I like that warm fuzzy feeling when I know that whether it's Donald Trump or Joe Biden or Kristi Noem or Mike Huckabilly that the Whole of Government loves ME and WANTS TO PROTECT ME AND MY FAMILY from Dangerous Bad Rogue Viruses!

*and Froot Loops

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It's lookin bad from all his picks

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It’s the dead behind the eyes, vacant stare vibes these ghouls emanate that does it for me… I wouldn’t trust them to extinguish my smouldering fire hydrant…

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The Zombie Glaze

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Full disclosure to my American cousins I’m actually a dyed in the wool Euro hag… we don’t have overground hydrants… ours are in hatches beneath the ground but they’re probably just as flammable as yours if our governments decree it… if it’s any consolation our politicians are just as brain dead as yours…

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"veeeee penetrate the Cabinets!" gleefully bragged Klausie

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Fun fact: I did some work in Davos over a couple of years. Never in January when the forum took place. It’s a nice, quiet little town until that one week in January I guess?

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Imagine if we had a military US coup and the USM rolled into Davos with tanks. 😅

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The locals would be quite confused. It’s very sleepy. One road in and one road out. What I did find odd was that mid summer there’s an influx of ultra Orthodox Jews who flood into town and rent out everywhere. I mean like hundreds of them. This may or may not be related to Herr Klaus’ evil machinations. Maybe they’re his cousins? But it was quite a sight to behold. July/August it looks like an Israeli province. I witnessed it over a couple of years. No problems as such but they tend to stick to themselves.

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Yes, we noticed......Tony Blair, perhaps to begin with.....but, tell me AJLG,

Your food truly is still better, I think, yes? In terms of immediate toxicity, instant diabetes and slow but certain brain death?

Only slightly exaggerating, but would you say the food and drink available to people in the EU and GB is still a little, or a lot better than in the US?

Exploding fire hydrants in the middle of apocalyptic endoflifeasweknowit is concerning, but life is too short for bad food if good food is possible.....

Sage roped me into his/her site a few years ago with many food references that sounded delicious and were always deliciously funny. I'm deadly serious about food even if nobody else is hungry at the moment.

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I visited the U. S for the first time last summer and stayed in California. I would have to say that yes on the whole European food is better quality and cheaper too. For instance even in our junk food they use sugar whereas you guys put high-fructose corn syrup in everything. Also I found grocery prices in California astonishing. You can get high quality stuff in places like Whole Foods but it’s incredibly expensive. It was a good trip. I met lots of nice people.

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Thank you for your confirmation......and glad you met lots of good people.

I think there's much better clothing, too, in Europe?

It's sad to see so many good people in the US, not only chronically sick, but also walking around looking dumpy.

It's interesting that you noted our bad food is now even more expensive than the EU's. California used to have great food very inexpensively, since so much was/is grown there.

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I’m no fan of the EU as the only thing they excel at is regulation but as far as I’m aware a lot of the pesticides and food additives that are common in the States are banned here. But they are trying to destroy independent farms and bring in state owned industrial farming so I am not sure how long it will last. As Sage points out they are trying to herd and cull us in many different ways.

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And embedded in walls, too.

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Believe me… it’s not an odd story at all. The town is basically little Jerusalem from June to August. Its population probably rises by a third and it’s mostly ultra Orthodox Jews. It’s very odd as the place is pretty remote. I’ve no idea if it’s linked to the Forum but they are generally left alone to frolic in the hills in their black suits and elaborate head gear.

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I knew an Orthodox Jewish property manager in London who married a woman from an Orthodox family living in Switzerland: every year they would visit her parents, and she expected to be able to show them a fine new piece of jewellery he'd bought their precious darling. Maybe when they're not skipping about the hills they're visiting the dealers? It's also a bit like the way Arabs appear in London in the summer, with their families and then vanish. In their case its definitely for the hookers and drink....

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Millions of people today are cheering, flag waving, and absolutely elated that their abuser, who has killed or disabled millions, including their own family members from promoting a fake vaccine is about to take office. How exciting!

Stockholm Syndrome or more appropriate "You Can't Fix Stupid" - Ron White

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Great reporting! I realize that pessimists like myself rarely win popularity contests, but I believe we're f*cked with the new administration.

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Pessimism and Optimism are barriers to correctly analyzing observable phenomena.

(aka Black Pill or Hopium framing)

They did not walk back the shots.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is on record over and over again, 2019, as being "fiercely pro-vaccine, vaccines should be tested, blah blah blah..."

The Whole of Government and the Whole of the World's 190-plus nations are Building Back Better and they needed a pretense to do so.

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The Truth Barrier!


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Remember,each administration is only a tool of the real rulers to carry out their secret agenda. The Trump persona is obviously a little harsher than the Harris persona, so in that sense one can expect more brass knuckles and mugging, less pickpocketry. Either way one is dealing with a criminal and needs to be ready to defend oneself.

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Which is the step most people can't take: to have to defend oneself mentally and physically against the government and every agency, institution, as well as all the corporations - they've even captured the medical charities, who know full well what is happening regarding mass harms, and utter not a word.

Really, this is back to the Dark Ages, Vikings incoming......

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looks like the Pacific Palisades Chabad center survived the fire:


guess they were just lucky, huh.

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Chabad Scripps Ranch in San Diego is probably going to be as safe as Oprah's crib in Hawaii for incoming weather "events".

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I miss when the most controversial issue was whether the sodomites should get the same tax breaks as the fruitful multipliers...

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Off topic, but Damar 3.0 is having a verrrry nice game tonight. 🦬🏈🦬🏈

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Resurrection ball!

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What they did was wrong, both parties and that's the truth.

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I still can't work because I refused the depop shot. Thank you Donald Trump!

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That sucks.

I quit my job to avoid the jab, but fortunately I was able to get another. I am lucky.

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That's great you got another job, I know it's difficult right now. My situation is a bit different as I'm an expat contractor blah blah blah.

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Looking at the host of 'Breakdown' in your video #1, minute 2:57, made me dizzy, he's so cross-eyed!

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I just think every tradesman they employ should use the 'well it's safe enough' heuristic.

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Come on. It’s gonna be fun.

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With mRNA platforms becoming the basis for more vaccines and with the creation of more and more mRNA vaccines overall, Trump is going to propose that we join the vaccine-of-the-month-club. Only $199/month. No discounts of any kind. You will be boosted closer to your death and Pig Pharma profits will be boosted as well. See, it's one of those win-win things.

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Shameless, unconscionable & without morality. Deeply flawed dogma.

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If you are fat and white you likely will get a job in the Trump white house

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NLP is better than Nitrous Oxide gas!


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