
Maybe we could set up Global Refugee and Immigrant Aid Kamps right in the heart of the Gaza Strip.

It's beautiful over there and plus they are going to make it a Smart City and stuff.

What say you, HIAS?

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The scorpions come from a long line of people movers


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Watching now.

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That's it ain't it. Takin errrryyybody'a land.and resources.

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WOW Buckminister! Thanks for posting the link.

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Very interesting historical details I hadn't been aware of, thanks.

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Do they come with free polio jabs from GAVI?

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Not yet. They still have to put in some amenities on the strand. I hear they’re working on a new development south of the litani river up north. But if you’re patient the rich Jewish comedian and Russian partners are clearing some land for truly equitable estates in old Kazaria.

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Discounts for depleted uranium polluted black earth... Bung it in the food chain, send it to the hungry. Ker'ching.

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"We love u, Alejandro!"

The Senate loves u too.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

“the Flavor-Ade only works if we all drink it!”

The world is a black comedy,

But Sage Hana Substack still makes me laugh

The vocabulary words that

keep hammering my brane vector

in the past few days are:




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I keep singing Stayin Alive lol.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

The *Look!Over here!!*roof shooter...Crooks/Yearick...dun matter = Patsy.

The disposable Azov snipers in the trees = Patsies.

Pending the earwing bullet ballistics(gotz to find that damn bullet!) vs. bloodpack debate...Betrayal..could = >>>*Airbody*<<<.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

fwiw- I've been watching lots of Rabbi videos and apparently, this open borders operation is connected to Jewish prophesy/end times. I didn't save a link, but general idea is that they want all other races mixed (they definitely want to get rid of white people--there are tons of rabbis speaking on that, there's a word for it too Loxism). They especially seem to be doing this in nations that used to be majority white (Europe, UK, US). Some say they want to orchestrate a white genocide--lots of books by the tribe basically attacking whites (you as a white or any other race would never be able to publish a similar book about the J tribe). Also, they apparently did this open borders to Spain centuries ago by opening the Gates of Toledo.

I did save this (Makow is a Jew, but has been speaking out on the plot for forever):


Rabbi Rabinovich- "Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women."

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Here's a famous quote (I've seen it on twitter, but lost the link)- talks about dissolution of races and abolishment of borders. So they are obviously making all of this happen and it's apparently connected to Jewish end times prophesy--they want to have us as their slaves after billions of us are exterminated (at least according to some of these bat shit insane rabbis on line):

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." — Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928

And here's a Jewish (maybe Israeli) woman talking about what they have planned (I don't think she's on board w/the agenda, just telling Rick Wiles about it):


“The soul of the Ta|mud is Zohar, and the soul of Zohar is the Kabala.”

They teach that when the Jewish messiah arrives [THE ANTICHRIST], all who do not bend the knee will be killed [when they refuse the mark that allows you to buy and sell].

(she also mentions an AI God to rule over us)

I'm not at all religious, so not familiar w/any of these prophesies, but I've seen an ex-Zio Jew say that there's a group of Orthodox Rabbis (he says "who run your country") who think Trump is the Messiah and are the ones who gave him that silver crown of the Torah. So, I'm wondering if all is going according to plan, they will put Trump in (Rabbis say he's been chosen b/c of 7/13 ear theater), and Trump will usher in CBDCs.

IMO We're being set up for slaughter and enslavement.

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I don't think you're wrong.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

It's one, giant, real estate acquisition.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Hey Hey Snappy Kahkieeees! Lissen Up. I read a comment on another stack about tryin' somthin' new. It just came to me this mornin' and I think it could help "things". Let's all pick a favorite flower scent, get one, and breathe it in to fully appreciate its nature derived magic:) then exhale and push that sense (scents lol) of pure beauty out into the morphic resonance ( a very powerful force btw) of our world:) Rose I hear is very positive. What could it hurt and so much to gain, may it work:) someone said God laughs in flowers:) just a thought, and please everyone, do this. With feeling lol. Things come to me. Thank you Sage for giving me the opportunity to share my insights:) you're the best in my book!

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

"one who knows the heart of the stranger"

A valuable quality in an enemy operative.

How to use the nation your family fled to, to use its values against itself, to turn it into a tinder pile for Satan.

Like what happened to Palestinians. Accept refugees -> become concentration camp inmates. Be raped, by the 'most moral @rmy in the world'.

There is a common thread in all of this Sh!tForkery...


'Citizens without borders'.

'Citizens of the world'.

Perhaps it is the nexus of psychopathy and power? These people that will literally cause the murders of 'their own countrymen', on the fig leaf pretext that some sub-Saharan savage deserves their chance at the American Dream*(TM) - and to hell with the laws.

But how does that mental illness infuse the policies of a nation? How is it more than a flash of extremism in the pan, quickly burned away? How does The Monster literally take control of the puppet strings and move US policy exactly where it wants? For generations? Where are the opposing 'forces' in that system? I pondered this recently, if The Monster wasn't in absolute control we would see frictions as competing parties fought for dominance of the 'Agenda'. We see nothing of the sort. No deja vu moments, no aberrations in the matrix.

That this criminal remains in his position of power, protected by the most criminal cabal of politicians in the history of your nation, does not bode well for change from within the system.

Which has made a firesale inevitable. And necessary.


*-Fully Sick Cell Phone and backpack provided^. And a credit card!

^-By helpful aid organisations, funded, no doubt by our tax dollars.

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Aug 11Liked by Sage Hana

Cuban Jews? I was nonplussed at first and then when it sunk in - of course dummy. Yikes - had not even ever thought about it.

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How does one apply to be a holocaust survivor? Like a registry?

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It is an ever-expanding list, FWIW.

Saw some newspaper headlines where the number of 'survivors' increased over time.

Given Germany is paying a pension of some kind, there is an extra-perverse incentive to make the claim.


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Unrelated but maybe related.... was listening to this interview and came across this little bit of tidbit... https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/brittni-de-la-mora-was-a-porn-star-who-became-a-christian

..and apparently a Jewish Rabbi owns PornHub....WTF..... huh?...wait, what?

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Love Always Ministries.

$80 courses to stop looking at porn.

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Porn is one of the attack vectors.

Of course they would own it. Plus, it makes money. You can't take over and cull the world without money.

As with so many sectors, absolutely disproportionate representation.

And as with immigration policies, a night:day differentiation when you look at who is in front of the cameras.


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Apparently, they never drank the Kool-aid and the whole Jonestown thing was an OP!

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It makes me sad Sage to witness you take so many people down the false “crisis actor” rabbit hole… it makes those of us who admire you & have followed you down many rabbit holes & believed you to now doubting you…😔

It’s not that I’m a huge Trump fan & Christian that I don’t believe the “crisis actor” fake assassination rabbit hole, it’s because I personally know people that were there that day & they KNOW it wasn’t fake.

They were with a huge group of people & go to rallies often & know staff & many others that were there.

I wish instead that you would delve deeper into the second shooter & inside job by the Biden-Uniparty-Deep State-NWO or whatever you want to call them?

I bet that will not be the only attempt on President Trumps life.

I truly love so much of the past info you have shared & I have shared & reshared much of your info.

Blessings to you regardless & everyone here.

I just want to make America as good as I can for my grandchildren.

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Doubt me forever and ever.

I don't give a fuck.

This Stack probably ain't gonna be your cup of moonshine.

You feel me, Sheila Hillbilly Heaven.

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Call dem balls!

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thoughts and prayers for your sadness.

Send the Dunphy kids and grandkids to murder so the King of Israel can help the Chosen People have their special strip of land as G-d wants for them.

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deletedAug 8
Comment deleted
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Three things cannot

long be hidden:

The sun.

The moon.

And the truth.

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Only woulda taken… about two dozen crisis actors, the rest would take it in as an exciting show. So glad Trump’s ear has healed so well and so quickly

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Any connection with i$rahell or joos is shit. So glad we have Sage Hana to give us more information on the evil joos and evil OF joos.

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“If you sincerely believe that you and your tribe are chosen by God, then you are functionally indistinct from a sociopath.

I loathe collective guilt.”

Amen to that.

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Israel Heritage Foundation....


See also McDonald's Vegan Foundation and Pfizer Naturopath Fund...

Israel doesn't have a heritage, it has a criminal record.

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Did anyone bother learning about Paul Alexander? He "survived" the Holocaust(TM) because he left Germany in 1938 to England according to some "unaccompanied Jewish children refugee program" (this is, BTW, accordingly to The Official Story(TM), BEFORE the "extermination" operations began (that was 1942)). Five years later his parents somehow (in 1943) left Germany and came to England to reuinite.

So the way he "survived" the Holocaust is ......................................... he was never subjected to it. He survived be being fed 3 meals a day, never being bombed, and nothing happening to him. Everyone in Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Dresden, Hamburg, Dresden, Stalingrad, Leningrad, and likewise, suffered (this is not an exaggeration) 10 million times more than he did.

Basically he never suffered.

But he does get a reparations check!

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It's very important to learning the stories of Holocaust survivors.

"They survived the 100% real Holocaust be buying a ticket IN GERMANY to travel to XYZ location in 1942. They had metric fucktons of 2 year old Jews on board. And the Nazis let it all happen."

"Everyone else who wasn't so PRIVILEGED to be afforded a ticket out of town was subjected to machine gunning, brutal firebombing, and total extermination orders as documented by Chuck Yeager (we killed anything that moved).

MY GOD, there were so many hundreds of thousands if not millions of survivors. And they formed a FORMIDABLE ARMY that - BY FORCE - created the state of Israel"

Everything about the story makes SENSE. Especially the HOLOCAUST of six million Jews in WORLD WAR ONE. Nobody can deny any of it - because you'll be arrested in 2024!

It all makes sense - I mean it does if you can engage in "anti-****" conspiracy theories - but if you are a normie you just have to dig your own grave harder.

And to be quite honest, the normies digging their own graves deserve it. It was very very VERY obvious, a VERY long time ago.

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sorry you can deny the holocaust of 6,000,000 jews in WW1 just not in WW2. i just wanted to clear things up. WW1 denial is OK, WW2 denial is just wrong. DUH.

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I honestly don't know how the true believers function at all these days with their cognitive dissonance and denial. What Big Pharma concoctions do they take to block out the obvious?

(... also, thanks for spelling linchpin correctly, my pet peeves were not triggered)

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Holy Shih-Tzu, Sage Hana! We're definitely on a list now. You might get a visit from America's most powerful Civil Rights group.


Uncovering America’s MOST Powerful “Civil Rights” Group - 51-49 with James Li

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The fuckery has long been underway and is ramping up.

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Love your spunk Sage Hana. I was fined $60.oo in Portland OR. by Homeland Security for an anti-joo sign. Sign is my picture on Google.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

The fuckery has long been underway and is ramping up.

= "We don't respect you."

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Then why read? why comment? do you get how nonsensical that is?

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Go back and read it again.

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Go it... it makes lots of sense now. i get so tired of comments on other platforms of people criticizing with nothing constructive to add or reasoned arguments. I assume when I should not now. And we all know what assumption does. Lol

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Reminds me of a post I made a few weeks back:

"We're going to kill all of you anyway,

So, no, we don't care what you think."

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Again BT: Your comments are unclear. Clarify "...it..."

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BT: Who do you mean by "....you."?

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The targets of the bioweapon.

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The unexempt.

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The bunkerless.

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Every Hasidic in Crown Heights is gonna come after Sage with a swinging chicken! Oh the carnage!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Transfer Sage's sins to the chicken.

Sage has been asking waaay too menny

" next indicated questions".

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Better a chicken swinger than a goat f---er.

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