I think that it is all a distraction like gypsies getting your attention while a cohort picks your pocket. Except that is has progressed from the wallet to your life and its stuff.
The WEF has predicted a major event before 2025 that will make covid seem minor.
Bet against them if you want. Prepare if you are smart. (Unless you are in the club in which case I doubt that you read this.)
I personally would sign a pledge to just keep doing whatever I was doing and forget the whole thing happened if a nuke happened to be let loose on DC in particular. But we’ll see, I’m sure they’re busy spitballing that episode’s script as we sit here.
Does Trump TRULY believe he saved lives. Has he EVER been asked to acknowledge Jab19 caused injury and death?
1. YES 2. NO
McCullough saying "patent prosecutions take a long time..." blah blah.
Pfizer and Moderna can kick box.
And the poisons might get a Nobel prize one day.
The father of the vaids inducing clotshot is our only hope!
Dude went from EVERYBODY'S IN TROUBLE to NEXT ROLLOUT WILL BE BRIGHTER in like...a few months.
When do you think next will be?
And can you hide me in your attic please?
I think that it is all a distraction like gypsies getting your attention while a cohort picks your pocket. Except that is has progressed from the wallet to your life and its stuff.
The WEF has predicted a major event before 2025 that will make covid seem minor.
Bet against them if you want. Prepare if you are smart. (Unless you are in the club in which case I doubt that you read this.)
No argument. But Kamala/Obamas 4th term? Constitutional convention for sure and a whole new Constitution. Dollar collapse.
Oh well, better than nukes maybe....
I personally would sign a pledge to just keep doing whatever I was doing and forget the whole thing happened if a nuke happened to be let loose on DC in particular. But we’ll see, I’m sure they’re busy spitballing that episode’s script as we sit here.
Strange days doc. Strange days.
Ummmmm. What is this from 2017 and why is it so majorly redacted? https://ia802208.us.archive.org/26/items/hhs-barda-janssen-contract-hhso100201700018c/HHS-BARDA-Janssen-Contract-HHSO100201700018C-15Aug2017.pdf
Interesting stuff. https://ia803106.us.archive.org/8/items/dod-ati-janssen-contract-w-15-qkn-1691002-p-00081-5-aug-2020/DOD-ATI-Janssen-Contract-W15QKN1691002-P00081-Mod00001-21Sept2020.pdf