A lot of cataracts are falling out of a lot of eyes right now. If we don't feel betrayed by this guy's bullshit, we must not be very good at feeling anymore. Unrelated Question: Is an American congressperson's signature on a pledge to support Israel evidence of treason? Remember the third stage of Pavlov's dogs? The catatonic shaking stage? I'm having too much fun with this.

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Maybe students on campus who have been convicted of anti-semitism could be allowed to stay at uni if they wear - I dunno - a yellow star or something. In a 'pour encourager les autres' kinda way.

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“Anti-Amalekism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” said HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.”

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No pretense about the bokor to this zombie, is there?

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Appreciate this response. Sent me on a side quest learning about Haitian voodoo. Sometimes these mythologies do a pretty damn fine job of explaining human behavior

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As I reread this, the NLP sorcery nonsense soup is ridiculous on more levels than I initially realized, particularly that last sentence. Similar to isolation having a *different* meaning in virology, speech freedom and open debate has a different meaning for the chosen ones. One key here is it’s presented so matter of factly.

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This short article mentions Pam Bondi affiliated with Ballard Partners lobbying firm, while omitting Susie Wiles time at Ballard.

07 Jan 2025

ADL teams with Trump-friendly lobbyists - JNS.org


14 Nov 2024



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I believe that the statement: It’s about the infiltration of a certain Strip of Land nation that has taken over our system of governance and their paid shills and PR Agents. ignores the fact that the strip of land without borders called Israel was created by the same power that rules the US strip of land and acts more like a good cop-bad cop partnership. The power that is Israel has not taken over from the one that rules the US. It is the same behind-the-scenes US power coming from a different direction. Eliminate it and the game will still go on.

Anti-Semitism is NEVER defined so that it can be an amorphous club to shut down whatever is desired to be shut down. Not to dissimilar to the war on terror, made-up viruses and climate change which used to be global ice age which became global warming and now global anything.

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Fabian London School of Economics Graduate RFK Jr.

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The highly highly highly motivated part is fascinating.

How and why?

I certainly respect their…drive, and organization.

Antisemitism will be banished forever once the brain chips are implemented, and for that I am grateful. Efficient.

I wonder when Anti-Goyimism, or even Anti-Amalekism will be banned?

“You have to understand, children, these people are *better* than you.” Certainly better organized.

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Their drive and dedication remind me of Damien's nanny in The Omen. It makes me think that only captured religious minds can be completely dedicated. It's mind control. I find it fascinating to observe this because it's impossible for me to take part. I'm in authority over me, and for that reason, there are internal conflicts (my conscience) that prevent me from being completely dedicated, because I'm never 100% sure I'm right.

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"I did it all for you!"

::takes a header::

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Funny enough, they don’t even need the damn brain chips. Yes, needed for those last 1-2% causing trouble off the reservation. 50% Tier 1 Augmentation. 45-48% Tier 2 augmentation. Brain chips for the Crazy Horse’s. Maybe our pictures will be on their walls.

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