
Vera is a friend to anyone who stands against murder and genocide.

In fact, she speaks against the ongoing genocide committed by Israel against Palestinians.

But she is not the same Vera as in the Pink Floyd song "Vera." That's a singer who sang the song "We'll meet again" during the war.

I guess, that song acquired an ironic meaning after operation paperclip.

Scott Schara is a businessman who saw the doctors murdering his daughter Grace. He is in the middle of an Landmark Lawsuit against the Doctors who murdered Grace. If this man wins, many lives will be saved in the future.

The idea that it can ever be legal for a doctor to decide to poison to death a young person with a cold, just because she has the wrong genes, means ideological murder ha been de facto legalized.

In my opinion, there are in this planet thousands of people working for Courts of Justice and Law Enforcement who deserve to be hanged, drawn and quartered for allowing ideology-based murders to happen because to fail to prevent that, having the legal obligation to prevent it, is worse than treason.

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🎯 🎯 🎯

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Speaking of ideological murder, it is the heritage European and Christian ideology brought to America which is being killed. Anything and everything is OK except that and those people.

It has been a desire for 2000 years. It is spelled out plainly in the Frankfurt Schools The Authoritarian Personality (see last paragraph summary).

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There is the hypothesis that the true nature of humans is that of a ravenous animal who destroys everything. Inexplicably, humans invented many systems to attempt to tame that nature. Christianity is thought to have been the most successful one. Unraveling Christianity means they are trying to create another system, and they don't care about the risk of losing the grip of the leash on the beast's neck. The future may look like a Conan novel.

I think it's totally wrong to attack Christianity. On practical terms, is too risky. On spiritual terms, it's worse than death.

If Man has to lose his true nature and acquire instead a false nature, it's preferable that such false nature brings mankind peace and prosperity.

But there is also the hypothesis that the true nature of Man is one of a peaceful and loving God. So the evil things we do are the product of a swindle that attempts to change our nature for one of corruption and cruelty. If the nature of mankind cannot change, then all the ideas and systems that oppose Christianity are doomed to fail.

So there's no worry! At least no worry when considering human nature sub specie aeternitatis.

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There is good evidence that the Christian story was created to defuse the rebelling Jews. (See Caesars Messiah by Joe Atwill).

Nevertheless, I believe that there are truths in the description of mankind and actions. There is nothing to match the beauty and florishing that has taken place where the Christian ideals like being self-responsible, Good Samaritan and the golden rule dominate. Contrast this with the victimhood mentality which is its opposite. There are no impressive arts around outside of a Christian ideology. It is all self-centered rather than looking out.

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No offense, but your comment reveals an inner conflict of ideas, or so it looks from here.

Perhaps you might have Republican or even Spartan tendencies?

Maybe you were Lycurgus in a past life? OMG!

However, Christianity is way more than that. It's faith, hope and love. The most difficult three things to learn and do.

I like Sage Pittacus from the East.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Go! Go! Go Sage!

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Debra...never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be where I am right now.

Watching researchers who literally are exponentially better than me fail to connect obvious dots...because they are motivated reasoners protecting ideology or heroes.

Watching them lock up the wheels because they know someone or because they can't detach from Military Psy Op Twitter.

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It's kind of wild, isn't it.... This, thankfully is 'pedal to the metal'.

who knew, right?

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Larry knew, in fact he knew for a very long time.

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

Sage Hana, You are a gift. You may not have an explanation for how you ended up in this situation. We surely don't either. But it happened. You press on. You put it together. I pray for you and your safety. Whether you accept it as legitimate or not. The LORD bless you and keep you. Amen.

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Thank you, consuelo, this is very very kind.

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"....because they are motivated reasoners protecting ideology or heroes."

...Or paychecks.

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That's what happens when the money controllers control who gets their money.

We were warned about that long ago many times, but we let it happen AGAIN anyway.

There are always some who cannot resist that money, which is what enables their plan. It's depressing and enlightening what some people can be paid to do. Almost anything!

They were, and still are counting on that!

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

True: but tyrannies have been supported, and mass murder eased or actually carried out, by ordinary employees - police, bureaucrats, court officials, etc, just doing their job and following orders on crappy wages.

In many ways, they are the truly frightening, conscience-less people, are real enemies - the compliant masses.....

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Jeez, Sage, when you put it like that… Spades really are spades, after all.

You’re knocking it out the park. And agreed, the Day Tapes are a key historical waymarker, as much for revelation of the method as whistles blown.

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Skyhorse is about to release my book Incurable Us and I am so grateful to Vera for writing the foreword.

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What's the book about?

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This time, everyone walks to their own grave.

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After pushing their children in first.

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You said it.

When I first learned that all four grandkids in my family (ages 6-11) got the jab, I asked my sister, "What about their friends?"

"Oh, EVERYONE!" she cheerily replied. In recent converstations with jabbers - all still think the vaccine saved lives and have no clue that their potentially deadly autoimmune conditions or those with turbo cancers is due to the jab.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Sage...this needs the clip of Bobby at the dinner party where he drops the *ethnically targeted bioweapon* bomb, and the face of the guy the camera pans to, right after Bobby says it.

I'm willing to bet my (2)Bitcoins it's *extra-speshul-hard* to find that video.

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Speaking of bitcoin, do you have any idea what happened to those bitcoins that are lost because people lost their passwords or people die or whatever?

They say they are floating forever in the network like a ghost, owner-less. I don't buy it. There's too much "money" in that thing.

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Could there be Ghost Catchers, er Miners?

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Maybe the bitcoin private keys were stored in paper in Building 7, LOOOOL!

A bit anachronical, or maybe not? hhmmmm!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Maybe you could try to find it BT? I'd love to see it.

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I'll look.

I think it might be

in a SH SS thread

from a year or so ago.

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I do think RKJr comments are just more intriguing bits to confuse and deter people away from the truth if truth exists

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Do you actually think they CANNOT ethnically target bioweapons , Marianne?

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

Years ago I would meet up with a distant relative during family events.

At one point he was employed by a pharmaceutical company doing research. Since he knew I liked all things 'woo', he confinded in me that two Navy research scientists had claimed to him this exact thing - that they were developing ethnically targetted bioweapons.

This is well over twenty years ago. I was surprised, but then I wasn't.

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Kennedy Hit.

WTC Pentagon PA 9-11.

Covid19 Medical Tyranny.

ALL: ^^^

● Multiple vectors.

● Official story is Bull Pucky.

● Actual Perps Hidden/Denied/Protected.

● Arguments can be fostered, tweaked and twisted

to run for DECADES.

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Their wars will continue until there is no one left to fight them!


It's hard to believe how cheaply soldiers can be hired to sacrifice their lives for something they do not understand. And so sad too.

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RFK Jr. Launches Independent 2024 Run: Here Are All The Conspiracies He Promotes—From Vaccines To Mass Shootings

Sara Dorn

Forbes Staff

Sara Dorn is a Forbes news reporter who covers politics.


Oct 10, 2023,11:10am EDT

Topline Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s family publicly rebuked the longshot Democratic presidential contender for claiming at a dinner party in Manhattan last week Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish people are less susceptible to Covid-19—unverified conspiracy theories widely viewed as racist and among a string of false claims he has helped spread over the better part of the past two decades.

Key Facts

Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity: Kennedy Jr. was caught on camera telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” according to a video made public in the New York Post, which also shows him saying the U.S. “put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes” and labs in Ukraine collected Russian and Chinese DNA “so we can target people by race.”


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No video clip yet, gimme a minnit.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Got it :

RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

By Jon Levine

Published July 15, 2023

Updated July 23, 2023, 5:32 p.m. ET


1:30 video embedded in the Post story at the link.

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Thanks a bunch BT! Good work!

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I think I remember this BT.

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If they ever make a movie it will have to be in weekly episode to cover all the deviousness and cunning and evil of these sociopaths

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If I could dump a bucket of cold water on every person to wake them up I would.

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I'll help.

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Me too

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

This is one of your best Sage.

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Float like a Gay Frog. Sting like a Gates Mosquito.

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Ok someone help me out—has Kennedy all of a sudden stopped talking about how bad the covid vaccines were? I havent been paying attention to his soeeches.

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Sage i need a hug. I just read an article by some woman cdc person who is advising on where "the sweet spot" is for your 8th? 9th. I've lost count combined flu and covid booster..everyone in the comments was meticulously debating whether to do Sept, oct, or right before their River cruise having just gotten over covid...and it was a kids fault.

and then I read some stack about psychopaths being just a "personality disorder " ...and we are being unfair....and violent paranoid schizos ( my cousin in a nutshell) just mainly have a self personality disorder and we need to change the dsm...yeah..let's re- arrange the deck chairs again..they are just misunderstood.

No,they HAVE NO EMPATHY. NO FEELINGS. ITS ALL ABOUT THEM. If I could get this idiots address I'd suggest my cousin move in wiith him. Let's call people with only one leg having just a " whole body disorder."

I'm so Done.

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Thanks my friend

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This is a great article to send those psychopathic doubters.


All of the books mentioned in that article are the best accepted ones worth reading too.

They expose more about psychopaths than most people want to know!

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I hear ya Duchess

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Don't follow these idiots and get in nature

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Vera is a person since childhood who sees clearly who the real Nazi's are. Such humble power, she cares very deeply for all.

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The "story" says the 3rd Reich killed people with Zyklon B? I stopped reading after that to comment Zyklon B was only used to kill lice and was NEVER used on humans. It was manufactured at Auschwitz and used to delouse clothing ONLY. This has been proven beyond any doubt by Ernst Zundel to the Canadian Supreme Court with the help of Dr. Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter and many others.

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There have been so many lies from the war ww2

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