How about just don't push the fucking shots for the faked pandemic-Global Depopulation Operation?
*added an account of a physician who was firsthand witnessing the carnage of Makary's "Vaccinate the Pregnant Women" advice
Did Marty scrub this tweet? Is this the Memory Hole World we must now live in?
This is in AUGUST, 2023.
Nicely done, Toby.
*edit, promo code David, here is the tweet.
I will also add a relevant account from a hospitalist who used to come around these parts.
"I want people to understand these placental abruptions that lead to dead fetuses. I want them to know some are born alive but too young to resuscitate so you hold them until they die."
"You hold them until they die."
I was asked to write a segment on Sage’s substack regarding an experience I had working as a laborist at a hospital. I have been posting here regarding some of the cases I have seen and been involved in. Miscarriages, abruptions, stillbirths, heavy menses necessitating blood transfusions, consults for ovarian masses and female malignancies.
This one case I will never forget.
Emergency room staff brings a pregnant woman to labor and delivery (18 weeks) bleeding with positive heart tones. Ultrasound at bedside reveals live fetus low in the uterus, placenta is not low lying (no previa) with a large 10 cm clot in the uterus by the placenta.
Pelvic exam in stirrups reveals dilated cervix and here comes the baby, blood everywhere and baby lands unexpectedly on the gurney thankfully. Alive. Eyes fused, breathing, clamped the cord, baby wrapped in a blanket to the nursery. Parents understand it is too young to resuscitate and refuse to see it at that moment.
Thankfully the blood was clotting and no signs of DIC. I left with the nurses and kept the senior resident in the room to wait on the placenta. Patient was stable.
Parents were devastated, deservedly so. The nurse and I stayed with the baby until he took his last breath. Screaming in the room occurred, so I ran back to the patient room; she was in pain due to contractions and I gave her an additional dose of morphine. I looked in her chart and yes, she was jabbed 3 times. Last jab right before she got pregnant.
The placenta finally came out with additional cytotec but took a few hours and we did not have to go to the operating room to remove it. The nurse and I prayed over that baby and cried as he passed away.
Coincidence maybe, but this is occurring at an alarming rate. Usually the babies are dead but this little guy wasn’t, he tried to live but no chance at 18 weeks. I collect no data, I use trends … this is a trend that tells scientists to collect data. I will continue to report the trends I see.
All we can do is tell people to resist and say no to these jabs. If they choose not to heed the warnings, not much else we can do. I’m seeing a rise in ovarian cancers at the moment. There are still miscarriages but not at the rate it was a year ago.
Get the word out please for the sake of humanity. Thanks … Wishing each and everyone a healthy Happy New Year ahead …. Resist !
They apparently wanted this to go away.
Comment still live on McCullough’s board.
Hi Someone else,
I used to agree with what you said about Dr. McCullough, but I feel differently now after my experience. Like your sons, I have a grandson who was injured by the Covid vaccine. He has been suffering with scary symptoms, but his mother has been unable to get help for him because the doctors don’t acknowledge vaccine injuries. So I decided to book an appointment with The Wellness Company (TWC) in an effort to support Dr. McCullough and get help for my grandson. I have believed in everything that Dr. McCullough has said, and he routinely recommends contacting TWC. So I did.
During my appointment, I mentioned to the nurse practitioner that it was unbelievable that Dr. Drew was still vaccinating his elderly patients despite everything that he’s learned from the brilliant doctors he’s had on his show. And the nurse practitioner told me that Dr. Drew was joining TWC, and he said that he would vaccinate them too in certain circumstances. Can you imagine my shock? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and I felt betrayed. I would have NEVER booked an appointment with a company that supported the vaccines. Why would Dr. McCullough be part of a company that believes in the vaccines?
I have booked appointments with doctors listed on the FLCCC site before, and I’ve received excellent care from doctors who practice what they preach, no surprises which is the way it should be. So I don’t understand why Dr. McCullough would align with Dr. Drew, but I want to let people know about my experience because I don’t want anyone to feel duped like I did. And, I don’t want anyone to think that they are supporting one thing when they are actually supporting what they are against. All people needed during the last 3 years was early treatment with old, cheap safe and effective drugs and supplements not harmful, deadly vaccines.
It’s not okay for Dr. McCullough to advocate for TWC when they hire people who are still vaccinating. It’s deceptive! The people following Dr. McCullough deeply believe in what he claims to stand for, so for him to be a chief executive at TWC IS A VIOLATION OF OUR TRUST AND HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST BECAUSE THEY HAVE MEMBERS WHO BELIEVE IN AND GIVE THE VACCINES DESPITE THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THAT THEY HAVE INJURED AND KILLED!!
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Jan 20Author
Bambi I have a Substack coming out about Dr. Drew's evolving position on the vaccines. We are allowed to have differing views on emerging sources of data. The Wellness Company has supreme regard for personal medical freedom and your individual sovereignty over your right to choose what goes int your body. We respect your views and see FLCCC as a collegial alternative.
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Yeah, bro, way to stan for the Murder Op.
"What I normally say is, it's going to be intense, the second shot, but you are already in. You want to get the full benefit of what you are doing. Also, it just doesn't make sense, it's not like there is some added risk you're getting into with the second shot. So, I don't know, I would just ask them what their fears were. Getting only one shot (for two-dose vaccines) just doesn't make full sense—you're only getting part of the benefit and whatever risk you imagine, you have already accumulated that with one vaccine, and, as you see, you do quite well with it."
Dr. Drew Pinsky, Current Wellness Company Visionary Medical Board member.
April 24, 2021
Psychology Today
I have added a relevant account from a hospitalist/physician who used to come around these parts who was firsthand witnessing the carnage of Makary's "Vaccinate the Pregnant Women" advice.
I remain somewhat astonished three years into this how rapidly people have forgotten what actually went down and shifted their loyalties to proxy logics of motivation.
Doc Tor Phil is an Oprah creation (& doc tor Oz and Rachel Ray ) don’t forget.
Rachel used to do sample carts at price chopper near Albany New York. She would only talk to my boss, not us underlings. She made a Dunkin donut commercial once about being nice to the cleaning crew, what a joke.