Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

history books (as written by the victors) will adjudicate in the appropriate equivocal fashion...

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Great job adding the pictures.

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I'm still entertaining the degrees and elements to which this might have been planned. As I said I tried to commit to memory the original video when it was breaking news. Someone said it was nine total shots and that sounds very close to the number. The first three sound in very close succession presumably from the gunman and then some crossfire sounds. It looked to me like the crowd behind Trump to the right was attending to someone. I've been leaning more on the official story for exactly that reason: the trajectory of the first few aligned with the first location of the shooter mentioned exactly.

Now if Trump's team wants to absolutely squash the idea that he faked being shot, say, the ballistics on this should be extremely straightforward and open for the public: a diagram of where those nine or so bullets came from and went. They've already stamped this as lone gunman nothing to see here folks. Obviously this still could have been a covert op and there could be rogue elements that let it happen, of course. But I'd say just that simple thing would do a lot to restore democracy.

Some of this depends on how much you think Trump is fighting the deep state versus being another actor in the play within it.

I've read speculation that perhaps they'll try to take Biden out to plunge the country into chaos and blame it on MAGAs. At this point I'll know them by their fruit...

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There isn't much blood in an ear?

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From a nick it is consistent with what you'd see, also with a slight delay...

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I agree with this 1000%. I don't trust Trump and know he's been a tool for the Monster. That said, if the Monster is trying to kill him and if he gets allowed to be "elected" (big IF, there), there's a small part of me that hopes a one-termer who seems to keep grudges (as part of his natural personality type) would want to just let his vengeance RIP on as many swamp creatures as possible over a four year period. But I'll know by his fruit... if any should appear.

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I hear Hunter is taking shooting lessons for next time...

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“Oh FFS would you just get dressed”

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One of the many flies buzzing around the ointment is that someone actually got killed. If it was all staged, (and so far nobody that I have heard has made a coherent case as to the ultimate beneficiary of a staged event) nobody would have died.

In order to believe it was staged you have to buy into the ‘Wet Works Theory’. Included in that belief is that all of the 100s of people involved are competent and can keep a secret.

That’s a big stretch.

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They have kept the secret of the moon landing

JFK MURDER his brother murder




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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Like a Cigar Store Indian, imo, Flurm.

I posted earlier about about his laconic...stand...sway a bit...stand some more...while Trump is diving/ getting tackled at the podium.

This evening...I just saw another clip..and I specifically looked for V. Fusco...you can find him to (Trump's) right of the guy wearing a turquoise, "Mean Tweets" tank top.

Fusca never seemed to duck or crouch...nor did *many* behind the podium.

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Link here...watch around 0:50 to 1:39.

Fusco and "Mean Tweets" appear to tge left of the podium in this video.


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There was a crane hydraulic leak and speaker collapsing to his left, so thats maybe why eyes were looking the “wrong” way.

Yes he’s like Where’s Waldo. Thats maybe the point

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Been waiting for Vincent to reappear. 😅

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Well, not really. The details are missing. But ultimately 90% of the truth is out there.

Which was my original point on Saturday. It takes a long time for facts to trickle out and anyone who claims they know what happened, or why, or who, etc. is presumptively wrong.

Sage been working on Covid for 4 years. Lots of progress. Amazing progress. But not there yet.

Same with this.

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You are Buckaroo Bonzai of the 'stacks!

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It's not that complicated. Dr. Mike Yeadon...who is somewhat a scientific expert on this subject has stated that having a world-wide outbreak simultaneously in every country of one mutation of this "virus" is NOT possible...though that is what we are told happened. See Mike Yeadon's substack and also Denis Rancourt for population studies of disease and death.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Early information is important. Key details will be scrubbed whenever possible. The more eyes, the more people bringing forth videos, etc. the better.

They rewrite history. For example, I just heard Sen Coons talk about Whitmer's "kidnapping plot." It's very clear that the intel community was a key part of that. I think the court even indicated some of that. Clearly the "main" guy was a patsy, likely with cognitive problems. Yet the myth lives on. They will bury the evidence and keep on with the talking points. Psyops.

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You are right about the Whitmer nonsense. It was definitely a black op event in which she wished to gain the sympathy of voters. Whitless--as she is called by many Michiganders-- is much hated by a large contingency because Michigan had the harshest lockdown measures of almost any other state and her "election" is very suspicious in terms of possible voter fraud. Not highly thought of by most educated people. I lived in Michigan for most of my life...now retired to Florida. Hate the whether in Michigan....it is either 100 degrees F or 0 degrees. So the choice there is burn or freeze. Roads are really bad.....much destruction from frosts heaves--absolutely suffocating and turgid heat in the summer if you are too far from the "lake effect." Visually beautiful and the lakes can be great fun for swimming and sailing.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Since she will no longer be governor after her current term is up, I'm wondering if she will end up as VP (not too likely, but a surprise) candidate if something happens with Joe getting pulled out or other positions if the Dems win (cabinet?). I don't see both Harris and Newsom on the same ticket, since both are from CA.

And yes, she and the governor of Ohio both got together and were draconian during the fakedemic. "bipartisan unity."

Trump just chose a guy from this region (Ohio), since that's the demographic that counts (purple states). So Whitmer could be the Dem to pull a few votes back in from these pivotal states. (MI, OH, PA, etc)

When she became co-chair of Biden's reelection campaign, she came onto the radar, IMO.

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Local people hate Whitmer....Reading up on Newsom--California economy has been gutted. Californians are possibly as tired of and sickened by the "woke" agenda --which functions as a smokescreen for pedophilia and child-trafficking operations --as the rest of the country . Newsom took a fabulously functional state and literally gutted it. He's a monster that is totally visible to all now. He drove the thriving restaurant business in California to the edge of bankruptcy and has made ridiculous "woke" statements about "inclusivity" that sicken most people--gays and heterosexuals alike. I believe (perhaps hope is a better word) that he is finished politically now. But I am an eternal optimist--as those who know me can attest. I am with Reiner Fuellmich who has stated that "Light always wins out over darkness"...I am betting on that sentiment. In the meantime....Reiner Fuellmich is still incarcerated in some slimy jail in post nazi Germany....Some call it RE-NAZIFIED GERMANY. Everyone should write to the their state German diplomatic liaisons and demand that Dr. Fuellmich be freed. The charges against him are civil and not criminal. Jailing Reiner Fuellmich is like jailing someone for tax fraud--not jailing someone for murder. Murder is a crime. Tax evasion is a civil disobedience. Would you want you son to be charged with murder or tax fraud?

The perpetrators of the covid atrocity committed deliberate murder.

They knew the "vaccines" would kill millions and damage and sicken millions more --as well as destroy the procreative abilities of all who took these shots. The "covid vaccines" are damaging beyond any measure at this point.

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The "moon landing" is patently false and has been exposed.

It has so many holes in it....it is swiss cheese.

Not the least of which is the huge temperature differences in the shaded and sunny

areas of the moon surface....like thousands of degrees. The walls of the reputed "space ship" would have had to have been 4' thick to protect the occupants. No moon suit could have made these temperatures even vaguely survivable.

Bill Kaysing...book "We Never Went to the Moon"...

take a look at the "moon buggy"...dumb and dumber..

Covid is very tattered as well....as is AIDS.

Notice how no one gets AIDS anymore...weird.

That's because it was "invented"...as scientist Peter Duesberg proves in detail--

in his 600 page book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.


No way could lightweight aluminum aircraft totally destroy 1000 ' tall structures made of thick steel girders and cement. Didn't happen. Couldn't happen.

The American public has been conned...but waking up. So much personal damage from the "vaccines" the totalitarian "lockdowns" and school closures.

Ed Dowd wrote CAUSE UNKNOWN --partially documenting the strange sudden deaths happening all over in "VAXXED" countries....but not among the "unvaxxed."

James Boyle bioweapons expert has stated in a legally certified official document in Florida the covid vaccines are bioweapons of mass destruction.

Now overall mortality is shooting almost straight up...thrombosis and cancer

reaching huge numbers which have nothing to do with a "virus'...

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If you’re full of shit in only one tiny aspect of your statements, all your conjecture is suspect. You knoe, a lifetime to build a reputation and one stupid moment to destroy it. A “flimsy” airliner ain’t. A fuel fire softens steel to noodles and that’s incontrovertible so quit being a patsy. Post from a 68 yo mechanic that knows a bit about the yielding of steel. Orher tgan that silliness, we are probably on the ssme side. Arrest A Fauchi!

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Drinking much lately?

Why don't all the fuel tanks in jetliners and cars melt?

Please read the material at ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH

It takes sustained temperatures of over 1000 degrees in a kiln to melt steel. ...much hotter than a jet engine which is not a kiln. "jet fuel" is essentially gasoline. Welding is a special case and uses a very directed flame. An open fire like the flames in 911 could barely burn up the paper in the buildings-- tons of which were spread all over the streets. Do you know about "controlled demolitions"? It is a technical field and well known and uses military grade explosives that are very high temperature. 911 was carefully planned and used controlled demolition to break the steel girders at specific points.

That's why it fell down in a straight path and all at once. The remains of the steel girders showed this.

Airplanes ARE lightweight--They are aluminum not steel...they have to be to fly. And they are hollow.

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Kathy, bless your heart dear. If you were near in Alaska we could carry on the conversation with some examples of simple shop fires causing single story steel buildings to simply fold like noodles. It’s surprising. Add multiple storied of preload on only a few of the verts will thied fireproofing cladding shorn off and you have the recipe. I know Leo personally, (he says he's not suicidal😝) He is a Professor in Fairbanks and did the #7 analysis. I believe him and I think there is tiny hats involved also. To claim aircraft could not take them down is wrong. We will never completely know truth but I will agree that the heart of darkness resides in DC and with many evil “others”. Live long and prosper!

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I don't know about your professor. I do know that "jet fuel" is very like the fuel put into cars. It does not melt the fuel tanks. Not ever. Controlled demolition involves very high tech torches and highly skilled engineers. These collapses were controlled demolitions. No reputable builder has contradicted that fact. The demolition jobs had to be done in such a way so the building fell directly into its own footprints...which it did. Highly skilled technical work. Office fires do not cause building collapses. Except that one time. There have been thousands of office fires around the world and that is the only time entire multi-storied buildings collapsed into their own footprints. Further these fires were highly localized and only involved a few floors.

For a welder you seem to have very little grasp of physics or facts.

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It wasn't "staged", it was a planned op by the regime, the Biden admin, FBI, Cheatle, Cheney.

That shooter on the roof was clearly the patsy. When he was confronted by the local cop, after the cop could no longer ignore the screams of the people seeing him, the shooter, after pointing his rifle at the cop, then began firing early, and hit those attendees. That caused the USSS sniper to have to take him out then.

The real assassin was farther away. His shots failed. Thankfully. The USSS B Team, or F Team, was there that day, on orders of Cheatle, etc. The better team was removed to take care of Jill. The plan was so they could also blame the failed protection.

So, was the roof shooter Crooks? Or was it Maxwell Yearick?

The deep state coverup is underway.

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About two dozen crisis actors were employed.

Real boy scouts redeployed to Jill Biden event also in PA

Dead shooter photo was a file photo of Maxwell Yearick

Crooks may or may not have been involved. He has possibly been taken away to invent an optical mouse and start a dissident movement in 2035.

SS agents tackled President Orange after audience member fried his ear with an amped up laser pointer.

SS agent bit off a piece of his ear while he was down

It was her. The chick who couldn’t find where the gun goes

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LOL on the laser pointer.

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This could be a scene from a Charlie Chaplin movie...."SS officer bites off ear of victim in attempt to save his life" then couldn't re-holster her weapon LOL....

but the "amped up laser pointer" ?

now that is a new twist. Who thinks this sh*t up?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

No one would get anywhere near that roof top if this was even remotely on the up and up. Especially not Black Rock actor Crooks.

That footage of Crooks on the roof top reminds me of the fake Georgia jogger shooting video where the camera is always panning away at the most inconvenient times.

And don't worry, those attendees are fine, another story line to cause trauma and a means for the narrative actors to say "how dare you, I lost a loved one that day" when you dare call bullshit on this taxpayer funded side show.

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So that’s the Wet Works Theory, in a nutshell.

But it’s just as plausible that they have been ginning up the hatred for Trump for 9 years. And using a variety of tools to target vulnerable people. Relaxing security at events. And hoping that someone who they have been ‘pushing’ would eventually take a shot, so to speak, and be successful. And they have 100% deniability

Obviously IDK. But I could come up with another 5 scenarios that are just as plausible as yours.

I’m not arguing it didn’t occur as you say. We don’t know.

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This sounds more plausible than a rogue Trump cabal of USSS agents conspiring to look like clowns in a botched assassination attempt by an untrained shooter.

That said, we still haven’t a clue what happened. All we can do is reject the absurd stories they are feeding us.

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and to get Trump out before the RNC convention. Imagine that scenario.

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Yes, I saw a video of a woman talking about a second person at the water tower. Posted it here. That casts a different light, whether staged or a planned op.

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They’re killing tens of thousands in Gaza and Ukraine. They also killed thousand of Americans during 911 and hundreds of thousands with Covid. You really believe they care about human life? Big stretch.

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Hundreds of thousands or millions with covid, or bioweapons? And counting. . .

The biggest crime is the one we all live in, vaxed or not, in our families, communities, etc.

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Yes...the horrifying truth is...the mRNA platform will be used in all "vaccines"...they want to kill all the kids. These shots are "mandated" for schools. This platform must be made illegal or there will be no more humans.

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While the world right now is focusing on Trump and many figuring whether it was stage or NOT… the gene editing bioweapon injections continue to annihilate the human race around the world! And we know the many world famous SNIPERS that just roaming around in plain sight! Hey, there are hundreds of millions of dead human being here including innocent babies and children!!!

Has the public forgotten the guilt of the involvement in the development of both the mRNA shots and the genetically modified adenovirus shots?

Trump on one of his interview,

“ It works incredibly well, 95%, maybe even more than that, it works incredibly well, [...] and I would recommend it to a lot of people who don't want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me frankly.

— Donald Trump, on Fox News, encouraging people to take the shots

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YUP...totally complicit. President Trump getting "bad advice" is a weak excuse. He should have asked advice from many sources all over the country to find out if it really was a "pandemic".

From that angle....I would say there is a lot of subconscious stuff going on. People KNOW....especially since the publishing of RFK's book FAUCI...that Dr. Anthony Fauci does not shrink from murder. He killed the entire population of an upstate orphanage in New York by putting tubes into their stomachs and filling them with toxic poison. He killed dozens of helpless dogs by chaining them up and letting maggots eat them alive. What do you say about these "tests"?...He got away with the orphanage because they had no one to protect them...same with the dogs. AZT was a large attack on also killed in the hundreds of thousands. Let's hope he does not get away with actual genocide on the mass scale of the "vaccines". It looks like he IS getting away with it. I have heard his wife Christine Grady is pretty good with killing as well...but do not know that for sure.

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While the world right now is focusing on Trump and many figuring whether it was stage or NOT… the gene editing bioweapon injections continue to annihilate the human race around the world! And we know the many world famous SNIPERS that just roaming around in plain sight! Hey, there are hundreds of millions of dead human being here including innocent babies and children!!!

Has the public forgotten the guilt of the involvement in the development of both the mRNA shots and the genetically modified adenovirus shots?

Trump on one of his interview,

“ It works incredibly well, 95%, maybe even more than that, it works incredibly well, [...] and I would recommend it to a lot of people who don't want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me frankly.

— Donald Trump, on Fox News, encouraging people to take the shots

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People did NOT die form "covid"....they died from the "vaccine". This was not a vaccine it is a bioweapon as Dr. Francis Boyle bioweapons expert has been in his legal document.

Denis Rancourt...scientist and statistician has proven mass death did NOT occur until the "vaccines" were forced on to the populations ...through fear and threats.

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People died from Covid protocols, Covid vaccines annd Covid lockdowns. It’s all the same OP.

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"Covid" was not dangerous. If we had not believed what the liars told us there would have been no excess deaths from the virus. ALL the excess deaths came from the shots. During the actual lockdowns and school closures...there was less mortality than normal. Only after the "vaccines" was there excess mortality. People were not driving around in cars as much speeding to get to work or sneezing in each others faces at lunch. Doctors are the third most common cause of death. The doctors offices were closed. When the "vaccine" was "rolled out" after an impossibly short time for development and testing...then people died.

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Totally agree

I have 3 family members and a friend died being vaxed

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horrible. Members of my family are vaccine injured and a daughter lost at pregnancy at five months after the "save and effective" vaccine. I told her not to do it...

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No. But you’re missing thenn by point. In order to believe the event was staged, you have to believe in the Wet Works Theory. And if you believe in the Wet Works Theory then you have to say who, why, what, where, and when.

And nobody has done that. And nobody can do that. Because they don’t have but 10% of the facts.

Everyone wants to draw some conclusion that fits their narrative from 30 seconds of grainy video, some Google overheads, and anonymous sources. All within 48 hours. Anyone on this Stack should know better, given a 4 year extensive look into The Scandemic, and still no complete understanding.

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I assume everything is staged unless proven otherwise, just like Shakespeare.

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Haha. I’ve been married (to my first wife) for 44 years. And there are days when she asks me if I faked our wedding. So yeah, I get your point.

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Most weddings are fake these days.

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Mine was definitely planned and staged

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That’s probably true. Seen that first hand with my oldest son after his wife decided after 3 years she wanted to sleep with other guys. He told her that was fine, and then filed for divorce the next day. My youngest though, he’s good. Married very young. 10 years in. All good.

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"fake"is as "fake" does. To thine own self be true.

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That’s some real Wet Works 😂 for ya right there LOL

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Yeah....we are only human. Married 50 years. We all have our parts to play.

hopefully we are also kind and can forgive...ourselves and others. Luckily we don't live forever. Imagine the boredom. Did you ever watch the film ZARDOF....deals with this scenario .

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"wet works theory"...give me a break--what is meant by that? . We're talking evidence and simple logic.

It does totally APPEAR as if the gun and the bullets were real. and people did die at the scene. Could "they" fake that?

If Donald Trump had some sort of fake blood bag pop on his face...I suppose that could work. Seems unlikely, though--. Those appeared to be real bullets from a real gun...but we've been fooled before. I beg to differ with you on the scamdemic...the evidence is in. Did NOT HAPPEN. There was no large die-off event from a virus.

Go to Dr. Mike Yeadon substack

Large corporations made trillions of dollars...biggest wealth transfer in history happened during the Pandemic" according to FORTUNE MAGAZINE....

People were murdered by their governments...no two ways about it. Places that did not mandate "vaccines" had little death. Those records are kept.

There is a rule and it is FOLLOW THE MONEY.

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No pandemic. I agree. Not sure where you got the idea I didn’t.

Wet work theory.

: work involving murder or assassination —used euphemistically

… the intelligence service became infamous as a subcontractor for the K.G.B. and earned a grim reputation for its particular expertise in "wet work," the assassination of enemies.

—Andrew Higgins, New York Times, 25 Dec. 2013

… if you do wet work for the CIA … you probably don't want to drive to the job site in this huge, thinly veiled military vehicle.

—Al Haas, Philadelphia Inquirer, 19 June 1998

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thanks....good to understand the origins of a phrase.

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Sure, early assessments will have some things wrong. But important to do them, before evidence is deep sixed.

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ok...here is a "wet works" theory....a disarmed population is a helpless population as our forefathers well knew. Those savvy and very aware drafters of our constitutional rights knew that fact. Elites and authoritarians have been agitating to have our "right to bear arms" retracted for centuries. When that happens...our goose is cooked.

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And the justification for this much hoped for event is more and more public shootings by "psychotic" easily manipulated people....usually young disaffected males who have been rejected by the objects of their desire.

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I get your point about more evidence needed to put together an “understanding,” but I disagree with the idea that someone being killed negates a theory of staged events. I personally need a lot more evidence to feel conclusive about any fakery…but if this does involve fakery, “controlled” live bullets being part of the equation isn’t something I think is beyond the realm.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Dumb question because I haven't examined the footage or photos of this "shooter," but do we really know that he was killed? If he actually was killed, do we know that he signed up for that, or maybe actually was promised something else (short prison term and later lifetime of luxury) ?

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Not a dumb question at all.

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He's their typical patsy. Bullied terribly in school. Maybe psyop'd since he was in that commercial. If you look at a lot of these mass shootings with "lone gunmen" there is a profile. We'll find out he was on psych meds next, I'd guess. If he was "on the spectrum" as some are speculating, then he's likely very naive and easily led, esp at such a young age. At least people think most of these mass shootings have been false flags to get gun rights away and other nefarious reasons. Will this be used to convince people on the right to fall into line with that? I can't help but feel sympathy for his parents. How horrible for them.

Now we are being told there was possibly at least one other assassin in the water tower. This is a "leak" for those who don't buy the story. If there were other assassin(s), it appears to be something like the "deep state" may have colluded. Or is that just another part of the stage play, assuming that's what it was. Manipulate those on the right. And looking on TwitterX, you can see that happening. My guess is it's still staged, but goes beyond just getting Trump elected.

It seems important to speculate on their next moves, to help resist if we see them. I don't agree when people say not to do that, "wait until all the evidence is in" By that time it will be too late and will be memory holed. I wouldn't act on such info in a rush. though there's little I could do. But I'd be keeping my eyes open. Mainly not to comply/get scared.

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We do not necessarily know if the circulated photo corresponds to the shooter or of they are dead. We do not know the identity(ies) of any shooter. Though written that way my “Alternatively” scenario above is not necessarily a joke.

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The dude on that roof (whether Thomas or that Maxwell guy - not sure - since Maxwell had gauges in his ears that seem to match up with the stitching in the dead guy's right earlobe in a way that doesn't match Crooks) was D.E.A.D. Looked like a bullet through the mouth (exit wound to his back/right neck explains the dried blood over his face) and possibly a bullet through his left eye (harder to see but would explain some of the other blood). Two shots would be standard protocol for military sniper.

What we don't know (unless we get trusted ballistics) is whether that roof guy was the shooter that killed Contemporare (father protecting his wife/daughter and shot in the head standing to the right of the stage if you're looking from the audience's perspective) and lodged bullets in two other bystanders (haven't seen much reported on them).

Seems like the first person shooting got off three shots. The remainder of the shots appear to be counterfire (and I've seen reports of up to 5 ot 6 additional shots, but witnesses might have heard echos and/or there might be multiple counter-snipers firing simultaneously... ), but not certain. Could've been a second shooter for "clean up" (see Water Tower shooter theory) whether to hit whatever the patsy missed or to make sure the patsy didn't talk.

Crooks is supposedly a child of a shrink (father) and social worker (mother) so you can almost certainly guaranty he'll be accused of some kind of mental instability.

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Growing up with shrinks and social workers are enough to make anyone stark raving insane In my experience people involved in those types of "helping professions" lack the ability to signify clear boundaries that make for character development in children. Most especially the child needs to know clearly what is acceptable behavior and what is not. . Both rewards and punishments are helpful in getting these concepts across. Without these parameters a lot of energy will be expended trying to "push the envelope" to discover where is the "thin blue line" and how far can I go before I get smacked down or sent to my room. In fact, up to the age of about 11 children thrive in this environment of clearly delineated forbidden behaviors. With the development of intellectual parsing of details and environmental circumstances this type of "punishment" should be lessened and more emphasis should be placed on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing. Clear boundaries make for the development of fairness and sound judgement. Many social workers and shrinks are in the business of justifying "neurosis" and/or antisocial actions by blaming parents and environments. This is not helpful for a child.

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You mean Deep State is morally incapable killing someone and injuring a few more merely to use as stage preps?

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I said the various "batches" of the "vaccines" were being tested as to their potential for murder or else the differences in the "batches" was from "warp speed".

There was no "covid pandemic"...it was simply a flu. Weak and ill people who have co-morbidities do die of a "cold" or a "flu"...happens a lot in nursing homes/

Let me repeat this one more time: The "warp speed" covid "vaccines" were bioweapons.

This bioweapon was designed to maim, to injure and to kill. The injections were specifically developed for that purpose only. In depth analysis by chemists have proven that.

What don't you understand about this? I am not in contact with Deep State...nor can I guess who they are and what their motives might be.

However, depopulations has been a goal of the so-called elites for some time.

They want to have more space for their hunting expeditions and more privacy for their child trafficking etc.

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Kathleen, my response was to MoodyP, above. I have no question at all about your post. You’re on it ! Keep on trucking !

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The shooting incident that happened in Butler does not at all resemble the carefully planned and designed mass holocaust that resulted from the injections which were forced and "mandated" on large segments of our population such as the military and health care workers. Hundreds of doctors and nurses died in one area of Canada from a particularly potent batch of "vaccines". I find that to be extremely suspicious. These two events...though both have to do with homicide...are very different. When millions die and/or are injured it is called genocide. When a few people are murdered...it is just murder. Premeditated genocide is the only way to describe the "covid" operations. In Butler there were a few people killed by a lone gunman at a political rally. Very different in every way.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

However I am neglecting a relevant point. President Donald showed those fake photos of "corpses" being loaded into a moving van in upstate New York. This is a remote location and few people go there. This was an obvious fake and a fraud. President Donald Trump and his advisors must have known this fact at that time and used these "nursing home deaths" to create fear and terror among the gullible citizens.

In retrospect, the facts are clear. Fauci and President Donald Trump deliberately gave the impression that this was a dangerous contagion when there was no such evidence. People excuse President Trump by saying he had bad advisors. Anthony Fauci has always been a psychopathic murderer his entire life....He killed 600,000 Americans with a fake AIDS drug called AZT in the '70's. Turns out that AZT is one of the most toxic substances ever produced by pharma. He recommended giving this substance to women and children who were not at risk for catching AIDS. Read the book by scientist Peter Duesberg INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS --professor at UCLA....there was no AIDS virus. Just like with "covid"...there is no lethal "covid virus". It is all a lie. In the 70's people were killing themselves with drugs and anal sex...which is a good way to spread bad germs--the drugs were really bad and left no trace. "Poppers" were highly dangerous and used extensively during that time to enhance sex.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

More evidence....while hospitals were supposedly "overrun" with covid cases...there kept appearing on-line videos of hospital nurses and doctors dancing around in the empty halls. The places looked empty. We did not see anyone dying of "covid". I know people who work in hospitals and sometimes they are really full. No then, though.

More key witnesses are embalmers who handled the bodies after the "vaccine" roll out. The veins of the dead were filled with long fibrous white clots. Mike Adams and Dr. Ryan Cole claim to have analyzed these "clots".

They found them to contain strange structures and were manufactured from the covid "vaccines"....This is weird and puzzling but could explain all the people dropping suddenly dead.

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Who was it that got killed? On J6, they faked the death of Ashli Babbitt for the exact reason you stated. They always need one fatality to make it seem real. A woman who looked amazingly like Ashli Babbitt was in the camera frame when Trump was supposed to have been shot. She was at stage level on Trump's left. Do you think those women were real body guards or were they from Central Casting? Is it a coincidence that the sniper was in a Blackrock commercial and therefore a member of the actor's guild? Trump is also a member of the actor's guild. It's all Central Casting, like Trump is always saying.

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Tens of thousands of deaths in New York were attributed to covid in March-May 2020.

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They are still killing millions with their “injections “, they would certainly sacrifice a few at a rally

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No idea why this gives people pause.

Vastly larger false flags have acutely decimated thousands upon thousands of US citizens of all ages, shapes, and sizes throughout US history.

And then there are the ones that are known yet not executed: Operation Northwoods being a prime example.

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deletedJul 16·edited Jul 16
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No "covid" was not a binary pre-packaged solution. It was a bio-attack in the form of an injection which caused death in many guises...some deaths occurred right away after the injections and others develop more slowly as in turbo cancer and blood diseases. This may be because the "batches" of vaccines were not the same. Experts analyzed different "batches" of these injections by the same companies and found different ingredients and different amounts of toxic materials in the various "batches"...Dr. Mike Yeadon believes they were trying to "calibrate a kill weapon."

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deletedJul 16
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I see what you mean. "Framing the debate" is irrelevant to scientists such as Denis Rancourt. Read his substack and you will see what I mean. Let me repeat this one more time: The statistics from numerous countries show that there was no viral "pandemic". The actual death numbers clearly show there was no pandemic. The "pandemic" was invented to frighten us into accepting a poison injection that kills and maims in different ways according the weaknesses of various populations and individuals. Whose idea was it to ramp up this fear and wreck such havoc?..... Your guess is as good as mine....

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

In 2017 I had a dream that Trump visited my home. Family was there (fawning over him) and after a few moments of greetings, he and his people departed very swiftly. As my family exchanged their excited stories about the visit, I heard the door bell ring. Through the window, saw a man in military garb standing next to a well-suited female. I assumed it was some sort of "debriefing" (after-crew) so I swung the door open and they immediately walked in, and to the living room where my family was. The lady sat down in the corner of the room, and the man stood next to her facing my family. I noticed that the military garb didn't look right on this young man. His commissions didn't match his rank. I look up at his face to see that he knew I was on to him, and just then he signaled the woman. Both of them began shooting at me and my family!

My young granddaughter, who was standing just in front of me, now had a bullet wound. My oldest daughter dove on top on the female in the chair, taking several shots as she did so, but her momentum was not stopped and the last I saw of her, was that she was on top of the female, and this slowed that source of gunfire just long enough for me to dodge out the front door with my injured granddaughter - who was clearly still alive. As I ran from the house with my granddaughter in my arms (in search of a hiding place in the neighborhood) I could hear the gunfire continuing along with the final screams of my other family members - MY ENTIRE family. The only one left was my granddaughter, and I had no idea if she would live, or that we wouldn't be found and executed.

So there has always been a bit of "skepticism" in my mind about Trump since this dream. Many other items have caused it to grow. I begged God for an answer: Was this a warning? And if so, a warning of what exactly? And what am I to do about it anyway?

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😨😱 What a horrible dream. That would haunt me forever, too.

Dreams like that (for me) leave me with the answer: be vigilant. I also usually try to voice them to another adult who (in that situation in my dream) would be better empowered to take action (i.e. if my spouse was in a dream like that I share it with him so that if - God forbid - we're ever in a bad or similar situation he'll recognize the "signs" and be on the same page to shut it all down). I have home invasion nightmares and whatnot and voicing them seems to help me exorcise the darkness from my soul a bit. Also, I buy more ammo and we don't open the door to anyone we haven't invited to the house. 😅

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We had filed a lawsuit demanding an immediate injunction prohibiting all vaccine mandates nationwide, and Trump was the named defendant in late 2020. We set it up so that all he had to do was "settle" the lawsuit by enforcing the U.S. Constitution via an executive order. It would not have stopped "Operation Warp Speed" but would have protected all those who preferred not to be injected. He refused to settle it by enforcing existing law.

Shortly after the dream, I was at my state Capitol building to visit a state senator (and anti-vaxxer) and saw the military man from the dream there. He had the "fake" uniform on! I was walking by him as he spoke to a group of men in the lobby and sure enough, he looked over at me, and then looked down at his faked commissions where I had been looking. My life is strange, but the times we're going through are even stranger;-)

"For the old world has passed away." Almost nothing is as it was. And nothing that was before will remain. We will be amazed and in wonder as it all unfolds.

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Problem is, that Trump NEVER MANDATED a vaccination. It was your Buddy, dentist patient Obiden that mandated vaccines. sheesh.

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I voted for Trump is 2016 and in 2020. Quite a stretch to call Obiden/Brandon my "buddy."

Trump had an opportunity to settle our federal lawsuit while he was still in office with an executive order that would have banned all vaccine mandates nationwide, which would ONLY have been an upholding of the U.S. Constitution. He and his joint chiefs all received the national security report outlining the trajectory proving that without such an intervention, our Nation would fall by 2030 due to the physical destruction of its people. It was an "easy out" (to settle) and it would not have interfered with his "Operation Warp Speed" program - it just would have protected all of those who didn't WANT to be injected. Trump's people fought us tooth and nail to avoid protecting the American people from the mandates. We filed in plenty of time before he left office.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I ask myself, who filmed the video of the Secret Serviceman ushering the photographers away,and how did that go unnoticed?

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Probably someone who is about to get dead.

Just kidding.

*I think.

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So... I have all the normal reservations about McCullough/Leake and beg forgiveness for adding a link to their stuff, but in it (helps to watch at 1.5x speed) they have several witness videos from people's cell phones who were behind the stage where Trump was speaking. Seems to put the "fake ear blood" theory to rest. https://rumble.com/v576oth-mccullough-foundation-situation-update-detailed-analysis-of-trump-assassina.html

Also, in one of videos in that link, you see that same USSS agent relocating the two photographers (one of whom is Doug Mills and can be seen running along the front of the stage after the shooting to capture the photo of Trump crouched underneath the USSS agents on the stage with blood running down his face), although the video is "mirrored" (flipped) and a little disorienting. Nonetheless, it's the same footage and the security corridor behind the stage is very visible and kept clear during Trump's speech. https://twitter.com/dougmillsnyt/status/1812270345325519266

Finally, they show the photo that local cops took of the shooter while he was sitting in the grass near the building he would eventually climb and while he was taking out his rangefinder. It looks very much like Thomas Crooks (not Maxwell), so that seems to match with the pictures of the dead body on the roof.

Still find it unbelievable that an "active shooter" call didn't go out immediately when he was spotted on the roof - that should've been immediate evac for everyone (including the crowd). If I were the family of the deceased, I would be suing USSS and local law enforcement SO FAST for complete dereliction of duty... no matter cui bono... a good man was killed and no amount of GoFundMe rewards is ever going to make that better. Reports already coming out that DHS is now refusing to "allow" USSS to testify before the House investigative committee on WTF happened.

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Oh, thank goodness.

A House investigation.


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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I totally deserved that. 😅

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This was not a staged event. This was an assassination attempt on President Trump.

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It literally happened on a stage. Lol

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Sarah - exactly, and it was a planned op by the illegitimate powers that be.

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Why did the Police sniper, who had the shooter in his crosshairs for 3 minutes prior, receive orders to stand down?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

The Elton/Kikki vid is hilarious.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I didn't sleep well last night....trying to keep my brain from breaking. I saw the woman filming with her iPhone...but n9t the photographers rushing forward....

I think I'll need a nap today also

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Show of hands....who smells a rat? Pax

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I think this is the correct flipped version — the first one here https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/hey-how-about-some-more-trump-shooting?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web is same thing. Neighbor audience person shooting in selfie mode?

These gave me a brain ache today.

Was RFKjr getting secret service (liability?)

Orange having classified docs thing dismissed

Today to add to a victory impression?

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there is footage of a woman behind him who instead of staying down after the shot, popped up with her phone camera rolling. I wonder if it was confiscated.

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Confiscation is overrated. I think smartphones can be configured to store the videos they record directly on the cloud. If so, the files can also be mirrored automatically. That is: there is no way to prevent a leak of information by confiscating physical devices.

Is it possible to inhibit wireless commnication altogether?

Maybe only double agents are allowed to have smartphone internet communication activated in controlled events. Maybe there is a way to sieve outgoing communication from deivces not on the VIP list, so to speak. In that case, all leaks would be meant to poison the well of public opinion. Have we been drinking poisoned waters?

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Yes cloud storage is a great way to have automated processes pattern recognize and dork with your memories

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Who was filming this clip? And where did they go? So many questions...

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Sorry, unrelated… Remember simulation Event 201 in October 2019 preceding Covid?

Well… take a look… what’s coming in October 2024.


Featuring: Mass fatality management, forceful vac by fire department, forceful isolation in correction facilities etc.

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medical perspective--Dr Rima calls BS:

Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit

The Uniparty is having a party. It's a theater party. Y'all come and cast your vote for the most compelling actor and admire the supporting cast. Door prizes include UN destruction of humanity.


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Yes, the blood thing is one of the most obvious things. That pristine white shirt, a bit rumpled, no splatters. Those clean hands when Trump waves. Where's the blood? This seems amateurish, just like the shooter kid. Does the SS bring wet wipes, just in case? Kind of like Monk's nurse (yes, I know Trump is a germaphobe).

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Exactly!! I was immediately suspicious when he got up and the secret service people left his head and upper torso exposed, so he could look to the audience, do his fist pump and shout fight, fight, fight---now if he was really in danger (there could have been a second shooter) would they have let him be exposed like that? It seemed like theater. And when I saw a video where he touched his ear, but his hand had NO blood, then I knew it was staged. It's so freaking obvious.

It's just so frustrating that everyone still responds with emotion, instead of looking at things rationally. They are going to keep doing psyops because people still fall for them--even supposed truthers.

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Sandra - two thoughts for you to consider:

1) a strafe wound to the ear doesn't immediately gush blood. In fact, the amount of blood running down his face was quite minimal. It was an ooze-type wound and he likely didn't even put his hand all the way to his ear before he was focusing on dropping to the ground. Lack of blood on his hand is not proof that this was all faked.

2) as for the inexcusably crappy SS actions, you cannot deny that the B or C (or F) team Trump was assigned that day was so poor as to leave Americans demanding resignations/firings ASAP (this has been widely called out by professional security and military personnel)... yes... right? Okay, so then you're saying that BECAUSE they continued to be subpar EVEN AFTER shots were fired that it was all fake? Uh... wut? Rather (a more plausible explanation is that) the crappy agents continued to be craptastic, all of them were on coms clearly hearing that the shooter (which was a threat they'd known about for THIRTY MINUTES (yes, see reports out today from local law enforcement... they watched this guy for THIRTY MINUTES) and the SS counter-snipers had in their sights for THREE MINUTES before they were (finally) given permission to take him out) had been neutralized. When your client (whom you are charged with protecting) tells you to wait and demands to stand up and shake his fist for roughly 5 seconds after your head coms person has neutralized the shooter, you don't smack him and say "no, keep your head down." You cover his body with yours (note the other agents' hands attempting to shield his head) and keep moving him gently in the direction of the evac vehicle.

This is not rocket science.

It does, however, appear to be most simply an assassination attempt by a Monster that is counting on people to move on so that it can keep offing those inconvenient to its bigger agenda.

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