Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

We live in terrible times.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Real awful.

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Luc, humbly, eye to eye...I am truly sorry.

It gnaws at. me every day, too.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I understand.

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But, I guess on the bright side, at least it’s gonna get worse?


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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. Terrible, terrible times.

They were terrible before but I (& most of us) didn't know it. More terrible now.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana


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RFK Is co intel pro he is not to be trusted as he works towards the same agenda as the rest of them. He speaks the truth about vaccines because everyone knows the truth anyway , but, his game is getting you to Trust him for future reference and that would be the biggest mistake anyone could make.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I just listened to the Megan Kelly interview at 1:08:00. What a disingenuous fucking *****. I cannot believe these people so openly engage in such blatant gaslighting, manipulation, obvious attempts to intimidate and draw him into surrendering to her notions of "what normal people know is credible." How does she sleep at night.? Or is she that clueless? It almost "reads" like a satire of psy-op journalism. It's like witchcraft.

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I feel genuinely sorry for Megan Kelly.

The horrors of the vaxxines are slowly being introduced into the MainStreamMedia now, and a year from now Megan Kelly is going to know why her sister died, and she is going to feel sooooo bad. Such horrible guilt and rage, and shame. And loss.

I feel sorry for her.

And sorry for all the people who trusted and believed Megan Kelly when she told them the vaxxines were safe.

I feel sorry for Megan Kelly.

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Do you feel sorry for Anthony Fauci?

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"Do you feel sorry for Anthony Fauci?"

No. Fauci, Trump, et all, knew The Plan.

I think clueless Megan Kelly was played like a Useless Eater, just like the rest of us, because I seriously doubt Megan Kelly lunches with the Palm Beach Boy's Club.

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How do you determine who was a Dolt Botching Shit and who was a Perp?

Honest query.

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Obviously genealogy first, as in: Are they Bloodline, like Trump?

If not, are they CabaI spawn?

Or are they secret society frat bros?

Or are they just a Useless Eater who owes their career and livelihood to the Evil?

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Thank you.

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Is witchcraft.

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1. Apparently SK never managed to use any of Bill’s software products — if ever there was direct hands-on evidence of sadistic evil that is it. “oh hey lets just fuck with everyone and make the slash backwards”.

2. Nothing in the world is more convincing than to give Bill a handfull of Lite Brites inside some tanning booth to go and imagine a plot out 100 years? Really?

3. Lets jus make all the kids live more and dem dum wimmens gonna do other stuff. Coz all dey’s doin is poppen out dem disposa-kids.

Rodeo clowns are definitely much smarter

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“Bill’s software products — if ever there was direct hands-on evidence of sadistic evil that is it“



Need I say more?

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Like...SK probably used Bell Labs' Eunuchs well before Gates & Co. created Booster O/S and its perpetual updates...well, at least it gave John McAfee enough fuel to go for a Toad's Wild Ride... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21379574/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_4_tt_7_nm_1_q_running%2520with%2520the%2520devil


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I was thinkin about McAfee & his "whacked" tattoo the other day... and the dead man's switch talk. That didn't happen. He did go for a Toad's Wild Ride :) .

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

“Where have you gone Rogue Bobby, our nation…etc”

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Mark Crispin Miller just shed a tear.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Kelly works for Martine Rothblatt’a company, who is the richest trannie in the world.


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks, Chasi.

Not heard of Rothblatt before.

Juxtaposition says: there is no "trans-humanism"...gender confusion is a component of POST-humanism...

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

= Voice of Geneva.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

....this goes well, under "Voice of Geneva"....

Sage - I think you expressed "marked skepticism"

regarding this substacker who calls himself "Agent 131711.

....I'm also wary of heavy black-pillers with little sense of humor,

just lots of *chicken-little-we're-all-gonna-die!!!!*

(but we already know that).

***Correction: I must have been mistaken, as Sage says I am. Heh.***


With that caveat, yesterday I read thru his post about the (heavily Rockefeller-sponsored) UN Building in Manhattan,NY.

Specifically its "Meditation Room", designed by (I presume, Rockefeller-pumped-up hero) Dag Hammarskjold.

Lucifer/Lucis Trust gets mentioned

as being involved,etc.

Lots of symbolic speculation, which, face it, is a big part of what we do with symbols....but the room *is* creepy.

Rockefeller, Depop, Georgia Guidestones creepy.

Black Cube of Saturn.

6 tons.

It even *had its Own,Card Carrying Meditation RoomCLUB*, apparently.

Coupla links :

● Original post:

The Elites MEDITATION ROOM Reveals EVERYTHING IS A LIE: a Mind-Breaking REAL History Lesson


● Some commentary by others:


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I would say generally, that everybody must "question everything" as TLAV's Ryan Cristian says, and he is right.

But I very rarely read this Stack and when I do, I enjoy it and try and learn, and always always always use my critical faculties.

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I never expressed skepticism of this Stacker.

Come correct, please.

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Correction attached ^^^ upstream.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Membership has its privileges.....

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

But Daddy just went down to the local vape shop for a new battery...he'll be back soon...right, Mom? www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kH368kpODA www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKtmSTcBRsg

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks Sage. I just looked into Depo-Provera (DePop), described by Gordon Perkins, and it's predictably awful. Massive program- WHO, USAID, Clinton Foundation, Gates Foundation, PATH etc. Israel gave it to Jewish Ethopian women immigrants.

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can you tell me where I can can get the data mentioned by G Perkins?

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Do ya really think “Rogue Bobby” ever existed?

Color me skeptical. But I want to believe.

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This is a very sharp question, rickrolled.

I ponder this writ large every day.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

He has probably been monarch/ultra/manchurian the whole time.

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*London School of Economics

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I think it’d be the ultimate power move against his family. I wonder sometimes if his family went for the king and missed. And now Joe’s grandson has been monarched. Put that family in its place.

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Again, I ponder this exact dilemma every day.

My colleague has a theory that makes more sense. (And destroys my SSC.)

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What is it?

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I think they made it a mission to get to him long ago. Just in case.

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I think Kelly was a lawyer before reading the news on TV. She learned the tricks very well, particularly the delivery. It's almost a credible confusion the case they were talking about.

That was part of the Wakefield documentary. Infertility, a diabolical agenda


It's only from 2022!

Just how many things have happened in four years!

Censorship by flooding. No way to keep up.


Speaking as an Aries: I would strongly prefer that vaccinologists and public health people would just state clearly their true opinion, which is that they think blacks are inferior animals and are a bother to keep and should be removed from nature.

That's all there is to it, or so it seems to me. All the evil bullshit from the XIX century lives on. No wonder science is so corrupt!

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Aries? Thought you said Cancer, Roger-Many-Names.......

The Diabolical Agenda Movie is excellent.

Thanks for posting this Sage Hana. I can't seem to forget the Trump entity talking about Kelly "blood coming out of her wherever". Kinda like Chuck wishing to be a tampon.

But then the Megyn person made up with the Trump person.

And I thought after the death of her sister, Kelly did acknowledge, and publicly worry about the shots - in an indirect way of course.

Yes, indeed, as an Aries myself, I hate indirectness.

Last week was awful, I spoke with many old friends, each reporting medical shit ad nauseam in between the "surprising" deaths they had to tell me about.

Several wrapped it up with how the stress of the past 30 years has finally caught up with them.

My tongue is all but bitten off.


No one remembers getting shot up to be socially acceptable just 3 years ago?

Multiple times?

I should have told them all to go read Sage's Newsletter so they'd never call me again.

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Her sister, Suzanne Crossley, died on October 24, 2022.

Then this in 2023:

Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing "Autoimmune" Issue

Kelly doesn’t look too upset…


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There is no awakening and no point in stopping it now until they/we are thoroughly trampled and everything around them as well. We have to go ALL the way to the bottom - and then maybe dig a hole and just go a little more, for their sake. And ours. For there’s no way I can live among them and their ignorance any more. Our challenge is to wait on the tracks, though we hear the whistle howling, and watch it all go down.

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Cancer Rising. Which contradicts Aries Sun.

But it gets worse: Moon in Gemini. That's too bad!

Ladies, whatever you do, don't give birth with the moon in Gemini! Wait for it a couple days!

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Agree Agent R.. I couldn't bear a Gemini Sun baby, luckily, the youngest was born a lovely Taurus on May 20th. Whew! Barely made it.

At least your Moon adds a bit of Air to your Fire (dampened by Water).

I've always joked I have a bunch of dirt on top of my Aries Fire.

Virgo Moon and Rising.


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I love Virgo rising. You girls are so dependable!

Actually I have so much Water in my chart: Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio. Not good, I'm always crying! (mostly of laughter, mostly)

I have Mercury in Taurus, that may be why I rely in reason so much.

Too many contradictions in my chart, right?

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Well..... I have everything opposing everything, so yeah. Life has not be straight forward - but as an Aries, you just keep going, beating your head against the next wall, using it as a blunt force instrument.

At least I do.

I think almost all of us have Saturn in Scorpio.....

As long as you're not an Ox, we're probably good.

And we're probably good even if you are an Aries/Gemini/Cancer Ox.

Very few things in life are as good as laughing so hard, you cry!

Bravo, Agent R.

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I feel like you are the algo-bot they are using to trap me for thought-crimes.


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I haz been accused of being CIA AI Construct before!

(What an astonishing world we live in.)

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Kelly doesn’t look that bothered.

Tbh I am not too bothered either:

Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing "Autoimmune" Issue


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Jabs Bad is the most sophisticated Psychological Operation of Castle Keep that I am currently able to fathom.

The Owners knew that jamming Emergency Medical Culling Measures would have a backlash.

They planned for it.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for this post - depth and breadth a keeper - revealed so many professional liars- especially Bald face Batacharri with his unctuous sincerity juxtaposed with tell it like it is Dr. Mike Yeadon. Will save this one

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No, Megyn K., Bill Gates hasn’t done a lot of good for the health of humanity with his vaccines. They have always been bio weapons for population control & profits. People are more sick now than ever before. With chronic conditions. All by design. In contrast, the Amish are some of the healthiest people round these parts. Their children do not have ADHD, autism, autoimmune disorders, nor a high incidence of trans genderism/gay ideology. They do have Christ in their hearts though. They eat all their own organically grown whole foods. All prepared homemade. They certainly don’t worship at the altar of the government. Nor unelected bureaucrats.

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RFK Jr will be the running mate of Obama (the other one) on the Democratic ticket. His entire campaign as an "independent" (as well as the reason he supposedly 'broke ranks ' with democrats) is an absolute and utter sham.

Enjoy the show...

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There is a video that I saw a while back where Megyn Kelly admits that she has some kind of autoimmune issue now. She really is a massive dolt and propaganda whore.

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