Okay we are back on Firegate now.
Let’s start slowly.
Paradise, CA “Forest” Fire
I get that the trees maybe are not so flammable and have…water in the roots…or…ehhh…
The fire had to somehow burn hot enough via a flying ember or what have you to set at least one residence ablaze and then from there flatten virtually the whole encampment.
I genuinely want to know from some fire people or scientists the mechanism by which this could happen.
*I’m not saying that it is not legit natural fire phenomenon, I’m asking how.*
How about this one?
One ember or several embers takes out Big Box businesses.
Like could you go down to your local Walmart with a flamethrower and stand outside and set it on fire from the outside?
9/11, Judy Wood
A water main broke on West ST. that flooded the street.
The NIST heat map on the left said the temp was 819-degrees.
Firefighters are casually standing in water that should be (beyond) boiling hot.
More pix from modern day.
Okay, so this gent is doing tremendous work lifting the lid on much stuff that I didn’t know about, including SMART METERS.
This is a very pertinent question to ask.
These people are affluent, for the most part. No fire extinguishers? No Sprinklers anywher? Really, no reservoir? No nothing? they had 11 months since february 24 to warn people to be vigilant of fires because the water reservoir was under renovation. People could have done a lot of things to protect themselves and their property, had they been warned.
Same as the river floods, same as the volcano eruption in La Palma, same as that landslide that happened I don't know where.
It's intentional. Never attribute to incompetence or lazyness what was clearly explained in the Day tapes.
It's war.
Do people understand there is a war since, at least, 2019?
On the right side of the Big Box photo looks like a gas station...completely unscathed. I guess its reservoirs were empty, too.