These people are affluent, for the most part. No fire extinguishers? No Sprinklers anywher? Really, no reservoir? No nothing? they had 11 months since february 24 to warn people to be vigilant of fires because the water reservoir was under renovation. People could have done a lot of things to protect themselves and their property, had they been warned.
Same as the river floods, same as the volcano eruption in La Palma, same as that landslide that happened I don't know where.
It's intentional. Never attribute to incompetence or lazyness what was clearly explained in the Day tapes.
It's war.
Do people understand there is a war since, at least, 2019?
This op is easy to follow in real time. 5 or 6 people 10 hours a week nail it easy. The thought came to me that Sage has thanks to engagement to her feeling and thoughts shared so much good stuff those who resonate with a post ought follow their inspiration. Imagine growing organically and ju jitsu thereby.
So I watched that Duke report clip you posted yesterday. I haven’t really watched the guy so don’t know him from anybody, but my first thought was “how compliant.” He opens that up with “we gotta go now! as they’re out their door from their soon to be decimated house. Compliant. Those were the houses destroyed. The ones who dutifully packed up and left. Apparently James Woods house was spared. Because he had a neighbor who stayed behind and saved all their houses. So maybe if they stayed behind the arsonist fire teams were less likely to follow up and finish the houses. Maybe if you disobeyed and didn’t get the shots you’ll not be dead from speed cancer… Need to understand what those people who didn’t follow orders staying behind saw and to how to determine if they should be believed. How many of the casualties had unexplained bullet wounds?
I don’t have any intel beyond what we’re all looking at
I’m trying to think like Copperfield (not that way) or Penn & Teller.
How did they do the trick
Getting your audience elsewhere is key to this
Definitely lean strong towards arsonist. West Coast begat antifa after all. I feel the supernatural beams and microwaves are attempts to escape thinking about what some probably really nasty evil people could do on the ground
Never all in but fits best in my mind right now
And then there probably isn’t a single thing here too
Maybe because I understand the technical better than I understand people?
Also I tend towards simple maybe.
Look at what we might be learning from covid probably. That it was probably exactly nothing. But people running around in white coats caused tremendous havoc.
J11 could have completely been done with a couple dozen actors and stage hands.
It could be some beam from the sky or whatever, but its like squeezing a balloon to me — something else pops out I have to explain, like the orbital path or the EM frequency or energy source or targetting…
But… so then I back away and ask if there’s a stupid way to do it. Backing away and being stupid solves hard problems sometimes. I.e. thinking about how much evil some baddies could do with a primed environment and a population of compliant good citizens to work with.
Oh before I forget — another thought hit me about melted aluminum. How do we know that picture was of aluminum? And not say, tin from a weld somewhere?
Most anything's possible, but those would be rather substantial puddles of tin, and from multiple cars to boot...and if those puddles are from melted welds, what happened to the missing aluminum wheels? Pilfered by illegal immigrants and fenced to operators of used tire & replacemennt rim bodegas in East LA?
The homestead folk up here are livid and suspicious like rattlers about the evacuation orders. We used to be drafted right off Mainstreet for firefighting duty. Now they are twisting the law to force us to leave. The Wildfire Service are on the frontline and are ready for recess by the time the scene really blows up. That’s when the contracted Aussie (etc) teams come in, complete with crews, having no local knowledge and take over for a shift. The experience with the also out of the country mercenaries hired by a home insurance and their ease of access into the evacuation zone points to a front of authoritarian ‘in control’ shitfuckery when a random decal on your truck or Nomex shirt gets you the wave, while locals begging to get a temporary pass to their homes are turned away. Is it incompetence, or is it orchestrated?!
About "compliant". There is the 6fs classification of trauma response.
Besides the two classic (biologic) responses of fight or flight, a researcher of the polyvagal theory came up with the freeze response. A few years later, a therapist added the 4f, fawn.
The last two are flood and flop.
I think the compliance could be explained by a mix of fawn/flood. Of course, the dominating principle is escape, but emotional submission comes first, because we are civilized. Civilization is emotional flooding and fawning of the authorities/rescuers. This connects with Karpman's dramatic triangle of rescuer/Perpetrator/victim and how these roles cycle.
Those who stay behind were not fawning or flooding. Not so civilized after all. They were fighting against an invisible enemy. Fighters have no time for the other 5fs. Fighters live less than everyone else. Thus, civilization uber alles, which includes gun shot in the back suicides.
friends whose home burned to the ground in the Santa Rosa fire had 10 minutes to get their pets and computers and get out. No official warnings, no reason to expect the devastation, just run for your life.
When Covid lockdown started, I went to my favorite restaurant for takeout. In time, cars were filling the parking lot and we ate there. We were interested in keeping the business going no matter what. Today our area restaurants have not missed a day! I traveled to the beach, stayed in hotels over 3 years and never quarantined or questioned. Not one shot. Meanwhile, pneumonia data on Google showed what really can take people out.
" The old man's friend" has been around since the beginning. The trickster's rename it....and presto change-o.......What's old is new, or........Novel ;~)
I’m so exhausted from pointing out the silent war going on and having people tell me I should get mental help.
Logic and common sense are so rare now they’re considered a mental health problem.
Everything I ever learned has been turned upside down and now I’m supposed to believe experts who tell me DNA doesn’t matter. You can be whatever you want to be—as if we’re all toddlers playing make believe.
If you are exhausted, you need comedy and electrolytes. Drink Brawndo, and revisit the classics of comedy. Dumb and Dumber is pretty good. It gets better as decades pass by.
Also, watch The Producers if you have never watched it. They couldn't make that movie today.
You can also learn to watch non-comedy films as comedy. I recommend Alien, the first movie of the series.
Also, any Kubrick film becomes a comedy if you imagine that some of the characters do not represent people, but institutions. For example, the twins of the Shining could be the Social Security system. It's truly hilarious. REDRUM!
Now, more seriously, in human society there are fixed realities and conventional realities. The former cannot be changed. The latter can.
For example, say that you want to be a mountaineer, an alpinist. If you are healthy enough, and you focus on it, you may become one. It only takes effort and planning. And a bit of money. It's doable.
But it's conventional.
Now, if you are paralyzed from the neck down, that's a fixed reality that cannot be changed. Unless someone cures the damage that causes that condition. Then, you can only become a climber in a video-game, or by reading a book, or by writing a book, or by oil painting with your mouth, or by using your imagination. But not a real one.
It sucks. But it's cruel to abuse people by treating them as bad as we treat children. It is one thing to participate in the fantasies of children as they play. It's another thing to use fantasy to abuse children. And with adults it's even worse. It's the shame of our time.
A 5 million gallon per day salt water desalination plant costs $12–18 million to build. A 25 million gallon per day salt water desalination plant costs $60–100 million to build. How many has California built?
There are oilfield service companies that have portable water treatment and desalination systems to help reduce the use of surface freshwater in oilfield operations. They can take in produced water and naturally occurring saltwater, and produce clean potable water.
War war war. Every way we turn there is war. Fire warfare. Weather warfare. Information warfare. Kinetic wars around the world. And so many still asleep.
Who owned the gas station and the homes unscathed by the fires, is my question?
Who had access to start fires after people were evacuated? The firefighters. Be easy to infiltrate with costumes and identical fire engines or have corrupted people in the ranks.
What else happened? Were banks robbed? It's been a great diversion of attention, and the criminal class love to use diversions when they need to move assets.
In the LA wild fires height last week a large house nowhere close to a fire exploded and went down fast. My first thought smart meter and a in the garage charging EV. When I moved and had the smart meter changed the electric company guy who came to change my meter tried really hard to talk me into keeping the digital meter. While it is not a full analog, at least better than a full digital. Need to wrap this one though with copper and while not in a high fire area if a nearby fire were to break out would turn off the breaker box for extra measures.
Right. power companies don’t offer fully analog meters. The non smart meters say “FCC” on them. FCC refers to “communication”. So we’re still surveilled. How did you do your copper?
Exploring the copper thing. Have heard others talk about it. I have a tiny rental in a different town about 10 miles away from where I currently live. The meter under a different electric company looks like the old analog. I am currently in a lesser cell area, but seems there are no safety or notification requirements for installing towers. Seems that goes back into the 1990’s. We have been so betrayed.
And in doing so many states make you pay a hefty price to do so. In VA, APCO (Appalachian Power) charges you for the meter!! THEN a monthly fee!!! I asked if when I decide to move can I keep my meter? You guessed it - NO! Not fair. BUT the guys that came to install knew all about my concerns. Gee, Ya Think? I don't even want to be near any towers now. And there's a company that tops the charts on owning them - know who? Tillman Infrastructure, LLC so far an interesting read. They sound so nice though. RME
I called them up and demanded one. I can hear these radio emfs or whatever you want to say it is. And the modem. So, I asked and they said ok. Actually they had said more people were asking for them. After dealing with NC, I had some idea of what to expect as to objections.
I also had monitored my meter reading everyday and watched how the KW go up and down without any difference in usage. Temperatures go down, KW go up. Interesting. I called APCO up several times to let them know that something must be wrong and why. I had pictures of the meter readings and so forth. (I am terrible but I write everything down. When I worked for the Census this saved my butt when they came after my Supervisor and My Crew with that Acorn project discrimination stuff) Oh yeah - pictures and diaries. My bill was so high, their electric is so expensive compared to NC.
Well, I told them I will find out why. Actually had an electrician check etc. after this new meter was installed. Meaning to make sure (since I had just moved in) that all was good in my box. After calling a few times about this incongruency about the KW usage being off......Well my meter doesn't do this anymore. Hmmnnn.
Very consistent now. They even called me and asked me if everything was good and how was I heating my house. (this was last winter) I told them candles.
Really, I did. I mean for real. My expression is "noneya' business. I am older and Do you think they Really Care?
My meter uses a cell signal once a month. No data pinging every 15 minutes.
None. My electrician proved that too.
So it is digital but only sends out the data once a month. And sometimes APCO doesn't get a reading. And they have called to ask me to walk outside and read my meter to them to double check....blah, blah blah. Well, NO I will not.
Funny, no one in the office can read my meter. They cannot ping it. ?
A tech was called out to make sure it was working and most times they get a reading. Since I monitor my meter everyday mostly, I can figure out my bill. No biggie.
No noise. One telling sign is all the birds and healthy plants. They thrive when there is little emf activity.
NC is different. You can get a regular digital one with a monthly fee given you have a Doctors note. OR you can pay a a fee & higher monthly fee. When i did live there and they came out to install the new dumb meter, I chased them off my property 3 times. (they are an independent company that does this) So they had no paperwork or proof of who they were or my permission. Trust me I am not a real Karen. Really - I just stand my ground and issue my ultimatums too. I do not put up with this and what you compromise to keep?, you lose. ALWAYS.
I cannot stand these noises. and no I do not hear the mechanical voices. Thank Goodness. Needless to say they never came back.
Procure? Ask, be compelling, you stand your ground and call and call and call until you get someone who is going to help.. Or write them, email them.
I actually had 2 meters on the NC property and both were the old digital.
BTW know your laws/codes/rights etc. There are a lot of violations going on as to how and why they think they can dictate what equipment you can use on private property.
These electric companies are monopolized thieves extorting our money. Plain and Simple.
I hope this helps even though I am lengthy I am thorough. Monitor your meter and see your patterns. Remember we in essence are paying for our appliances etc over and over again. Even light bulbs. And I do not use LED. You can still find incandescent bulbs and fixtures.
Goodness, I abhor paying for electric knowing how they are scamming us.
Yes, I have seen them a lot actually. One of my favorite past times is to scour 4sale properties in VA, NC & SC. I had spent 2 yrs searching properties when I was selling my NC home. One thing I noticed was how all of a sudden FEMA was rating areas for flood, fire, etc. More and More properties were in flood zones. The info didn't seem so accurate to me. And then flooding and disasters starting taking place in areas that had now been rated. Hmmnnn. And then to rate the time it would be when the flood/fire would take place. 30yrs, 100 yrs This started my antenna search. And then I started asking questions locally as who was allowing these towers and were they active. Since my high pitched sounds were getting more and more. No one locally knew, that would say anything. I wanted to know if our local town halls were turning them on and off? or who then? So I started putting tower search on my list for properties. Crown is one that I don't get a handle on. Tillman goes into more detail on their website. Who is really doing this regulation and paperwork? The local people, besides the landlord rentals, don't know much. My brother used to inspect towers years ago and one day the engineers were there. My brother asked about all the warnings (since he had to climb a few to inspect for the banks) and why it was so dangerous warnings for the cell signals? The all laughed at him (he started to also, didn't want to appear stupid). They admitted that they don't know why they are called 'cell towers' when these were all radiation, high tech devices not used for cell signals. Cellular service was not what the equipment was used for. Very dangerous indeed. Needless to say, my brother opted out of inspecting any more. Now these towers were probably not turned on yet, but he didn't like the way the engineers laughed like something more was obvious and he should have known. Now we do. don't we?
Since I have 12 large lithium batteries in my garage for a whole house battery backup, I sure hope they don't catch fire, but I will let you know if they do!
Me too 86. I have two units in my utility room. They have the "newer" lithium phosphate batteries. The whole house backup unit will run everything except the AC. For days. And can be recharged via portable solar panels. 🌞🌞
I have the Ecoflow Delta Pro 3 with Delta Pro 3 extra battery unit. The combo has 7.6 kw capacity. It came with a 400 watt folding solar panel. During my testing, the panel produced 360 watts on a winter day in SWF. So far I am very pleased with the setup. I have the unit wired into my main breaker panel with a manual change over switch. Already had a power outage this winter for a day and a half. The solar panel kept the charge level constant during the day. When the power came back the next afternoon ,I still had 71% reserve.
I haven't had a gas meter for 2 or 3 years. I'm still burning gas and paying (through the nose, I might add) on the basis of estimates from years ago. I had a meter reader round about 18 months ago who confirmed the battery was gone (means a new meter, apparently, not a new battery). I said that's fine but tell them I don't want a smart meter. So I got an email saying someone was coming round to fit a smart meter. I ignored it and a guy phoned to see why I hadn't confirmed. I said I didn't want a smart meter. He said ok I'll tell them you want a cold meter (a 'cold meter' - interesting terminology, as opposed to ...?). Anyway, no-one followed up, so still no meter. Last year a meter reader took a photo of the dead meter (it's in a hole in the garden, outside the front window) to prove he'd tried to read it. He was quite chatty, when I said I can't get them to install a normal meter - he wasn't employed by the gas company, but presumably by a sub-contractor. He said they don't want you having a traditional meter (his wife had tried to resist getting a smart meter, but failed). It's all about control, he said - this is a subcontractor of the gas company! People know. Meanwhile I still don't have a meter. I'm probably paying over the odds for gas. I suspect they are just hanging around waiting until legislation is passed to make the ruddy things compulsory.
Fortunately, the electricity meter (which is inside the front door so can't be changed without my permission) is functioning, so nobody has pestered me about that. But they demand readings every month, when it used to be every 3 months, just to piss you off so you'll change. I don't care if I have to read the thing every day - they can eff off with their smart meter. Actually, nothing happens if you don't read it every month (I probably still do it every 3 months or so) - they just use an estimate - which just goes to show it is pointless and really is just to piss you off.
Anyone remember seeing, in the arborist guy's videos from Lahaina, the trees that were burning from the inside of the trunk, although the exterior of the trunk and the branches weren't burning? That was weird. He said it was because microwave energy would burn the inside where the moisture was. I used to read Kunstler regularly at the time and there was a former firefighter who went by Stelmosfire, who was allergic to 'conspiracy theories' and reckoned everything that seemed weird wasn't weird at all to an experienced firefighter - in terms of temperatures and stuff. I don't think he ever explained why there were undamaged plastic children's toys in gardens of houses that had burned down.
I emailed the power company along time ago and they will come change out the smart meter. It's a charge of $24.10/month. I completely neglected following up and scheduling it, so I'm not sure how much shit I'll have to put up with to actually get it done, but I'm calling tomorrow to start the process. I realized today when I actually went out and looked at the motherfucker, that it's literally on the other side of our I have a smart meter just a few feet from my brain while I sleep.
I can be an enormous pain in the ass, so hopefully for GA Power it's a smooth process to schedule because I will keep calling and will gladly sit on hold and stew in my rage in between call transfers...
Here's the email response I received for anyone interested...
Beginning January 1, 2014, Georgia Power designed a rate specifically for customers who do NOT want a smart meter at their home. For a monthly fee of $24.20, we will ensure you have a mechanical meter, and we will read it on site each month. This new rate structure allows us to continue to provide our customers with clean, safe, reliable electricity at rates below the national average.
If you are interested in this rate option, please contact us at
Our representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Below is a little more information regarding our smart meters for your review and convenience.
A meter is simply a measuring device. It records the amount of energy used. It cannot increase or decrease the flow of electricity.
Georgia Power conducted a pilot program in 2006 to validate the Smart Meter technology and ensure it provided accurate readings. Georgia Power continues to ensure the quality of meters by instituting testing standards that meet and exceed PSC and national standards.
Our current Smart Meters are tested with equipment traceable to NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Practically, 100% of meters installed are tested at manufacturing. These meters are then subjected to additional sample-testing methodology in our shop to ensure compliance.
In addition, once a year, a statistical sampling is performed to analyze the populations of meters in terms of accuracy. The results of these evaluations are filed with the Georgia Public Service Commission. Georgia Power's Smart Meters undergo the same testing and are required to meet the same standards as does any meter set within the Georgia Power service area.
An accurate meter is the core of customer service, and we are committed to meeting the expectations of our customers and regulators.
For more information about Georgia Power smart meters, please select the following link: Smart Meter
About 4 years ago, during the height of Covid, I mean flu season, I noticed I’d developed internal tremors. Was the most peculiar, unsettling feeling. It was as if I was sitting in a vibrating chair. It was on and off but mostly on. My sleep was highly erratic and bouts of severe insomnia to the point I’d have to take a sleeping aid. This went on for years.
Upon my daily dose of Substack, I came across an article about how in Canada homes with Smart meters were catching fire and insurance was not required to pay for the damage.
Cutting to the chase, I discovered I had a Smartmeter installed unbeknownst to us. I called Duke Energy here in FL and was told it was installed August 2020!!!!!!!!
The Smartmeter is outside of our tv room. That motherflucker was changed out the next week.
Of course we were charged a one time fee of $95.00 and monthly read service of $15.00 per month.
GUESS WHAT…to the day no more internal vibrating and I sleep like a baby.
Good for you! I called this morning and ours will be gone in 24-48hrs. It’s $20.91/mo, which is a little cheaper than the original quote they emailed. I’m looking forward to hopefully feeling a bit more rested when I wake…
Our stupid meter is exactly behind my head too (!) and it did me and my sleep no good.
We wrapped it in the faraday cage 5 years ago (Smart Meter Guard Faraday cage/cover), and I've slept great ever since.
Of course, you getting yours removed is much better, I think.
Maybe I'll enter that fight arena again....
We have a Trifield TF2 emf meter - handheld, and it measures any and all electrical, magnetic and RF (radio frequency) fields coming off electronic devices - anything that emits EMFs and radio frequencies.
The faraday cage was probably $50 dollars, and the Trifield was $50.
This could absolutely be placebo effect (in which case, fine…I’ll take it) but I had infinite energy today. Sooooo much better than it’s been. We’ll see if it continues…🤞
Apparently they left out that smart meters can be used as antennae to target your home for DEWs, or create an electrical surge at the push of a button.
There was a lot of pushback here when they brought them in. People fought to retain their analogs. We were forced into replacements regardless. What they did, when you complained about health and sensitivity and agreed to a) pay an upfront cost (I think it was around $150) plus b) a monthly charge of $25 for manual reading, - was a smart meter instalment with Radio turned off. That’s the best it got to, which bypassed anyone’s health argument. Years later I watched a video explaining the Remote Disconnect and lack of Surge plates and was confirmed that I was being fleeced every month for something they can flick on/off from likely the office without notice. And did nothing to alleviate the spark and surge issue.
Glad to hear their going to remove the death meter. One other thing I want to mention. I read my phone at night and then put it in a faraday bag……. well, last night I put the phone in the faraday bag but left the ear plugs still connected and hanging out of the enclosed faraday bag. Just out of curiosity I had hubby call my phone and the phone rang. I unplugged the headphones, enclosed the phone in the faraday bag and the phone did not ring. I did the same to my tablet. The bags are rolled a couple times shut and the thin earpiece wire can still stick out. Seems the plugged in earplugs are antennas. I don’t use ear buds, these are plugged in earplugs…….interesting.
Thanks for reporting on your bag actually "working"!
And glad you got your meter removed.
See my reply to Sarah, above.
I better work (again) to get ours moved. Our utility company said that's all they could do, move it farther away, NOT replace it with a lesser digital meter.
Since my online exchange I’ve been scouring my home for other signs of possible EMF/RF intrusion. My Sleep Number adjustable beds remote to adjust the bed emits a Bluetooth id. Starting today I’ll plug the bed in, use the remote to adjust my bed and take the batteries out of the remote and unplug my bed. Last night after securing both my cellphone and tablet in faraday bags I was surprised to still feel the internal vibrating………well, well I can only assume it’s my remote that sits on our bed during the night. I’ll know for sure tonight.
My, my, we still have an old twin SN with the air pump (compressor) that plugs into the wall - push the 2 buttons to let air in or out to get the bed lower or higher. Not wireless.
My sleep number is about 2 years old which uses an air compressor for the individual mattresses. Ours plugs into the wall but even with it lugged in it emits a blue tooth i’d. On top of that the remote does too. One of the functions on the remote asks whether we want to submit diagnostics.
Ours is about 25 years old (!!), and the air compressor pump attaches to the bed via clear hose, and plugs into a wall socket. The 1 button "remote" for up and down has a cord running it from the pump.
The sheer amount of unwanted technology is bizarre, isn't it.
Smart meters are said to use between 900 mhz to 2.4 ghz frequency bands. So theoretically a Faraday cage would interfere, but then if it stopped it from working correctly to communicate with electric company, they'd come out and fix it so it worked somehow. I doubt they would just allow you to encase it with a Faraday cage. Even if you had your house done with Faraday materials, they could remotely fire the smart meter if it's not within that protection. Then it sets your walls on fire.
So just ran out (in gale force wind at the moment) to check the caged meter, and there's a signal of .016 mW/m squared.
Ours transmits at 12.5 mhz.
Uncaged the meter reads 16,000 mW/m squared - so about a 100,000 times more.
We've yet to catch the signal spike - not saying it doesn't or can't.....and yes, I've always assumed, it may be able to be used to detonate, but hoped a cage might make it too hard to be catastrophic. Also, our walls are solid log, not a frame home, so wonder how fast a detonated fire, or any fire could spread.
Several very wealthy home owners in South Dakota have their log homes completely encased in chicken wire (!), kind of a a whole home faraday cage.... seems a bit much, but I don't know......
was just on x and someone linked to this video, I never heard of this one but looks like they did another fire out in Colorado 3 years ago, looks just like Paradise CA:
And it frustrates me that people who watch it regularly cannot see green screen, even though higher resolutions make it a zillion times more obvious then the old CNN desert storm poison gas attack days.
I can’t help but think of paradise California fire that’s my hometown. I haven’t lived there for 30 years but same stuff. How did the fire burn some things and not others. Some churches bowling alley… untouched. When I went back 3 years ago it was so awful still. To me everyone living there looked grey skinned and the air and water was still not right. And seeing the trees try to grow back and all the poisonous flowers (can’t remember name just know dad said never pick those cause I’ll get sick) where my families homes use to be to see my grandmas pond but not her house or barn was the worst I couldn’t look at anymore and my brothers family Lost their house but boat in yard skipped! They rebuilt and bought property on both sides of them. I don’t know if I can go back. I am still just sick about it and seeing the LA fires is quite traumatizing I feel.
Damar and nurse Tiffany have been filming exploding cybertrucks since 2015. What you see are AI video compositions from their work. Now they live togeher as a couple in the island of Creta, enjoying early retirement. The end.
The big box stores maybe I can see the trees still there. I'm not talking about all those buildings gone with no exposures around them. I'm not thinking flying embers especially with the roof construction of probably stone, maybe tar or another medium then insulation and corrugated metal. Fire resistant exteriors that are designed not to catch on fire from the cigarette lighting the mulch bed on fire. Its either cast concrete or block.. I would like to see the trees up close and tell how much heat they were exposed to. There's still a lot of green in the canopy. Id expect to see half a tree brown in those pics. Plus the trees aren't really that close. I'd like to see closer pics but my bias is to...doesnt make sense based on what I'm seeing. So the neighborhood. Some if the trees inside the neighborhood around the multiple burned up houses are still largely green--odd. Pic left-not right. Some of the trees around the exterior of the neighborhood look brown but why did they not start the rest of the first on fire. If the fire can burn across thousands of acres of green forest why didn't it keep going. The fuel load in those houses is gonna produce way more BTU's than the trees because of all the plastics, polymers, oils based stuffs. New homes burn way hotter with modern building materials than those of, let say, the 1940's made mostly of wood. SO I would think those houses all burning at the same time would be hot enough to light off those green trees resulting in a cascade of traveling fire through the woods. I have seen tons of trees exposed to heat and flames from a house fire. They're not green and pine trees/conifers dry out so fast and burn where maybe a big mature oak just gets roasted but doesn't burn because it's so wet. I also look at that pic and ask how? Doesn't make sense from a firefighters viewpoint or an arborist. There isn't that damn much water in those trees. I have a story about a fishtanks that put out a couch fire when it finally ruptured but it was a 100 gallon tank and the room was bone dry when the occupant got home and saw that their house had been on fire and went out. NO BS. It was amazing. Those commercial buildings don't seem rite. The trees around the neighborhood seem unlikely to me personally. I'd love to hear the explanation. Maybe I could learn something. Sorry for spelling. I'm just typing away and autocorrect hates me so you get what you get.
the road serves as a fire break but is that enough of one?. I'm not a wildland firefighter so I can't answer that question. I would expect an ass chewing if I had parked the firetruck in that road because it probably would have melted all the light covers off the emergency lights. IDK. Hope somebody has something.
I really work hard to not get Edward Bernaised into someone's view point since some people are so skilled at communication and great to follow. So easy to align to. When I feel it coming I have to step back. Tier 1 and 2 have gotten me. Now I'm here trying to flesh it all out. Sounds good, but who else is in that space and what do they say? How does it make me feel inside? At the end of the day, with all the fuckery, all I can do is follow my intuition and hope I got it rite.
Smart meters are exceptionally dangerous. They are spy/control machines and prone to starting on fire as opposed to analog meters. As every "smart" device truly is...anti-privacy.
All those vehicles burning up and the surrounding area didn't catch fire? The trees not catching fire around those homes? This whole firescape is out of whack.
Fire insurance cancelled by insurance companies weeks and months ahead if time? The only conclusion is that government really hates us. Enough to destroy our property and murder us.
It would be foolish to think directed energy weapons don't exist, "state of the art" military grade hardware is vastly superior to obsolete CONsumer grade technology.
Sage, have you noticed that Judy Wood has that sardonic Sayanim smile?
There is a question that has been nagging on my mind for a long time. Why is it that those who poor people who are obsessed about the Jews will, very rapidly, reach the conclusion that a Jew is lying about something that they don't want to be true, because there is a Jew saying it;, but, also very rapidly, those same poor people who are obsessed with the Jews will believe anything that a Jew says if it alings perfectly with their preconceived notions, and they will be willfully blond to the Jewishness of the speaker or writer?
I think the so called "anti-semites" are being mind controlled by the evil freemasons from outer space, and they don't even realize they are being mind controlled.
The Sayanim (by deception we shall doeth war) are going to give you some Truth.
They are going to hang out some stuff.
All I do with each source/narrator is try to extract what is real. If I see obvious omissions or off-ramps, I file that away immediately.
The easiest case to reference is Evergreen Boy not immediately jumping on REPEATEDLY FAKED PANDEMICS like Trump moved on the married lady like a bitch (ambitious, but I went with it).
I know EXACTLY how a genuinely curious person would POUNCE on that revelation and I know the next several indicated querstions.
As a volunteer firefighter with 20 yrs experience, some of this doesn’t look right. Severe bush fires can have embers many kilometres ahead of the main fire but houses in the interface affected will have most trees and bush alongside burnt buildings also burnt black. Too much greenery left around houses in the photos I see. Check photos from Canberra fires in 2003. As an example.
And why are so many buildings in built up areas appearing to be burning within?
This is a very pertinent question to ask.
These people are affluent, for the most part. No fire extinguishers? No Sprinklers anywher? Really, no reservoir? No nothing? they had 11 months since february 24 to warn people to be vigilant of fires because the water reservoir was under renovation. People could have done a lot of things to protect themselves and their property, had they been warned.
Same as the river floods, same as the volcano eruption in La Palma, same as that landslide that happened I don't know where.
It's intentional. Never attribute to incompetence or lazyness what was clearly explained in the Day tapes.
It's war.
Do people understand there is a war since, at least, 2019?
So the run off Psy Op Teams all agree that it is intentional...
But the Foster Coulson Team is co-signing NATURAL FIRES just like Bobby co-signed Bad Land Managment in HI.
I'm losing my hair from scratching my head.
TLAV did something on that.
I think it's from a fireworks show.
Fact check me. The zone is flooded now Every time, Agent.
Every time.
The zone gets flooded and the Scooby Doo Detectives melt
That's why I'm losing my hair from scratching my head.
And this too? The Fireball did it.
Hold that thought…
This is developing,
I'm still on the lookout for invasive grasses.
Ya gotta admit that's a much more likely assassin gun than what the Warren commission coughed up? Check out who he got it from too!
I'm thinking that James Sutton/Files may be the real deal?
A usual, he is gone now, and erased.
It’s the Crème Brulé of corporate enterprise. Oh, wait, is this Foster in his kitchen? Creamy revelations 😂
OMG. That looks So good.
And he's going to call his mom.....I'm guessing his wife, if there's one, looks like him.
Indeed. Spot on right down to getting his hands black and the excitement over his blowtorch, LOL!
Sage, I remember watching a convo between Dowd (who lives on the island) after Maui fires saying this...😞
This op is easy to follow in real time. 5 or 6 people 10 hours a week nail it easy. The thought came to me that Sage has thanks to engagement to her feeling and thoughts shared so much good stuff those who resonate with a post ought follow their inspiration. Imagine growing organically and ju jitsu thereby.
So I watched that Duke report clip you posted yesterday. I haven’t really watched the guy so don’t know him from anybody, but my first thought was “how compliant.” He opens that up with “we gotta go now! as they’re out their door from their soon to be decimated house. Compliant. Those were the houses destroyed. The ones who dutifully packed up and left. Apparently James Woods house was spared. Because he had a neighbor who stayed behind and saved all their houses. So maybe if they stayed behind the arsonist fire teams were less likely to follow up and finish the houses. Maybe if you disobeyed and didn’t get the shots you’ll not be dead from speed cancer… Need to understand what those people who didn’t follow orders staying behind saw and to how to determine if they should be believed. How many of the casualties had unexplained bullet wounds?
Flurmie I must point out that you are all in on the Firefighter Arsonist angle now.
This is perhaps accurate.
Do you have any intel?
I don’t have any intel beyond what we’re all looking at
I’m trying to think like Copperfield (not that way) or Penn & Teller.
How did they do the trick
Getting your audience elsewhere is key to this
Definitely lean strong towards arsonist. West Coast begat antifa after all. I feel the supernatural beams and microwaves are attempts to escape thinking about what some probably really nasty evil people could do on the ground
Never all in but fits best in my mind right now
And then there probably isn’t a single thing here too
So may I ask and I must get 🌮 now, and this is just more rampant curiosity, so I just want to understand the process. Flurmcess. 😎
It seems like with Tech stuff, like DEW or WBAN or radiation, you are very skeptical by nature.
But with...just people running around in fire suits seems legit?
No harm intended, promise!
Maybe because I understand the technical better than I understand people?
Also I tend towards simple maybe.
Look at what we might be learning from covid probably. That it was probably exactly nothing. But people running around in white coats caused tremendous havoc.
J11 could have completely been done with a couple dozen actors and stage hands.
It could be some beam from the sky or whatever, but its like squeezing a balloon to me — something else pops out I have to explain, like the orbital path or the EM frequency or energy source or targetting…
But… so then I back away and ask if there’s a stupid way to do it. Backing away and being stupid solves hard problems sometimes. I.e. thinking about how much evil some baddies could do with a primed environment and a population of compliant good citizens to work with.
Oh before I forget — another thought hit me about melted aluminum. How do we know that picture was of aluminum? And not say, tin from a weld somewhere?
Happy 🌮!
Okay thanks.
It occurs to me that running a massive fire operation would not be easy to get lots of arsonist firefighters roaming the entire region.
But I don't know
Most anything's possible, but those would be rather substantial puddles of tin, and from multiple cars to boot...and if those puddles are from melted welds, what happened to the missing aluminum wheels? Pilfered by illegal immigrants and fenced to operators of used tire & replacemennt rim bodegas in East LA?
Retro, but still a wheel thing...
If you’re going to go the tech route, in my humble opinion, I’d recommend looking into NexRad Weather Radar (those funky giant goofball radar domes).
Seems these can heat and push wind and weather where they want it. They are all connected and can work in tandem.
Flurm, you do understand the technical. I need you to get on board with induction is known cause I'm not try explain.
The homestead folk up here are livid and suspicious like rattlers about the evacuation orders. We used to be drafted right off Mainstreet for firefighting duty. Now they are twisting the law to force us to leave. The Wildfire Service are on the frontline and are ready for recess by the time the scene really blows up. That’s when the contracted Aussie (etc) teams come in, complete with crews, having no local knowledge and take over for a shift. The experience with the also out of the country mercenaries hired by a home insurance and their ease of access into the evacuation zone points to a front of authoritarian ‘in control’ shitfuckery when a random decal on your truck or Nomex shirt gets you the wave, while locals begging to get a temporary pass to their homes are turned away. Is it incompetence, or is it orchestrated?!
That said, I am on the side of ‘not a normal blaze’ looking at the aftermath, unless arsonists had copious amounts of highly efficient accelerants.
Do you need accelerants when you don’t treat the blaze?
Do you need a novel virus when you don’t treat the infection?
We saw fake fedboy firefighters in Anne Heche's death. Remember when the CIA trained in AUS and NZE?
Very interesting comment.
Hellmouth gonna chew.
About "compliant". There is the 6fs classification of trauma response.
Besides the two classic (biologic) responses of fight or flight, a researcher of the polyvagal theory came up with the freeze response. A few years later, a therapist added the 4f, fawn.
The last two are flood and flop.
I think the compliance could be explained by a mix of fawn/flood. Of course, the dominating principle is escape, but emotional submission comes first, because we are civilized. Civilization is emotional flooding and fawning of the authorities/rescuers. This connects with Karpman's dramatic triangle of rescuer/Perpetrator/victim and how these roles cycle.
Those who stay behind were not fawning or flooding. Not so civilized after all. They were fighting against an invisible enemy. Fighters have no time for the other 5fs. Fighters live less than everyone else. Thus, civilization uber alles, which includes gun shot in the back suicides.
Add to the trauma, mind altering substances... Tequila makes the "fighter" response a prerequisite before any of the others...LOL!
I would argue that most of the problems in the world are caused by the order followers.
There certainly seems to be a correlation between non-compliance and saving your life/house.
Bullet wounds?
Well was imagining what might happen to someone staying behind & encountering an arsonist team
friends whose home burned to the ground in the Santa Rosa fire had 10 minutes to get their pets and computers and get out. No official warnings, no reason to expect the devastation, just run for your life.
The sheeple do, what they are told...
Put on a mask or you will die (better yet...your going to kill grandma!)
Get out of your house, your going to die!
When Covid lockdown started, I went to my favorite restaurant for takeout. In time, cars were filling the parking lot and we ate there. We were interested in keeping the business going no matter what. Today our area restaurants have not missed a day! I traveled to the beach, stayed in hotels over 3 years and never quarantined or questioned. Not one shot. Meanwhile, pneumonia data on Google showed what really can take people out.
" The old man's friend" has been around since the beginning. The trickster's rename it....and presto change-o.......What's old is new, or........Novel ;~)
I’m so exhausted from pointing out the silent war going on and having people tell me I should get mental help.
Logic and common sense are so rare now they’re considered a mental health problem.
Everything I ever learned has been turned upside down and now I’m supposed to believe experts who tell me DNA doesn’t matter. You can be whatever you want to be—as if we’re all toddlers playing make believe.
If you are exhausted, you need comedy and electrolytes. Drink Brawndo, and revisit the classics of comedy. Dumb and Dumber is pretty good. It gets better as decades pass by.
Also, watch The Producers if you have never watched it. They couldn't make that movie today.
You can also learn to watch non-comedy films as comedy. I recommend Alien, the first movie of the series.
Also, any Kubrick film becomes a comedy if you imagine that some of the characters do not represent people, but institutions. For example, the twins of the Shining could be the Social Security system. It's truly hilarious. REDRUM!
Now, more seriously, in human society there are fixed realities and conventional realities. The former cannot be changed. The latter can.
For example, say that you want to be a mountaineer, an alpinist. If you are healthy enough, and you focus on it, you may become one. It only takes effort and planning. And a bit of money. It's doable.
But it's conventional.
Now, if you are paralyzed from the neck down, that's a fixed reality that cannot be changed. Unless someone cures the damage that causes that condition. Then, you can only become a climber in a video-game, or by reading a book, or by writing a book, or by oil painting with your mouth, or by using your imagination. But not a real one.
It sucks. But it's cruel to abuse people by treating them as bad as we treat children. It is one thing to participate in the fantasies of children as they play. It's another thing to use fantasy to abuse children. And with adults it's even worse. It's the shame of our time.
A 5 million gallon per day salt water desalination plant costs $12–18 million to build. A 25 million gallon per day salt water desalination plant costs $60–100 million to build. How many has California built?
There are oilfield service companies that have portable water treatment and desalination systems to help reduce the use of surface freshwater in oilfield operations. They can take in produced water and naturally occurring saltwater, and produce clean potable water.
War war war. Every way we turn there is war. Fire warfare. Weather warfare. Information warfare. Kinetic wars around the world. And so many still asleep.
On the right side of the Big Box photo looks like a gas station...completely unscathed. I guess its reservoirs were empty, too.
Directed Energy embers, I suppose.
Like in MAUI schwab say that here be 15 minut smart city , no cars in 2028
Who owned the gas station and the homes unscathed by the fires, is my question?
Who had access to start fires after people were evacuated? The firefighters. Be easy to infiltrate with costumes and identical fire engines or have corrupted people in the ranks.
What else happened? Were banks robbed? It's been a great diversion of attention, and the criminal class love to use diversions when they need to move assets.
Get them off your house , lithium batteries in there can start a Tesla fire.
Technology is changing the world!
How dystopian is this SMART World we find ourselves?
They've weaponized the electrical grid
Murdering the world is hard.
You need multiple vectors and multiple Dolts Botching Shit excuses for "mistakes"
I just happened to see an old Outer Limits episode that is so spot on with this.
Season 3, Episode 18, 'A Special Edition'. It's a keeper!
I'm stating the obvious: anything SMART is 4dumb people...
In the LA wild fires height last week a large house nowhere close to a fire exploded and went down fast. My first thought smart meter and a in the garage charging EV. When I moved and had the smart meter changed the electric company guy who came to change my meter tried really hard to talk me into keeping the digital meter. While it is not a full analog, at least better than a full digital. Need to wrap this one though with copper and while not in a high fire area if a nearby fire were to break out would turn off the breaker box for extra measures.
Right. power companies don’t offer fully analog meters. The non smart meters say “FCC” on them. FCC refers to “communication”. So we’re still surveilled. How did you do your copper?
Exploring the copper thing. Have heard others talk about it. I have a tiny rental in a different town about 10 miles away from where I currently live. The meter under a different electric company looks like the old analog. I am currently in a lesser cell area, but seems there are no safety or notification requirements for installing towers. Seems that goes back into the 1990’s. We have been so betrayed.
And in doing so many states make you pay a hefty price to do so. In VA, APCO (Appalachian Power) charges you for the meter!! THEN a monthly fee!!! I asked if when I decide to move can I keep my meter? You guessed it - NO! Not fair. BUT the guys that came to install knew all about my concerns. Gee, Ya Think? I don't even want to be near any towers now. And there's a company that tops the charts on owning them - know who? Tillman Infrastructure, LLC so far an interesting read. They sound so nice though. RME
How did you go about getting a different meter installed, and how did you procure the meter? Thanks.
I called them up and demanded one. I can hear these radio emfs or whatever you want to say it is. And the modem. So, I asked and they said ok. Actually they had said more people were asking for them. After dealing with NC, I had some idea of what to expect as to objections.
I also had monitored my meter reading everyday and watched how the KW go up and down without any difference in usage. Temperatures go down, KW go up. Interesting. I called APCO up several times to let them know that something must be wrong and why. I had pictures of the meter readings and so forth. (I am terrible but I write everything down. When I worked for the Census this saved my butt when they came after my Supervisor and My Crew with that Acorn project discrimination stuff) Oh yeah - pictures and diaries. My bill was so high, their electric is so expensive compared to NC.
Well, I told them I will find out why. Actually had an electrician check etc. after this new meter was installed. Meaning to make sure (since I had just moved in) that all was good in my box. After calling a few times about this incongruency about the KW usage being off......Well my meter doesn't do this anymore. Hmmnnn.
Very consistent now. They even called me and asked me if everything was good and how was I heating my house. (this was last winter) I told them candles.
Really, I did. I mean for real. My expression is "noneya' business. I am older and Do you think they Really Care?
My meter uses a cell signal once a month. No data pinging every 15 minutes.
None. My electrician proved that too.
So it is digital but only sends out the data once a month. And sometimes APCO doesn't get a reading. And they have called to ask me to walk outside and read my meter to them to double check....blah, blah blah. Well, NO I will not.
Funny, no one in the office can read my meter. They cannot ping it. ?
A tech was called out to make sure it was working and most times they get a reading. Since I monitor my meter everyday mostly, I can figure out my bill. No biggie.
No noise. One telling sign is all the birds and healthy plants. They thrive when there is little emf activity.
NC is different. You can get a regular digital one with a monthly fee given you have a Doctors note. OR you can pay a a fee & higher monthly fee. When i did live there and they came out to install the new dumb meter, I chased them off my property 3 times. (they are an independent company that does this) So they had no paperwork or proof of who they were or my permission. Trust me I am not a real Karen. Really - I just stand my ground and issue my ultimatums too. I do not put up with this and what you compromise to keep?, you lose. ALWAYS.
I cannot stand these noises. and no I do not hear the mechanical voices. Thank Goodness. Needless to say they never came back.
Procure? Ask, be compelling, you stand your ground and call and call and call until you get someone who is going to help.. Or write them, email them.
I actually had 2 meters on the NC property and both were the old digital.
BTW know your laws/codes/rights etc. There are a lot of violations going on as to how and why they think they can dictate what equipment you can use on private property.
These electric companies are monopolized thieves extorting our money. Plain and Simple.
I hope this helps even though I am lengthy I am thorough. Monitor your meter and see your patterns. Remember we in essence are paying for our appliances etc over and over again. Even light bulbs. And I do not use LED. You can still find incandescent bulbs and fixtures.
Goodness, I abhor paying for electric knowing how they are scamming us.
Candles! I really like your style. Thank you.
Thanks for the link. Best cell site locator ever.
Look at Crown Castle for towers. Bet they are a close second.
Yes, I have seen them a lot actually. One of my favorite past times is to scour 4sale properties in VA, NC & SC. I had spent 2 yrs searching properties when I was selling my NC home. One thing I noticed was how all of a sudden FEMA was rating areas for flood, fire, etc. More and More properties were in flood zones. The info didn't seem so accurate to me. And then flooding and disasters starting taking place in areas that had now been rated. Hmmnnn. And then to rate the time it would be when the flood/fire would take place. 30yrs, 100 yrs This started my antenna search. And then I started asking questions locally as who was allowing these towers and were they active. Since my high pitched sounds were getting more and more. No one locally knew, that would say anything. I wanted to know if our local town halls were turning them on and off? or who then? So I started putting tower search on my list for properties. Crown is one that I don't get a handle on. Tillman goes into more detail on their website. Who is really doing this regulation and paperwork? The local people, besides the landlord rentals, don't know much. My brother used to inspect towers years ago and one day the engineers were there. My brother asked about all the warnings (since he had to climb a few to inspect for the banks) and why it was so dangerous warnings for the cell signals? The all laughed at him (he started to also, didn't want to appear stupid). They admitted that they don't know why they are called 'cell towers' when these were all radiation, high tech devices not used for cell signals. Cellular service was not what the equipment was used for. Very dangerous indeed. Needless to say, my brother opted out of inspecting any more. Now these towers were probably not turned on yet, but he didn't like the way the engineers laughed like something more was obvious and he should have known. Now we do. don't we?
Since I have 12 large lithium batteries in my garage for a whole house battery backup, I sure hope they don't catch fire, but I will let you know if they do!
Me too 86. I have two units in my utility room. They have the "newer" lithium phosphate batteries. The whole house backup unit will run everything except the AC. For days. And can be recharged via portable solar panels. 🌞🌞
Lithium Iron Phosphate, 100Ah battery banks. Not the Tesla packs. LiFePo4
They are nice deep cycle batteries for DC to AC inverters.
They got me through many power failures and hurricanes.
Their prices are dropping nicely now too.
I have the Ecoflow Delta Pro 3 with Delta Pro 3 extra battery unit. The combo has 7.6 kw capacity. It came with a 400 watt folding solar panel. During my testing, the panel produced 360 watts on a winter day in SWF. So far I am very pleased with the setup. I have the unit wired into my main breaker panel with a manual change over switch. Already had a power outage this winter for a day and a half. The solar panel kept the charge level constant during the day. When the power came back the next afternoon ,I still had 71% reserve.
Tesla pack?
I haven't had a gas meter for 2 or 3 years. I'm still burning gas and paying (through the nose, I might add) on the basis of estimates from years ago. I had a meter reader round about 18 months ago who confirmed the battery was gone (means a new meter, apparently, not a new battery). I said that's fine but tell them I don't want a smart meter. So I got an email saying someone was coming round to fit a smart meter. I ignored it and a guy phoned to see why I hadn't confirmed. I said I didn't want a smart meter. He said ok I'll tell them you want a cold meter (a 'cold meter' - interesting terminology, as opposed to ...?). Anyway, no-one followed up, so still no meter. Last year a meter reader took a photo of the dead meter (it's in a hole in the garden, outside the front window) to prove he'd tried to read it. He was quite chatty, when I said I can't get them to install a normal meter - he wasn't employed by the gas company, but presumably by a sub-contractor. He said they don't want you having a traditional meter (his wife had tried to resist getting a smart meter, but failed). It's all about control, he said - this is a subcontractor of the gas company! People know. Meanwhile I still don't have a meter. I'm probably paying over the odds for gas. I suspect they are just hanging around waiting until legislation is passed to make the ruddy things compulsory.
Fortunately, the electricity meter (which is inside the front door so can't be changed without my permission) is functioning, so nobody has pestered me about that. But they demand readings every month, when it used to be every 3 months, just to piss you off so you'll change. I don't care if I have to read the thing every day - they can eff off with their smart meter. Actually, nothing happens if you don't read it every month (I probably still do it every 3 months or so) - they just use an estimate - which just goes to show it is pointless and really is just to piss you off.
Grrrrrrrhhhh .... Rant over ...
Anyone remember seeing, in the arborist guy's videos from Lahaina, the trees that were burning from the inside of the trunk, although the exterior of the trunk and the branches weren't burning? That was weird. He said it was because microwave energy would burn the inside where the moisture was. I used to read Kunstler regularly at the time and there was a former firefighter who went by Stelmosfire, who was allergic to 'conspiracy theories' and reckoned everything that seemed weird wasn't weird at all to an experienced firefighter - in terms of temperatures and stuff. I don't think he ever explained why there were undamaged plastic children's toys in gardens of houses that had burned down.
Ok, definitely getting used to HH's voice now....!
This is his strongest worded video yet, and he's right. We've fought for 15 years with our utility co. about our dumbsmart meter.
To no avail.
Wondering how much the faraday cage is actually able to do.
Has anyone's house exploded who is using one?
I emailed the power company along time ago and they will come change out the smart meter. It's a charge of $24.10/month. I completely neglected following up and scheduling it, so I'm not sure how much shit I'll have to put up with to actually get it done, but I'm calling tomorrow to start the process. I realized today when I actually went out and looked at the motherfucker, that it's literally on the other side of our I have a smart meter just a few feet from my brain while I sleep.
I can be an enormous pain in the ass, so hopefully for GA Power it's a smooth process to schedule because I will keep calling and will gladly sit on hold and stew in my rage in between call transfers...
Here's the email response I received for anyone interested...
Beginning January 1, 2014, Georgia Power designed a rate specifically for customers who do NOT want a smart meter at their home. For a monthly fee of $24.20, we will ensure you have a mechanical meter, and we will read it on site each month. This new rate structure allows us to continue to provide our customers with clean, safe, reliable electricity at rates below the national average.
If you are interested in this rate option, please contact us at
Our representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Below is a little more information regarding our smart meters for your review and convenience.
A meter is simply a measuring device. It records the amount of energy used. It cannot increase or decrease the flow of electricity.
Georgia Power conducted a pilot program in 2006 to validate the Smart Meter technology and ensure it provided accurate readings. Georgia Power continues to ensure the quality of meters by instituting testing standards that meet and exceed PSC and national standards.
Our current Smart Meters are tested with equipment traceable to NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Practically, 100% of meters installed are tested at manufacturing. These meters are then subjected to additional sample-testing methodology in our shop to ensure compliance.
In addition, once a year, a statistical sampling is performed to analyze the populations of meters in terms of accuracy. The results of these evaluations are filed with the Georgia Public Service Commission. Georgia Power's Smart Meters undergo the same testing and are required to meet the same standards as does any meter set within the Georgia Power service area.
An accurate meter is the core of customer service, and we are committed to meeting the expectations of our customers and regulators.
For more information about Georgia Power smart meters, please select the following link: Smart Meter
T. Cox
Georgia Power Company
Customer Service
This is safe and effective all over again, huh?
Safe and effective SMART meters. 👍
Hey Sarah,
About 4 years ago, during the height of Covid, I mean flu season, I noticed I’d developed internal tremors. Was the most peculiar, unsettling feeling. It was as if I was sitting in a vibrating chair. It was on and off but mostly on. My sleep was highly erratic and bouts of severe insomnia to the point I’d have to take a sleeping aid. This went on for years.
Upon my daily dose of Substack, I came across an article about how in Canada homes with Smart meters were catching fire and insurance was not required to pay for the damage.
Cutting to the chase, I discovered I had a Smartmeter installed unbeknownst to us. I called Duke Energy here in FL and was told it was installed August 2020!!!!!!!!
The Smartmeter is outside of our tv room. That motherflucker was changed out the next week.
Of course we were charged a one time fee of $95.00 and monthly read service of $15.00 per month.
GUESS WHAT…to the day no more internal vibrating and I sleep like a baby.
Good for you! I called this morning and ours will be gone in 24-48hrs. It’s $20.91/mo, which is a little cheaper than the original quote they emailed. I’m looking forward to hopefully feeling a bit more rested when I wake…
I think you will be - more rested.
Our stupid meter is exactly behind my head too (!) and it did me and my sleep no good.
We wrapped it in the faraday cage 5 years ago (Smart Meter Guard Faraday cage/cover), and I've slept great ever since.
Of course, you getting yours removed is much better, I think.
Maybe I'll enter that fight arena again....
We have a Trifield TF2 emf meter - handheld, and it measures any and all electrical, magnetic and RF (radio frequency) fields coming off electronic devices - anything that emits EMFs and radio frequencies.
The faraday cage was probably $50 dollars, and the Trifield was $50.
This could absolutely be placebo effect (in which case, fine…I’ll take it) but I had infinite energy today. Sooooo much better than it’s been. We’ll see if it continues…🤞
Potentially explosive smart meters may be sprayed with Dynamectin or Tri-Nitro-Tolumectin to ensure sound sleep, even within 3 feet of the meter.
Hmmm...I heard that NanoTerachloroquine was better than Tri-Nitro-Tolumectin for sleeping issues...maybe I'll just do both.
Yep, belt and braces (as I don't imagine anyone ever said in the US!).
Apparently they left out that smart meters can be used as antennae to target your home for DEWs, or create an electrical surge at the push of a button.
“Change out the Smartmeter”.
There was a lot of pushback here when they brought them in. People fought to retain their analogs. We were forced into replacements regardless. What they did, when you complained about health and sensitivity and agreed to a) pay an upfront cost (I think it was around $150) plus b) a monthly charge of $25 for manual reading, - was a smart meter instalment with Radio turned off. That’s the best it got to, which bypassed anyone’s health argument. Years later I watched a video explaining the Remote Disconnect and lack of Surge plates and was confirmed that I was being fleeced every month for something they can flick on/off from likely the office without notice. And did nothing to alleviate the spark and surge issue.
I hope they have a better solution for you !
Glad to hear their going to remove the death meter. One other thing I want to mention. I read my phone at night and then put it in a faraday bag……. well, last night I put the phone in the faraday bag but left the ear plugs still connected and hanging out of the enclosed faraday bag. Just out of curiosity I had hubby call my phone and the phone rang. I unplugged the headphones, enclosed the phone in the faraday bag and the phone did not ring. I did the same to my tablet. The bags are rolled a couple times shut and the thin earpiece wire can still stick out. Seems the plugged in earplugs are antennas. I don’t use ear buds, these are plugged in earplugs…….interesting.
Thanks for reporting on your bag actually "working"!
And glad you got your meter removed.
See my reply to Sarah, above.
I better work (again) to get ours moved. Our utility company said that's all they could do, move it farther away, NOT replace it with a lesser digital meter.
Hmmm. check it out
So much for sleeping!
Smart Q Sleep Technology is giving me nightmares while awake.
yes. You have n option oh purchasing a remote that has a cord and plugs in the wall or a wireless remote.
Since my online exchange I’ve been scouring my home for other signs of possible EMF/RF intrusion. My Sleep Number adjustable beds remote to adjust the bed emits a Bluetooth id. Starting today I’ll plug the bed in, use the remote to adjust my bed and take the batteries out of the remote and unplug my bed. Last night after securing both my cellphone and tablet in faraday bags I was surprised to still feel the internal vibrating………well, well I can only assume it’s my remote that sits on our bed during the night. I’ll know for sure tonight.
Sleep Number beds have remotes now?!
My, my, we still have an old twin SN with the air pump (compressor) that plugs into the wall - push the 2 buttons to let air in or out to get the bed lower or higher. Not wireless.
(Still a good bed after a million years.)
My sleep number is about 2 years old which uses an air compressor for the individual mattresses. Ours plugs into the wall but even with it lugged in it emits a blue tooth i’d. On top of that the remote does too. One of the functions on the remote asks whether we want to submit diagnostics.
Ours is about 25 years old (!!), and the air compressor pump attaches to the bed via clear hose, and plugs into a wall socket. The 1 button "remote" for up and down has a cord running it from the pump.
The sheer amount of unwanted technology is bizarre, isn't it.
Smart meters are said to use between 900 mhz to 2.4 ghz frequency bands. So theoretically a Faraday cage would interfere, but then if it stopped it from working correctly to communicate with electric company, they'd come out and fix it so it worked somehow. I doubt they would just allow you to encase it with a Faraday cage. Even if you had your house done with Faraday materials, they could remotely fire the smart meter if it's not within that protection. Then it sets your walls on fire.
So just ran out (in gale force wind at the moment) to check the caged meter, and there's a signal of .016 mW/m squared.
Ours transmits at 12.5 mhz.
Uncaged the meter reads 16,000 mW/m squared - so about a 100,000 times more.
We've yet to catch the signal spike - not saying it doesn't or can't.....and yes, I've always assumed, it may be able to be used to detonate, but hoped a cage might make it too hard to be catastrophic. Also, our walls are solid log, not a frame home, so wonder how fast a detonated fire, or any fire could spread.
Several very wealthy home owners in South Dakota have their log homes completely encased in chicken wire (!), kind of a a whole home faraday cage.... seems a bit much, but I don't know......
I think you misunderstood. On a separate subject to Sarah, I was explaining how I put my cellphone and tablets in faraday bags to test.
was just on x and someone linked to this video, I never heard of this one but looks like they did another fire out in Colorado 3 years ago, looks just like Paradise CA:
reading through the comments, looks like some are definitely waking up to this
Goddamn do I hate the way Tier One news reporters fucking TALK.
And it frustrates me that people who watch it regularly cannot see green screen, even though higher resolutions make it a zillion times more obvious then the old CNN desert storm poison gas attack days.
I can’t help but think of paradise California fire that’s my hometown. I haven’t lived there for 30 years but same stuff. How did the fire burn some things and not others. Some churches bowling alley… untouched. When I went back 3 years ago it was so awful still. To me everyone living there looked grey skinned and the air and water was still not right. And seeing the trees try to grow back and all the poisonous flowers (can’t remember name just know dad said never pick those cause I’ll get sick) where my families homes use to be to see my grandmas pond but not her house or barn was the worst I couldn’t look at anymore and my brothers family Lost their house but boat in yard skipped! They rebuilt and bought property on both sides of them. I don’t know if I can go back. I am still just sick about it and seeing the LA fires is quite traumatizing I feel.
Ruidoso, NM, too.
"this may be a mobile home park"...
Nuh-Unnh....not in that 1st pic.
Trailers are long and thin...
"one-room wide"...
sometimes two...a "double-wide".
Those larger, squarish footprints
are borderline
Yeah, edited already. Thanks and good looking out!
Vision at high speed sometimes benefits from guardrails.
Dollar a foot, all you can eat.
This is a high speed Wendy's.
It's like a video game right now. They coming fast and furious.
Hey remember Ear Gate?
Remember Luigi Gate?
Remember Tesla Gate?
::stares out window::
Damar and nurse Tiffany have been filming exploding cybertrucks since 2015. What you see are AI video compositions from their work. Now they live togeher as a couple in the island of Creta, enjoying early retirement. The end.
😹 Susan W. and Tesla Bomber will appear on the next Tesla Dancing with the Stars!
Dammit you got it first
The Cretan paradox again:
The Cretan man tells you:
"All Cretans are Liars!" you believe him??
They're worried we might get bored.
You bet.
Like this :28 clip.
Cops, military and black suburban's roll'n into the neighborhood.
Can't verify the validity here.
And add fuel to the fire so to speak….
A form of fire “suppression and prevention”
28 Aug 2023
Ping-pong balls and drones: Future of fire in the forest | US Forest Service
17 Nov 2022
These fireball-dropping drones are on the frontlines of wildfire prevention | CNN Business
How it works, IGNIS Aerial Ignition - Drone Amplified-1:51 min
The company mentioned in the article.
They also have technology to cause avalanches per their website.
Drone Amplified-IGNIS Aerial Ignition
The big box stores maybe I can see the trees still there. I'm not talking about all those buildings gone with no exposures around them. I'm not thinking flying embers especially with the roof construction of probably stone, maybe tar or another medium then insulation and corrugated metal. Fire resistant exteriors that are designed not to catch on fire from the cigarette lighting the mulch bed on fire. Its either cast concrete or block.. I would like to see the trees up close and tell how much heat they were exposed to. There's still a lot of green in the canopy. Id expect to see half a tree brown in those pics. Plus the trees aren't really that close. I'd like to see closer pics but my bias is to...doesnt make sense based on what I'm seeing. So the neighborhood. Some if the trees inside the neighborhood around the multiple burned up houses are still largely green--odd. Pic left-not right. Some of the trees around the exterior of the neighborhood look brown but why did they not start the rest of the first on fire. If the fire can burn across thousands of acres of green forest why didn't it keep going. The fuel load in those houses is gonna produce way more BTU's than the trees because of all the plastics, polymers, oils based stuffs. New homes burn way hotter with modern building materials than those of, let say, the 1940's made mostly of wood. SO I would think those houses all burning at the same time would be hot enough to light off those green trees resulting in a cascade of traveling fire through the woods. I have seen tons of trees exposed to heat and flames from a house fire. They're not green and pine trees/conifers dry out so fast and burn where maybe a big mature oak just gets roasted but doesn't burn because it's so wet. I also look at that pic and ask how? Doesn't make sense from a firefighters viewpoint or an arborist. There isn't that damn much water in those trees. I have a story about a fishtanks that put out a couch fire when it finally ruptured but it was a 100 gallon tank and the room was bone dry when the occupant got home and saw that their house had been on fire and went out. NO BS. It was amazing. Those commercial buildings don't seem rite. The trees around the neighborhood seem unlikely to me personally. I'd love to hear the explanation. Maybe I could learn something. Sorry for spelling. I'm just typing away and autocorrect hates me so you get what you get.
the road serves as a fire break but is that enough of one?. I'm not a wildland firefighter so I can't answer that question. I would expect an ass chewing if I had parked the firetruck in that road because it probably would have melted all the light covers off the emergency lights. IDK. Hope somebody has something.
What would it look like if it was Directed Energy weapons trained on structures?
I always ask:
1. What WOULD it look like?
2. What DOES it look like?
It's not a slam dunk ever. It's just a way to shake out strange phenoma. Paint the corners in SageSpeak.
I suppose I'd guess it would look a lot like stuff that I don't think looks like normal stuff should look. Close?
It's hard to know because they don't show us what they can do.
They did tell us they could control the weather. And did so in Vietnam.
They didn't get worse at it in 50-60 years.
no, no they didn't. They seem to do a really good job at that. Somedays I feel like I live in a grid pattern.
Some days here there are so many it almost looks like they could collide...if only.
The first part you may not agree with…but stick with it.
I really work hard to not get Edward Bernaised into someone's view point since some people are so skilled at communication and great to follow. So easy to align to. When I feel it coming I have to step back. Tier 1 and 2 have gotten me. Now I'm here trying to flesh it all out. Sounds good, but who else is in that space and what do they say? How does it make me feel inside? At the end of the day, with all the fuckery, all I can do is follow my intuition and hope I got it rite.
Smart meters are exceptionally dangerous. They are spy/control machines and prone to starting on fire as opposed to analog meters. As every "smart" device truly is...anti-privacy.
All those vehicles burning up and the surrounding area didn't catch fire? The trees not catching fire around those homes? This whole firescape is out of whack.
Fire insurance cancelled by insurance companies weeks and months ahead if time? The only conclusion is that government really hates us. Enough to destroy our property and murder us.
It’s the smart meters
Certainly provides direct access to the house!
Judy Wood was truly our last shot at getting the attention of "Team Wake 'Em Up" on this kind of hybrid warfare.
Yesterday's 9/11 skeptics will be lining up for a Neuralink beta tomorrow.
Surreal images!
It would be foolish to think directed energy weapons don't exist, "state of the art" military grade hardware is vastly superior to obsolete CONsumer grade technology.
All will be revealed long after we are dead.
Side note.
Adam Carolla thinks homeless junkies are lighting fires combined with the usual "dolts botching shit" trope.
He's not wrong about that, and its most likely how this "incident" will be spun to the masses.
Ahh yes...Adam Carolla, Drew Pinsky's ex-Loveline Trusted Expert comedian weighs in.
I'll await Roseanne Barr and CarrotTop to weigh in.
Rosie O’Donnell was right about 9/11, you never know who knows
Jimmy Dore live up in those hills?
Sage, have you noticed that Judy Wood has that sardonic Sayanim smile?
There is a question that has been nagging on my mind for a long time. Why is it that those who poor people who are obsessed about the Jews will, very rapidly, reach the conclusion that a Jew is lying about something that they don't want to be true, because there is a Jew saying it;, but, also very rapidly, those same poor people who are obsessed with the Jews will believe anything that a Jew says if it alings perfectly with their preconceived notions, and they will be willfully blond to the Jewishness of the speaker or writer?
I think the so called "anti-semites" are being mind controlled by the evil freemasons from outer space, and they don't even realize they are being mind controlled. here is how I process this stuff.
The Sayanim (by deception we shall doeth war) are going to give you some Truth.
They are going to hang out some stuff.
All I do with each source/narrator is try to extract what is real. If I see obvious omissions or off-ramps, I file that away immediately.
The easiest case to reference is Evergreen Boy not immediately jumping on REPEATEDLY FAKED PANDEMICS like Trump moved on the married lady like a bitch (ambitious, but I went with it).
I know EXACTLY how a genuinely curious person would POUNCE on that revelation and I know the next several indicated querstions.
there is a method to your commmon sense
So this is where I had a full on Yes Ladder with Judy Wood's opening spiel on Jerm.
Her process was exactly I would proceed. Look at what evidence you have and find out where the narratives don't make sense.
Next. Next. next.
I don't go with people, which again and again...turns out to be the GIANT disconnect with apparently how most process phenomena.
Believe it or not, that's your Sagittarius energy manifesting.
There’s a mectin for that
As a volunteer firefighter with 20 yrs experience, some of this doesn’t look right. Severe bush fires can have embers many kilometres ahead of the main fire but houses in the interface affected will have most trees and bush alongside burnt buildings also burnt black. Too much greenery left around houses in the photos I see. Check photos from Canberra fires in 2003. As an example.
And why are so many buildings in built up areas appearing to be burning within?
I need more time to digest.