I have added a relevant account from a hospitalist/physician who used to come around these parts who was firsthand witnessing the carnage of Makary's "Vaccinate the Pregnant Women" advice.
I remain somewhat astonished three years into this how rapidly people have forgotten what actually went down and shifted their loyalties to proxy logics of motivation.
I think that was Brandon? I remember that account. So brutal. Sage, we need a fallback position in the event SS shuts this down. They are obviously trying to memory hole everything.
“ Bhattacharya, at least, has denied having any interest in revenge. Last year he helped write an op-ed that cautioned against initiating a “Nuremberg 2.0” and instead presented scientists like himself and Makary as “apostles of evidence-based science” who are simply “calling for restoring evidence-based medicine to a pride of place in public health.”
Doc Tor Phil is an Oprah creation (& doc tor Oz and Rachel Ray ) don’t forget.
Rachel used to do sample carts at price chopper near Albany New York. She would only talk to my boss, not us underlings. She made a Dunkin donut commercial once about being nice to the cleaning crew, what a joke.
Yeah, the second shot TOTALLY HAS NO ADDITIONAL RISK, Visionaries.
"Also, it just doesn't make sense, it's not like there is some added risk you're getting into with the second shot."
Take the shots, preggerrs, I'm Marty Makary, Truther! 2023.
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
May, 2024
Do any of you Jabs Bad Augmented people even care at all any more?
Do you want to go get your pregnant daughter or you mom triple boosted to stay safe from the Dangerous Germs?
Do any of you have a lick of intellectual integrity?
& anyone who experienced AE’s from the first shot were considered “unvaccinated” so the actual harm was even worse… and then they kept moving the goalpost for “fully vaxxed” so you are never going to be done.
Here's a great one of him saying a lot of nonsensical stuff, like the "window seat is safer than an aisle seat" on a plane. Even though he says the air is filtered to 99%. Faux news pimping him.like Huggy Bear.
Ha, I remember that: which seats are safer on a plane or bus? Can it come up through the air conditioning or pounce on you from the toilet bowl? My god.......
"Stays alive on surfaces up to 9 days." Don't shake hands, vump elbows or touch shoes. These people have nedical licenses!! So absurd. I bet they got a lot of laughs watching pepple do this stuff!
WOW! thank you for this link. We had his equivalents in the Netherlands. So Helpful they were with their suggestions which did much to whip up fear in every gullible person like me. They managed to scare me for a while, ruining my life until I wised up due to obviously lethal injections were manufactured and pushed. Even if he believes what he says here, such a dangerous person to have in charge of anything! Of course Trump still wants credit for his "lifesaving vaccines" so of course he appoints people who rammed the narrative down our throats.
So convenient for him to be nominated for Medicare and Medicaid. Can't wait to see the congressional approval process on this one. Many homes to be seized doh-cha-know. Medicaid is a scam for this. If you don't sign your property over to someone Five, No wait, now it's Seven years before going into a nursing home, they can take your property to pay for any medical bills you might incurr. Just so you know.
Oz lost me a long time ago when I saw him pushing vaccines on his show. The Doctor’s Show too. Same reason. This was when I was raising my vaccine injured son. I’m dealing with the consequences of trusting the pediatrician while they’re still pushing that crap on tv. I stopped watching all tv news October of 2020. Finally awakened to the BS! I knew something was very off after 911, but didn’t research in to it. So I remained asleep. Till 2020 slapped me awake. Eyes wide open & major red flags all over the place. Holy shit. I wasn’t going along with the narrative, & friendships suddenly ended. McCullough is a huge disappointment. He’s pushed siRNA to treat mRNA injuries & loved to prescribe Statins for high cholesterol. He’s very mainstream & seems to really love big pharma fixes for everything. I Hope McCullough isn’t given a government position under RFK,Jr. ugh. So many better choices than him. What is up with cardiologists love of Statins?
Sorry about your sons injury. From what I read, mcC is very highly paid by rx companies, and argued for, why not novavax, why jidt pfizer/moderna, there are other options.
As for rfk, https://substack.com/@revtina/note/c-77867446?r=1n82mw the interviewer tried to gst him to say the right thing. There's no health benefit to injecting mercury, aluminum, thimerosal, and many other chemicals. I guess I'm just a skeptic since he has to know the government creates sars, mers, ebola, etc. There's a US patent number for all of them. And I wonder how health conscious he is if he's eating McDonalds. Recently photographed on plane with trump,musk and other trump eating mcd's. I know everybody eats something bad once in a while but McD's? I think it's odd timing too amongst all of the health talk recently, food dyes bad, etc. I think McD's should be closed down. A bunch of people have been calling him out on this. I'd like to believe what he says but he's a politician and a lawyer so I'm not going to hold my breath. I don't think he'll truly buck the system. As a Kennedy, he knows they'll take him out. No family has more experience with "untimely deaths." than the Kennedys.
Thanks, our son is 27 now, & doing well, considering. At least he’s able to live independently & manage his life pretty well. He has high functioning Aspergers Syndrome, but has overcome most of the challenges of this condition. Those on the spectrum, 1 in 30 now., have great difficulty reading between the lines, & recognizing all the deception around us. They’re socially impaired. I agree with you about RFK,Jr. I thought the same thing about the McD’s on the plane photo op! Weird! And inappropriate for these times. Fast food joints need to be shut down. For sure. Especially McD’s. 👍🏻
I look at the "toxic food" hoopla as important and good. Toxic chemicalized food polluted with dyes and "preservatives" and "taste enhancers" have been allowed in our food markets that may or may not be stated on the ingredient list. This is dishonest and should carry punitive actions for the companies selling them. People think a little doesn't hurt them...but when you eat this stuff every single meal it adds up quickly..
REALLY??? I don't want to live in a country where the "fast food joints" can be "shut down"...Just how and by whom do you propose to do that? Because your son has the misfortune of debilitating conditions is not a reason to create a fascist regime. CHOICES not mandates....is my mantra. I hate McD's and only ate their food once. Maybe people who cannot discern poisons from food should be monitored more closely by their care givers. I hope your son does improve with time and I hope you can find ways to help him that don't limit our freedoms.
People need & require real food, not poisonous shit & meat from nasty big cafo farms. We need to promote regenerative farming & creative solutions to the current fast food establishments like ChikFilet, Jack-n-the-Box, Taco Bell, McD’s, & WingStop. I’m talking about the worst ones, not necessarily, deli’s, or small Ramen noodle restaurants, or healthier places who’re making a conscientious effort to provide healthy options. McD’s, & places like that need to go by the wayside. IMO.
I read recently that the UK has officially dropped the recommendations for Covid jabs during pregnancy. This was on some medpage today esque very mainstream site, so the doctor who reported it expressed skepticism about how the science had changed since last year when they were recommending them. Did the depopulation become too obvious? Those doctors have got to be getting nervous those ghosts don't come back to life
When I checked the UK health service website last week it was still recommending jabs in pregnancy, and it noted 'Last revised 2024, next revision due 2027'. I'll take another look.
Sorry. If I knew there was nothing good about them from the Pfizer release and the non stop sirens spring, summer, and fall of 2021....no, you do not get to claim 'emerging evidence" for your evolving views. Sit on this and "evolve"
They are going to keep vaccines alive. They know they’re in the toilet so the best they can do is keep them alive a revive them. That’s why this is happening.
The public’s trust is already ruined & fineto. It may not be the topic on everyone’s lips but where I reign from nobody will ever trust them again. It’s toast stick a fork in it. Drumpf may get a few sacrifices for Baphomet the most are done.
The secret society that rules does not care about (or need to establish) trust anymore.
Only that you obey their order (like taking the jab) or be prohibited from operating in society. It is that simple. Wait until an all digital ID and orchestrated pension collapse or Universal Basic Income is instituted to see people conform. Talk is cheap!
Yep I’m aware & that critical mass Butterfly Chaos Theory moment approaches as the show goes on. All great changes occurred in the edge’s of chaos. We’ll have to wait to see how that plays out. Future is not set. It’s being orchestrated & manipulated but it’s not set & the fat lady hasn’t sung just yet.
"Dr. Oz made the trip along with his friend, failed Garden State congressional candidate and kosher sex expert Rabbi Shmueley Boteach.
The pair flew from the U.S. to Israel in order to visit one of the most egregious scenes of military occupation on Sheldon Adelson’s private jet, of course.
In a video message published before alighting the Adelsonmobile, Dr. Oz explained that he’s visiting
Israel in order “to understand how the symmetry of our religions dwarfs our differences.”
Definitely an Adelson cabinet. Wonder if Dr Oz is one of those secret Jews- He's from Turkey, and I think that's where they had those Donmeh Jews
I advise everyone to obtain a copy of the 1913 Nobel Prize lecture by Charles Richet on anaphylaxis, and to follow the subject up on Google Scholar. Once you have grasped the rudiments of the subject you will realise that those that make vaccines must be psychopaths because it's not possible to be in the vax business and not know anything about toxicology and anaphylaxis. You will also realise that most doctors are probably ignorant about the subject, having only crammed to pass their medical exams. It's heavy reading, but worth the effort and will stand you well against stupid doctors following protocols.
"Way to stan for the murder op" and take the 2nd shot, disregard the fact of anaphylaxis with the 2nd introduction of a toxic substance, known since 1902!!! Such bullshit. Very clear. Lawyers step up. Easy PEASY. Evidence is overwhelming. They attacked children and the unborn,, those that had No choice. Elderly in nursing homes or on home health. Requires.
and you wanted to make lasting change to the vaccine program that would be embraced by all people and eliminate vaccine injury forever would you:
A) Nominate outspoken Doctors that were critical of the vaccine program and had been labeled “Anti-Vaxxers” by legacy media?
B) Nominate trusted mainstream Doctors that saw the value in releasing all of the existing safety data to the public and promised to be transparent with the nation about their own journey of discovery in the process?
hopefully you can see the responses to that post
Here's an interesting one:
Dr. Simon Goddek@goddeketal
Hey @delbigtree
, you’ve been sabotaging organizations like “Learn the Risk.” People just need to look into who you’re married to and who’s funding you to see whose side you’re really on. It’s clear you’re trying to manipulate us. You should be ashamed.
I have added a relevant account from a hospitalist/physician who used to come around these parts who was firsthand witnessing the carnage of Makary's "Vaccinate the Pregnant Women" advice.
I remain somewhat astonished three years into this how rapidly people have forgotten what actually went down and shifted their loyalties to proxy logics of motivation.
I think that was Brandon? I remember that account. So brutal. Sage, we need a fallback position in the event SS shuts this down. They are obviously trying to memory hole everything.
“ Bhattacharya, at least, has denied having any interest in revenge. Last year he helped write an op-ed that cautioned against initiating a “Nuremberg 2.0” and instead presented scientists like himself and Makary as “apostles of evidence-based science” who are simply “calling for restoring evidence-based medicine to a pride of place in public health.”
Because the gallows would have a noose with HIS FUCKING NAME ON IT.
Bye bye Substack 🫢
Ehhh...maybe. I think they enjoy this Stack as a way to get out in front with their co-opted talking points.
Palantir soaks it all up and they take it and bastardize it with slogans.
Giant AA meetings
They know and now I do as well that most people are not going to be able to move emotionally and mentally.
Some not at all.
Some just are frozen.
The marks simply willfully cannot move.
Doc Tor Phil is an Oprah creation (& doc tor Oz and Rachel Ray ) don’t forget.
Rachel used to do sample carts at price chopper near Albany New York. She would only talk to my boss, not us underlings. She made a Dunkin donut commercial once about being nice to the cleaning crew, what a joke.
“ Doctor “ Drew is so mk’ed i think his brain would explode.
Yeah, the second shot TOTALLY HAS NO ADDITIONAL RISK, Visionaries.
"Also, it just doesn't make sense, it's not like there is some added risk you're getting into with the second shot."
Take the shots, preggerrs, I'm Marty Makary, Truther! 2023.
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
May, 2024
Do any of you Jabs Bad Augmented people even care at all any more?
Do you want to go get your pregnant daughter or you mom triple boosted to stay safe from the Dangerous Germs?
Do any of you have a lick of intellectual integrity?
& anyone who experienced AE’s from the first shot were considered “unvaccinated” so the actual harm was even worse… and then they kept moving the goalpost for “fully vaxxed” so you are never going to be done.
"nine months approval time...." well, of course, they just loooove their numbers.
I knew something was up with the other oprah puppet oz when he was lauding xixi's chineses zero tolerance convid policy.
Good dig!
If you have or can find a link, much obliged.
I seem to remember he had a quick blurb in a news segment or some other entertainment tonight type. So far this is all I can find.
He is selling the Threat Matrix like a boss.
Here's a great one of him saying a lot of nonsensical stuff, like the "window seat is safer than an aisle seat" on a plane. Even though he says the air is filtered to 99%. Faux news pimping him.like Huggy Bear.
Ha, I remember that: which seats are safer on a plane or bus? Can it come up through the air conditioning or pounce on you from the toilet bowl? My god.......
"Stays alive on surfaces up to 9 days." Don't shake hands, vump elbows or touch shoes. These people have nedical licenses!! So absurd. I bet they got a lot of laughs watching pepple do this stuff!
WOW! thank you for this link. We had his equivalents in the Netherlands. So Helpful they were with their suggestions which did much to whip up fear in every gullible person like me. They managed to scare me for a while, ruining my life until I wised up due to obviously lethal injections were manufactured and pushed. Even if he believes what he says here, such a dangerous person to have in charge of anything! Of course Trump still wants credit for his "lifesaving vaccines" so of course he appoints people who rammed the narrative down our throats.
So convenient for him to be nominated for Medicare and Medicaid. Can't wait to see the congressional approval process on this one. Many homes to be seized doh-cha-know. Medicaid is a scam for this. If you don't sign your property over to someone Five, No wait, now it's Seven years before going into a nursing home, they can take your property to pay for any medical bills you might incurr. Just so you know.
Oz lost me a long time ago when I saw him pushing vaccines on his show. The Doctor’s Show too. Same reason. This was when I was raising my vaccine injured son. I’m dealing with the consequences of trusting the pediatrician while they’re still pushing that crap on tv. I stopped watching all tv news October of 2020. Finally awakened to the BS! I knew something was very off after 911, but didn’t research in to it. So I remained asleep. Till 2020 slapped me awake. Eyes wide open & major red flags all over the place. Holy shit. I wasn’t going along with the narrative, & friendships suddenly ended. McCullough is a huge disappointment. He’s pushed siRNA to treat mRNA injuries & loved to prescribe Statins for high cholesterol. He’s very mainstream & seems to really love big pharma fixes for everything. I Hope McCullough isn’t given a government position under RFK,Jr. ugh. So many better choices than him. What is up with cardiologists love of Statins?
Sorry about your sons injury. From what I read, mcC is very highly paid by rx companies, and argued for, why not novavax, why jidt pfizer/moderna, there are other options.
As for rfk, https://substack.com/@revtina/note/c-77867446?r=1n82mw the interviewer tried to gst him to say the right thing. There's no health benefit to injecting mercury, aluminum, thimerosal, and many other chemicals. I guess I'm just a skeptic since he has to know the government creates sars, mers, ebola, etc. There's a US patent number for all of them. And I wonder how health conscious he is if he's eating McDonalds. Recently photographed on plane with trump,musk and other trump eating mcd's. I know everybody eats something bad once in a while but McD's? I think it's odd timing too amongst all of the health talk recently, food dyes bad, etc. I think McD's should be closed down. A bunch of people have been calling him out on this. I'd like to believe what he says but he's a politician and a lawyer so I'm not going to hold my breath. I don't think he'll truly buck the system. As a Kennedy, he knows they'll take him out. No family has more experience with "untimely deaths." than the Kennedys.
Thanks, our son is 27 now, & doing well, considering. At least he’s able to live independently & manage his life pretty well. He has high functioning Aspergers Syndrome, but has overcome most of the challenges of this condition. Those on the spectrum, 1 in 30 now., have great difficulty reading between the lines, & recognizing all the deception around us. They’re socially impaired. I agree with you about RFK,Jr. I thought the same thing about the McD’s on the plane photo op! Weird! And inappropriate for these times. Fast food joints need to be shut down. For sure. Especially McD’s. 👍🏻
I look at the "toxic food" hoopla as important and good. Toxic chemicalized food polluted with dyes and "preservatives" and "taste enhancers" have been allowed in our food markets that may or may not be stated on the ingredient list. This is dishonest and should carry punitive actions for the companies selling them. People think a little doesn't hurt them...but when you eat this stuff every single meal it adds up quickly..
Yes, it’s cumulative.
REALLY??? I don't want to live in a country where the "fast food joints" can be "shut down"...Just how and by whom do you propose to do that? Because your son has the misfortune of debilitating conditions is not a reason to create a fascist regime. CHOICES not mandates....is my mantra. I hate McD's and only ate their food once. Maybe people who cannot discern poisons from food should be monitored more closely by their care givers. I hope your son does improve with time and I hope you can find ways to help him that don't limit our freedoms.
People need & require real food, not poisonous shit & meat from nasty big cafo farms. We need to promote regenerative farming & creative solutions to the current fast food establishments like ChikFilet, Jack-n-the-Box, Taco Bell, McD’s, & WingStop. I’m talking about the worst ones, not necessarily, deli’s, or small Ramen noodle restaurants, or healthier places who’re making a conscientious effort to provide healthy options. McD’s, & places like that need to go by the wayside. IMO.
Not scrubbed: https://x.com/MartyMakary/status/1695081452801605882
But it is really hard to understand how he would defend that bit of idiocy.
Excellent, adding direct tweet to post now.
Thank you, David! 👍
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away, yeah
Yes, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very streets today
Earth like a burnin' carpet
Mad bull lost your way
I read recently that the UK has officially dropped the recommendations for Covid jabs during pregnancy. This was on some medpage today esque very mainstream site, so the doctor who reported it expressed skepticism about how the science had changed since last year when they were recommending them. Did the depopulation become too obvious? Those doctors have got to be getting nervous those ghosts don't come back to life
When I checked the UK health service website last week it was still recommending jabs in pregnancy, and it noted 'Last revised 2024, next revision due 2027'. I'll take another look.
Dr. McC was photographed in NYC with the new Ms. America (or Universe?) while at a conference near Times Square.
Influence comes in different shapes.
Now the MNRA is a great advance in medicine.
Nice call by Toby.
Yes. Agreed.
Now do McCullough carrying water for his fellow The Wellness Company "visionary" Dr. Drew.
We gives you options, your freedom to choose, take jab or ivermetcull.
They are arguing like Jesuits; we'll stand up for Freedom here, but that doesn't mean we won't still offer you poisons if you want them.
hasbara logic (fingers crossed behind your back!)
Who? Never heard of them.
Sorry. If I knew there was nothing good about them from the Pfizer release and the non stop sirens spring, summer, and fall of 2021....no, you do not get to claim 'emerging evidence" for your evolving views. Sit on this and "evolve"
They are going to keep vaccines alive. They know they’re in the toilet so the best they can do is keep them alive a revive them. That’s why this is happening.
The public’s trust is already ruined & fineto. It may not be the topic on everyone’s lips but where I reign from nobody will ever trust them again. It’s toast stick a fork in it. Drumpf may get a few sacrifices for Baphomet the most are done.
The secret society that rules does not care about (or need to establish) trust anymore.
Only that you obey their order (like taking the jab) or be prohibited from operating in society. It is that simple. Wait until an all digital ID and orchestrated pension collapse or Universal Basic Income is instituted to see people conform. Talk is cheap!
Yep I’m aware & that critical mass Butterfly Chaos Theory moment approaches as the show goes on. All great changes occurred in the edge’s of chaos. We’ll have to wait to see how that plays out. Future is not set. It’s being orchestrated & manipulated but it’s not set & the fat lady hasn’t sung just yet.
Good to hear
Off topic,
Dr Oz in 2013 in Hebron w/handler Schmuley
"Dr. Oz made the trip along with his friend, failed Garden State congressional candidate and kosher sex expert Rabbi Shmueley Boteach.
The pair flew from the U.S. to Israel in order to visit one of the most egregious scenes of military occupation on Sheldon Adelson’s private jet, of course.
In a video message published before alighting the Adelsonmobile, Dr. Oz explained that he’s visiting
Israel in order “to understand how the symmetry of our religions dwarfs our differences.”
Definitely an Adelson cabinet. Wonder if Dr Oz is one of those secret Jews- He's from Turkey, and I think that's where they had those Donmeh Jews
Just track it back one layer further.
How did we get a Dr. Oz. Who helped Oprah land on this guy?
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too- Who helped Orpah find him?
I may devote some energy on this.
Thank you a million times over for all of the research. I humbly and gratefully appreciate your focus. You know that. 🥇
Who brought us Oprah? Alleged pedophile Stephen Spielberg.
Wasn't Oprah already a local Chicago TV Talking head by then?
Nobody knew who she was until she won the Oscar that year for basically playing herself.
I advise everyone to obtain a copy of the 1913 Nobel Prize lecture by Charles Richet on anaphylaxis, and to follow the subject up on Google Scholar. Once you have grasped the rudiments of the subject you will realise that those that make vaccines must be psychopaths because it's not possible to be in the vax business and not know anything about toxicology and anaphylaxis. You will also realise that most doctors are probably ignorant about the subject, having only crammed to pass their medical exams. It's heavy reading, but worth the effort and will stand you well against stupid doctors following protocols.
"Way to stan for the murder op" and take the 2nd shot, disregard the fact of anaphylaxis with the 2nd introduction of a toxic substance, known since 1902!!! Such bullshit. Very clear. Lawyers step up. Easy PEASY. Evidence is overwhelming. They attacked children and the unborn,, those that had No choice. Elderly in nursing homes or on home health. Requires.
fwiw- no surprises here
and you wanted to make lasting change to the vaccine program that would be embraced by all people and eliminate vaccine injury forever would you:
A) Nominate outspoken Doctors that were critical of the vaccine program and had been labeled “Anti-Vaxxers” by legacy media?
B) Nominate trusted mainstream Doctors that saw the value in releasing all of the existing safety data to the public and promised to be transparent with the nation about their own journey of discovery in the process?
hopefully you can see the responses to that post
Here's an interesting one:
Dr. Simon Goddek@goddeketal
Hey @delbigtree
, you’ve been sabotaging organizations like “Learn the Risk.” People just need to look into who you’re married to and who’s funding you to see whose side you’re really on. It’s clear you’re trying to manipulate us. You should be ashamed.