Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

‘DuPont Nutrition’

Couldn’t get past that.

‘Planned Parenthood Baby Food and Crib Safety Divison’.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

I was scrolling to the bottom to find the entire list of contaminated drugs and supplements with batch numbers and manufacturing dates. But alas, I guess increasing the risks to the public is ok, just fix this shit poducing process to the standards of allowable contamination (like the bacterial endotoxins loads found in the "safe and effective" genetic therapy shots). "Trust the science" "ack ack", "Dr. Fauci, Dr. Fauci" With a acknowledging bow to Jim Breuer.

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These are the same company that makes pneumatic chambers and tires, right?

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Consistent areas of expertise

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I mean imagine how much you could eat if your digestive system was entirely Teflon coated

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

For those readers who prefer compact messages:

Abstract: Dear manufacturer of health-related products, you don’t care.

[From the “Utopia” files:] Expected follow-up letter: Your enterprise in entirety has been added to the list of entities in liquidation by law. Planned completion of your liquidation: 30 days.

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This is just the filler!

Imagine the cGMP of the actual synthetic Mectin Sauce!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Which seems to contribute to the emerging medical paradigm of “There are no viruses anywhere, you’ve been conned big time”. The number and scale of the development like the ones you are highlighting is unbelievable. These are not stupid people. They have unlimited funding. They know what they do. The first answer to “why” that comes to mind is “it’s a decoy”. Everyone is busy with EULAs, approvals, revolving doors, animal torture and clinical trial frauds, these findings overshadow everything else. Underneath, probably, a whole farm of bots (aka scientists) work on producing thousands of peer-reviewed papers to grasp the attention of other journalists, researchers and honest doctors.

The whole medical landscape seems to be a completely separate reality.

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It reminds me of the Eucharist in many ways.

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yes the satisfying Mectikreme filling. I could eat a whole bag of IverDoublestuf’s!

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Yes, but this filler can be put into So many things. It's the common denominator. I figured it had to be something so simple. And far reaching.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

We inspected your facility a year ago and...you have 15 days to file a response!

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Ok, now do all that for each vaccine production site. Let’s all wait for that

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By Vaccine, do you mean: "Purported Pharmaceutical product which serves as prophylactic for a Purported Dangerous Virus Syndrome Disease that when taken in advance purportedly stops infection and transmission of said disease"

aka, mRNA and Ivermectin, as marketed and branded.


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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

I'm so glad that I get my Mectin from my good friends in India. I'm sure they have better manufacturing standards than Muuurrrrcaaaa. Sarcasmo off!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Taking it for your River Blindness?

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

No, but it took 3 strokes off my golf handicap. 🏌🏌

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This is why I get mine from Iraq

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Historical artifacts my ass...they went a lootin' for the ancient mectin recipe...never forget the Rummy <>aspartame connection.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Do tell Doc!! 🐫🐫🐫

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Mine gave me two strokes AND a handicap.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

I was canoeing, when my entire collection

of arms sank to the bottom.

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Precisely that. Gotta hand it to them. Adulterating the “cure” for the *mistakes were made* original “cure” is clever, in all the wrong ways.

I haven’t seen it, but has anyone tried to reach those who rule the world that their ways are monstrous? Are they completely beyond hope to sway *directly*?

“Dear Intelligence Community, MIC cogs, and those who wish to murder the world at will…”

No idea how to continue. Seems there is no reasoning with psychopaths who naturally don’t see others as worthy of living lives with free agency.

*waits until moment of naïveté passes*


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Just tweak a word here and there, "vaccine" to "anti-viral prophylactic".

I did write the most adorable Sweet Summer Child letter to Rand Paul.

::staresout window::

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When I was a young lad, prophylactic was something ya wore over your Smenzer to protect you from da bad girl s . 🎵 Bad girls, bad girls. Watch ya gonna do when they come for.🎵

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If they're not giving false testimony in those throes...buy 'em dinner? flowers? treat 'em with respect and hope they like you back after the panther passion fades? www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogf30TPQRpk

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Did he reply? He was probably too busy down at the Kobuki Theatre'

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

I think we have a winner:) "Prove" it works, (too early, and then later) Push it, Push it More. then change up the formulA, on the sly

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Edit: "prove" it works (too early), say it doesn't to get the EUA passed, shots in arms, then ready made Heroes for anti-vaxxers push it, push it harder, then adulterate it on the sly.

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Can't paste link but see Inside Pharma stack, Hedley Rees post today showing Pfizer's refusal(s) to be inspected by FDA!

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GRAS (generally regarded as safe)

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Oh please don't go there....

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

https://www.fao.org/gsfaonline/additives/details.html?d-3988876-o=2&id=16 Codex Alimentarius - look at what this crap is used in....

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Compendial Testing & Regulatory Guidance


"Drug sponsors and applicants are required to propose specifications (i.e., attributes, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria) for the excipients, drug substances and drug products in their applications.

These specifications should adhere to the quality standards in the United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary (USP/NF), the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), the European Pharmacopoeia (EP), or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).

Compendial pharmacopoeia tests are standardized protocols for many pharmaceutical raw materials and finished products. Testing and compliance to these standards detailed within compendial methods is a basic requirement for global manufacturing, release and distribution of pharmaceutical ingredients and drug products."

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Any group that Lobbies in Washington, lots of fines, & keep doing whatever makes them $$$. Big pharma surpassed oil a while ago.

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So, these dupont bastards have the cellulose contaminated with ammonium chloride, and that may form later impurities in the drugs the cellulose is to be laced with.


Supposedly, nitrosamines are carcinogens.

I repeat the "Yikes!" and raise prayers to Saint Jude and Saint Roche.


No question it's easy to come up with an hypothesis this is a two-part bomb to create massive cancer. The carcinogen would only form in the pill as the ammonium chloride reacts, very slowly, with whatever drug is in there.

But would it be enough quantity?

And what's the mechanism by which nitrosamines are supposed to cause cancer?

Is there evidence that prostate cancer or skin cancer (from creams?) is caused by nitrosamines?

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Cancer doesn’t exist.

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I'm rising Cancer and your argument is invalid.

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Just don’t fallin Uranus

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Of course it doesn't. Silly me. We just tell the public and rename it to something already in the pipeline. "Vaccines" being taken. Not "cancer" anymore but "growing flora". Sounds so much better. Oh, I have a case of "growing flora".

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That does not instil fear and no fear means that the peasants are more difficult to fool. If they change the name it will be for something worse, like 'viral black death V3.3' and this time it will be spread especially by non-vaxxers.

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Now imagine what issues our Chinese/Indian generic prescriptions have. I know we have "FDA inspectors" there but what kind of Bentley do they drive?

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Um, the conductivity of microcrystalline cellulose was not what it was reported to be. The problem turned out to be that the probe used to measure conductivity had gotten dirty basically.

Honestly, this is comparable to when I was cleaning houses, maybe I didn't put a spoon away in the right compartment in the silverware drawer? And my customer had a complete major hissy fit and meltdown over that? Because maybe this particular customer didn't have any real problems to deal with in her entire life?

Maybe this post would be interesting if you had figured out the potential Harms in the real world to microcrystalline cellulose used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals being slightly off in the reported conductivity. I think you would find that maybe it would make manufacturing things a little more difficult, maybe the pills not sticking together the way they're supposed to? When you were mixing the downstream product, did it take longer than it used to to get it properly mixed? What are the potential real Harms that would result from this egregious shortcoming on the part of this manufacturer?

This is the kind of FDA inspection procedure that is used to put regenerative farmers and purveyors of raw milk out of business. In this microcrystaline cellulose scandal, the only harms would be to the manufacturing processes of down the line Pharmaceutical producers. OTOH, the harms of FDA excesses in the inspection of producers of healthy food are direct and immediate. SWAT teams raiding Amish farms, co-ops selling raw milk direct to Consumers being driven out of business...

Just going to leave that comment as is, and not extrapolate to what it means in terms of your overall campaign to trash Ivermectin.

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"Just going to leave that comment as is, and not extrapolate to what it means in terms of your overall campaign to trash Ivermectin."


☝️Replace with mRNA shots and you have the Blue Pill Covidian.

Same Op. Same Op.

I just want to know what is real about zeeee drugs, Mass Formation Victim who has Sentient Drug Friend who hold her and caress her sweet face.

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Nice poetic touch there Sage. You might be right about the ivermectin op, but I don't think so and I'm old enough to be your grandmother. Still love you like you were my own demented child.

Here's the thing. If we are living under the Roman Empire 2.0, as described by Frances Fearless Leader, our only hope of Victory is to join The Barbarians... but the barbarians were only successful in taking over the land of the Romans. Now that Roman Empire 2.0 has figured out how to run an Empire based on controlling banking, religion, and media, it's hard to know where to start!

I think you are on the right track, the place to start is your own mind and knowing what is real. Beyond that I think you have to live as well as you can while recognizing that you are a citizen of an Empire, with no rights.

My history teacher friend pointed out that in Rome 1.0, population was controlled with censure, that is, just kicking a certain number of citizens out and letting them fend for themselves in the wild, or just killing them or something. I haven't looked that up yet... so I have no idea what I'm talking about here. But Censure does sound an awful lot like Cull. Just interested in what other practices have carried over from the original Roman Empire 🤪

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I seem to recall Sage being very quite upset with Frances some time ago...and she might have started something, or made an agry-ish comment here first...pretty sure I couldn't tell you what the spat was about even under benevolent hypnosis, but folks, if Fearless Leader's not your cup of tea, consider the fact that Philip K Dick wrote a number of books outlining his contention that the USA Empire is Rome v2.0 and you on't want to put Blade Runner in the corner of the Electric Sheep pen...do you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WGFV3xptok

Boris, why do you always betray your friends?

You can only betray those who trust you...my enemies know me too well to trust me.

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Will check it out...might have been at the popcorn stand...the intro video looks familiar, but I might have seen it elsewhere...will look into the FL<>SH bout.

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Go to comments for Leader feud.

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I think this guy Andrew Bridgen is real, a counter example to your very good hero ball generality. He has pretty much sacrificed everything to do the right thing, unlike the people we see touring the world and living large. This might be how you fight Roman Empire 2.0. Not sure if this is beating them at their own game or just trying to live the best you can. But I sure wish there were more people doing this!



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Bridgen looks decent to me...the pretty-at-the-conference/party folks look suspicious at best and pretty slimy overall.

Fantasy gov't: Kucinich & Paul as Roman consuls...nothing gets signed without both signatures...finance and International policy gets changed overnight...domestic policy would have to evolve...negligible chance it'll happen...maybe if the Eagle is replaced by a Phoenix? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py8cXlLyX18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pur5BdRPkzw

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Dennis Kucinich, on the right side of every issue since 19??... that would be grand indeed!

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While living in Costa Rica, during the run-up to and during the 2016 Bernie vs Hillary primary season, I happened upon a blog written by a pastor of a church somewhere in North Carolina who had some very interesting political ideas, one of which was to, after the election, run an experiment with the Blue & Red states. Short version was they'd keep close track of Federal money going to each state and after 5 years, run an analysis of which states got the best results in a variety of categories (food security, overall health, teenage pregnancy, HS dropout levels, gang activity, homicides, etc), and figure out which ways of spending Federal funds produced the best results...after the scores were in, , states that wanted to keep receiving Fed money would have to engineer their programs to get in line with what had been determined to be 'best practices'. Obviously, in terms of actually getting anything like that passed in D.C., a rank fantasy. The pastor/blogger was unapologetically a Bernie supporter, but also very much a fan of Ron Paul, and the idea of working from both sides of the political horseshoe (hey, Phar...look, it's a horse reference!) based on the idea of two people so far apart on domestic/social/cultural issues, but so firmly aligned on closing offshore US military bases and butting out of other countries as much as possible, somehow made me think back to HS World History classes about Rome (there might have been some Philip K Dick influence) and I thought of the two of them running as Consuls, with a private contract between them to the effect that without both signatures, laws wouldn't get signed. Yeah, unconstitutional on its face, but maybe they could have gotten SCOTUS to find a way to make it happen...and they'd have to travel together to avoid getting whacked by Langley, or CocaCola, or Nestles, or BlackRock, or or or.

Resisting the obvious clip of Lennon's Imagine, but try this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdzXtu3PURA

or kids-free & words-free w/ Holly www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_kdrzPUBWE

Brief flashes of the kids doing the Dead handwave thing in at end of clip #1?

Friend in Austin has a joke on that:

Q: Why do Deadheads dance like that?

A: So the music doesn't get in their eyes!

On the Rome 2.0 idea, Dasiy Moses sent me a clip of Camille Paglia explaining that for us to not get dragged into the implosion of our Empire, basically, we have to become the Barbarians...got any good Barbarian jokes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XmgdFAp_6U

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oh my God, if I lived in your head I would die of exhaustion!!

really excellent Deadhed joke! I will have to wait for the next traffic light to look at the Barbarian joke. interested in following up Dick and Camille Paglia on Rome 2.0....

my online friend recommends everything by Archaix for aaaancient history, but I am not going to live long enough to get through a tenth of it!

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Company takedown? Someone else will buy the company??

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good thinking! time will tell!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Avicel - widely used within the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic sectors as a formulation aid.

The only way this ‘cake’nbake’ is linked to the IVM subway plot is through some of the IVM manufacturers choice of sourcing. As a comment noted in the previous post, the Wellness Co. IVM DOES contain Avicel, while others use other exipients, per choice. So, this, and timing is interesting, and calls for verification. However: Avicel is not laying claim to weaponization of IVM….although the plot is in other lanes compelling. You should scrutinize the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of your manufacturer of choice for ingredients (quite often on their website) but granted, could be falsified. But: Avicel makes a poor case for IVM specifically. It reiterates the point that we can bet, much of our Pharma, food and cosmetics are contaminated with one poison or another. Unless they had hopes everyone would purchase from TWC. There could be inherent toxicity in IVM itself. After all, much EU radioactive cows milk was pulverized and shipped to the 3rd world as food aid following the Chernobyl accident. I get whatcha sayin’: don’t eye the magic pill before trying nature’s best, and don’t be a blind, trusting idiot. The thing is, there are a bunch of us who have dunnit with our lives hanging in the balance. So we tried HAAARD. And we threw life savings in that pot too. Until the bells started to ring. And finally gave in to Pharma and finally turned the curve with no time to lose. I don’t have the answers, and it will always be my last choice. I see it like Russian roulette.

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Just keeeeeeep taking zeeeee drugs. ONe way or another.

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Not while chocolate tastes much better 😜

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I find the concern about actions which may lead to a shortage of something produced by backdating and fraud hilarious and contradictory.

An organization concerned about health would be notifying potential recipients immediately instead of asking the foxes to justify why they should be guarding the hen house.

It says right in the document that it is the responsibility of the maker to evaluate their product so the FDA is only a gate-keeper for those whom it works for which aint us people.

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FDA warning letter...that sounds spooky.

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Someone must be living in the post office box to the empty FDA building / rooms SL reported on. That’s a lot to pull off in that crammed space.

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DuPont can’t follow their own SOPs what makes someone think they can understand a third party’s instructions? Why they weren’t shut down is egregious and malfeasance borderline nonfeasance. Conductivity deals directly with distribution of components within the final product; you could quite literally get “0” medication in a capsule/pill.

Is there a follow up letter? Was this resolved?

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Idk- I found this from 9th February 2023 - update US FDA warning letter related to DuPont excipients:

“Further to our notice of 10 January 2023, as the investigation surrounding this regulatory action continues, the EXCiPACT certificate for this site has been suspended for a period of six months, in accordance with the requirements of the EXCiPACT standard (9.6.5 Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification).”

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Do you know what "certificate for this site has been suspended for a period of 6 months" entails? January of '23. Been 1 and 1/2 years by now. I wonder where TWC gets their "filler?

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Good question—if I have time I’ll dig around.

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Thank you

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