Let me just lay out the obvious question:

If nobody knows the risk profile...then why on Earth would you be FIERCELY PRO-ANYTHING?

It's doublespeak. It's Orwell. It's NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming.

It is LYING.

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In an ideal, impossible world, NLP, 48 Laws of Power, and the history of banking should be mandatory in schools.

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Yes. I saw a video on this once as to how the mass populace has been dumbed down.

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Once or a thousand times at this point. Related.. you’ve caught Joseph’s Zeitgeist films over the years, yes?

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Most of these sorts of things require an instructor of essentially nonexistant capability

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Was thinking more along the lines of the existence of NLP, not teaching all of the techniques

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Just found on twatter: https://x.com/i/status/1852336746656117225

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Absolutely bizarre that the same groups bemoaning corporate greed in general magically turn completely blind/deaf/dumb to pharma’s own blatant corruption rooted in money.

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Rather like saying:

'This Pope is a drunken avaricious, sodomising whore-monger: but, I am and always have been, a fervent Roman Catholic and will gladly kneel to kiss his holy and Apostolic '.

They've no doubt got a lot of shit on Kennedy which could be used to utterly destroy him at any time.

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'holy and Apostolic ring', that is.

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Watch with whom the oft-described "lesser of 2 evils" associates himself...and you clearly still see...EVIL. To we survivors of CONvid--especially those of us who lost family to "the CDC protocols"--this whole election reeks of [honeypot depop] motivations for revenge. Because very few of the "smartest among us" seems to notice the "champion defenders of health" now are nothing but the reshuffling of the very dolts who pushed the poison jabs as "safe," "elegant" and "effective" in the first place.

With warped speed [driven by evil minds], no less! I can't comprehend "supporting" ANYONE who clings to the mindset that the faked pandemic, hospital death protocols and pushing/mandating untested, poisoned jabs was in ANY WAY an "accomplishment." To this day, he clearly displays ZERO awareness of how truly evil it is! ZIP! NADA!

Even Rogan steered clear of THAT big ol' glorious, perfect elephant in the room...

Screw the show-hearings. Screw the talking heads. Screw the dirty, lying scumbag Congress who enabled it all, by following their bribery directions to the letter and passing practically nothing but unread 1500+ page omnibus bills for almost 2 straight decades, dutifully funding the bottomless [often untrackable] money pit of the military industrial complex to kill us off (under the laughable guise of "avoiding a government shutdown" in its obvious quest to push us into a one-world government). But I digress...

When the treasonous among us from BOTH parties actually start swinging for their crimes of the past few decades--against both our country and humanity--I'll start taking "leaders" seriously again. Until then, the political class is simply repetitive noise--amplified or silenced on demand by the corporate critter middle managers for the oligarchs who control them...ALL(?)

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Glad you're not holding your breath. Me neither.

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I love the smell of 5th gen warfare in the morning.

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This site is just pummeled now with Mossad WEFFIE Infodemic Potans.

Spewing all the talking points as laid out on the whiteboard.

On script.

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Happens when you kick a many thousand year old hornets nest. The volume makes me wonder if next major op is coming soon? I mean, it’s all op’s now, but occasionally they punctuate with big ones.

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I got people who sub to 276 sites and pay for so many of them coming in with Hero Ball "fights the TYRANNY" talking points and I dutifully pull some receipts and realize that they are just:

1. Doing Oppo Research to see the knowledge base, and

2. Wasting my fucking time

The other one is to come in and be like, "YOU SHOULD BLANK AND CHILL" which the AI knows sends me into Fridge Collage World. 😅

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I think yes to your reasoning. And the next wave will likely be the end of many a substack, including this one. Very dark days ahead, where the common ground between those who see and those who don’t will widen irreparably.

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1/ Establish a fake 'medical freedom movement' and enable fake 'free speech' heroes like Musk.

2/ Use it drown out the few honest voices and make pople think that real change is happening. Manipulation, dilution, pied pipers.

3/ Pull the plug on the movement and free speech with war-time censorship and digital ID for internet access ,and leave everyone isolated and bewildered.

4/ Make injections a condition of receiving war-time rations?

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“Remember what you said Garden Gnome.”

Caused me to spill my well deserved margarita after working in the yard…man I think about how I was fooled by these tier 2 minders in 2021/2022. Yes these old “heroes” helped me in my journey (to a point) but I’ve learned to question everyone and everything.

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We were just relieved in 2021/22 to hear them speak the truth about the vaccine injuries at last, but they did so with ulterior motives.

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Now that we're ALL "Number 6",

( Patrick McGoohan/The Prisoner reference)...

...I think a meaningful question is:

"How do we re-establish working human communities?"

...recognizing *something* is deathly afraid of any such thing.

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I don't know. But I don't think we will be "allowed" to.

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I agree. The technology may not be overcome

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Think, for a moment, of the energy expended...to "dis-allow".


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I wonder how many of those Maui kids ended up getting jabbed. Are they ok? Let's talk story.

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Dr Yeadon just re-posted this on Telegram btw

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○ Here ...

○ Put this mask on.

□ It's too big.

○ Just wear it. You wanna get fired from your job?

□ No. But it's just too big. There's big gaps...air can get in and out everywhere!

○ Doesn't matter. Wear two masks.

□ But I have asthma!!

○ Oh. I get it. You wanna kill grandma.

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I wish this wasn't at all funny...

...humiliation ritual:


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There were so many good studies right from the beginning, OSHA experts speaking out, Vernon Coleman foaming at the mouth, all to no avail. Argh.

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"I guess it's okay to hold people down and push the injections into their bodies"

If you have Telegram, this is a very difficult watch (only ~4min long):


The following is the TG post description, does not mention a date, but seems early-on in the Convid to me, when the sheeple were particularly wicked toward one another:


Stay away from 🏥hospitals.

You won't get out of this number!!!

What was that?

💬"Nobody forced you to get vaccinated"....

💉Here's a video on forced vaccination.

It wasn't long ago and could happen again and harder!!!

🚫Stay away from hospitals!!!

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As we have seen numerous times with the master of death, fauci, he can be recorded live with any method and still he says he did not say this or that. The same with any other person in any government position. Why? Because the voters don't mind voting in every election for liars and numbskulls.

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Fauci Bad.

I give up.

I give up. This is Brawndo's got what plants crave scene every day here now.



Fauci Bad.

Get 'em.

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This was said by a corrupt politician in Spain:

''Who cares if they know about the payments? They'll still vote for us!'

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And all politicians. And middle managers and every effing cluster B pers9nality that I swear are now a majority of the population of sentients. The bulk are sheep and don't think.

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The difference is that sheep never really trust the shepherds, unless brought up as pet lambs.

Dumber than sheep, cats dogs and rats, whatever flattering names we give ourselves. Sapiens? Ha!

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In sales situations, companies typically pit their best people against each other for prizes like cash and trips. That’s what makes me think TPTB incentivize both sides to compete for our “votes.” Sure they’re fellow employees of the same boss, but they like a good game, too, otherwise they wouldn’t be in sales. Don and Kam really want to win the trip to the all inclusive Sandals Jamaica Montego Bay resort this year, and why wouldn’t they?

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Alternatively, the Dog n' Pony Show *falls on its face* if the race isn't neck &neck!!(eleventy!!).

Lotta money changing hands erry 4 years.

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Now that people know that Robert Malone wasn;t the inventor of mRNA technology (if you think about it, nobody can make that claim), you can then view the commentary for what it is.

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"By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them"

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Many seem to be suspicious of Dr Malone. Though curiously, not A Midwestern Doctor.

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The vanquished King would be deposed, but the subjugated masses could keep their institutions. So they held a coronation of a dog, as a humiliation. A “Dog King” but you can call it “President” or “Prime Minister” if you like. How about “Premier or Chief or “expert “

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I hesitate to link this because I find the voice, musak and content so odious.

Pretentious droning of "no DUH".

This one (early 2021) has no mention of the children, though I remember well when the bearded one made the children's declaration in fall of 2021.

Yet this does survive on the tube.


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he said cah-vid. a tell? 0:45 sec.

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I believe RFK Jr. is truly sincere but I do not trust Malone one little bit. There are many other truly trustworthy people instead of Malone.

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Nooo 🫣 you can’t trust ANY of them

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