easy to tell when you are right over the target the flying monkeys are big mad swarming now

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I expect that we may be on the chopping block.

Rima Laibow, much like Paul Alexander, has been sending in the troops by recommendation.

Signature enhancement to chop the tall poppy.

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they are all such baseless cowards, duplicitous middle management party members in good standing.

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Highly motivated collective inter-generational mass formation in play. A by any means necessary rationale for ??? no limits. This is why I went to the roots of motivation and am trying to learn the indoctrination that forms this and how it is brought about.

Was talking about this for a long, long time including with some Jewish friends. Some of them are not not not on board with this shit. Be clear on that.

I hope to never descend to blanket collective guilt as I have been ensnared in it.

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I hear you. Blanket collective guilt is a generalization that is not useful, and unfair. But at the same time we are looking at a secretive insular culture that has promoted murderous racist beliefs at a very foundational level for literally thousands of years. And they STILL promote the same beliefs, they are codified -extensively, in great detail, in their “holy books”. I cannot think of example of another tribe of people who pride themselves on being chosen by a sky fairy that condones and encourages - actually commands them to rape, poison and murder everyone else and steal all their land.

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So it's writ large, but at root....it's Jonestown. It's Heaven's Gate.

I *think.

Stay tuned and let me just have 3-more years and see what the Brightness reveals. Thanks for hanging out. I try to move with data. I just want to know. You know that.

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fun fact : ya know the way to reach Heaven's Gate Comet was to chop one balls think about that They were the avantguard ! of the LGBTCIA cult.

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Iviagramectin destroys Bot eggs on contact and Bot sperm killed dead with Vagimectin - stops bots before they start.

Like NY rats and Florida mosquitos.

Anti-inflammatoryInfertility Mectins.

Not trying to be inFlurmmatory here.......

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But what if a horsie goes to lick said port?

Does that count as animal abuse?

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Nov 4Edited

Yes try this.

Just fucking nuke Is Ra Hell, or, if you do not believe in nukes, fire bomb the fuck out of that pain in the ass country. Turn it into glass and rubble.

I’m tired of this country causing more shit.

In fairness, we can do the same to DC and the city of London!

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hola sh.

yes, and the moslem 'fundamentalist' have the same kind of rhetoric too.

i have read that the three dominant abrahamics were written by the same organising money/monetising/remunerating group to ensure a moral reason between them for endless wars. no idea if that is true or not while thinking that that is a kind of occam's razor and explains a lot.

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You are lumping all Jews together and that is as bad as anything you are against.

These Rabbi's are being taken out of context. Every one supports Trump. Most of them are aware of the NWO and are against it. The ones who persecute Jews are the ones they say will be destroyed. Who do you think they are referring to? To the same evil people that you want to be destroyed as well.

If you sat down with most of them, you would agree with 90% of what they say.

These rabbi's have no control over the country or of anyone. They are teaching the Prophets that discuss the time of the Messiah who will redeem all of humanity from the evil people and all will then realize the truth. You can believe in that or not. But they are not doing anything about it other than teaching what is says will happen.

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Not at all.

I am showing the mindset that appears to be congruent with the behavior visible right now from the Israel Military.

Savage war crimes against women and children.

I have also been clear that this is only able to happen with the largely Christian (but Israeli controlled) United States.

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If you would like to renounce these rabbis views please feel free to do so explicitly.

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This is against a backdrop with what is actually going on in the Gaza attacks. If nothing like that was happening, and if Iran wasn't a part of that backdrop. . . then it might be possible to see this as religious leaders and their texts. But when we look at things like this, it should be seen in the current context. And, (ahem) 9/11.

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It's ironic that you are becoming the leftists we abhor.

Do you really believe these Rabbi's had anything to do with 9/11? There is zero evidence of that and I have positive evidence that they have nothing to do with it. It is simply your bias talking.

Quite frankly, the same with Gaza.

Except with Gaza, there is another factor. Suddenly, you trust the mainstream media that is claiming Gaza is a genocide? But is it really?

See Joe Rogan on that.


The lying media that you know lies is lying about Gaza. Except in this case, your bias is allowing you to believe them. There is nothing to believe there. Most of the photos are fake anyway. At least you have zero idea how much of them are fake.

Learn more about that here: https://honestreporting.com/tag/pallywood/

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This "leftist" thing is bullshit.

This "we" thing is bullshit.

Rogan is controlled and handled by Irgun son mogul Ari Emmanuel who now runs the UFC.

Keep trying to understand.

Feel free to denounce Deuteronomy and the rabbis and the Purim and all that jazz.

Tell me it's not true and tell me the Jews are not the Chosen Tribe.

You can do so right now.

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Poor Katie joins in only to get lambasted by your comment! How rude. I dare to say that EVERYTHING is subject to scrutiny and "fakery!" But since you are SO critical, I certainly would not view you as a peer or expert in determining such..

THIS is what this time is ALL ABOUT. To question and hold your own knowledge accountable. Wisdom comes from using it,. NOT throwing it around at different opinions others have from you. And it can ALL be REAL pictures from 20 years ago. ?

We are always left with the only way to PROVE your claims by using the SAME RESOURCE TO DELIVER IT! the internet, the video etc....... Virtual - ALL VIRTUAL.

Here is a channel that does a FAIR job (put your bow and arrow down) in relating 'BOOTS on the Ground" videography. https://youtu.be/G65H_7tER48?si=3iDI8qq338Fes7v5 I personally and eye-witnessingly know this is pretty accurate.

And what about people like "The Hot Zone" channel??

All ironic, abhorred leftists now?

I rate these Rabbi declarations as near credible. On a scale of 1-10 - a 2

The psyop that is being played out on all of us is very well crafted. VERY WELL CRAFTED! No buttons being pushed here. Jews disregard Jesus and Christian values.

What's MORE IMPORTANT is the Universal Laws and Common Laws of the Land:

The LACK OF INHERENT Right or Wrong. Do unto others..... Do NOT Trespass to cause HARM OR FOWL.

This is the true psyop - to make you cognitive dissonant to believe now it is OK to cause harm or fowl. THAT IS THE PSYOP!!

And Be authentic and a Service To Others. Peace

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Your video proves the points Sage has been making all along.

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It is more than just rabbis. Netanyahu has called the Palestinians Amalek and the command was to kill every one of them down to the last child.

you are correct that grouping everyone together is an error. Like calling all who criticise some jews behavior an anti-semite, fascist, Nazi, supremacist or whatever name.

I fail to see how the Palestinians are persecuting Jews since their land was taken from them in the 1950s.

Why would jews persecuted be any more special than any others being persecuted

Isnt persecution just plain wrong regardless of the persecuted

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And to be explicit, I am most definitely not grouping everyone together, that was a typical false straw man argument made by our new friend.

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The conflict between Christians and these Rabbis is that the Christians say the Messiah already came. And the Rabbis of the Second Temple killed him. And that was also part of the prophecy.

And the subsequent destruction of Israel by God as punishment for killing the Messiah also happened. Judaism was over. No more chosen people. They were spiritually exterminated by God in AD 70, when the Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem.

Since then, God has a new covenant with a new people: the Church. And the Jews don't like that. God signed a contract with them and he must be forced to fulfill it. That's the mentality.

The old Jewish religion is no more. It requires a number of things that exist no more. No one understands what the Jews have been doing ever since God rejected them, finally. The new Jewish religion is a counterfeit.

But this is irrelevant to the point.

In today's world, there is an antisemitic political movement known as Zionism, which is perpetrating a genocide. Some people, who call themselves Christians, are being bamboozled into supporting the genocide.

The Christian God abhors genocides.

Maybe the nordic gods or the oriental gods like genocides.

The Christian God is against all that. The Christian God is against humans behaving like animals.

Many atheists descend from Christianity. They inherit and maintain certain views. Like the idea that killing should be done only for very good reasons. Very, very good reasons. Lowering the price of real estate is not a very good reason to kill anyone.

Both Christians and most Atheists seem to agree with this. And also with the idea that there ought not to be unlimited power for Governments. As the framers of the Constitution of the US would say, the powers of the Federal Government are few and defined.

War is the worst thing humans do.

Every person should be antiwar.

Do you think about war?

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Plus it's all storytime mythology with MAN FINGERPRINTS over every single aspect of it.

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Yet another of my born again pals told me just last night that supporting Israel is important. What?! I asked. It's in the Bible, said she. It's the word of God. I'm getting beyond tired of this shite.

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To quote my favorite Western philosopher, Mr. Satan: "Do as you will"

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"The Christian God abhors genocides."

.. except all those times Yahweh/Hashem/God/Jesus genocided people.


"A number of cases of mass killings of people, apparently at God’s behest, are recorded in the Old Testament:

1. The Flood (Genesis 6-8)

2. The cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)

3. The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)

4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)

5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15)

The first three examples are similar in that there was no human agent involved – in each case it was God, or an angel of God, who carried out the mass killings directly. The mass killing of the Canaanites is the first of two cases in which the text claims that God’s people, the nation of Israel, were commanded by Him to attack other nations. For this reason, this case will be the focus of this study.

The problem many people have with these stories of mass killings is that they do not seem to fit the popular conception of the Christian God. In particular, the question is asked how a God of love could allow or even command such brutality. Furthermore, it is suggested that the God described in these Old Testament books is a different character from the God described in the New Testament. The former is supposedly angry, vindictive and ruthless, the latter loving, patient and forgiving. Even for people who are convinced that the Bible is true and represents God’s revelation of Himself these accounts can be deeply troubling, especially when one thinks about the death of innocent children."

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I've already written about this.

God is the Creator of all, and he has a right to kill anyone for any reason. This is his creation.

We don't get to judge God. That's what the Pharisees and Saducees did.

Christianity is not about creating war, it's about ending war. Christianity is about imposing order in human affairs. A world without theft, a world without murder.

We have civilization because of the organizing principle of Christianity. Many people hate that civilization comes from a hierarchical structure where men do not allow savages to take their property or abuse their family. It is fair and just to use violence to kill rapists, thieves, corrupt rulers and those who corrupt the young with ideology and evil religious ideas. Those who oppose the principles of civilization, like the Nazis and the Communists, like the environmentalists and the technocrats, deserve destruction outside civilization.

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Ok, well then he's ok with genocide. We just need to admit it and be ok with it. Like SH says.

Kinda Nixon-ish to say, "It's not genocide when God does it!"

Also, are you ok with Noahide Laws being signed into law in the US and several states? That say Christians must be executed by decapitation for believing Jesus is God? Are you cool with that, Rog?

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You think like Annas and Caiaphas.

But you cannot judge God.

In Christian theology, it is not possible to follow a law to decapitate Christians. However, atheists will end up in the madness of Naziism or Communism, destroying entire countries.

There is no order coming from any ideology based on greed, envy or pride. The order from Christianity comes from humility under God, and reverence for all his creation.

This is very important: cruel and evil laws are followed by stupid people, who are working only to receive dead as reward. Stop following anti-Christian laws, and seek what is just. Your belief is not as important as your action.

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I don't care what Christian theology says, it's GARBAGE.

What about the Noahide Laws? Don't flee from the question. Proponents say the Noahide Laws are the basis of all civilization! Don't you agree?

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Jesus coming to the world and suffering and dying for the world changes many things in the Bible. God is just and merciful. And in his mercy Father God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to save us all for eternal damnation. In the New Testament it teaches us humility and forgiveness. People should also remember that God made His sacrifice and has subjected to horrible torture and suffering and death. People have free will. But there is consequences for evil deeds. God is God of mercy but also a God of justice!

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The Seven Noahide Laws? Where does it say that in them? I know Trump did something with this but Christians being executed because of Hoahide Laws? Hmnnnn - Please provide verifiable resources on this.

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The "Christians being executed" part is usually left in the fine print. But don't worry, it's not ALL Christians, just the ones who believe in the Trinity (God == Jesus == The Holy Spirit). So Mormons, Lutherans, Unitarians, and some others don't believe Jesus is God and therefore these branches are "Noahide-compliant." Islam is also Noahide-complaint.

The Noahide Laws are being pushed worldwide by the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Keep in mind Trump's family is Chabad-Lubavitch via Jared Kushner and Ivanka.

Also keep in mind the powerful Chabad sect are Kabbalists, which means they ascribe to the texts of the Zohar, which says Gentile (non-Jewish) souls emanate from the "evil other side" and have "Satanic souls." Nice, huh?

So here's the Chabad source direct so you can read it for yourself:


"A Noachide who transgresses these seven commands shall be executed by decapitation."

And what of the command to "set up courts?" All the better to decapitate you, my dear!

"How must the Noachides fulfill the commandment to establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in every major city to render judgement concerning these six mitzvot and to admonish the people regarding their observance."

EVERY MAJOR CITY in the world, they mean, with the master Sanhedrin HQ in Jerusalem.

... and of course this would be a fair trial, right?

"A Noachide is executed on the basis of the testimony of one witness and the verdict of a single judge. No warning is required."

see https://stopnoahidelaw.blogspot.com/ https://stopnoahidelaw.blogspot.com/2019/09/israeli-sanhedrin-calls-on-president.html

"Israeli Sanhedrin calls on Trump to uphold the Noahide Laws"






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If the God I think exists exists, then He can do whatever He wants with anything He created. Anything. No questions asked. So He can genocide all He wants and whoever He wants and however He wants to do it. The Bible tells me He does genocide. He does it always in judgement. The Bible tells me I deserve to be genocided too. And that’s not even enough, I should be thrown into an eternal lake of fire after being genocided. But it tells me He doesn’t want to do that, but somebody must pay for the sins I do. Me or Him. I pick Him. Do I believe God told Israel to genocide as described in the Bible? Yes. Did Jews do genocides on their enemies without God telling them to do it as described in the Bible? Yes. Are both the same thing? No. Do I think there is a standing order from God today for any people to commit genocide? No. I believe the revelations of Jesus. Predicting the future doesn’t mean evil men aren’t doing it. Blessings.

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When you speak like this, Gary, I get the sense that you've never seen it up close.

Or been close to someone who has done it.

This ain't the way, fellow traveler.

Outsourcing Genocide to a comic book.

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Hi Sage. I'm glad you ask real questions. Here is where I am right now after lots of thinking.

God kills babies to punish parents/adults.

Example: 1st born of Egypt for Pharaoh’s sin

Example: King David’s son from Bathsheba for David’s sin

God ordered Israel to kill children of evildoers as His judgement on them.

Example: Amalekites

Killing innocent children is wicked

God commits wicked acts (evil) (Biblical)

God’s wicked acts against humanity are justified (in addition to the 'He's God' conversation ending argument) because we made him commit the wickedest act of brutally murdering His own son (sacrifice) as the price of our sin to save us. If He did not commit this wicked act, we would all go to hell. Now those who trust in the payment through this wicked act against Jesus by God to save us can be free. Sin must be paid for.

God showed Abraham how much sin hurts Him by having him obey His order to sacrifice his own son just like God planned to sacrifice Jesus. The picture of Jesus sacrifice seems equivalent to brutally murdering an innocent baby. Maybe that's why Satanists do it all the time. Because it hurts God's heart. And he wanted Israel to know how horrible it feels to murder an innocent being. I don't know. Somehow God remains Holy and Just but His love for us required Him to do evil to save us instead of just destroying us like we deserve. God is real.

These are the thoughts you provoke and I'm just searching for the truth.

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I do believe there is a force of Love and Power that drives humans forwards if they want to travel.

And work at it.

But this is just lazy.

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This is a man made concept and it is weaponized.

If you buy it, super-great. Go do some genociding for God.

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God is not a man made concept. The rest of the stuff is and I don't believe it. The concept that we are accountable to a Holy God who created us is because God made man in His image and gave us a brain and a conscience. The weaponization and distortion of God's word was exactly what Jesus was attacking. Remember they murdered Him too.

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" Do I believe God told Israel to genocide as described in the Bible? Yes. Did Jews do genocides on their enemies without God telling them to do it as described in the Bible? Yes."


Okay was responding to this. These are difficult discussions to parse in real life let alone text, so forgive me if I misunderstood.

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What kind of god is this? who would want to be associated with it?

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This is not God that you speak of. You are telling of a concept of God by a group of people who were reaching for an understanding of God with a limited world view in an ancient time. Most near death experiences do not support any of your ideas. There are other beliefs about God. You don’t have to be stuck with this condemning vengeful God. I joined the LDS church in college. It’s a complete scam. Joseph Smith and his brother or friend trapped some young ladies in a room and told them that their parents wouldn’t go to heaven if they wouldn’t marry them. He was a pedophile just like Warren Jeffs. He was enamored by Freemasonry and Egyptian mythology. Their temple practices are nothing but Masonic rituals. I saw how the sausage was made and the fact that the church is so large gives credibility to it that isn’t deserved. People join because they want to belong and they love bomb you and give you lots of attention. Then you’re tied into tithing for the rest of your life and the church hoards the money while the people believe it’s being used partly on charity. This was learned by an accountant at the highest level. It is the same for the Abrahamic religions. People believed in things passed down and the sheer number of believers brought more people into the fold because psychologically most of us are followers and tribal. We have a deep seeded need for belonging. Over time repetition not truth makes someone a true believer. The Catholic church sold indulgences. Jesus was an Essene. He likely studied in the East. He did not believe in sacrifices. He didn’t like the rivers of blood flowing from Jewish temples. Everything he preached was straight out of Essene beliefs. Muhammad started out living a normal life with one wife. One theory is that he reached enlightenment too quickly which made him insane. He was very warlike and destroyed Buddhist temples. Anything that forces ridiculous laws like kosher is not natural and not of God. God is love. That’s it! When you die you will have a life review and you will see how your actions affected others. Then you will experience love as you’ve never known it. No group of people are left out. There is only love. Jesus came the closest to the true concept of God of anyone coming from a Jewish tradition.

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In addition, Egyptian myth and paganism are woven throughout Christianity. None of it stands alone.

Ritner, “Well, Osiris is like a Jesus figure in so far as he is the resurrection for Egyptians, but though the story of the birth of the saving figure is also pharaoh because he is a god on Earth for ancient Egyptians and he does play the role in many respects that Jesus did because he is officially the only priest in all of Egypt so all priests who function in Egypt are his delegates who are acting in his guise so in theory only the king offers to the gods and all the priests are acting as imitators of the king. There are many, many, many connections between Egyptian religion and Judaism and Egyptian connections and Christianity and of course Jesus spent time in Egypt and the theologians who made Christianity largely did so in the city of Alexandria in a philosophical school that had been a pagan philosophical school before it became a Christian one and in late antiquity the last major philosophers who were there teaching in the Alexandrian school before it Christianized these people were also Egyptian priests of the god Isis.”


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I should mention there are beautiful aspects of all religions and I do believe the Christian belief in the value of all souls made the U.S. Constitutional Republic possible. I credit Protestantism for this. A Godless secular leftist world in which morality is relative and there is no soul is equally as frightening as a Jewish or Islamic one.

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Cope after cope is what I am hearing.

Try to understand that Oct 7th was well-planned on both sides and Israel let it happen to justify the invasion, flattening, and land grab of Gaza. And they aren't stopping at Gaza. Far from it.

Watch this about the admission by Israeli military about killing their own civilians. On purpose.


Or this one about the rape dungeons.


Or these rabbis who say 9/11 was predicted in the Zohar (The main Kabbalah book):



Or Adam Green's coverage of the rabbis telling Netanyahu how to hasten the coming of the Messiah.


Even the anti-Zionist J's who are against the war in Gaza and against the state of Israel still believe in the end times prophecies, they just believe the events need to happen in a different order - the Messiah needs to come first, THEN they take over Israel and rule the world.


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I’m done trying to reason with them.

They don’t fucking believe in my God, Jesus, so no, I’m not breaking bread with them.

Fuck them.


On top of that, they’re terrorists. No country, but hey I have a claim based on a book that half the world doesn’t believe in.

Fuck that and then.

Negotiations are over!

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Fuck Is Ra Hell and Trump and Harris and Congress and AIPAC.

May they all rot in hell forever.

Yes, I say that as a Christian.

Also, as the rest of the world blames regular Americans for the sins of its goobermint, I blame Jews for the sins of Is Ra Hell!

Fuck you and your fucking Zionist shit.

6,000,000 died! Ha! What about 20 million Russians?

Fuck off and die.

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Yeah, I think they slaughtered over 20 million Russian Christians, perhaps even up to 60 million.

In Larry Romanoff's article on Jewish Hasbara, he said that the Rothschilds/Sassoon banking families killed 90 million Chinese over their Opium trade.

Also, I recall Catherine Austin Fitts saying that the people behind the Great Reset plot to enslave humanity are the same people who were behind the slave trade. Well, today I've been listening to this:


And there's a clip of Dr. Tony Martin (black professor who exposed Jewish role in African slave trade), where he talks about how in a dissertation by a Jewish guy, he admitted that Jews dominated the slave trade in the entire world for about 400 years---apparently 700-1100. And they enslaved people from Western Europe, Russia, India, and China.

But they use their control over the media and Hollywood to tell us that they have been perpetual victims who were constantly expelled for no reason.

Also, in that video, there's a clip of Trump talking about how he's friend with Lucky Larry Silverstein.

And here's an apparent quote from Col Douglas MacGregor on the Israel lobby controlling the US govt, media, and finance.


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Thanks for posting the 'in the name of zion' vid. I'm nearly finished. Up half the night. Extremely important and well done.

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Yes, tons of info in that one.

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So much great stuff.

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Thanks - watching the Corbett vid now.

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These leftists if they win will continue to get us into undeclared WARs as always ! And then leave our military, civilians & equipment as did JoeByeGone for the enemy mishandling Afghanistan big time! Big business for them - gain & profit ! Diabolical

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But, it is not just that strip of land.

These fcuktards are everywhere... infiltrated into ever knock and cranny of corporate and government activities. Just look at who in the permanent government (public service) have Israeli citizenship.

Somewhere I saw that even the GG of Aust is Israeli citizen. [needs to be confirmed].

And, DNA analysis shows that the present-day Israelis have no genetic link to the land that they claim as their ancestral home.

The fcuktards have been even more indoctrinated than us in the west. At least Westerners just want to get along with everyone.

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What if Geneva controls America through Israel which will certainly take the fall?

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Green is entertaining but his issues with Putin is odd with false info.

May be controlled Christian Zionism.

Great broadcaster though.

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How about the rabbis and the stated world views and the US and the wars for Israel?

Every time someone brings info to the table some Bard Joseph makes that person the story.

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1) notice the tier 2 dissemblers immediately pile in big time

2) No one who has not been exposed to this can believe it is all true - until they see it

3) its pretty much all of them, some just work harder at lying about it

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