Stumbled across 10 USC 2370a today, "Medical countermeasures against biowarfare threats: allocation of funding between near-term and other threats"

Enacted in Nov. 1993, repealed in Oct. 2004, a couple months after Project Bioshield Act passed (July 2004).

10 USC 2370a included a definition for "Validated biowarfare threat agent" as

"a biological agent that (A) is named in the biological warfare threat list published by the Defense Intelligence Agency; and (B) is identified as a biowarfare threat by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Intelligence in accordance with Army regulations applicable to intelligence support for the medical component of the Biological Defense Research Program."

So for about 10 years, there was some requirement that some named somebody attach his or her name to a package of specific "validation" evidence to designate a biological agent that could be weaponized and therefore could justify military medical countermeasures research and use.

Another data point supporting that early 2000s (SARS-1) was when the Monster got a fuller understanding that such self-spreading highly lethal biological agents aren't feasible, and therefore needed to get rid of the "validation" part of the legal framework, to keep the simulation platform intact.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

I am glad to hear you say that . I at the point where I don't believe in a contagious virus anymore...bacteria yes....toxins yes...poison yes....but I am starting to think maybe I need to rethink my "belief".

And I just learned no they have not found bird flu in milk....

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Writing that bullshit up right now, Duchess!

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana


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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

The Daily Mail ran this recent article:


"Americans are being urged to stay away from classic American dishes like steak and eggs and some desserts because there's a small risk of catching bird flu.

That is the advice of former FDA food safety advisor Dr Darin Detwiler who said animal products that are not properly cooked could harbor small fragments of the virus which is currently tearing through US farms."

I was emailed this with the subject header: "Don't eat steak!" Already primed for the next pandemic.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

I just...I just can't. How are people so fucking stupid? Over and over. So. Fucking. Stupid.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

I feel your pain - perfectly stated: "I just...I just can't. SAME!

However, the comments to this article overwhelming read: "Tomorrow's breakfast - steak & eggs!"

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

I love the comments. Redeemed my faith in humanity.

What are the odds that the ‘virus’ has been found in exactly the thing they are trying to restrict? I mean, come on people!

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I guess cooking the steak properly was out of the question.

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Thank you for the link!

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Viruses don't infect bird milk. That's why the elites are trying to scare us. Keep it all for themselves. Jigs up, globalists!

Why do you think both egg and milk are called "dairy"?

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Understood. Looks like DIA and BDRP no longer called the shots after that.

So what command did it switch to?

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My take is that the command structure didn't change.

The significance was the elimination of any obligation to support MCM policies and programs with validated evidence of a threat.

I also don't think the evidentiary hurdle was significant even in that 10-year window.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

So HHS fills the vacuum?

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DoD, HHS, ASPR, BARDA, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, DARPA, ARPA-H, DTRA, DOMANE, USAMRIID, VA, USDA, DOJ, DOS, US-AID, DHS, FEMA, NSC and other agencies coordinate at PHEMCE to occupy the policy direction and program management space.

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HHS is the kindly, public-facing face that helps people believe the lie that it's all about public health and getting the good medicines to the sick people.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sweet Lord.

The buck stops everywhere and nowhere

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Diffusion of responsibility.

The Iron Laws of Bureaucracy.

"the Buck stops here" said Truman.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26


Perfect. Couldn't be more a propos.

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You mean if they all got sacked USA could get rid of their DEBT????????


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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana


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Did any of our masters die from covid? No. Do our masters have all 8-9 mRNA injections marked on their health scorecards? No. Is there any proof that anyone has died from covid? No. Is there any proof that mRNA injections protect anyone from anything? No. Is there any proof that PCR tests work to detect specific viruses? No. Rest your brain and calm your fears. You have a much greater risk of dying from vaccines and medical drugs and interventions than you do from any viruses. Grasp that and live well.

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Many of our "masters" got Covid, and isolated. They publicly stated that they very thankful they had had their shots, b/c they were certain "it could have been much worse"...if I correctly remember the gist of the widely-distributed talking points.

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The "got Covid" and "isolated." isolated=restful vacation. They redefine everything.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

Besides, who's gonna check anyway? Whether or not they had symptoms, they HAD to provide optics that "ze germs" were indiscriminate...

And let's not forget--if your friend or co-worker "got it," YOU had been exposed. OR if you had traveled out-of-state, you "may have been." So you were advised (or forced) to take a voluntary 10-day quarantine! I know a woman who drove up to Chicago for 2 weekends in a month (we're in TN), then would call in on Monday and say she had to quarantine for 10 days, because she'd been out-of-state. Her employer was getting the gov't money for keeping payroll going--so she got paid full month's salary but only worked about 6 days. She did this twice. (Or as defined by US Gov't: "Employed.")

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Apr 27·edited Apr 28

A woman I know had to travel to Canada. Her mom was in a nursing home there. What she had to go thru was draconian. She had to quarantine for a number of days upon arrival. She rented a place and government workers came each day, at various times to make sure she was not going anywhere. Her sister couldn't visit her, but dropped off groceries outside.

So, yes, no one checked the story nor the whereabouts of those elites. But they closely monitored people in Canada. Better in the U.S. but horrible everywhere.

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And are there still any citizens who wonder how Hitler and his regime started ?

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How in the heck can anyone determine that the vaccine prevented them from being “sicker”? I can fully understand that a Goalie in hockey wearing a face mask protects the face from damage of an accelerated puck but there is no quantifiable metric for a vaccine.

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It's a sick, self-justifying mind trick--my guess is because jabbed doubted the shot all along. By believing--or claiming--that made-up marketing line, they're somehow justifying having fallen for it. Hell, they got Covid anyway--but were "vaccinated?" (Probably boosted, too.) Gotta be some reason it didn't work. TV "Doctors" & many politicians routinely hid behind this lie to push jabs, so that MUST [somehow] make it true!

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I know. The absurdity of the pre-scripted talking points is - well - completely absurd. And not provable.

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Yes they were thankful they got saline so they wouldn’t have vaccine enhanced disease which fda lists as jab issue, corroborated by Cleveland Clinic study on 50K ppl yielding more jabs= more illnesses.

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People get sick all of time in ways they never have before and worse than ever before. In 2020 in a nation full of hypochondriacs whose bodies are bombarded with toxic crap both internally and externally 24/7, who gulp down all manner of pills and poisons, a specific name for their various conditions was burned into their brains and it was demanded of them that this and only this name be the cause of everything that ailed everyone.

There's no such thing as Covid. There was no medical emergency of any sort in 2020 nor any unique viral pathogen.

People have been convinced through years of social engineering that the things they see on screens represent biological reality. Anyone who thinks that submicroscopic particles floating through the air makes you sick has accepted/internalized the quack ideas that are foundational to the racketeering operation known as the medical industry.

Everything people think they know about disease is based on intentional fraud and medical mythology. The mythologies surrounding disease are one of the most persistent and widespread propaganda devices in our current society that serve the ruling class.

There is no such thing as "Covid" as a unique pathological manifestation.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Not sure if we are a nation of hypochondriacs as much as we are a nation that has been medicalized/brainwashed by propaganda for most of our lives, unlimited amounts of money, it seems. Then our immune systems have been badly damaged by all the vaccines and other medical poisons. Then all the chemicals all around. Chemicals are likely a deliberate assault. WWIII may have started before WWI.

It's a testament to the strength of the human body that any of us are alive and walking around. Of course, "if" (or as) the cull from the latest bioweapon continues to pick up speed, it will look very different very soon.

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We've been doused with nano and EMFs.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

Viral mythology has become the most pernicious of weapons used against humans, our invisible enemy.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

And what about the phrase "going viral?" Was this part of the psyop? Viral, virus, all you hear about. Brainwashing.

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I try to destigmatize hypochondria.

Fear is natural. A passion of the soul that we have to get acquainted with.

If we ignore fear, we invent a story or we buy into a story. And then we are chewed up.

It's better for anyone to admit his flaws than to be masticated and swallowed by the Monster.

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I like to dissect what is meant by "Hypochondria". Is it what doctors call it when they can't (or won't for political reasons) figure out what the matter is with a person. Many of their tests are crap, or they don't read them correctly. Things like chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and now vaccine injury. There are a few of these types of diagnoses. In previous times it was "women being hysterical". Had to do with the womb. Freud, who was an MD, figured in to it. It had gruesome results back then, too.

People who are more attuned to inner physical states may pick up on something and may even correct it before it does damage, especially with autoimmune disorders that are so common.

I'm with you on fear. We should learn about our own fears and learn to handle fear. The voodoo of fear mongering via the Monster is dangerous. Shuts down thinking. Cortisol levels zoom up, causing damage in many ways, etc. More easily manipulated. To me, it's a crucial question in current times.

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Except there was a wave of illness that people were unfamiliar with that predated any propaganda you're trying to blame. We really need to use logic, not just say nothing exists because we've been lied to. Just like those who belive the virus nonsense, this stance lacks critical thinking.

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Can you cite your evidence for this statement?

What "wave of illness?"

Dates and locations needed with sources.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

I need to go and seek out more on why "RNA cannot pandemic." From what it sounds like to me from JJ's lectures is. that RNA is not good at very detailed complete replication integrity. So it already is mutating and changing and lacking cohesion. So RNA is like playing a bad, hard of hearing, telephone game in the replication department.

Before 2020 and in 2020 all I knew was...I heard about Covid in January, did some quick logical thinking and understood that something can exist without being discovered, and that it doesn't take months for things to spread over the globe, but hours. Using their narrative on how pandemics work, the disease was not as deadly as they said it was. It was like the flu..and an indicator that it was like the flu, is that you weren't allowed to say it was like the flu.

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"I heard about Covid in January, did some quick logical thinking and understood that something can exist without being discovered, and that it doesn't take months for things to spread over the globe, but hours."


Please clarify or unpack this.

This does not sound like the JJ Couey premises that I have learned.

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Those aren't JJ Couey premises. Those were my premises back in January. That's all I had to go on was observational data (what was going on around me) and what I knew or thought I knew, or was indoctrinated to know about infectious diseases. That's why I stated "Back in 2020." I didn't even know there was a JJ Couey in 2020.

This is non/semi biological critical thinking here. And I think it still stands up.

1. Can things exist before they are discovered? I think this is an elementary question and you know the answer to this. Diseases have existed forever haven't they? We know bats have Covid apparently..or they carry something, some genetic material which have been indicators of disease.

2. Back in 2020 I thought that diseases could incubate before becoming symptomatic. I still think this is true. But now have come to the conclusion that RNA never could have done this..because that's not how RNA viruses work and replicate. And it also explains why they can't be vaccinated against.

3. Plane rides take hours. So you can go from China to an adjacent country. And then from that country to the rest of the world fairly quickly. So it won't take weeks and months for a disease to spread, but hours.

Regardless if a disease came from a lab or a cave, or from whatever vector, it is hubris to think it only exists when we discover it, isn't it?

Using this (my) logic which isn't mine, it is only stuff we know from basic observation. And based on the reaction to the disease in March of 2020, we should have seen ridiculous mortality rates way before March. We didn't.

But like JJ and many of us, we all bear some responsibility in this. A month before, I had a friend in China who stated that "panic was coming." And I had made the stupid mistake (and KAry Mullis would back me up here) That there were adults, wise adults in the room who would tell people to quiet down and keep calm. But instead we had a bunch of chicken little's who also had actors who were looking at this like it was event 202.

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JJ and Wolfgang broke this part wide open for me with the discussion of "What happened to SARS-1"?

Very much like Jessica Hockett broke this thing open along the "What happened in New York?" ACD numbers, and Sasha broke open the Central Command (DOD) and K-dub broke open the pattern of legal usurpations over decades.

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Yeah, the legal stuff is definitely alarming. I think I read through that with Baliwick News. The maneuvers that led to our current bad situation.

The Hockett interviews are crucial.

I think I need to go back and do some more watching of JJ's commentary on videos as well as his interviews.

If I can be accused of any naivete (and really there is quite a bit of that in my regard), it would be in regards to the Rockefeller Foundation.

Yet, should I be? I mean if Stalin, Hitler, and a whole host of bad actors and regimes could exist, what makes us so special that we would not have those same inclinations?

And yes, Hitler got some of his best ideas from us. What does that say...about us or our "thought leaders."

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"Are we the baddies, Hans?"

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I'm not a big fan of the prequels, but this is what "govern me more" set remind me of.


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And 'member that "flu" was virtually non-existent that year...

It just went away...

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I was thinking about this, and this is another hole in the their narrative.

If Covid isn't like the flu, then why did it supplant Covid?

If masks defeated the flu, then how did the flu preemptively disappear before masks were even used? Why didn't masks work on Covid which spreads in an identical fashion?

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

According to EXPERTS, it out evolutioned Flu.

For that year.


I suppose equilibrium was re-established. Or it wasn’t. Or it will be in 2 weeks.

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When one begins ascribing magical properties to an unseen entity, it takes on a life of its own.

It learns how to play the piano and becomes sentient.

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I like the word "thingification" for that.

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Reminds me of Zelensky. If you have ever seen videos of how he plays the piano you will never forget it.

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Everytime I question the narrative here is the reply: "Are you a doctor?"

One of the twitter accounts I respond to is of Trump's former Surgeon General. I say "account" because there are times I can't believe this is actually a the legitimate account of a surgeon general. It is rife with ad hominem and appeal to experts logical fallacies.

Anyhow the reason why I think it might be troll parody is that apparently he keeps commenting on all the unethical, illegal, and impossible aspects of the show "Greys Anatomy." Which is like throwing a softball to those of us who dissent the Covid narrative.

"Meanwhile, no comment at all on all the unethical, illegal, and impossible things that occurred during Covid." Was my response. And I am called a troll.

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I am a doctor and hereby authorize you to ask questions

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It didn’t in Africa though.

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I mentioned that to someone. She replied, "Well that's because everyone was wearing a mask!" 😆🤦‍♀️

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🤷🏻‍♀️ There is not much that can be done once someone has suspended all critical thinking skills.

And I hast heard nearly identical nothing burger leaps of nothing logic with regards to absolute risk vs. relative risk branding of efficacy...from medical types, who are some of the most indoctrinated (consider the roots of that word) minds in Planet Logic.

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I am just So. Over. It. We can’t outsmart stupidity.

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Yeah, I get this.

It's frustrating.

And when I try to frame things and make it accessible, simple logical flaws, the Hero Ballers come in and are big mad and now I'm the DOD Troll.

Over time, it becomes clear that this is just going to be too tough to navigate for most hooomanzz...it fucks with instincts of belongingness and security too much.

They know something happened but they are zealously protecting against where it must lead.

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Heroball...I still listen to Dr. Drew. Kelly Victory had Ivor Commins on a recent Ask Dr. Drew and Drew was not present...I think Cummins might be the one guest who has gotten so close to the "no pandemic" narrative and all of the undercurrent themes that it makes sense why Drew recused himself. Cummins went through the more overhead bird's eye view of Covid as well and I wouldn't be surprised if he weren't familiar with the Day Tapes.

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In a other stack you said make them afraid..that's the entire op.

I think about that all the time.

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That's true! - (See above) - science says so! It took Covid to show us the way!

"...association between high mask use with low influenza detection in all three remaining seasons ..." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9862942/"

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But the flu or something was already underway in September....I am still unsure if it is a thing called a virus. We get sick. I haven't been sick since March 2020 when my d levels were 30. ...now they are above 100.

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I agree, but I don't check my D levels.

I get plenty of sun in summer, and have taken 5,000 iu D3 daily since 2020...

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At times I was a D student, does that help?

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"We got lucky" said the New York Times (any questions?)

It was that simple! ... Or was it? "...association between high mask use with low influenza detection in all three remaining seasons ..." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9862942/ ... if only we had known!

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I still have a problem reconciling this with there being a thing called a coronavirus. If so unstable they shouldn’t be around I would think.

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During the first Covid season, there was no flu season. Where did the flu go? I think we all now know the answer to that question. 😎😎

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Do you remember early on, when they were telling us it was so virulent, and so deadly in wuhan, they couldn’t keep up, and had to dispose of an overwhelming amount of very dangerous bodies in a local blast furnace? (!)

I remember that. That story came out in the dark corners of the conspiracy internet around the time ‘lab leak’ first started to be whispered. They set up the cull du sacs first.

A tactical question: why do you think they didn’t do a little more killin’ in a few other cities, for posterity? You know, as a castle keep sort of thing? NY (and maybe Italy, maybe) sure feel pretty fishy now, standing alone as they do. Doesn’t seem smart. And the rest of it was very smart. So it must be on purpose.

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If it was legit so pathogenic and dangerous, why were the masks that trapped the super-antigen (allegedly) not burned as hazardous waste and were instead floating all over everywhere, in trash cans, etc.?

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Ah. There’s your problem. Trying to ‘logic’ it. 😉

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One way ticket to liver removal.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

I really like your notion of ‘letting it wash over you’. It’s fun to try and figure it all out, and understanding the various plays may have some advantages when the next op spins up, but good god…it’s just wall to wall absurdity and non-sequiters. My logical mind long ago crapped out and said ‘just let it wash!’ I’m very appreciative to the few of you left who are still trying to sort it all out, who let me follow along.

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Thou art way too humble.

And I do not deal in false bullshit praise.

You help me see a LOT.

We have a sharp crew here.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Kind words, but I’m pretty checked out on detective work. JFK and the moon was fun. Red yarn filled my 911/wmd days. Covid really took it out of me though, and last summer, fully grasping they can fry us from the sky with a laser show was the nail in the coffin. Now I just let it wash over me. But yes, you’ve assembled a sharp crew for sure.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

The people I know who attempted their own liver removal, used the rather illogical pickling method. (I know, I know, that's different than liver removal as punishment for using logic.)

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Exactly 👍

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

I ask my sister that the germaphobe who I can hear screaming in my head all the time ' don't put your pocketbook on the floor" whether at the ER or public bathrooms.

No answer.

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A field of dreams built in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey. Practice makes perfect. Flowers and weeds grow from seeds. (Can I copyright that one?).

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I mean the planners are Dolts. Sometimes my replies aren't in the right place lol

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Smartest damn dolts I’ve seen. I guess maybe you have to throw one or two, to keep the illusion alive. Like when they sent whole divisions into the meat grinder, just so some Germans wouldn’t catch onto the enigma thing. I bet the American and German divisions of IBM brass had a good laugh at that.

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No they're just Dolts

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I mean the planners, not this sharp crew! Sometimes the replies are misplaced on my part.

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😁 me too.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Unvaxxed and haven't had a cold in 6 years.

Went to a funeral celebration along with 150+ others, and developed flu-like symptoms.


Naaah, the flu...

A week later, I'm fine.

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Friendly reminder that flu is also a killer. (Sometimes.)

People die every year of something...🤨

VAIDS (Immune damage) is probably code for Geert's "virulent variant".


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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

As an old person..not only do we not live forever..but a day will come when you are ready to go. And the flu/pneumonia is not called the old persons friend for nothing.

It's not sarcasm.

It is true.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana


Before the C-19 scamdemic, there were large numbers of seasonal influenza deaths.

I humbly assume that the majority of these deaths were due to immuno-compromised individuals, or very old people.

I have no evidence, but the logic is there.

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Is human life fragile or not fragile?

A 25 year old man in his best possible shape may be killed in less than one second with a small and strong bout to his head, in just the right spot.

In the other extreme, a 300 pound 60 year old woman who takes 15 drugs a day may take 15 or 20 years to die from one of her 20 or so different diagnoses, and maybe all of them are wrong. A miserable life, but at least she wears a mask because she cares about other people.

People die of something. But it's impossible to guess correctly when a person will die and from what looking at the astrology up in the skies. Also impossible by looking at the astrology of the DNA. Also impossible by looking at the astrology of the medical records.

What causes a given person to die or to survive any disease or lesion? Not without sadness I've reached the conclusion that it is Geopolitics what determines when and how and from what any individual dies.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

And don't forget Rochelle Walensky of CDC fame stood behind a podium and said something like, Well those that died of "Covid" (flu) had 4 or more co-morbidities....hmmm ya don't say!

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Would be interesting if hospitals had no drugs to inflict on sick people how many would be alive today? Oh I forget we are over populated! But anyway they passed away peacefully

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I’m curious, how was the 5G signal at the funeral celebration gathering place? Had you been in the presence of 5G towers that day? Perhaps the “flu” is a body frequency detox.

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Wow! After reading that ChatGPT summary of symptoms ... I think I've found a strong correlation!

For the last two nights, I've had a beer too many. The first morning after, I was feeling most of the symptoms, but the second morning after, even a hair of the Shitzu would not have cured me.

CoVid is highly correlated with hangovers! Both are highly correlated with groups, so therefore transmissible! And those long-hangovers (mikkayoi in Japanese) can be a bitch!

Maybe the powers that be should calibrate a new tax based on alcohol content, and as a 2fer, they could double it and justify it as a green tax on alcohol to lower our carbon footprint.

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One thing is certain, once you start popping and/or injecting those countermeasures, you will cease being asymptomatic … you will likely cease being.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

Excellent Jessica Hockett discussion of Harvey Risch today on substack. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/harvey-risch-on-the-question-of-what?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

Nobody has addressed our Health System. Americans are required to have health insurance, it was to “guarantee” that everyone had access to the best health system in the world.

Yet, the USA led the world in the # of cases, deaths and recoveries. The USA had FIVE X more deaths than the entire continent of Africa.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

And I just read somewhere yesterday, that they're saying some symptoms resemble AIDS.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

When I saw the title of this post, I thought of this:

I was speaking with a woman who is a medical assistant and voiced doubt about the covid19 pandemic. She jumped down my throat because her father had died from "covid." I backed way off. If someone loses a first degree family member or close friend, that person just needs support. I still think with sadness, "your father was probably killed by a hospital protocol or possibly the vaccine." But I'd never say that. If she starts to connect some dots, I'll be more than willing to give her more dots.

On the other hand, I'm making progress with a family member. Last we talked she said, "ok, this all sounds strange. But you were right about other things that I felt the same way about. It may make sense." I'm not great at explaining the biology (notastem), but I'll keep watching the jj couey vids and stuff here and other places and may get better.

I feel like those wanting to understand the truth advance by inches while the Monster is running miles. But the discrepancies may catch up to them. Trip them up, I hope. Maybe small groups can help widen the cracks.

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I'd go ahead and jam it down her throat but we are back to 9/11 Victimsville here.

Or dead from going to war in Iraq or Vietnam ville.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

I was in a conversation with a like minded person regarding vaccines , ‘covid’ and the pandemic we spoke about local people harmed or likely deceased due to vax. A third person joined the conversation and initially argued with me about the safe and effective BS…. I really pushed hard against what this 30 year old man was saying, after about 2 minutes he slumped his shoulders and admitted that he himself believes he was severely injured by the vax. This man is a Registered Nurse at a large hospital and was mandated to take vax…. He said within 2 weeks of taking dose 1 his endocrine system shut down many of his hormones were ‘out of whack’ his T level dropped to almost zero , heart issues. Lost lots of muscle mass and had low energy……he is now on my list of persons likely injured. The hospital told him he needed dose 2 , he told them he wasn’t taking any more.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Good job keep ramming

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I often have that urge.

I can only spend so much time with people who are "all in" on it and still getting shots. So draining. Trouble is, if they break up friends and families then they win too. Double bind.

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A lot of people are just gone.

It sucks. They ain't coming back.

Pretty much what I do now is for the benefit of the adults who are aware and it helps us all to not feel crazy...

And the kids coming up to hone some critical thinking skillz.

There are a lot of people that have made a lazy Faustian bargain.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for helping me not feel crazy. It means a lot. Very few islands of sanity.

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I see the future.

This is already turning back to one.

Those who made it halfway across the river are turning back or hopping on the raft and preparing to go off the cliff.

The hammers want this. They do in fact want this.

It provides a link to "normal"

(I'm not talking about the Blue Pill Covidians. They were gone almost immediately. I'm talking about the Purple Pill Half Zombies.)

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I can see this as a Driving Miss Bird Flu movie poster from the eighties...a very shocked and anxious morgan freeman with miss bird flu in the back seat.

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If only Tootsen's had been behind the wheel instead of Fauci.

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With our recent run of luck, Birx probably would have choked Toonces with a scarf, but on the (Rick) Bright side, a cliff might be involved. (in-volvo-ed?)

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I’m not vaccinated nor will I ever be. Since 2019 I’ve had the seasonal flu twice and a few cases of the common cold. I didn’t wear a mask except for medical appointments after brain tumor surgery also back in 2019. I went back to work in grocery during the height of the scamdemic. I came into close contact with hundreds of people on a daily basis. I’ve never been tested for Covid and I never bought into any of the nonsense surrounding the scamdemic. I went about my life with a greater appreciation for the second chance that I was given. Fear is a powerful weapon for social hygiene. Fear doesn’t prevent death, it prevents life…

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I live in Oregon, and I got really sick in late 2019. Never tested, never vaxxed. I just stayed home, slept, drank water and took NyQuil and rode it out. It just seemed like a bad flu. A couple years after that I quit drinking and started eating much healthier, and stopped spending much time around anyone, and I have not been sick in over four years since. The people I know that died were either injected, or on a ventilator. Until the ridiculous hospital protocols kicked in, people that got sick all recovered. Once masking and all that bullshit started it was a blur of weirdness that continues to this day. "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." I've always been weird, and I am accustomed to tough times, so I went pro, and turned my back to the Industrial Medical Complex from day one. It is baffling to me that so much of our society is still so brainwashed.

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My two housemates and I got hit with ??? for 5-6 days around the same time. Had enough energy to sit at our computers for 6-7 hours and then crash. Not flu, no wheezing, coughing, sneezing or body aches. We're about 90 minutes from Ralphie Boy's lab in N. Carolina.

Brainwashing can happen via word or image, either of which can create a narrative or story. Says William Burroughs: Word begets image and image is virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpEvV3UyPRE


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Mucinex in mid-Dec 2019 for moi. OD'ed once on NyQuil - never again.

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At the time, I hadn't shifted my diet and focus, and NyQuil is what I had in my house. I haven't been sick since then, and would not take or purchase that or any other over-the-counter drug again. If I feel any twinge of sickness I get some sunlight exposure, supplement with zinc and vitamin C, D, and K2, and drink water and rest.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Very much the same, except for a recent persistent cough resulting (I suspect) from a day-long outing several weeks ago at a 14,000-person gathering. Turned again to Mucinex (it breaks up mucus), and nanosilver liquid, Vit C, gallons of o.j. and filtered water, and various natural supplements. Have def shifted diet since then, less meat, and lots of kefir.

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Had something hit me pretty hard after a trip to LA when I was living in NYC in November 2019. Can't be sure what it was but it's the last time I had anything besides mild seasonal allergies. Other people I know that shared an illness story in early 2020 seem to get ill very quickly and heavily. If I had to guess, and it's just a guess, there were multiple modes of inducing illness.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Coincidental timing/place ? Was personally hit hard w/constant coughing/chills/etc in mid-Dec 2019 after spouse flew in from LA to FL. He was okay.

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