May 12Liked by Sage Hana

Alternate Reality Honest Bob Hawaii Model Kids Shoot Scenario:

"So I'm sure you have heard about those new vaccines. It's important to discuss these with your parents. Also, they almost fucking killed me. In fact, they already killed a lot of people. And the trials they had were a total sham. And so-called Covid doesn't really affect kids at all. Oh, and, uh, the prior biodistribution studies indicate heavy concentration into the ovaries and testicles, so you might not be able to have kids. And you might get turbocancer. Um, or a heart attack. So, yeah. Probably best not to take them."


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Pretty sure she’s a human version of the evil robot sheep eating dog in Wallace & Gromit. There’s microwave beams shooting out of her eyes when she stares like that.

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Most married men know that stare and try their best to avoid it. =O

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No — there’s a different level to this one. She did it to the back of his head at Lincoln Memorial too

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Another take that left the children even more confused:

"Pillows! Not an expletive, but a strategic keyword. You see kids, becoming an adult means accepting all the bullshit that the world is going to dish you, including the poisons. Civilization is built on willful ignorance of man-made poisons. If you manage to survive all the attacks and become a nurse or something, you might find an opportunity for revenge when you have an old and dying scorpion at your mercy. That's when you use the pillow you have been keeping since very young. Pro-tip: spray the fabric of the pillow with a protease spray to weaken the exoskeleton for a more humiliating crushing."

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The elderly are mostl at risk for CONVID, because people killed the fuck out of them and called it CONVID. Therefore vax the elderly, and when they drop dead within two weeks, call them unvaccinated. Then quote statistics that the elderly are way more likely to die if they are unvaccinated. Hashtag Boomer Disease.

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Gotta keep up the warm base.

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Yes such an enlightening exchange there.

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Far more enlightening NOW with what I am learning in STEMville and in Ivermectinville.

The horrified/stone faded looks on the faces is making a lot more sense at this juncture.

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May 12Liked by Sage Hana

A scientist being thrilled (whatever it means in the eye of a very close observer) about his/her inventions just because they are working is a sing of the return to the psychological childhood stage. All adults go through this, more or less.

When that scientist is working on inventions or solutions which are designed to harm, this thrill is a sign of dehumanization. There is no human excuse to work on such “technologies”.

At some point, you will have to make a decision: to proceed and become inhuman, or to withdraw, drop all careers and money, and return to humanity. Once this decision is made, there is no return. One part of the schizophrenic human/inhuman will try to overcome the other at all times. If you try to reconcile the two, you will become a broken being, incapable of being on either side. The harming, killing, inhuman part will always win. Denial, ethos, awards, recognition, fame and high-flying words will only be used to cover up this inner disintegration. It’s only as matter of quantity after this: one, myself, the fallen scientist, or everybody else.

We are witnessing many such personal tragedies after 2019/2020.

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May 12Liked by Sage Hana

At the first Ron Johnson hearing, at one point the focus was on the mRNA technology. Bob had to interject since others were discussing these points and saying to the effect, "Hey, I was the one who discovered it!"

The audience actually clapped at this which I thought made no sense given that the discussion was on the HARMS mRNA was causing! ????

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Well said.

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Hmmm....what do you get when a diabolical narcist, a sociopath and a psychopath all reside within one person....seems to me a Dr. Malone. I mean this guy is a piece of work. What is even more amazing...just like Fauci - people actually continue to listen. Pax

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Sounds like a Dark Triad type.

Machiavellianism is in that witches' brew also.

One hopes justice will find them, suddenly.


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Just listened to JJ's latest, and the last part is a takedown of Farrier Bob. The snippets here @ "buzz on the street" and "should have done my homework" - ? Who's writing his scripts ? If anyone should know what an MrNA shot can do, wouldn't it be the very "inventor" of the technology platform itself ?

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May 12Liked by Sage Hana

Great dot connecting

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Who photos themself getting jabbed?

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Clip section one is


who👉 Certain vaccines for a specific person? | Risk-benefit ratio

Clip section two is


In terms of specific vaccines.

In Hawaï he told the kids that COVID 19 changes your DNA and that the gene therapy shots absolutely did not.

This guy is a master of word salad.

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"Here is Bob Malone on June 15, 2021 discussing his "discovery" of mRNA Vaccines again strangely not mentioning that he almost DIED a couple of months prior from said mRNA Vaccines"

Perfect example of a scientist not being able to put 2 and 2 together? Yeah.


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May 12·edited May 12

More like Sinclair's quote about a man's salary...

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Upton Sinclair’s quote “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” .

But I think Bob understands quite well.

He's his own category...but his 'lifeboat' does have other occupants.

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He calls himself a doctor & scientist. 😂

No as_wipe, you’re a mass murderer. You’ve helped design a bio weapon against all of humanity worldwide. Congratulations evil monster! I hope you get what’s coming to you one day. May you rot in hell RM.

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I wonder if the Mrs. will be as thrilled as she was writing that article as she will be when he’s been tried, convicted, sentenced and £ung for crimes against humanity lest she become a criminal alongside him . . .

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The IT couple need their full spread interview first in all major fashion magazines FIRST, dammit! Get that surgery done, Jilly and Bobalot, before your last closeups! Fucking idiots! And also - move the HELL out of Virginia! You both are affectionately known as Outsiders, Northerners, and will NEVER be a part of the genteel aristocracy or the horsey set! Bless your little hearts 🖕🏻

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Outsiders, Yankees, and Californians to boot...bless their little Angel Hearts!

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What lying piece of work Maloney Baloney is. Faking his way round everything. Fake it till you make it. Right Bob? That’s what’s wrong with this world. Too many that will do anything for the money. 👎🏼

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teh jab...almost kilt me!


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You what's funny? Three years ago, Malone looked five years younger. Maybe he took the real shots?

I still bet the farm on strain from psychological stress.

But what if, brother Sage, what if genetics is not what we've been told, and yet they have learned how to screw it up real good thanks to the valuable data from the axe-sharpening corona exercise?

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"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything" (Mark Twain)

The flip side: "No man has a good enough memory to he a successful liar" (Lincoln)

Malone is not as capable as he believes he is, hubris makes no exceptions.

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