In December of last year I asked Steve the following question. Loads of comments but still no reply from Steve…

Steve, Substack's "Explore" has been presenting me with an "Outraged's Newsletter" that highlights past statements you made advocating population and carbon emissions reduction. Has the corruption of science revealed around COVID vaccines altered your view of other scientific consensus such as climate change?

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Excellent. Now ask GVB similar themed queries.

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I will do that.

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Ask him to explain in simple English how he knows what the zeeee Virus is doing.

Hospital codes?

Studies derived from monkey kidney cell cultures. He must be tracking back DEATH rates or ??? rates.

Is all that data legit?

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Coincidentally, along those lines, the most recent question I have asked him is if there any specific tests or experiments that could be performed to prove his theory to the skeptics. I will pass along his response.

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John, that question is very broad and three years of dealing with Big Brainz has taught me one thing. They don't like basic questions.

How does he know what the virus is doing? By what means does he derive this knowledge?

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I will take that exact question forward and share the response.

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My question to Steve Kirsch. "In the 7th grade I discovered girls and started jerking off and stopped studying science. That´s why I´m a loser and you´re rich." Is this my fault, or the fault of girls? Do you like girls?

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I blame Kelly LeBrock - 'Weird Science'.

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Well it was 35 years ago and since then I've joined the work force and raised my kids... oh! wait, I never had kids. Maybe it's because I'm that first tranche of TI's- white hetero male. But then again at least I got to imprint the anima as a coed, and don't have any of those mummy fixations for saving the planet. I do have a heavy bent on shitfuckery tho, so maybe I should content myself by assuming that my legacy. Bummer, in lots of ways,but I've become accustomed to living under feudalism and it does give one time to ponder what freedom could have been like if there'd been any time for it.

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Man, Weid Science, War Games, Real Genius. I feel like Hollywood was trying to tell us something back in the 80s.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Until a few years ago, Vinton Cerf lived down my street. The neighborhood joke was that Al Gore “ invented the internet,” not Cerf.

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Billionaires, DARPA, war games, cancer cures, man-made global warming, excess population narrative.

WTF is really going on?

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The Owners are deploying long range plans to murder the world and surveil the survivors.

Simple enough?

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Neatly summed up in one sentence! ~ Ginger

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And why now?


1/ The Tech seems to have matured to the point where it can be done,, ie surveillance and secret killing, and

2/ A profound drop in surplus per capita energy looms - consumerism - which made them very rich, post WW2 - is toast.

They intend to create their Tech 'Ark' as Hariri calls it.

We will be the people in 3rd class, or shovelling coal into the furnaces.

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He never did seem smart enough to invent optical mouse.

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Kirsch is smart.

He plays a character.

Rope a dope.

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TV listings show 1969, when 12 y/o Stevie came in through the back door, as the last year of Gomer Pyle USMC, maybe Stevie's inspiration for playing the lovable goofball.

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I wonder, back then, how far apart on campus was Cerf’s department from Wests?


“ From 1969 to 1989, he served as chair of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine and the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.”

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That wasn’t a smart thing that was a timing thing

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David Martin first spoke to senate hearing when he was 16. He told Jimmy Dire that we needed to find a new way to govern given all the evilness in present state. It’s all project and change management techniques. “Never Revisit the Deciison”.

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NWO-One World Religion-we’re getting there…

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Religion is an important thing. These days, metaphysical religions are unfashionable.

We have technological religions now.

All the mysticism of the past, continues today in the general techno-religious sphere.

In the past, some people were afraid of being killed by a lightning sent by God to punish them, for their sin.

Today, people are afraid of directed energy weapons. And nukes. And 5g. And a few other imaginations.

Why is it that old imaginations are ludicrous, and modern imaginations are credible?

In the past, people used to try to bargain with the gods. If I do this for you, you do this for me. Today, everything has been gamified. The gods of high-tech are happy when you follow the incentives. hmmm, cheetos! so tasty!

In the past, some people believed in salvation and eternal life, and some believed not. Today, some people believe high tech imposed on everyone from above will save human society from economic collapse, created by the errors of people from... above? That doesn't compute well.

Eternal life today means the rocketurtles all the way down will keep insulting your memory for many years after you are dead.

In the past, some people humbled themselves before God, and they were happy. Difficult to believe, right? Today, some people humble themselves before high-tech. They accept everything uncritically. They seem happy. The myocarditis hurts a bit, but with some luck they will receive a new heart, made of plastic and silicon chips, to replace the old heart, that accidentally got broken by unbelievers or something like that. I'm told the bionic hearts will be loaned to the blessed recipients.

One can imagine the new gods won't stop until all the organs of the body of their worshipers are replaced by a computer equivalent. It's a good thing that infections do not exist, otherwise this imagination would be impossible.

Thinking about the Ark and the animals story. In this high tech world, what would be the flood? I guess the much feared, and probably impossible, elecetro-magnetic pulse from the Sun that is said to be capable of destroying all electronic systems in an instant. In this fantasy, the plans and the trees and the insects and the animals are not affected by the EMP. So, there is no need to start over, with a collection of animals, 96 individuals of each legally recognized sex.

Another fantasy.

But this techno-religious fantasy did not start with computers. Vaccines are a substitute of baptism and communion.

Sometimes, I'm worried that religious people will ever understand how complying with modernity undermines their religious practice. Then I stop worrying, because I realize they will find a way to syncretism, as often happens.

Syncretism is happiness and life: Never acknowledge any crime, never change anything, always ignore the harm done to the victims.

Religion is an important thing. There is no politics, no theft, no murder without a material religion running every action and every thought.

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How can we be happy ignoring the crimes? Traumatized into a zombie, yah but happy

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What! You didn't know cheetos?

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Cheetos are the traditional offering we bring to this alter of the glowing rectangle that we praise you, bless you and give you thanks by.

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I learned a new word, thanks

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Rationalization based on chosen narrative. The end

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Syncretism is just another word for doing as one pleases, when it pleases. Unfortunately, populism is always the order of the fallen human race. Tower of Babel on repeat, until it isn’t..

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Interesting and insightful - fodder for further contemplation

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Why does Professor Stephen Falken remind me so much of Dr. Mike Yeadon?

Professor Stephen Falken helped crash the WOPR with an infinite loop (number of players = 0)

Dr. Mike Yeadon is helping crash the pandemic and climate lies along the same lines

Both industry insiders.

Both British, both have 6 letters in the last name. Hmmmmm

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When is the last time that Mike Yeadon has been seen, not heard, but seen?

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

He did a theatre event in London with James Dellinpole on June 28th..


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Appears on camera?

Not going to patreon.

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It didn’t show up in his free podcasts on Spotify.

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He wants money to see it. Event was sold out.

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It said only 50 paying customers would get to meet and greet Yeadon and have their pictures taken with him.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

That's a very good question. Maybe the script is even deeper than we thought.

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I find it odd that having found the climate thing you mention that you didn't also find Dane Wigington's extensive research and reporting on the verifiable condition of the life support system on Earth. Independent readings done by his contacts show a 3.5% temp increase already and climbing. There are many game-over feed-back loops in place. We might have a year or two before Mad Max strikes. See Dane Wigington on Youtube weekly and his website Geoengineeringwatch.org.

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what was the temperature 1500 years ago.

What was the CO2 level 5000 years ago.

IPCC cherry pick their starting point [conveniently] at the lowest average temperature for the last 10,000 years.

World average temperatures have been 5 degrees higher in the past 2000 or so years.

IPCC is a scam.

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This is a response to Steve’s bio, on his own page:

buddhi (Nov. 8, 2022)

Really good bio, will cut-and-paste sections to improve mine.

But it requires a few corrections.

First off, you left off, "Recognized as the world's number one MiSiNfORmaTion Maven." I believe I spelled that right.

This rare honor is beyond a Nobel. It should be front and center as it outranks the dime-a-dozen Nobel because it's conferred on only one person in the world. I don't believe presenting this up front will cause people to see you as arrogant or hoity-toity.

The short version mentions the somewhat hard to find very famous and historically important Dark Horse podcast, which was the first public document to identify multiple Narrative anomalies as being pointed in the same direction. "Dark Horse podcast" should be linked as in the longer version.

These are minor corrections but the statement, "I'm a proponent of nuclear power to help solve the global warming problem," contains the egregious error that global warming is a problem and not a false Narrative far worse than the covid Narrative, which it is.

People find this hard to believe so here are two Professors Emeritus who will independently prove that global warming is an utterly false Narrative (Danger: Science Ahead):


The Professor's introduction at Princeton's Institute of Advanced Study is by Ed Witten, who has received the largest number of mentions as "the smartest living physicist," which is kinda obvious just by looking at him - he seems only about 25% connected to our reality.

A second independent proof that global warming is a false Narrative, less sciency but also data-rich, is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofXQdl1FDGk

Note the incredulous questioning by the Senators. That's what happens when cognitive dissonance is triggered by data. One sees the same reaction when talking with a covid believer.

Steve should be transitioning away from covid to the more insidious false global warming Narrative. Covid has well prepared him to take on this other Narrative. Destiny is calling.

Beyond these two false Narratives is the Mother of all false Narratives from which these two derive.

Won't mention That because you wouldn't believe it. You might jump out a window. Red pills must be swallowed in succession, not all at once.


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Don’t worry, it’s just another WOPR (whopper) of a lie.

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