11 top cabinet positions are held by a tribe that represents 3% of the population, it tells one who owns Trump, Congress and the rest of Zionist Occupied (US) Government (not to mention banking, media and venture capital). So it really is NOT our Congress is it.
If one looks at Israel one will see the world that is desired for the rest of us goy. A self-centered racist police state under constant surveillence which does not regard any thing other than itself.
Count me out. Starve the beast! Dont aid genocide. Care for others. Trump is an actor owned by the script writers (and Rothschild Inc. via Wilber Ross who bailed him out of bankruptcy).
Brilliant again, dear SAGE. Very glad that you're on this. You and readers may want to check out George H.W. Bush's father and Averill Harriman and how War for Banks' Sake has always been, may I say, the New World Order's dish of every day. 'Lords of a Feudal New World Order' between pages 105 and 124 of the PDF here--https://www.ur1light.com/the-world-is-turning
Well they have interpreted the Bible pretty accurately but I did not hear one of them say that Gods kingdom will put an end to all these (kingdoms) or governments in this system of things and he will set up His Kingdom( the one we pray for in the Lord’s Prayer) and Jesus, his first born son, will be the King of that Kingdom and people from every nation will be a part of the Kingdom Sooo I find it interesting that the chosen people did not understand what God was telling them about this kingdom that would come and they did not understand that Jesus was the one sent down to earth to teach about that Kingdom, which he did from the time of his baptism by John until he was put do death by his own people. The Bible is a fascinating book with so much in it for all to learn. Think of it like a love letter from your parent that was left to guide you through this life. Everyone should read it from cover to cover at least once. It does not surprise me that Satan has put this one world order into the hearts of evil men for his own evil purposes.He stole the idea from God who he has wanted to slander from the very beginning! Satan would like to take as many as he can down with him when his end comes and it is near! The Prince of peace is Jesus! Amen
and their bloody fingerprints are all over this entire saga. The same dimestore novellas grinding out over and over, the over the top characters in their stage makeup and ham fisted acting all heavy handed calvinist moralism and mawkish nonsense. SO fucking tedious, dark and mind numbingly predictable- like an endlessly long awful movie that we are all stuck in
walks like a duck...quacks like a duck...oh oh, mebbe it's a robot duck! Or an alien duck? Or just a psycho duck? But don't say anything! Big Mad! What are we supposed to think when they openly and smugly say: 'Hey, We Ducks gonna take ovah de world!' Fuck a duck.
Ever feel like the Zionist/Fundamentalists and the Islamist/fundamentalists should be shut up in a isolation cell to duke it out while the rest of the world learns to get along peacefully? Maybe all fundamentalists, or just the ones bent on world domination.
Here are a couple of pull quotes from Day Tape #3.
Randy Engel:
"Talking about media events and access to the brain, I remember the first speech Bush gave in which he talked about the New World Order... I remember jumping halfway off my seat. That term. Here he is, the president, saying New World Order as if it was something everyone knew about. And someone looking across the room said, "I heard that. What did he say"? And I said, "He said, 'New World Order'!" And they said, "What does that mean? Why is that extraordinary?"
So, I think one of the weapons we have against the controllers is that if we can cut off his access to our mind then we have a shot at escaping the manipulation, if not totally - at least escape a portion of the manipulations. Remember, one of the books on Chinese POWs pointed out that some of their survivors in order NOT to be brainwashed broke their eardrums. And in that way - not being able to hear - the enemy could not have access to their brain and therefore they were able to survive where others did not."
Lawrence Dunegan:
R.E: What about those who decided they didn't want to go along?
D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that… because this is a "New Authority" and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this... authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn't... and I'm not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn't explored in great detail... one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go.
If you don't sign up then you can't get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won't have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood.
R.E: Could you get these things from other people, or would that be... in other words, let's say if you had a sympathetic family...
D.L.D: No you could not because the housing authority would keep close tabs on who is inhabiting any domicile. So the housing authority would be sure that everybody living there was authorized to live there.
R.E: Could I get some food?
D.L.D: Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched so if you were spending too much money at the super market, somebody would pick this up and say, "How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don't look that fat. You don't have that many people. We know you're not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?" And these things then would alert the...
R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I'm feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go.
D.L.D: They don't belong there and you can't feed them and since you're sympathetic to them, maybe your allegiance isn't very trustworthy either.
The above is the very reason that you do not want an all digital payment system which can be programmed as opposed to checks and cash.
"And shout out to the loving and decent Jewish friends that I have known."
It is time for them to step up.
And oppose The Monster.
Because the vast majority seem to be running interference for it, if not directly supporting it.
People kept saying how it was up to "Good" Muslims to oppose the perversion of their faith by moderate or extremist beheaders during the GWOT. LOLs, for the latter, btw.
Well, this band of clinically insane megalomaniac creatures have already caused more deaths in the past few centuries than all the Muslims, ever. 70M Russians. Probably the same of Chinese. And so many others when you actually dig about WWII, WWI, and all the way back to the War of Independence. Or all the way forward to the current time. A million more Slavs, butchered, to feed the MICC and the coin clippers. And to bring about their retarded endtime prophesy.
And the past crimes have nothing on the fact they got ~5B humans to inject slow-kill bioweapons.
Or what they will do next to speed things up.
The overlap in their vision and the WEF agenda is indeed complete.
Oh, how could such a coincidence occur!? All natural and spontaneous. Every Government (down to the lowliest Organ) in Lockstep...
A vaccinated 6yo child could now pattern-recognise The Monster paw prints.
When your enemy writes (many) books telling you what they plan to do to you and your people, a prudent soul would take them at their word and take measures in self-defence.
And they fear that more than anything, hence the 24/7/365 propaganda. But despite that propaganda deluge, like a heroin addict, the effect is wearing off. People are waking up. People are seeing the truth through their lies.
It is inevitable, as the delta between confected fiction and observed reality grows by the day.
Alas, when we win there will not be a soft landing.
Things are too complex and compromised.
The systems will not 'fail safe'.
And their Sampson Option will ensure that the failure is catastrophic.
On the Chinese, Larry Romanoff writes on the Jews in China that "Rothschild's Brit. East India Co."Taiping Rebellion", organised by Rothschild & Sassoon where gathered army that killed betw. 70-90 million Chinese to protect drug profits - bloodiest war in history of world...kidnapping millions of Chinese as slaves shipped all over the world"
Highly recommend reading all of Larry Romanoff's writings on the criminal cabal.
As for the anti-Zionist Jews, it's great that they speak out about Israel's crimes, but I've noticed that they never call out Israel's long history of false flags (listed w/links here: https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/israeli-tanks-enter-rafah/comment/55725040), and never talk about 10/7 being a false flag or question the hostage narrative (IMO a total LIE, which has allowed the genocide to continue and allowed them to portray themselves as victims while they slaughter babies). They also never talk about Israel's role in 9/11 or assassination of JFK, and they accuse others of antisemitism for talking about Israels role in those two events. They never call out their tribe's control over the media. And they never talk about the Rothschild banking cartel for enslaving nations with debt and being the power behind all of the wars. So, IMO, it seems like even the "good Jews" have played a role in supporting the criminal cabal within their own tribe.
There definitely have been some good ones, though, like Benjamin Freedman, ex-insider who broke with them and spent the rest of his life and fortune warning about them. Jack Berstein, who exposed them in his books. And Gilad Atzmon and Schlomo Sands.
How can anyone justify killing 1,000 people in a block destruction to kill just one targeted person
If Jews will not talk about the actions of Jews which are found to be offensive resulting in pogroms and country evictions rather than just assume as victims that it comes from a dark place in the heart, how can they be "good" Jews (Good needs a definition and I do not think that one will find it in the Talmud.)
I believe that you would enjoy Gemmar Rudolphs (free) Holocaust Encyclopedia consisting of recorded events of the times. Eye opening and complete.
It's called dehumanization.
It's how Evil gets done.
Evil is the absence of good, not the opposite of it as dialectics would prefer it to be thought of.
Yes, I've heard of that book- do you have a link? I know who he is (fearless truthteller). One of the first documentaries that woke me up to the other side of WW2 was Hitler's War- What the Historians Neglect to Mention (I learned that one of my favorite movies growing up, Sound of Music, was just more Jewish brainwashing). The Myth of German Villainy is another good book--the part about who was at the Paris Peace Conference was an eye-opener.
I cannot recommend highly enough the podcast Powers and Principalities by Tim Kelly.
Another good article is https://www.unz.com/book/arthur_r_butz__the-hoax-of-the-twentieth-century/ He is Jewish.
I do not believe that the powerful Jews are religious at all and just use that cover to dominate although they do believe that they are superior and should rule as do the 33 degree top Masons. Jews are some of the most mind-screwed people in the world made to fear and adopt victimhood.
"Rothschild's Brit. East India Co."Taiping Rebellion", organised by Rothschild & Sassoon where gathered army that killed betw. 70-90 million Chinese to protect drug profits - bloodiest war in history of world...kidnapping millions of Chinese as slaves shipped all over the world"😳🤬
Why did we never learn this in our history classes? (rhetorical question).
And I come across info like this almost every single day--so much has been hidden from us. From that same link, guess who was behind the depopulation of Ireland and Easter Island. Same tribe. Jewish slave traders. Yet we never learn about this because Jewish academics are quick to cover for the tribe.
And I just stumbled upon this today:
On slave labor in Soviet Russia--and we know who was running the show over there.
This predatory tribe has been on a massive crime spree for centuries, probably much longer.
I got partway through this one. So much to learn. So much to learn.
Yeah, I got about half-way through that one too. Still have to finish. So much has been hidden. And what a clever trick they played--getting blacks to blame whitey, when they were the ones running the slave trade (owned the ships, traded the slaves at auction--slave auctions were closed on Jewish holidays).
And since they control education, the media, and Hollywood, they conveniently ignored their dominant role in the trade and have convinced blacks that whitey did it to them. There was a brain black professor (Dr. Tony Martin) who exposed the Jewish role in the slave trade, wrote a book on it, and then organized Jewry destroyed his career:
(that's how much power this tribe has- they will destroy you if you expose their crimes, yet they continue to play the role of perpetual victim.)
Interesting that it is the WASPs that get all the blame. Reflecting, I think of the abolitionists (Quakers, but others) who were abolitionists. This makes me wonder about the backstory. I'm not saying there were no WASP slave owners, but this starts to look very different than I was taught.
And today, reparations? Just a scam that is just to funnel money away from the middle class. Should the scorpions pay their fair share? (I'm NOT arguing for reparations, this is sarcasm).
I've always wanted to tell blacks that if they want reparations, they need to go after the big Jewish slave traders who owned the ships, ran the auctions, and they need to demand their reparations in gold.
Ever since I heard that talk about reparations (seemed out of the blue), I wondered if it was part of a plot to blow out the dollar (they are debasing the currency so they can force us into their new system).
Yes, the Jews ran the slave trade (owned the ships, ran the slave auctions, which were closed on Jewish holidays). I also read an excerpt from a book on how the Jews who ran the slave trade in Suriname were especially brutal - they would amputate a leg or cut the Achilles tendon of a slave who tried to escape.
Also, during covid, I recall Catherine Austin Fitts, who usually just calls the perps "Mr global," did say that she thought the people behind the Great Reset/digital slave grid were the same ones who ran the slave trade.
The reason "anti-Zionist Jews" or "good Jews" don't condemn the other Jews is they, fundamentally, share the same worldview. Go look at a Pew survey of Jews and you'll find they support all manner of moral depravity and things that will wreck America and other countries. It would be nice if they condemned their fellow Jews for their behavior, but even if they did, they'd still embrace the worldview that destroys countries.
This is why I'm trying to sort out the root definitions of Jew and Zionist and so forth and also see the extent that the batshit crazy "holy" texts are taken as literal law.
It's going great! 😅
I just put them all in one category—Jews. There is debate about whether it is ethnic/racial or religious. In some cases, it can be both. But, those issues are incidental. The fundamental issue is shared worldview. One Jew may think of himself as committed to "Torah" (which really means the Talmud) whereas another Jew may boast in being part of the Jewish race. But, you'll find they, along with other Jews, agree on things like support for homosexuality, mass immigration, abortion, and many other things. They might not agree on every element that comprises the Jewish worldview, but they will all agree on one or more.
The fundamental reason for the conflict with the Jews in all countries is they embrace a worldview that puts them at odds with the various societies in which they live. Conflict is inevitable.
As the video you posted highlights, how can you cooperate with people whose end goal is world domination under Jewish control? You can't.
A lot of the worldview points come from the "ethics" codified in the Talmud. And, Jews don't need to go to synagogue to be taught in that worldview, its baked into the cake through Jewish news sites, Jewish NGO's, Jewish community institutions, and so on.
Well I'm trying to sort out how pervasive the WE ARE OWED THIS SHIT BY GOD....ERRR...G-D...is amongst the disparate taxonomy of "members".
As the rabbis pointed out, that's Jewish eschatology. So, while the rabbis think of it in theological (if we can use that term for an atheistic religion) terms your average Jew embraces the same goal/worldview under the banner of Tikkun Olam.
Totally agree.
Just saw it again today- Max Blumenthal endorsing the narrative that Hamas (funded by Israel) and the leader of Hamas (Sinwar) was the one who initiated 10/7. They (anti-zio Jews) will NEVER call out the Israeli false flags! How many millions died for the last one (9/11)? How many have already died for this one? There is at least one Jew, here on substack, Michael Ginsburg, who has called them out (he's definitely a RARE exception)--he called Israel out for 9/11, JFK and exposed that on 10/7 there was definitely an Israeli (speaking in Hebrew) directing the operation.
BTW. Good to see you in comments Sandra. I remember you were part of the wars against covid hoax in the early days. Saw you on multiple substack hammering away and telling the truth. I think you got blocked from a few substacks as well like I did. Another man called Allen was also insightful and got blocked by many substacks as well, as did I. If memory serves, one of the substacks that blocked you originally was Celia Farber. Hope all is well. And thanks for staying in the fight.
Good to see you here too. Yes, I was dropping links on operation covid hoax all over the place. Yes, Allen is excellent--I've saved some of his comments to share elsewhere b/c they were so perfect. As for Celia's substack, I'm not sure I was ever blocked from there, but I was definitely held up as an example of "wrong think," along with Alison McDowell, for daring to question RFK's stance on covid when RFK Jr announced his campaign. I basically questioned whether he was really controlled opposition and provided a link to a quick video by Alison McDowell where she reviewed the chapter in his book on Fauci that went over covid. Honestly, it was so long ago, that I forget the details, but I think the idea was that RFK Jr was still promoting covid as a pandemic (as opposed to a hoax, massive fraud, with murder protocol) and he NEVER exposed the fraudulent PCR test, which led to fraudulent case/death counts. And he promoted early treatment when people were asymptomatic--so what symptoms would you be treating??? Well, Celia would have none of that and did a post on my comments and Alison's and basically held us up for "wrong think"--"what is wrong with people like this?" My overall goal is just getting the truth out--so I'll still post over at Celias from time to time, usually if there's a good post on what the demons in Israel are up to.
Ha. It must've been Allen, then, that got blocked. So many of these "health freedom" substack authors turned out to be controlled opposition. I called out Farber for trying to push Musk as the new messiah and then recycling all the controlled opposition characters from Infowars especially Alex Jones. What's remarkable is you often get the best news or truth in the comments.
Yep. Even with Michael, when you start asking if he supports homosexuality, mass immigration, transgender insanity, and many other things that always wreck countries, I'd be surprised if we got blanket condemnations.
Helps to keep in mind the Israeli population was highly monitored - re tracking the impact of the bioweapon - it was put into arms there first.
The fact that Israelis were experimented on first and that there were injuries and deaths in Israel is used as an argument in a group I’m in for Zionists not being in control/running the world/behind the bioweapon for white replacement. What people don’t seem to know is that for the New World Order with the head seated in Jerusalem before the Messiah comes, they only want 1/3 of the Jews remaining so no, they do not attempt to preserve the existence of all Jews which also serves as good cover for them. It is confusing, however, because I have heard rabbis saying the bioweapon is not for the Jews and yet they took it.
David Icke talks about the "Sabbateans." Sabbatean cult. They try to get buy-in from regular Jews (and often succeed), but they hate the Jews as much as they hate non-Jews. They use the 6 million all the time to justify.
At about 1:09:00. he discusses the Israeli response to the vaccine. (You can go back a way to hear more about them)
I found this made sense of what seemed to be contradictory.
Exactly on the point on dissenting Jews. Yet are there any groups more thoroughly bombarded with tribal groupthink from cradle to grave than this one?
It’s unbelievably creepy: down every rabbit hole resides, at its nadir, the same clutch from the same tribe.
One has to intentionally ignore it to deny it, seems to me
I still find the taxonomy of the tribe incredibly difficult to traverse.
A bloodline? A faith in a God who wants to give you the keys to the universe?
A set of imposters who steal identities of the "good ones". A line between the political arm and the religious arm?
A culture?
If you haven't read From Yahweh to Zion by Lauent Guyenot, I'd recommend it.... so many dots get connected. The forever persecuted race must control the nations. The jealous God raises his children to this purpose, never permitting them to assimilate with the rest of the world, and encouraging his chosen people to eradicate their neighbors. And how the Holocaust is now the religion that provides cover for any atrocity.
Yes, I've seen others highly recommend that book too.
I'm starting to wonder only now whether they (that tribe - whatever *they* are - I'm not so sure anymore) - if they've always been around to be the demonic in the flesh harassing us on this temporal earth for millennia.
I have no way to prove or disprove it. But the thought came to me after pondering E Michael Jones' history of their shenanigans dating back to the time of Christ, "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit".
Are they Satan's true minions on earth? I mean, the really ghoulish ones that can control so many all at once, not those small devils that sit on your shoulder and fight with your conscience when you have to choose between the right and wrong path.
I feel quite depressed to the point of suicide sometimes with this topic.
We are going to keep up with the atrocities based on stories that were told to us before we could ponder phenomena rationally and with insights.
We continue to kill and maim because of Comic Book characters and clever manipulators of the above.
Fucking sick of it.
We who have a conscience and a heart are all sick of it.
Yet, the least we can do is endure.
We are not at least suffering or dying like they are in Gaza, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, or Lebanon.
We still have agency, no matter how small or limited it might seem.
No righteous act, word, prayer or thought, small or big, goes unseen by God, nor does it not influence something, somewhere, for the good. The "butterfly effect," if you will.
me too
Yes, I feel the same way--it's extremely depressing. I set up an x account last fall, just to I could know what's going on over there, since the tribe controls the media here. And I'm just sick to death over what I've seen--and then knowing the Palestinians have been enduring this horror for 75 years and our taxes have funded it. And I feel so helpless- there's literally nothing we can do to stop it. All I can do is pick some of the gofundme accounts and try to support this people as they desperately try to escape these genocidal demons.
I feel the weight of this often. Watching near death experiences helps shatter the illusion that this is real. This filmmaker has done some good ones. https://anthonychene.com/project/nde-karen-thomas
Your writing is similar to Dr. James Hill’s here, on Substack. You should check him out but it won’t lessen your depression.
Yes, but you´re not actually taking part in any of it. So it´s just a SHOW. Funny thing is that you can use the same trick to keep yourself calm, should you find yourself being part of it, the show. Repeat to yourself over and over, "just a show', "just a show", "just a show". Worked for me.
I say " Hunger Games Theater"
Everyone should watch that movie and sequels , to get a feel for the backstage reality.
Watched this experiment called A Class Divided showing how prejudice can be taught in a classroom within a day — from the late 60s US.
Yeah teach those kids not to be prejudiced. We all should get along be nice share take turns care about one another’s feelings blah blah fucking blah.
All I could think of was the live streamed genocide we’re watching the same US basically perpetrate 60 years later. And how much else in the in between time?!
Batman wants our Believers to have dominion.
Superman says our Believers.
Let's murder some children now and say it's about something else.
Just replace the Religion with an ideology or another Cult and on with it.
Rest assured the loudest blathering preening arrogant jackasses ain't the ones doing the dirty work.
Such is the human condition, but I hold those who refuse to dig further than WHAT SOMEBODY TOLD THEM ONCE with a fair amount of skepticism.
"I'm starting to wonder only now whether they (that tribe - whatever *they* are - I'm not so sure anymore) - if they've always been around to be the demonic in the flesh harassing us on this temporal earth for millennia."
I've actually had this same thought, especially after digging into hidden history. They seem like such a predatory and criminal tribe, and it's been going on for centuries, actually probably thousands of years. I was recently listening to Martin Luther's The Jews and Their Lies, and he definitely mentioned the thievery and financial predation (usury). I know they were kicked out of England for usury and destroying the economy back in the 1200s or so (there's a good quick video "what is usury" on bitchute that shows how it destroys economies, and how all the wealth will end up in the hands of the usurer). And it just seems like throughout history, they would just move from one location to the next, doing the same criminal behavior.
Plus, all of the ritual murder of Christians that they still deny but even an Israeli professor says was true--his book is posted on archive.org, along with lots of other hidden history/truth telling books, but I think they're now trying to take it downs. But this Israeli professor had a quick summary on what they did to Christians during the Medieval times, including kidnapping Christian boys, castrating them, and selling them as slaves. (I could go on and one about the crimes of this tribe throughout history- yet since they control the media, text books, education, nobody knows)
This article by Ron Unz is worth a read (I definitely wish Christian Zios would read it!), especially the section on "Attitude Toward Non-Jews": https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/
Unz (ethnic jew, not religious) says that it's a religion based on hate thy neighbor and " the enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion," which seems to fit with the goals of the Great Reset that we are now facing. Even Voltaire said something about this tribe and how he wouldn't be surprised if someday they were a threat to the human race- and here we are in 2024 with a murder plot against us and plans to enslave those who survive.
I used to have doubts about the vicious crimes this tribe is accused of in the Bolshevik Revolution slaughter of tens of millions, but now, after seeing their brutality and cruelty in Gaza, I have no doubts. I also have no doubts about the stories of them poisoning the wells. There have been warnings about them throughout history, even as far back as Roman times, but they want us to believe they've always been the victims and people just hate them for being jews and it has nothing to do with their criminal behavior.
Perfectly said, Sandra ---! I am sorry if anyone feels offended by what I write below, but these are basic things I've gleaned over the last few years, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Many others have been more comprehensive and articulate about their history and influence upon the culture and thinking.
I think the real revelation of these people's evil in all its horrendousness is finally happening, right before the eyes of the stunned world. There is a reason all these old stories about them have come down to us over millennia. They controlled the money for all these rulers in these centuries past, so they controlled the monarchs, too, and were untouchable. They did not mix with the rest of the goyim, and kept all these things to themselves.
And in the 20th century, they took control of the mass media and entertainment so as to suppress these ideas - and it has worked perfectly for them. Freudian psychology (a false "science") was let loose upon the people so as to have "psychiatry" replace the true tenets of Christianity/Catholicism about every person's feeling of guilt and sin, and what to do to live righteous life according to the Natural Law from God that is written in every human being's heart. "Psychotherapy" thus replaced the truly healing Catholic Sacrament of Confession. (And, psychotherapists make good money since their "patients" need to keep coming back to them for relief, not cure, for -- forever.)
Then, the "Holocaust" myth propagated after WWII so that they would again be considered the victims of the "worst crimes" and the guilt for it all imposed upon the Germans, who have been wholly emasculated and possess no more liberty or agency for their own rights today. (Germany is also being rapidly deindustrialized, when once, they were the strongest economy in Europe post-WWII - see Lena Petrova's recent videos about this.)
Meanwhile, the crimes of the Bolshevik Jews have never been spoken about in the same way as that of Hitler and the Nazis are. When people want to insult anyone, they call them "Nazi" -- as if that's the very worst thing you can be. Which is why I long stopped using the term in this way.
And what about the Freemasons and Jews? Is the tribe responsible for this secret society, too? (I haven't delved too deeply into this yet.) Freemasons are now being blamed for the bloody French Revolution, which inspired the Bolsheviks in their own bloody coup d'etat.
So, that "Jewish revolutionary spirit" continues. The cultural degeneracy today in the West is one result of their tampering with the cultural values. Just like Weimar Germany. And I still don't understand how a rabbi (are they not "holy men"?) can own porn websites, or sell sex toys (like "Rabbi" Shmuley). Something is deeply wrong with their "holy book" or whatever rules and guides they follow.
Agree with you on all of this.
As for WW2 lies, that's another thing that bothers me about the so-called good Jews/Anti-Zio jews, they will never question that narrative and will call you an antisemite if you question it. So, they really do support the criminal cabal.
And on Freemasonry and Jews, yes, they are responsible for that too. I have tons of bookmarked posts on X, where it has Jews in their own words claiming Freemasonry as their creation. I think even Brother Nathanael calls it Judiaism for gentiles. And I've seen some on substack trying to scapegoat Jews for their crimes by claiming "its the Freemasons" as though Jews have nothing to do with Freemasonry.
On this "Something is deeply wrong with their "holy book" or whatever rules and guides they follow," yes, just look up Elizabeth Dilling's book Come and Hear, where she quotes from the Talmud (book of hate against non-Jews). I really don't think of it as a religion--IMO, more like a Satanic cult and international organized crime operation bent on owning everything in the world and ruling over non Jews.
This is the ideological read-in, and what I am referring to when I say to readers here, when you start signing off on stuff that is illogical or irrational because of fee-feee space stuff, now YOU are being read-in to the Operations.
I truly believe this where the elite education, err...*elite, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Oxford, London School of Economics, etc. etc. is critical to shaping the reality of the world.
This is the cusp of what I am beginning to grasp, so...not perfectly stated.
Thank you for the clarification, Sandra.
It all makes sense, because the same soul-destroying and murderous spirit runs thru all these “revolutionary” movements in the culture, and ultraviolent actions that upset the conventional order. I’d missed that bit by Bro Nathanael about Freemasonry being “Judaism for Gentiles.”
I agree about anti-Zio Jews. Most, if not all, still believe the H’caust narrative and repeat that lie about “Never again!”- even if their aim is good. The full but painful truth still escapes them. Of course, Jews (secular and religious) might actually be the most brainwashed people in the world as a whole about their own history. It was Max Igan whom I heard first say this shortly after Oct 7, 2023, but he was referring only to the Israeli Jews. I think it applies to most, Israeli or not. They tend to regard themselves as deeply different to the rest of us in some way, for good or ill.
Free download :: use a VPN if you have one... took about 5 seconds...click on the PDF image at bottom of page
Are VPN’s really effective? I have my doubts
Almost certainly not effective in defending against intrusion by alphabet agencies, but according to a friend who occasionally downloads copyrighted material, they are generally effective against random snooping done by internet service providers...as in, the only time he got a finger-wagging warning from his ISP was the one time he forgot to start up his VPN before doing a download.
Yes, they are. Certain ones. Not made in the US. That is all.
More on their crimes from history:
Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain. ...Arab sources, Ibn Haukal & Ibrahim al Qarawi, also stressed that the majority of their eunuchs originated from France & were sold to the Iberian peninsula by Jewish merchants."
But Jews are not taught this--they are just taught that they will expelled from all of those places for no reason at all (so in their minds, they have always been the victims)
"If we Americans nationalized our currency we would effectively sever all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of our government & economy would cease, we would live debt-free & we'd stop being the muscle of genocidal Israel -all within 2 yrs.-----"
I like this.
Maybe "America First" Mossad Trump will propose it. 😹
Eunuchs: in the Islamic region, in the 19thc for which we have accurate figures, the fatality rate from castration was 24%, but the price of the slave rose 8-fold. An excellent investment!
Thank you.
On ritual murder, since I can't link to the book on archive.org, here's a thread:
Another quote from Ron Unz (ethnic Jew, not religious):
(when you study the true history that has been hidden from us, this is obvious)
This might not be the book you would like to link to on archive.org, but it's probably similar...and it's a free download...I tried my usual Slow Partner Server #3, but something glitched, so I used Slow Partner Server #2...had a waiting period of about 4-5 minutes and then downloaded it in a few minutes...can't beat the price...use a VPN if you have one...
P.S. there are plenty of related books on annas-archive.org
thanks, I'll take a look
This guy pulls out an impressive timeline dating back to 1 B.C.
Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters, part 2
Free download :: use a VPN if you have one... took about 2-3 minutes...click on the PDF image at bottom of page
Wow! THANK YOU for this link to the PDF! I wasn't aware of that page.
annas-archive.org and oceanofpdf.com have tons of useful publications...annas is by far the more wide-reaching, but ocean is fast and usually has a choice of pdf and/or epub formats
Hmmmm... did the NT Book of Revelations suddenly become kosher to those who claim to use ONLY the Torah as their guide? I’ll stop there.
Nothing to add except that the book you mention (and the author, of course) is superb: "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit."
Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters, part 2
Seems to me the very top of each Abrahamic religion are in the group. Masons of course too.
No idea if there is an umbrella term for these folks save the old Illuminati.
As late as five years ago, 2019, I often said these egos could never conclude at the top.
Looks like they’ve created their own tribe: the Iron Law of Oligarchy on steroids
Given that God is Black Woman
Her Son, Jesus then impregnates The Magdalene
Engendering a mulatto bloodline that culminates with Borack O'Bama
So now the Holy Quatrain is Abraham, Martin,
Crawfish Pie and a Filé Gumbo
How did you find this place again?
similar journey in my own path of discovery. It began for me by asking is all this just dolts botching shit or is there actually some kind of overall plan being played out. And if this is a massive crime being pulled off by a bunch of scorpions- there are so many suspects that have the means, and the access. But motive- who actually wants to murder the world? It's different than wanting to control everyone, or be the richest, the most powerful etc. We are talking a about a multi-generational campaign- something you care about enough to teach your children, to dedicate your life's work to pulling off. Careful, methodical planning to deliberately poison, degrade, and murder millions of humans, and enslave the rest. That is some biblical level conviction and some heavy duty elitist racial hatred going on there.
So many things I had been tracking all these many years rack into sharp focus when you realize the call is truly coming from inside the house.
In regards to the biblical aspect of this, very few of any of the people who inhabit what they call Israel are descendants of the twelve tribes of there is such a thing and for people who've studied the Bible Israelites and Israelis are two completely different things. And to get just a little deeper an Israelite is actually someone not from an earthly tribe but someone who has the spirit of God within them and it gets deeper but I'm not going any further because I'm exhausted. Anyway..........
Oh lovely. the spirit of God within them.
that should be easy to sort out.
Hubris, indeed.
Netanyahu called the Palestinians Amalek. Rabbis explain what this means and it comes before the New World.
No guessing necessary.
The part of the Bible that you want to read is Deuteronomy where the Israelites are told to kill all the Amalekites down to the last child. Netanyahu has called the Palestinians Amalek. Do the math.
(BTW, Netanyahu set a record of 58 standing ovations in a recent ten minute speech before Congress which took an hour. This is reminiscent of Stalins speeches where the first to stop clapping suffered some bad luck.)
If 8 of 11 top cabinet positions are held by a tribe that represents 3% of the population, it tells one who owns Trump, Congress and the rest of Zionist Occupied (US) Government (not to mention banking, media and venture capital). So it really is NOT our Congress is it.
If one looks at Israel one will see the world that is desired for the rest of us goy. A self-centered racist police state under constant surveillence which does not regard any thing other than itself.
Count me out. Starve the beast! Dont aid genocide. Care for others. Trump is an actor owned by the script writers (and Rothschild Inc. via Wilber Ross who bailed him out of bankruptcy).
If you want to know who’s in power, think about who you’re not allowed to criticize.
Or something like that.
Perhaps your best SS to date?
I had a very long head start pondering this exact type of issue.
Thank you.
Brilliant again, dear SAGE. Very glad that you're on this. You and readers may want to check out George H.W. Bush's father and Averill Harriman and how War for Banks' Sake has always been, may I say, the New World Order's dish of every day. 'Lords of a Feudal New World Order' between pages 105 and 124 of the PDF here--https://www.ur1light.com/the-world-is-turning
Of course.
Well they have interpreted the Bible pretty accurately but I did not hear one of them say that Gods kingdom will put an end to all these (kingdoms) or governments in this system of things and he will set up His Kingdom( the one we pray for in the Lord’s Prayer) and Jesus, his first born son, will be the King of that Kingdom and people from every nation will be a part of the Kingdom Sooo I find it interesting that the chosen people did not understand what God was telling them about this kingdom that would come and they did not understand that Jesus was the one sent down to earth to teach about that Kingdom, which he did from the time of his baptism by John until he was put do death by his own people. The Bible is a fascinating book with so much in it for all to learn. Think of it like a love letter from your parent that was left to guide you through this life. Everyone should read it from cover to cover at least once. It does not surprise me that Satan has put this one world order into the hearts of evil men for his own evil purposes.He stole the idea from God who he has wanted to slander from the very beginning! Satan would like to take as many as he can down with him when his end comes and it is near! The Prince of peace is Jesus! Amen
Various tribes have their own holy books and conveniently it says what the practitioner wants it to say.
Written by Man.
And the inevitable INSPIRED BY GOD.
Everybody thinks they have GOD ON THE STRAIGHT LINE.
Somehow we tend to forget to consider that these holy books were entirely contrived by the same grifters who are trying to murder us all
Yes I think so.
I don't find the Minders OR the Thought Leaders "holy" or even "appealing" or even remotely engaging.
I find them loathsome and tedious and utterly programmed to a spot on the wall of the cave
and their bloody fingerprints are all over this entire saga. The same dimestore novellas grinding out over and over, the over the top characters in their stage makeup and ham fisted acting all heavy handed calvinist moralism and mawkish nonsense. SO fucking tedious, dark and mind numbingly predictable- like an endlessly long awful movie that we are all stuck in
I have come to hate their utter lack of originality
“I am the science” says the self-anointed high priest spokesman of culling jabs
“WW111 is coming whether they like it or not”. Top Ariel Sharon Aide. “ Controversy of Zion” by Doug Reed. the plan is all true.
walks like a duck...quacks like a duck...oh oh, mebbe it's a robot duck! Or an alien duck? Or just a psycho duck? But don't say anything! Big Mad! What are we supposed to think when they openly and smugly say: 'Hey, We Ducks gonna take ovah de world!' Fuck a duck.
Ever feel like the Zionist/Fundamentalists and the Islamist/fundamentalists should be shut up in a isolation cell to duke it out while the rest of the world learns to get along peacefully? Maybe all fundamentalists, or just the ones bent on world domination.