
SH: See I didn’t forget this shit.

I did not forget.

I did not.


I care more about the murdered people than the Stanford Salesperson of Public Health

Me: You sell yourself short. You cared to know what is real and sought it out, You cared to make what you know public in spite of the risks, you cared to make known that you care and presented the strong opinion everyone should be caring. However about the potty mouth....

My new barker presentation/promotion to lure visitors to Earth:

Welcome to Horror Show Earth! Ride the runaway nanny state death train into the washed out bridge! Visit "Body Parts R Us" Hospital where you can be given permission to remove body parts from living people because cadavers cannot be used! Be sure to view the rich and famous on display while they emotionally, sexually and psychologically abuse their and others children to death! Watch the IOU fake money system be combined with the fiat currency laws to never have enough money in circulation to pay of debts allowing lenders to eventually steal every families collateral and blame the family for being the cause because they did not work hard enough (token run-on sentence required by affirmative action and DEI). Yes-Sir-Ree, we got it all - Genocide, murder and mayhem all on one plan-it for your viewing and listening pleasure. Hurry! Time is running out because time supply is limited!

Did I sell you on it?? Recommend any changes or additions?? *Cheshire Cat Grin*

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He must be advising the Veterans Administration.

The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and over.

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“”Kovid is a very deadly” — LIE…..

Gawd damn the pusher-man!!!

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I see a lot of people walking around with gravestones in their eyes.

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Sad reality ❤️‍🩹

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Celine Dion could’ve saved millions of lives, but remained silent.

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Remaing silent is some relief from her singing

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Actually, the freak Celine promoted the crap

I don’t care if she has a great singing voice - she is a corrupted soul

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I think I'm starting to understand what "breakaway civilization" means. Seriously. Brrrr...

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But hey! Here in Chinada they no doubt have looked at the numbers and killing grannie with MAID will save them tons in hospital/medical care and pension payments.

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Who goes to the hospital in Canada anymore? Albeit, probably increase in gender transition stuff.

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Hospitals are only good for emergency injuries and even that is questionable. I’m doing everything in my power to stay healthy and avoid doctors

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Many. Kanada is the nation of boundless, headless virtue and colonial guilt trippers. Wait. Actually, pointing straight at BC.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

I was delighted when I first heard these academics criticize the lockdowns. Then Feddie Sayers of the Unherd YouTube channel had them on and what did they spew? TESTING + waiting for the vaccine!

Peggy Hall went nuclear on her listeners who praised the three - she scrubbed the video not long after.

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gotta love the religious morality of economics!

no cost is enough to force the numbers to work in the machine.

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Get ready for more of the same with MPOX and BFLU (why is it okay to offend birds but not monkeys?). Operation depop is going as planned; funerals and sickly people all around me.

Sudden & unexpected.

Safe & effective.

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Yes it's true you do care more

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They are not done.

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Caring? They'll do better next time

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Profs Jay and Sunetra, the Harmless Hindus. Good marketing.

Prof Sunetra Gupta at Oxford, who keeps a low profile these days, sold out completely.

Regarding the vaccines, she now just makes the very weak observation that 'it's a pity that those who didn't really need them (everyone Prof Gupta?) have been made sick in some instances'. Then moves quickly on.

She's the recent recipient of a nice little 'universal flu vaccine grant'; I'm sure that's a coincidence.

A treacherous, cowardly, woman. To be contrasted with Prof Dolores Cahill at Dublin, who called it straight from the word go, predicting hundreds of thousands of deaths, at least, as they were first deployed in late 2020.

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

The 4-minute video is terrific.

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Big Pharma, the medical mafia and all of its worthless drugs, procedures and tests have a job to do. Keep you alive long enough to rape your wallet before murdering you.

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I mean is there really blood on your hands if they’re just going to die someday anyway? Plus he gets to help keep up the warm base and all

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I know you meant that sarcastically:) is just the way they think. And the abortion van at the dnc was horrifying to me, seeing as babies blood is the only thing keeping killary alive these dais. They always go for the most defenseless first, it seems.

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I briefly listened to Osterholm drone on just to see what he could be peddling. Quickly shut it off but it made me wonder about the state of mind of people that would listen to that. Then I thought those are the people that wonder about the state of mind of peoples like me.

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Here’s the thing…until there is REAL justice served…all of these observations are nothing more than hot air. Sad but true. Certain people should be tried for crimes against humanity and punished in a similar fashion as the 1945 Nazis. Prove me wrong. Pax

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Operation Paperclip puts the lie to the sham Nuremberg trials

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