Sage, I have never needed your badass hardcore reality check more.

I woke up to a world of clueless pink-pilled f'king giddy on White Hat Hopium believing that Trump and RFK Jr are going to SAVE THE WORLD.

*Sorry, I just vomited in my mouth.

Thank you Sage for reassuring me that there are still people who are capable of seeing beyond the Political Circus to the Dark behind the curtain.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Oh God, you just described how I've been feeling--seeing all of this hopium BS about how the deep state is really finished now, has made me feel like hurling all day! Sage's substack and finding a couple of other reality-based commenters on other substacks has kept me from going insane!!! It's never ending hopium! Haven't we been through this BS before?? Now we're going to be saved by two genocide supporters who refuse to admit it was a fake pandemic and a CRIME!?!?

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Yes it doesn't matter who you vote for they are all part of the problem and no one is talking about the fact that they are Geoengineering a fake climate crisis.

And a lot of psy ops are trying to get everyone to buy gold, silver and crypto but if everyone takes most of their money out of the bank then the banks will fail which is what they want. We all need to start using cash all the time and refuse all va€€ines

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yes, CAFitts says we should use cash as much as possible.

I've been listening to Aaron Day, who says CBDCs are on the way and recommends privacy coins like Zano and monero. I know nothing about them, but will have to listen.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Crypto is just a way of getting people ready for a smooth transition to CBDC

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Still sold on the idea that CAF is a 'goodie'? Read The Asylum by Shane McMinn.

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A step in the right direction is better than no step in the right direction.

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But HBruce, is it really a "step in the right direction"

Was Trump a step in the right direction?

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

35 million vaxxed are dead. Millions are sick and dying, or permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more INFANT-CHILD size caskets, up from the 20% increase last year.

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

In the years that RFK Jr has been portrayed to us as the 'Champion Of Anti Vaxx' the lobotomizing childrens vaxxine protocols have nearly tripled.

So are these two glad-handing pharmaceutical reps REALLY a step in the right direction?

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

I thought Dr. Jane Ruby summed it up best here:

https://x.com/RealDrJaneRuby/status/1827091806221193354 So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind" Now do you see that it's all theater?

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::whimpers::I mean...sure it sounds bad when you put it like THAT.

::starts crying::

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

No crying in Fight Club!!

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Me too

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Dr Jane was on the Stew Peters network, right?

Wasn't that also theater to keep the fear sky high and extend the vaccination campaign and keep people suppressed and disorganized?

Like when Peters said in an interview with Martin that there was going to thousands of suicides when doctors realized what they have been injecting in people?

If Peters is controlled opposition, was Dr Jane hoodwinked by him? Or is there other reason?

What about the Malone defamation quasi-frivolous lawsuit. Was that theater?

How many people have been bought? How much?

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Rosemary's Baby.

Final scene.

"What have you done to his eyes?"

"Heil Satan!"

Rose picks up the baby. Cuddles.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana


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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

It’s complicated.

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Here here!!!!!!!!

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Never-ending theater

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Because it works.

"Fauci Bad."

That was the whole point of the book and movie.

And of course, Pfizer Bad.

hand-wave at Trump being corrupt.


Was any of this substantial in Bobby's "IM JOINING TEAMS WITH DONALD" routine?

Or did they just talk about school lunches and stuff? 😅

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

They’ve united and diffused the anger. Circled the wagons and soothed the masses. Now we can make great vaccines again.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Notice that no one ever calls out anyone for having an AIPAC handler or taking bribes from them. Except for maybe Thomas Massie, and I hope he has better security than the Donald had.

Some one needs to write a book on "The Real AIPAC", or something like that.

Maybe Massie will?

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No one is coming to save us.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

NO. WE will. 🤓🤓🤓

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

And the Missing Kids’ pictures on the milk containers.....

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Those were fake kids too!

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, I know. I think I saw my pic on there one time 😂😂😂 I hated milk as a kid, those cartons were waxy, I was a teacher’s dream (😎😎😎) because I would only eat lunches I personally would make as a kid (I just knew that 99% adults were lying to my face except for my parents who gave me the ULTIMATE Red-pilled education). Hated fast-food. I made Turkey sandwiches with deli Turkey on whole-grain bread. Didn’t trust hamburger meat. Didn’t trust white bread. Hated Mayo. Ketchup was for losers (precocious terror child Erin who knew as early as 1st grade that even the cafeteria people were doling out crap food). I ate fish filet sandwiches at Dairy Queen for goodness’ sake. I ate the parsley garnishes that they used to decorate meals with. I ate tons of lemons and limes. Drank lots of tea as a kid plus slow-cooked oatmeal for breakfast made by ME. Fun times.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

When I watched him on stage with Trump if you zoom into his face he looks…well I don’t even know how to put it but sick would be close. Like someone just threatened the life of everyone he loved. It made me wake up fifty times in the night thinking about what is going on. He didn’t look happy to be there with a crowd cheering at him, he didn’t smile.

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Man, what do they have on this guy?

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Could his AIPAC handler have tightened his leash a little tighter?

It also seems that the Donald's AIPAC leash has been tightened recently too?

Or maybe I am just imagining things?

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They are really being humiliated.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

All observations made by yours truly are purely “speculative”. My coded/shrouded take:

1. Observe the Wailing Wall.

2. Why are the red heifers NOW being utilized for sacrifice so that the third temple can finally be rebuilt?

3. How much of the 3rd temple has already been rebuilt?

4. What’s the deal with Jacob and Esau? 😎

5. What did Bibi’s father do?

6. What about that Balfour Declaration, hmmm? 😏

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Right on the 1. money

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

That's the part I don't get. Is humiliation how their leashes are tightened?

It would seem that humiliation would turn them away from the humiliators?

Predators and parasites don't usually like being humiliated, even by their superiors who tighten their leashes.

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It's like Jonestown.

Mind control.

The FlavorAde only works unless we all drink it.

And if you try to flee we hunt you down in the jungle and shoot you.

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'the part I don't get. Is humiliation how their leashes are tightened?'

Unless there's something really unsavory coming down the chute that even they don't want to dole out, but they are signaling that they have no choice. knife to the throat....gun to the brow.

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I think death threats. Same thing during the first interview of Trump after "he had covid" and "got out of hospital". FOR SURE a gun had been to his head for days. Kiss that shoe

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I think he’s just fucking stressed out/burned out after outliving the “Kennedy Curse” for decades. His relatives that have turned on him apparently haven’t learned that the old Democratic class is passé/defunct and NOT the days of Camelot, Jackie O, the Kennedy Clan playing football every summer at their giant enclave. In fact, the Democrats better own up to the fact that THEY created the KKK (look it up!), Jack and Bobby and the ties to the Irish mob thru their father did not help their cause, muddied the waters and infuriatingly created the possible outing of the deep state aka mafia aka Alphabet agencies. We all know how that turned out.

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I noticed that too

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The only "silver lining" in the dark storm cloud of Covid-1984 is that more are beginning, finally, to be responsible for their freedom and shun the would be "Saviors" and exit the Lesser of Two Evils Political Cesspool:

“Freedom is what most people want for themselves, and what they most want to deprive others of.” Thomas Szasz

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.

“If anarchists are idealists, they may simply be likened to someone who finds himself swimming in the cesspool and, rather than paddling about looking for the area with the least amount of floating feces, seeks to climb out of the pool completely. When you are presented with a choice between two evils, do not choose the lesser. Choose the exit.” Robert Higgs

Get free, stay free.

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Amen. Not voting. Consent not to be 'governed'!

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Love this. It's something I came to (reluctantly!) when the rona caused me to begin slaughtering all my sacred cows, one after another. This is the best thing I've come across on the subject in a while https://archive.org/details/larken-rose-the-most-dangerous-superstition-iron-web-publications-2011/MP3/Most+Dangerous+Superstition+%5BB0886CC7JX%5D+-+04+-+Part+2+-+Disproving+the+Myth.mp3

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

fwiw- looks like Jon Rappoport is calling BS too, or at least not jumping on the hopium train. I followed him for years prior to the fake pandemic. He's been researching fake pandemics for 30 years and was excellent during covid, but once Saint Bobby launched his campaign, he joined the hopium BS and basically attacked and insulted those of us who were more cynical. But looks like he's finally removed his hopium blinders:

an excerpt from Jon Rappoport's substack:

"Upstate: Kennedy just put out a video explaining his position on Vs. He wants to repeal the 1986 law that prevents pharmaceutical companies from being sued for V injuries. He wants to ensure the individual’s right to refuse any medical treatment is upheld. No V mandates. His third point was less clear to me. It seems he wants to study and find out which children are harmed by vaccines—so the shots can be made safer.

I’m not impressed. I don’t see a warrior who could be sent in to run a massively corrupt federal health agency and expose it down to its roots. And turn it around. And fight off the psychopaths and their armies of helpers.

Kennedy comes across as a man who is short-circuiting his own knowledge of how bad Vs really are. He’s biting his tongue. Holding back. Trying to sound reasonable. Making it seem that vaccines only injure and kill people who are unusually disposed to being affected.

He’s lying.

About one of the most horrendous and widespread and long-term POISONINGS in the world, he’s coming up way short.

He’s lying.

The work of his own people at Children’s Health Defense has exposed far more about devastating Vs than Kennedy will admit.

He’s lying.

The CHD Vaxxed buses that travel around the country and talk to mothers of children who have been destroyed by vaccines—Kennedy doesn’t highlight this on his campaign trail. He refuses.

He’s lying.

Some of his supporters—maybe many—will be satisfied if they, as parents, can minimize the number of shots THEIR children have to take. Or if they can keep THEIR kids away from all shots. The hell with everybody else.

They’ll say, “This is the best we can do.”

But the mass slaughter of innocents will go on.

Kennedy is compromising his position.

He’s lying.

He knows the full truth of the devastating V plague. It’s all Vs. It’s always been all Vs.


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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

Great find. Of course he's lying, for exactly the reasons pointed out here. There's SO much evidence in the vx bus archives. Shame on him.

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Look at Gates self-touching/soothing, throat-clearing, stumbling. That's what guilt looks like.

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Gates, Fauci, RFK, Trump.

Theater Troupe.

Come on, Hendy. That was all for the placation segment of the Op.

Here is how this really shakes out:


"It is dawning on mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci that their Covid policies were a public health disaster. Lots of us are angry about the mandates, the lockdowns, the censorship, the insanity. But we need to avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution and blame and focus on ensuring this never happens again. Clean up the regulatory agencies, get corporate money out of public health, and guarantee free, open, uncensored public and scientific discourse."

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A comment I made some time ago.



Apr 18

If you put yourself into the shoes of the pandemic planners, one of their first objectives would be to silence and discredit vaccine hesitant doctors or general public.

First order of business is to round up the anti-vaxxers into the MAGA camp. Trump played coy talking about vaccines injuring people before he was elected and while on tour. Once elected he had RFK jr and Del Bigtree up to his office to create a vaccine safety committee, which ended up being crushed shortly after being started. A political performance on Trump’s part.

He also denounced the pandemic as fake before taking full credit for rushing the killer vaccines to market as some sort of hero. He got a lot of his base jabbed because they trusted him as being an outsider (there’s no bigger insider).

If RFK jr is elected, I expect the same thing to happen again. Remember: Bill Gates said another pandemic is coming and that if Covid didn’t get our attention, the next one will. Having the king of the anti-vaxxers telling you to get vaccinated will work well on a lot of people.

Of course, that’s just my opinion about RFK Jr and I really, really hope I’m wrong.

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I think what they did with "anti-vaxxers" (this is a thought terminating cliche, and many "anti-vaxxers" are trampling like sheep into "Prophylactic Anti-virals") was far more sophisticated than just silence.

They gave them heroes to steer them into those "prophylactic anti-virals" and also to co-sign the endless need for

emergency medical countermeasures and surveillance and etc.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Worth looking into JFK and RFK being the 1st to install the vaccine schedule and Ted being one of the last signatures to sign off on PREP act. Seems the Kennedys love vaccines.

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I mean, I just ran the video of RFK saying he is "fiercely pro-vaccine" and then "pro-vaccine" and leaving a giant loophole for forcing "unwilling Americans" to take them.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

I'm saying it's probably article worthy to mention them being original vaccine pushers.

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Perhaps they learned from the inside job era. Not many heroes to follow there.

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I believe, and I have done extensive research, we have no idea what was being done behind the scenes during the 'pandemic" roll out Under Trump. But there were plans in place decades before he got into office and most mechanisms were already present in the Government to address the crisis, which he had no control over. The shut down/lock down was supposed to last for over 5 years and completely collapse our economy. Even though I don't believe he had any clue what was in the vaccines, his forcing them to hurry and reopening the country blew their plans. I am hopeful that with all the opposition he faced mostly removed next term, the timing will be right to finally get proper cleaning up of agencies and harmful/ poisonous medications and chemicals.

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Why do you have hope that "behind the scenes" plans will not trump Trump....again.

Re-Trump Trump.

The dude just tweeted (Truth Socialed?) out a couple of months ago:


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Donald J. Trump


“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!





Mar 07, 2024, 6:47 PM


ehhh...hopium dies hard.

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Donald Trump can waive a magic wand over retards and make them forget everything he said and did.

An outsider trying to win against the system, man!

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I see what you mean about plans predating the actor.

But if you’d looked hard enough, that claim can be made for almost anyone currently active, because the planning for this global coupes d’etats goes back many decades (if not longer) on fake pandemics, fake climate change and fake overpopulation crises.

The was NO PANDEMIC. No public health emergency. No virus.

Therefore, the required response was do nothing. No absurd lockdowns. No furlough. No money printers go brrrrrr.

Definitely no pretend vaccines, which in any case wouldn’t be thrown together in under a year.

The latter were really toxic and designed to be. They made it into 6 billion arms solely because of lying about a fake pandemic.

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These Μessenger-rnα ΝαΝ0ΤΕcΗΝ0L0gies are like a ComρυΤΕr: ur Βοdγ becomes the ναΧ (Ρ)FαcΤΟRΥ... Ρr0duCtiοn 0f ΜRΝΑ=Sυρer CΗΕΑΡ + ΕΑSΥ 2ΡrogrαΜ...

There's NADA stopping this trajectory...Right???

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Thank you for your response. I have seen as a witness the damage done to patients. It is most disturbing and infuriating. This is a tragedy of monumental proportions. I don't know if we will ever get over. The damage hasn't really even begun. I believe it will get much worse. I pray every day for these poor victims of propaganda and coercion. I didn't fall for asymptomatic spread. I followed your work and honesty from the beginning try to warn us all. You, Delores Cahill and Judy Mikovits were my first educators.

Thanks for your courage.

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just found this on twatter - 2007 they were planning it https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1827349841711632712

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Yes! and I saw more information that goes back even further than that. 1975, 1995. Patents registered in 99. So much evil.

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Barf. And genocide is ok as long as it's not on CNN 24/7. No "Shock and Awe" then cognitive dissonance sets in well.

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Doubt psychopaths feel guilt

Idk — ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Personally I think that's fear ... what on earth would he feel guilty about? That would suggest a conscience which I don't believe he possesses - otherwise he wouldn't be so keen on sterilizing and killing black and brown children around the world.

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At least he gave a cursory two sentence nod to HBOT early in the book but never went into detail. I think he just wanted to focus on "improving" the modRNA platform "vaccines" for the masters of our universe. Slow kill and sterilization improvements being much preferable to all the folks going

"sudden death". If they get it "right" your biological clock will expire at 60 to 65 so you won't be a "burden to our society".

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Yes, Sage. Yes. Just down in Massachusetts right now, for mt dad’s celebration of life. He died a week ago of complications from getting the shots, I believe. He had congestive heart failure and pulmonary fibrosis. After getting all of the shots because his doctor told him to.

I am so fucking done with this bullshit.

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Sorry to hear that about your father.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

This was so timely. Thank you for digging this up. Sharing widely to the adoring throngs on the twatter.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

This has had me pondering all the way down in Australia... can anyone help me out...

some predictive programming thread with the assassination/Orange Moonchild/ VP JohnJohn...

it's all purty wacky

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Can anyone just explain all the Psy Ops that are going on right now?



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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

I have 200 tabs open on my phone. Half of them from this stack of gold

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

I sent someone close to me Amazing Polly’s recent video on the Trump Kennedy long game. This person is very smart. Alerted me to the convid! Their response to the video was how glad they are Kennedy has “jumped ship” to join the Republicans! I’m thinking…THAT’S what you got out of this message?!!

The Hopium is real. But not for us cynics. How do I make people more cynical?! 🤣

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I have this discussion virtually every day in some form.

You will not persuade people, especially people who do not know how to be sober and clock metrics and unlearn various cul-de-sac paradigms (binaries, heroes and villains, glittering generalities, indoctrinations that are mandatory to survive in their lines of work, addiction to visual media which hypnotizes them and constructs a framing of every issue, etc.)

If they are ready, they will do what you did already. They will trample up the backstretch and pass you even.

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They're besties now.

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I will openly admit to falling for the "Junior" PsyOp hook, line and sinker until I started researching my big piece on controlled opposition.

Once the facts started coming together, it was blatantly obvious he was (and still is) playing us all.

I have been saying since he nominated Shanahan as his running mate that it should be clear to everyone now that his entire Presidential bid was a sham from day dot.

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If so...and I tend to agree.

One must now track back in time to the genesis of CHD and the long-planned "pandemic".

And further back to the Good Club meetings in 2009. Operation Lockstep in 2011.

And as I re-watch Real Anthony Fauci with fresh not so sweet summer child eyes, boy oh boy does it start to look sinister.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

Just found this on the twatter - they were planning the lockdowns in 2007 https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1827349841711632712

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Can you elaborate on that last point?

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The book was a NYT Bestseller.

How "hidden" was it?

Fauci is doing just fine.

And the whole thing if Bobby's campaign was a planned Hero Op...then the whole thing was. pacify and control

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Yeah….I thought they were going to fuse him with the Dems, but instead….fused him with Trump. In hindsight can totally see how that protects the “pandemic” narrative….we’ll do better next time. Pacify those who fought the narrative while not really changing anything on the ground. Sparred.

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1. Sell that there was a pandemic.

2. Laser point to Fauci as the Heel.

3. Trot out "Insider" Malone who "knows where the bodies are buried" but stays cryptic except Fauci Bad.

4. Trot out Kory (like Malone a Global Covid Summit stalwart player who was EVERYWHERE...Ron Johnson, USA today, TV spots, Rogan...etc.)

5. MARK CRISPIN MILLER. heavily featured.




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Yeah, they know what it takes to get aboard the RFK, Jr./Trump train. Just have Ms. WEFFIE McShanahan demand an apology from Trump & friends for all the covid crap, including OWS. The MAGA patriots are saying what a great thing she has done. And now we can all trust RFK, Jr. because this demonstrates their loyalty to us, & our country. This proves he is anti vaxx, like us. Really? How gullible people are. They’ll say anything to get ur vote. And they will say what works. Pretending to be on our side. Meanwhile, they’re chomping at the bit to bring in AI, digital currency, mass surveillance, robot “healthcare” systems. FFS! None of them are anti vaxx! All this sh_t is guaranteed to be ushered in, weaponized against us, & tied to your vaxx status. They definitely want to control the people.

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I think I wrote of this earlier. A fairly new company, WELLBE, is hooking up with insurance companies which are then giving WELLBE employees the names and numbers of their insured people so that WELLBE people can call up those insured people and try to get them to allow WELLBE nurses to come to the insured's house and interview them and find out a bunch of their medical info. such as all the meds they use, which VAXES they have gotten or should get, what their overall health situation is, etc. Then the insured person can avoid going to his/her doctor and instead call their WELLBE nurse by phone and get telemedicine. The idea seems to be to save money for the insurance company by the insured having fewer doctor visits and so forth. I refused the offer so I don't know much about the operation. But it does sound like things are being moved in the direction of blocking people from medical care.

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Palantir anyone?

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To be fair I blocked myself from med care decades ago and I’m probably better off for having done so.

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Aug 25Liked by Sage Hana

The 'telehealth' emphasis at the beginning of the plandemic made my blood run cold. Really seemed like it had been planned for a long time.

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Voters in the USA have a false choice. Because the two party system captured the power, there are only two viable choices. Kennedy is pointing out the role of "spoiler" and maximizing whatever political currency he has to show people the corruption, including that with Trump.

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