
I've been thinking I haven't debunked virology in a few days and I have withdrawal symptoms I can't bear.

So here it is: pathogenic viruses cannot exist because they would have never invented nukes otherwise. It should have been easy, and I mean EASY, to find the method to kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers with a self-replicating poison many centuries ago, and then the ellipsoidal earth would have been pacified and totally owned by alchemists or something.

There. Much better.

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The Toxic Spike Protein can disable a nuke.

Signed, Abe Lincoln

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Ah…this thread is EXACTLY why I hang around these parts. Please continue; don’t mind me.

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There it is, more CAPSSAUCE please!

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But not siNukes

Signed, Bert

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Spot on! Half of the con at least is the supposed omnipotence of the Powers thast shouldn't be to create a deadly virus that kills everyone or annihilate the Earth as we know it. What they really have gained control of is financial transactions. Has the Simpsons ever predicted a catastrophic economic collapse?

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Another way to disable nukes is uranivoxamine. And in case of an oopsie (DBS) and you need to clean a contaminated site you can use strontiumectin.

Signed, Dwight David Eisenhower

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Could the challenge have been stopping such a thing from continuing to be a problem for the victor?

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Iran was in the news immediatley after the shooting op. Trump assasinated General Soleimani Jan 2020 . He did not have congressional approval to commit an Act of War which this was assassinating a top Govt. official. Iran was no threat to America. He did it as a favor to Netanyahu . Now the news says Iran wants retribution and Trump is a target. No . Trump is being sent a message by Netanyahu that he wants that 7th country taken out as promised by General Wesley Clark in 2007 that 911 made a path for. That country was Iran and it is still in Israel’s way. Israel wants it all and the neocons make it happen. Same op.

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Yes and the same media that the Big Smart Patriot crew hates so much said he was "Presidential" in so doing.

If there is one thing that unites the Fake Two Party Paradigm it's being Israel's Mall Cop.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Way prior to that, Trump sent like 59 missiles to bomb Syria, supposedly because Assad had gassed his own people or some BS. That was the first time Trump became ''Presidential, '' except when he sucked on the fucking wailing wall.

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Yup. The best way to be Presidential in the United States of Israel is to bomb one of their enemies.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

PS- thanks for covering this.

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We in it now. 🤨

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I wonder how deep Israel may have been involved with the destruction of the WTC property as well. I never believed the hijackers taking over planes and flying them into the towers and pentagon. I can't even do that in a video game

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

“Solving 911, the deception that changed the world” by Christopher Bollyn covers that. They had total control of the removal of all evidence. Had the demolition steel shipped to China ASAP. And sold way under the current price for steel. They had control over every. Facet of this operation planned decades before.

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I like Dr. Judy Woods work as well. I found some photos of the steel online, not sure if they are part of the steel that was rushed out but damn are they twisted and bent


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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Michael Chertoff an Israeli national and son of a mossad agent,was the senior official who oversaw the FBI investigation. He passed control of the steel to an agency headed by Rudy Giuliani. A Richard Sheirer commissioner of OEM was then given authority. Who ordered the removal of the steel to two junkyards in NJ Where it was cut in small pieces ,mixed with other scrap and shipped to Asian steel companies. All the agencies were zionist controlled where this steel was passed. Each tower contained 78,000 tons of recyclable steel. It is mind blowing how efficient they were down to the detail.getting the evidence out of the country as fast as they could . Bollyn was an amazing researcher.

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Roger. rumble.com "Where did the towers go?"

They were dusted by DEWs Dr. Judy and colleagues find. The weight didn't hit the ground in seismic readings she says.

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Correct. And she dispute the idea that large amounts were shipped to China. She considers that a laser pointer since her facts indicate DEW’s dustification of the steel in large measure.

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There is a great Substack 9/11 revisionist … excellent new stuff

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Is Iran in Israel’s way, or are they just playing the heel?


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Yes that's what I'm thinking. Same with Russia. I hear there's even jooish influence in China clear back to Mao's rule. Man, they sure must be "chosen". By whom is the question?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18


Roger. rumble.com Where did the towers go?

They were dusted by DEWs Dr. Judy and colleagues find. The weight didn't hit the ground in seismic readings she says.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

I have been watching the Carbonaro Effect videos lately and it's amazing watching people accept things that are absolutely not real just because they "thought" they saw something happen in front of them.

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You didn't like the Town & Country beefcake photoshoot with the x-small t-shirt?

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It made me wish (redacted).

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They just shot an ad for the Army's old campaign of "An Army of One", where dude bros can see themselves saving the world and getting the girl by being an alpha. Or there abouts.

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Alpha doesn't sound very woke!

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Unless of course, you choose to identify as. . . .


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The girl is a 7 foot tall lesbian

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Looks like they won’t have to reinstate the draft after all. With all the demoralization of men these past years, the “real” men will happily go to war for Trump, to reclaim their manhood. 😢

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Not a speck of dirt, anywhere.

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Never, ever, let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Besides, smudges and smears wreck the playcation aestetic.

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Feels very ‘British royal military service’.

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The arrogance of some, to call themselves the 'chosen people'. Blasphemy is not a wise move. I recall reading this in the bible:

6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. 8 As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights."

I'm really curious about some things I've heard of the Torah, I've personally never read it but some have commented on it's supposed disgusting beliefs and such. If that is true, I'd love to get some insight; I don't aim to disparage or broad brush a religion or people, but it's made me curious based off the first Zionists meetings and the the Moses Hess 'Rome and Jerusalem' book

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There is very little difference between people who feel they are "chosen" by God and sociopaths.

The behavior will be the same, but one will punt to "it's God's will."

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

If you can find a copy of “The Talmud Unmasked”, get it. It was written by a rabbi, and told much. I wish I had a copy of it.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I bought a copy years ago. People would freak out if they read it. It is NOT The Torah.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

You are correct twice. It is NOT the Torah, AND people would freak if they read it.

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I have been thinking about Israel being the 'chosen people' in that they will expose themselves to be mass murderers of humanity as God tests everyone and so far history involving Israel has been nothing but people dying in the thousands

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John Spritzler has written a lot on the topic of Israel, Zionism, and what should be done to defeat the Zionists to the benefit of most Israelis, Jews, Palestinians, and working people around the world. Here is a link to one of his articles but there are many more worth reading on his website to better understand this whole situation: https://www.pdrboston.org/why-do-so-many-support-zionism

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Connor....while fighting those mosquitos in your photo op roll back down your short sleeves to protect more skin area. Wardrobe doing a fantastic job though! Love the blue tape highlights to make you more visible for the snipers. Good job Bollywood.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

OT - https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-detailed-analysis-of-trump-assassination-attempt/5862808 (oh gosh, Leake and McCullough reached Globalresearch.ca. Peter Koenig (formerly of World Bank works there. Infiltraited! damn tentacles)

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Being that I don't watch television or even movies lately I did what I often do when some prominent figure who has written a book comes on the radar: I jump to Amazon or wherever and immediately read the critical one star reviews, in this case of JD Vance's "Hillbilly Eulogy". Yes I think it was elegy but whatever tomato tamatoe. Some of these are bad reviews are useless but in many cases these are highly thoughtful intelligent people who can sort through the wheat from the chaf and do the heavy lifting for me.

And yeah, it sounds like another ego driven politican, deploying the backdrop of overplayed hillbilly stereotypes to create a hero story of how he crawled from the gutter as it were to become "sucessful" (whatever the hell that means in a Satanic system). Will he sign the bombs with love like Nikki Haley does after he sends all of those flyover castaways to their traumas? Would he consider that economic and regulatory systems impose undue hardship which are always blamed on the victim? Of course not. The system worked for him and JD Vance has been rewarded handsomely for playing along.

It sounds like Mommy issues, IMHO. Join the club...

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Yes indeedy.

They have to introduce the characters.

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Oh my goodness.

Gonna have to think about this one...

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Found it recently.

Hard to believe it.

Well choreographed to the end.

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I am surprised it took you so long. It’s been reported immediately when it’s been happening.

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Have you seen this yet:



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Twitter sucks

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Antisocial me been sayin' dat since 2008 and no one listens NO ONE LISTEEEENS!!!

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I assume that the zone is being flooded with *bombshells*

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I agree but wow. Were you able to view it?

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Yeah he did a weird thing with his hand.

Can one "catch" a bullet?

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I remember those crazy chinese martial arts fils from the 1970s and 1980s. There was a kung fu master catching flies with chopsticks. Prolly they also did a scene catching bullets because CHI

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I was going to say Jackie Chan probably could in the 80’s.

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Dat der iron shirt training helps too.

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Superman can!

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flatsmackin (@Earthisflatspaceisfake) posted: He literally puts a blood pack on his ear the puts it on the podium. Magacian’s trick

https://t.co/kwjyR3O46C https://x.com/flatsmackin/status/1812648748591259689?s=66&t=bt0h7wMgRRG8vLR187AkOw

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That’s the posters words, not mine.

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☝️ Which is Exhibit A as to why Twitter sucks.

I saw the odd hand movement the first run through.

What shall my takeaway here?

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JD Vance criticized the unvaxxed during the height of covid, owns a big pharma company that’s done some very controversial research on animals, & believes in the lucrative promise of the mRNA LNP technology. He doesn’t give two shits about anyone’s health or wellbeing, wholly supports anything Israel wants or does, & supports the destruction of Iran. Never mind the innocent civilians who live peacefully there. Jus sayin.

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Some things that have to be said to maintain media support.

Fish gotta swim

Birds gotta fly

Can't help loving

that Zionist of mine.

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The brainwashing has been astounding...esp with christians....

When did they put the old and new testaments together? Why did they insist on it?

Council of nicea?

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It does not bode well for the village of Potemkin.

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"Hope springs eternal when Flags and Bullets start to fly"

Gone To Shiloh (just sorry neil's in this version. elton too for that matter.)


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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

PS Will Linda stop if I just press the simple BLOCK button once?

Like I just did?

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More Lindas can be made. Hence the problem. It's designed to irritate my readers.

Yes, she/it is paid. I could block, But more can be made.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana


I don't really mind - I mean, what if she's a REal Well Meaning lady.



We'll see if she's blocked from liking me so much.

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Please please let me know. 100% serious.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

I will, thanks.

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OK, my turn to ask for tech assistance...how do you Block someone like Linda? Linda who, won't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure Likes some of my comments from time to time on other comment boards besides the ones here at Chez Sage.

And while I'm at it, what features/capabilities are involved with Following a fellow commenter or a poster? Is there a dashboard somewhere I can see a list of what you or LNCorndog or Agent Roger are saying in comments elsewhere?

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Me too!

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Similar to you, on my main device I can’t LIKE comments in the browser unless I myself have thrown a hat into the convo, which I’m pretty sure I’ve been demoted in some way by the OP or SS algorithms. I’m also willing to personally as accept like in the real world that I’m generally not well received but for Linda’s sake (and maybe mine) it did however take me over a year of just reading and liking (with the default icon) before I ever actively engaged this platform.

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I can LIKE on another computer - that I can't use because of other sudden hardware problems. Not sure I follow the rest of your comment, but I love your name (even though my main profession is enjoying and maintaining completely untouched - by people - plants, trees, birds, bears, deer, "invasives", spiders, all living beings that arrive here.

Perhaps I should change my name to Extreme Lives Keeping!

And I think I always read your comments and enjoy them.

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Same here with the Like, but I’m not suffering IRIX issues like you on my other rigs but need them offline for work.

I know Sage (the OP) called Linda her minder once and can Mute or Block us (outside of how SubStack’s algorithms pervert usage) but I was just relating to Linda in way that I first started using this platform.

My name refers to the last two unusual jobs I’ve held while hunting for “wolves”, I was a personal horticulturalist for the scorpion class, specifically a congressmen during the lockdown, and then after mandates I became a funeral director for a very busy mortuary. I write draft after draft in detail about both but as for my personal approach to ecology, permaculture has room for all that you love untouched. Thanks for the response and for Sage not muting me completely.

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Ohhh...let me know. Good idea.

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Hey be nice to Linda. All she does is like everyone. Its not like she’s trying to shoot off your ear or anything

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Or even bend your ear in a long, tortuously cryptic comment.

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Wow she really likes you then

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Sometimes I think she resembles me, other times not so much.

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