
List of approved villains:

1. Chhyyynnnnaaaa

2. FDA Bad

3. Pfizer!!! (NOT MODERNA!)



But all the villains fall apart if Homeland Security and DOD and all the Goodies are not in on it.

If Pfizer bad, why does the DOD not just call them out? Sue them?

The Threat Matrix must be protected, and you simply must be bamboozled with an array of Heroes, all protecting it.

What's the problem? We had a Dangerous Pandemic of Wet Market bat to pangolin Virus, y'all! Don't you think Ron Johnson and the Dept. of Homeland Security would have sorted out the Bad Jabs if they were really such a threat?

Build Back Better, said the US "Government" on Biden Administration White House Letterhead...Vaccinate the world with Pfizer's shots. It's literally in the copy.

Trump saved eleventy billion people and says mRNA will cure cancer!

If he got duped, he sure is all in!

Is it washing over you?

Has to be, right?

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FFS - they’re even trying to bring back Erik Prince as a good guy.

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If I'm not mistaken, Prince is not too far off the food chain from a certain "supplement company".


"Prince, a former Navy SEAL, founded FSG with Chinese funding in 2014 after resigning as the CEO of the infamous private military company Blackwater in 2009. Blackwater, which already had a bad reputation for suspected misconduct and fraud, was banned from Iraq in 2007 after contractors opened fire on unarmed civilians in Baghdad’s Nissour Square. The team killed 14 Iraqi civilians.

With support from CITIC, a Chinese state-owned investment group, Prince founded FSG. And, like Blackwater, Prince’s new company is no stranger to controversy."



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I think his sister was Secretary of Education during the Trump years. It’s such a small world after all. Disney warned us.


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But Q said to hold! The cavalry is coming. You saying...maybe...nah. I don't want to think it.

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Until he went Arctic 🥶

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You mean the MLM supplement company?

RE: Prince. If we are bringing back the oldies, I've got an idea for this bit:

"Madhav agreed that “there really is a need for something similar to the National Weather Service for epidemics and pandemics,” integrating epidemic forecasting and analytics “to have earlier indicators of epidemics and pandemics before they reach a state where it’s much more difficult to contain them.”

How about an easy to read forecasting chart for the plebs. Maybe color coded, so we know how dangerous the situation is on any given day. Red on days it's real bad, and green when we can relax. In reality of course, it won't show less than a yellow signal, otherwise the terrists might sneak up. Gotta stay on our toes. Although June is coming up, so maybe we wait a bit for the rollout. Wouldn't want to confuse the Terrism...er...germs chart visuals with the + crowd visuals.

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Hold the Phone Hanna!!

Aren’t you using Erik’s super secure gadget to write this stack from:


It claims to fix caps locks issues and has a direct line to the sky fairy.

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Day Tapes 1,2,3,4 🎬

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Conspiracy Sarah nailed it when she pointed out they don’t need any WHO treaty to lock us down. They can just blame someone else.

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Tier One badly wanted to pin this on Chhyynnaaaa. (Callahan was trotted out and the Vanity Fair Pro Publica puff piece starring Monster approved sources.)

The Dream Team got in the weeds with the FDA/CDC. And Fauci. (who pushed the same precise threat matrix.) Then Pfizer. (Rhodes kept looping Chynnnaaa into the mix as does Malaria Op.) They would dearly love to finagle this into Chynnaa but too much has come out.

Then realized the Hammers were sussing out the Globalists.

They hurdled the DOD and Us State Dept. and got right to Goliath! The WHO!

And that's where we are. Still.


Skipped right

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Steve Bannon is completely unaware of how the monster operates and wants to go after the CCP.

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"Every great crime needs a great patsy. Pfizer found theirs – the Defense Department."

Atty. Robert Barnes


Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

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Barnes is on 🎯🎯🎯

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Yeah, & we can circle right back round to the DOD! And their bio weapons programs, which is what all this is. We see it!

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They may need to run the printing press op v2 sooner than later. Most of that sussing is courtesy of the hive mind permitted by the internet. No bueno for power.

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Yup, those dirty stink'n animals.

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And they’re exotic, too! Don’t forget THAT 🙄

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WHO will be able to organize the world.

Although the US might fight it with the Constitution, we need to bring together all nations against the WHO.

We can hang together or hang separately. Ben Franklin

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The Threat Matrix must be maintained at all costs because the Money Matrix is right behind it. All of that capital sloshing around at the top has to go towards something so enter some spokespeople to steer it towards the busy work of population management. Climate change and the Internet of bodies and ever more tracking and surveillance and let's do a very well paid symposium to talk about how we're doing something about it! They are the chosen ones by merit of getting paid a lot.

I am currently in a farming community near the border between Thailand and Laos. If there was ever an Apocalypse hedge it's right here: they have electricty and refrigerators and TVs and modern abeyances but don't even bother plugging them in most of the time. There's more food in the ground and on the trees than people know what to do with. Science came just far enough to solve their pressing problems of past generations such as fetal malformations due to iodine and folic acid deficiencies while not gaining a foothold in the diminishing returns of poisoning the people for profit while treating them for profit on the back end. It's hard to figure out where a bank is and based on the school girls in the songthaew pointing at me and yelling "farang! farang!" like I'm some sort of celebrity Robert Malone is not coming here to a symposium.

But this brings up a lot of existential musings: what kind of meaninful existence do you have if it isn't about pretending to work while others pretend to pay you?

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My God, that last sentence. ☝️💥

I would add that in addition to that model of what "life" is...there appears to be a large % of the population that does not know how to order the world and "life" without the problem-reaction-solution paradigms that have been drilled into our heads since birth.

And the apparent predictability and certainty that it apparently provides.

As such, they will accept the technology and all that goes with it.

Including a blacked out sun, apparently.

I have a friend whose teen son speculated that their would be technology that would allow a fetus to self-abort because they would have done so. This is a young of today.

I do not know what you do with that. They are growing up to be terrified and loathe themselves and too many people and six feet of separation and germs are lurking.

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The apparent predictability and certainty the problem reaction solution provides does explain a great deal of it. Retarded people were given way too much power over human affairs. It was an easy thing to foresee. Among my variations on the placebo effect which I was not allowed to study since pharma didn't want me effing with their space was of course regarding incentive structures ie how likely something worked based on how much you were paid. It turns out very little needs to be paid out as the payment itself is the incentive! Free pizza or a trip to Maui? It's all the same! They have a favorable view regardless.

I guess that's why it's better to not get paid...

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The MLM model of The Wellness Company turned the "independent" media into Pharm Reps.

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"We pretended to work while they pretended to pay us" is the oft-repeated remark in the former Eastern bloc. Their wry accommodation to their circumstances...

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

"A one in 100 year event has a 1 percent chance of occurring in any year, and epidemics and pandemics are happening much more frequently.”

Must be Kimate Change. 🤔🤔

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This is covered here, not paywalled yet.

Man is overpopulating and this causes Klimate Change and zoonotic illness spillover, is the narrative:


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Crazy how the population story is flipping as hard as the 70's ice age story flipped to greenhouse, come the 80's. And this flip comes just as the jabs roll out. What a strange coincidence. Gonna have to fire up Children of Men again.

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May 26Liked by Sage Hana

The Borderlands charity Golf Tournament with David Patraeus in support of the Ukraine seemed like it had to be from the Onion. Unbelievable. I think this show is about to go into the final act.

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Haven’t heard that name in awhile.

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Yeah they jump from animals to humans with a lot of help from our corrupt government.

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Do you mean corrupt government like Oligarch Ron Johnson of Jabs Bad fame?

Like....HOMELAND SECURITY corrupt?

Or...Rand Paul bought some Gilead stock rolling into the Remdesivir rollout. (Emergency Use!)

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Micki Willis should make a musical about it.

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"Evergreen Unity...the Musical"

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Starting Eve R. Green in her Off-off-waaaaay off Broadway musical debut.

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Ha! Ha! Seems he felt he had to continue his Plandemic series into this musical so his buddy, Malone, could have his creep scene after all. It was removed from the last movie. I’ll be there for the Premiere of this musical. Mostly for curiosity sake. And it’s free for a few of us. Kinda weird & hilarious at the same time. I’ll let y’all know how it goes. Maloney baloney & all the big health freedom chumps, I mean champs, will be there. 🤣

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Can’t wait to hear.

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:: raises hand::

What's jumping?


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I guess bats were fucking the pangolins again. Naughty boys!

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Invoking rule 34.

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Sounds like a screechy, noisy mating session (place fav political figures HERE as an example).

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From Wikipedia: "On September 11 2024, the Ministry of Health and Psyops of the World Government revealed to the public that one trillion babies had been born with myocarditis caused by a highly aggressive variant of the covid virus called "Herod". It was decided then to euthanize the babies as a compassionate measure to spare much pain and compounding grief. The most climate-friendly method was chosen: putting the newborns inside a microwave oven specifically designed to euthanize babies.

This decision sparked reactionary protests from Government skeptics, who claimed that there was no compassion in microwaving a baby, and the only compassionate method was to use a blender.

A public-Private partnership with mApple Inc. was formed and the company began developing a "decubators" for defective babies, a specialized computer which will feature blending functions, microwaving and incineration all in one machine to reduce carbon footprint. The operating system was aptly named iMoloch.

One month after the initial shock of having suddenly one thousand billion babies with a painful congenital disease, evil denialists and white-supermacists of all races began to show up, claiming the insane and unscientific notion that the science of arithmetic clearly proved that there could not be so many babies being born in the planet.

Flying experts from the Government were dispatched to show that Statistical Science was clearly superior to arithmetic, logic and common sense, so the million thousand babies were there, with their viruses, all waiting for an institutional response.

In a few democratic nations several parties were formed: the Ovenist party was the majority progressive party, and the Blenderist party was the right wing. For an unknown reason, the argument became economic, and the Ovenists argued that budget deficits were not a problem because this was a humanitarian emergency. All the hags from morning TV shows agreed with the Ovenists, so that was the end of the debate: more expensive means more compassionate, always.

Minor dissident groups also appeared: the Spartan party, whose platform was that people ought to simply throw babies off a cliff; or the Anti-Euthansia party, a Neo-Catholic party which advocated to forcibly sterilize all women and use only fully automated electronic wombs made by Goollible, for the purposes of responsible human reproduction, with licenses being sold at a very reasonable price.

There was also a no-virus party which promoted the already debunked opinion of "human rights." In the Universe it cannot be both true Quantum physics and Human rights, and given that Communists never lie, human rights had to go. Nevertheless, the evil denialists of this "no-virus" movement claimed that the Government had no right to kill babies they considered defective.

Also and without any scientific evidence, these crazy right wingers proposed, very irresponsibly, that the babies were fine, that there was no Herod variant and there was no need to euthanize anyone, and that Totalitarianism was only a problem because people were innumerate and illogical.

Two years later, when the myocarditis babies reached adult age, they began to marry and reproduce. It was then discovered that evil Nazi hackers had attacked the database and altered the legal status of the babies. They also proved that the birth certificates and death certificates of the babies were falsifications, and although they believed in the virus, they argued, confusingly, that the psyop of September 11 2024 was a financial fraud designed to privatize reproduction.

These deniers further argued that, although they were in favor of sterilizing inferior races, it was not fair for the banking families to also attack the hackers class, who had always been obedient to them, particularly during the initial covid psyop from 2019, which reported so much profits to the master race..."

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Wow! Now some nefarious actor is going to run with this Roger!🤨

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Satire blends too well with reality these days.

But I write as an anti-prophet.

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It certainly does blend. I could almost envision it 😳

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I see it, thanks to Sage Hana, and like SH my frustration is immense because I can't even broach this subject with acquaintances. SH's frustration is far greater because SH has done all the work of finding and putting together and publishing all the proof. In a much, much smaller way I worked to put together many pieces I had gathered by searching out and reading the exposes of a number of people far more able than I who had exposed the evil government (and their owners) regarding what they had been doing in the school systems. Pre-school to grad school. And it had been going on for over a century. As I found out, only one person in a hundred wanted to hear about it or accept the truth. I obsessed about learning more and spreading the word but to no avail. Only my grown children took it to heart but since my son's wife doesn't get it I made little progress with that group. I have to be seen as a bit of a crazy lady by that bunch. Maybe vindication is in the future. Thank you, Sage.

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You are welcome.

Don't worry about trying to persuade anyone of anything, says here.

I realized about a year ago, and now it's in cement, that most people are going to melt into goo if they have to process all of this in all of its glory.

What is that quality? Asked my friend. That allows one to wrestle with massive cognitive dissonance and change their map?

Curiosity, I said.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe some cynicism also. My experiences growing up kept me from being a Sweet Summer Child. It's probably difficult for people who had nice, easy, indulged childhoods to see the world as it really is.

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That is true as it goes up the chain of life.

If one has thrived in an ecosystem it is punishing to see the ecosystem with sober eyes.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

There is also little incentive to do so. Hence, the college degreed were the easiest to get to comply. It just came naturally.

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

May have come naturally for some, but many were brainwashed and part of a mind experiment in those small college settings (especially liberal arts colleges). The successes of those experiments could (and were) later used in ivy league schools and larger institutions. They were taught (dare I say force fed) to parrot under the guise of "thinking for themselves". Add in a healthy dose of you're-better-than-everyone-else because you've been "schooled" and they already know all the answers. May look natural, but they were created.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

For what it’s worth, some types of adversity make us stronger. Unfortunately, a large segment of the population have been fed a diet of spoiled, stinking, rotten endless entertainment in 10 minute blocks, backed up with sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drugs as a chaser, for the better part of their lives, because they know just what a useless life they are living, for their own entertainment. City life is full of dead men walking. Look at the Housewives and how they live. They must actually be some of the most miserable people on this planet. Throw in the useless education system and I’m surprised we haven’t imploded before now.

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Being on the receiving end of a good beat down from a bully once or twice will work wonders.

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Ten cuidado. Curiosity killed the cat.

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deletedMay 27
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There is nothing new under the sun...

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Please tell more about education finds. I would love to hear your learnings/thoughts.

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May 26Liked by Sage Hana


Uh, say Whut!?

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*Launder your support while playing golf!"


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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

"War is a CLUB...errrr, a RACKET."

- Smedley Butler, USMC

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My God do we love the WAR framing.

War on this virus.

War on Drugs.

War on Poverty.

War on Terror.

"Frontline blah blah blah"

"the SURGE"

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A. Jones missed the plot...INFO WAR just facilitates MIND WAR.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

"We're going to kill you anyway, so no, we don't care what you think."

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-The dirge

-The urge

-The Splurge

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Knock off DEW. In a parallel universe, some comment section is bemoaning Surge Maui Blast.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

Have you noticed how often they use the word Protocol? Every “War-on” has a corresponding protocol created by Very Important People. When you see the word ‘protocol’ listen carefully. It means Go Big or go home. For a business to be scalable it must create Standardized processes (ie protocols). At the same time, leverage external resources (ie strategic partnerships, consulting firms, etc.) Once a protocol is in place it tends to stay forever.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

Look up Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid - Hofstader1978

If I understood the premise, no system can be fully defined within its own rules.

There must be a higher level above/ outside of it.

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The State is not going to investigate itself for Genocide.

And when the State is "Public-Private partnership" aka, FASCISM and it is GLOBAL, as in the WORLD Economic Forum, the murders will go on and on.

And "veeeee penetrate zeeeee Cabinets" and the media and the banks and the industry all of it...

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May 27·edited May 27

Wretchard the Cat/Richard Fernandez clarified it for me about 10 years ago as

"Regulatory Capture"...so I wasn't shocked at claims about double-dealing by the FDA, nor did I find it hard to accept what Catherine Watt and Sasha Latypova were uncovering.

It doesn't help much navigating the Uniparty scam, or the crap the clowns are dragging us all into.

I am finding juxtaposition.stories' "Swiss Banking Authority" more compelling as time passes.

They're obsessed with hiding, and darkness, and death, and I don't think blood flows in their veins, but rather, money.

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BT, that’s way too deep for me tonight!

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May 27·edited May 27

gigiRN -

The simple version is :

"It's Hubris"...their plans/protocols will fail.

They're mortal.

Change is unrelenting.

The Eternal is unmoved.

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how wonderful of them to do all our thinking for us...

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WTF???? 🤭😶😭😭😭😭😭😭

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On the issue of the extermination agenda, both "sides" at the top, are working in perfect lockstep. Trump STILL brags about how wonderful the "warp speed" death jabs are.

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It's too much, turn it off please, I beg of you, turn it off !!!!!

This is just toooooo much, they're under the bed, for the sake of humanity turn it OFF !!!!

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

It makes a stream of ffs come out of my mouth.

Along with fing_________

I don't have enough of a vocabulary anymore .

I am so tired of the non stop pandemic fear porn justifications they are spewing like diarrhea.

And I am out of patience with the normies who swallow it. That includes everyone I know.

I am so afraid I'm going to lose it and be found in the street just screaming at the top of my lungs.

The real physical representation of MY CAPS LOCK IS STUCK.

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"...And then it just goes off...like a bomb."

High Anthrax Speculation: They just ran another one of those pathogen distribution exercises in the subway where they cover thousands of humans in (probably toxic) substances...but used a live pathogen (by 'mistake' of course).

The avenues for bioweapon or chemical attacks in a city are too many too count. They needed people to sicken and for some to die - to drive the panic and sell the pandemic. That was a 'no-fail' task, because culling the world without fingerprints was essential. Or we would have culled them. Now, with mushy brains, they care not for reprisals.

Would the Evil people from Langley have left that to chance? Perhaps it was an inter-agency task force with tentacles from all over The Monster, Homeland Security, FBI, the rest of the alphabet?

Operatives who can cull their countrymen, and sleep well at night. Psychopaths serving Satan.

Bottom Line: Government is Evil. Our Governments are directly in service of Evil. And they are trying to kill us all. The End.


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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Sage Hana

That's a funny one: national weather service for pathogens.

National Virus Forecast: Threat Level Elevated -Orange- [the threat level is ALWAYS elevated]

Breaking news: six new boosters approved THIS WEEK! Get yours before lines form! [there are no lines as sudden deaths are off the charts due to 'climate change']

Chance of a new viral emergence this month: 31%. [actually it is 100% and they've been running articles to prepare people for the planned 'zoonotic outbreak' for weeks]


Oh, our anchor seems to be feeling unwell .... and now in other news...

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☝️ If you go check our Accuweather or the like, they are nonstop Fear Weather Porn.

Usually with some Klimate Change lurking not far from the agendas.

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Sage Hana

What? Are you trying to tell me that bomb cyclone, pineapple express, and atmospheric river are not how they always described the rain? Excuse me, but I need to read this article about the upcoming super death ultra red blood moon of total despair.

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

funny indeed. we all know how often the weather service is accurate...

also, we watch the hysteria that is often created around weather events. people's emotions are revved up and manipulated. where I live, even the thought of snow will wipe out bread and milk from surrounding grocery stores.

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

“Millions of unknown viruses” reminds me of asymptomatic! How do you quantify anything that is unknown? And then to follow up with “Breaking out of the cycle of panic and neglect”. Calling those TWC freedom fighters! Stopping deforestation, just in case the locals don’t quit selling all that meat and move to the city, where they can find some government approved meat. Can you see the vacation houses that are going to spring up there after all the forests burn down because of the locals refusal to leave, umm because of climate change? Speaking of Rand Paul’s stock’s, I just read somewhere that Biden has 233 bank accounts and 175 LLC’s. Lifelong civil servant🤔 Their going to lock up all their “scientific research”, due to the “threat of nefarious actors”. At least they won’t need to expend time, energy and money on actual research now or spin it.

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I'm just sick of it is all.

“There also needs to be better connectivity between the existing bioscience governance tools …and the law enforcement and security sector. They do exist, but operationally those connections are not as strong as they could be for this to really be effective.”

These boots were made for walkin'

and that's just what they'll do

One of these days these boots

are gonna walk all over you.... *

*sang Nancy Sinatra, circa 1966

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All roads lead to more control, more surveillance, more coordination, more Central Command

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Right. Literally. The highways all are getting surveillance at each bridge/crossing/exit/interchange.

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