Jessica Hockett’s letter to Pierre Kory this morning: https://open.substack.com/pub/woodhouse/p/open-letter-to-pierre-kory-regarding?r=12w4ze&utm_medium=ios

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He is in an untenable position.

He sold the War on the Virus.

He sold how dangerous it was.

How dangerous was *it if Fareed and Gessling treated thousands of patients with no deaths?

Fucking Fareed was saying that he gave HCQ for the runny nose. 🤣

So Kory has to say that people were killed and it was organized. That the "virus" was not so lethal.

He can't do this.

He's trapped in a web now.

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Absolutely. He is now worthless to the Scorp’s. After all that training to help run this end of the show. Down the drain. I don’t see much future for him.

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You are saying that we won't see him on Rogan again for another EMERGENCY IVERMECTIN PODCAST?

With Bret Weinstein?

Selling the anti-parasitic as prophylactic?

For the NOVEL CORONAVIRUS which is still out there...lurking.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Almost everyone I know talks about lockdown time, very nearly precisely never. It's actively being stuffed down and compartmentalized in memories as far as the eye can see. In fact, many get awkward or slightly angry if it's brought up. So...

If he doesn't admit anything AND there is no social will to try the whole matter publicly AND scorpions just want you all to shut the fuck up so they can normalize the jabs into the schedule and move forward...THEN...

Did the tree fall in the woods?

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Exactly this.

Rule #1 of Cull (Purge) Club is Football is on at seven.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

I'm laughing so hard right now...

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Nah. He’ll be back. Lost a lot of weight… Grows a beard, gets some hair plugs off Yuval... Change the accent. Many years left in him

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Well, it's not like he has done anything illegal, and if it's not illegal then it's not immoral.

"If it feels right, it probably ain't wrong" song Belief filter, by No Permit.

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Reminds me of Bobby tweeting out that if anything illegal happened then he would have his AG prosecute.

Bobby, Bobby...you know that it was not illegal. Katherine and Sasha told you.

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The brain worm ate that part

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" Pfizer delivered the fraud that the government ordered" was the first court decision in Brooke Jackson's case .

And supposedly David Martin hand delivered every detail of the patent history and crime citations to every AG of every state , AND the feds.

Reiner Fulmilch and the

" Nuremberg 2" hearings , etc etc....and we are supposed to believe that everyone was caught by surprise !? It was clear SOMETHING was up early on , and Google hadn't scrubbed well yet so you could say , watch that Chinese doctor who disappeared warning of something there in November 2019.

I saw that video , and remember because I had taken mom grocery shopping on base, it was very crowded and the men had just returned from " war games " in (I'm pretty sure) Wuhan....

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I thought Jessica’s letter was pretty good. She got his timeline right and asks a lot of great questions (which he will never answer).

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See, you could maybe give him a pass.

Until he tried to pour cold water on Hospital Death Protocols.

Which the Scorpion is trying to protect, because this is a magnificent way to get rid of Useless Eaters.

That Hospital Death Protocol denial is his albatross around his neck.

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Will the Rime of the Ancient GrandMariner be his well-iced Cask of Amontillado? The Masons are going to wall him in, down in the basement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1trgIWENOdQ

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Wow!! Quite a letter Wish he would answer

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Watched this Twilight Zone from the 80's that reminded me A LOT of what has been transpiring these last four years.... we are like monkeys.... only 21 mins of your time....

Many, Many Monkeys - S03E26 - The Twilight Zone 1985

"Shortly after entering a hospital emergency room, Mrs. Reed goes blind from cataracts. While Nurse Claire Hendricks is visiting her hospital room, Mrs. Reed tells her that they are two of a kind. Uninterested in her cryptic remarks, Claire leaves. Mr. Reed is brought to the hospital, having been abandoned by Mrs. Reed after he started going blind.

The spontaneous cataract development proves to be an epidemic. Claire, despite her incredible workload, visits with Mrs. Reed again. Mrs. Reed again says they are alike and claims the blindness is divine retribution on a human race that has become indifferent to suffering, like monkeys—see no evil, speak no evil, etc."


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This is funny. There was an author who was awarded the Nobel Prize of literature in 1997 or so. He published a novel with the same plot as that Twilight Zone episode you comment. He totally plagiarized it!

We can't even trust the literary Nobel prize laureates!

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Nobel Prize continues to be a Venn Diagram of Shitfuckery.

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always afoot!

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Double Agent Roger...check out that third author on the book.

You think they might have planned that out in Puerto Rico. got that shit out in three months.

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Man, we've been places, haven't we!

If you care for it, there is an interview on this book on rumble, between MC and Fareed, who smiles a lot. If I remember the interview right, this doctor has been all his life a rich people doctor: professional tennis players and people in those circuits.

Then he descended from the clouds to help the sick and poor Mexican illegal immigrants during the pandemic, to give them IVM because they cannot skip a day of work.

It's all pretty funny looking.

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Narrator: Did not care for it. 😅

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Some nobel prizes come with little buttons you can push, to make sound effects. Sort of like the Staples Easy Button.

Guess whose sounds like this:

"Vrroooommm! Pew Pew Pew! Boom! Aaahhhhhh (indistinct wedding party screaming)"

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Literature is an op.

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Which is why Poetry Doctorates make it into Presidential Administrations.

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Probably couldn’t write a good limerick to save her life

Sorry that was misogynist

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Write me a limerick right now and I'll give it a go.

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There once was a misogynist spy

Writing poems to make a man cry

They were all titled ‘Vagina’

And even boxers from China

Shouted Fight! holding fists to the sky

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yes it is! lol!

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, wow....thanks for this tidbit.... ;) Yeah, the Nobel prize....

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? Source .. :^) ?

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Blindness, by Saramago

(original title "Essay on Blindness")

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Terrorize the population,

remove loved ones from visiting and replace them with strangers in masks,

lockdowns keeping everyone indoors and stationary, out of the sun (vitamin D, nitric oxide, etc.)

suppressing the use of antibiotics to deal with the inevitable hospital pneumonia

Using “repurposed” drugs that prove to be toxic.

Venting early, trashing diaphragms (see pneumonia above)

What could go wrong?

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It went exactly like it was supposed to go.

They shaved lots of life off lifespans with unnecessary gene editing shots with DOD knows what adjuvants and cut those pesky Medicare Useless Eater roles down to size.

They just needed lots of Tier One Clear Coat Sales and Tier Two Mop Up Clear Coat Sales.

Hucksters. And / or read-in on board with the agendas marginal people.


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Let’s not forget all the Medicare and social security payments they got out of paying!!! The primary target at the beg of this whole shit show ! Boy they really had this one planned out and they are now getting soooo rich on all the drugs they made and are selling on tv daily for all the new diseases they created!! How does anyone not see it!!

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I would wonder how that math works out — lots of youngers put on disability.

Of course Kanada’s way ahead on that problem

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I’m interested in seeing those stats, so I can forward to those interested

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I don’t have them directly, but often see Edward Dowd post numbers of disabled since the adventof the shots..

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does Ed ever suggest that we didn't need the shots and that the pandemic was faked to purposely reduce the population just like HI was set afire to seize the land?

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Just read the original Monash study and it I have a few questions. LOL. How can they keep viruses alive in their supposed isolate if they then have to later add vero cells and all this crap in a petri dish to get the viruses to be there? That makes NO sense! If they have an isolated bunch of virus already shouldn't they just be able to see it without all the crap being added? The supposed science behind all of it is so dumb and is more a magic trick than science! AND they tested with PCR to show that the viral particles were present. Totally fraudulent and nonsensical test. This is some fucked up science and McCullough, Kory, etc... are all frauds too using this "science" to sell their nonsense! Can't wait to see what kind of trial they are going to be involved in again that is going to "change medicine forever" by pushing Merck products like ivermectin. We live in clown world.

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The "isolation" of virus process is not unique to Monash.

That is the process!

it is ridiculous.

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I just didn't know what they were basing the whole ivermectin good narrative off of. Thank you for sharing the info about it! I had no clue. It is all horse shyte!

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I haz a bunch of posts on Monash.

Me, the timing, in addition to the normal *isolation* shitfuckery is the tell.

They had that study in the books by April 3, 2020. Cancer researchers.

IVM isolated and the Mectin kills it in cell culture.

Way way too fast and the fake pandemic didn't even have its track shoes on yet.

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My question is though...how do they know they have isolated virus (which I know they don't exist) in their sample they use in vitro if they haven't added the needed vero or whatever cells to it yet? It is all SO stupid if you stop and think about the bullshit they are trying to say! And now everyone is freaking out about Monkeypox today. I think yesterday it was Avian Flu. And then tomorrow it will be the anal leakage virus. It is so freeing to know it is all booooolshyte! Your info is amazing and I hope more and more people listen and realize they have been bamboozled by these fucktards!

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They cannot isolate the virus directly from the host, they claim.

They claim that they isolate it by adding more genetic materials: vero cells (monkey kidney) and fetal bovine serum and then stuff like "Eagle's Medium" etc.


If you want to watch a 20m video, it's here:



Me, I have desperately tried to reduce the sauce down to elevator pitch.



Sarah goes deeper into the weeds with this, and I am not jumping ahead to any conclusions that nothing is there, (although I lean that way....)

I try to adhere to WHAT CAN THEY SHOW YOU?

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Sage Hana

I have had months long conversations with Dr. Wagh about it and she's one smart cookie. I wish they wouldn't have effed her over like they did. She's actually pretty damn amazing. Lanka is the GOAT too! Thank you for the links. Will definitely watch and read. Their logic though doesn't make any damn sense! They supposedly have the sample to look at but can't see it without all the juju. Yeah. No.

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What he meant to say is that they were dying on the INSIDE, from emotional stress. On the outside they were fine. Don`t be so damned literal, Sage!

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Dr Tyson is from the Imperial Valley where I live. I worked as a nurse in some of the worst covid infected skilled nursing facilities in Southern California. I also worked in hospice where no one with Covid died from it. As well as for FEMA in a migrant station in Imperial County. I've seen both sides of the coin as far as treatments is concerned. From federal government pushing of PAXLOVID to antibodies. To hearing my medical director at hospice parrot the party lines from the news while in IDT meetings. Listened to him wanting to scream asking him why the redesmivir? I live in Palm Springs in the 1990s and saw 1st hand the devastation of redesmivir then with Aids.

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*Covid infected nursing facilities.

Any chance they got radiated?

Or poisoned?

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No Hana they died from neglect. Because most of the uninformed nursing and CNA staff quit on the spot. When they didn't come into work the nursing registry nurses jumped into action. We saw extremely high hourly rates to go work in these shit holes. I will never disparage anyone that quit during or even pre covid. Everyone has their own reasons or demons or even burdens to bear. The ones I admire most are those that returned after a time. Then stuck it out. Even after being threatened of job loss if you weren't Vax d. Watch those TikTok videos again. Hospitals were empty. The murders were happening in the skilled nursing and memory care homes. Over crowded understaffed. Older adults suffered from even more neglect than normal. When the national guard showed up they didn't help. The didn't know how. They didn't send nurses or even medics. They just sent bodies to make it look good. They kept people's loved ones away and in the dark about what was happening. Held patients against their will. On top of it all they closed the courts so we couldn't sue anyone for an injunction to the mandate in California. Mandates are not laws nor are acts or treaties. I could write a book about the atrocities I witnessed first hand in Southern California during that living nightmare from February 2020 at the first city wide lock down that occurred in the US in Palm Springs California where I lived through February of 2023 when California kicked FEMA out of the illegal 8mmigrant testing site. Fed money paying NGOs to smuggle illegal immigrants all over the country. Newsome did the same thing as Abbott and DeSantis. This next election cycle will bring more than another pandemic. It will bring more than medical death. War will never be civil. My prediction is there are many done with turning the other cheek. Count me in on that. Count me in to fight to my last breath.

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When the truth cannot be readily found, run for the hills.

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Iron Maiden. Run to the hills. Great song

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IVM WORKS for parasitic infection, from personal experience. Family Dogs, human family...

It may help those who are congested, loaded with the buggers,perhaps the parasites s l o w a persons ability to naturally recover?

Seems far from the 'magic bullet' professed...

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Author

It also works as a prophylactic for alleged viruses and cancer.

*edit to be clear: 👆This is how it is being sold. A MIRACLE DRUG.

You just have to take lots of it and let it accumulate in your fat cells.


Now that's not really what this post is about.

But gosh, if IVM Sales Rep knows this, then wouldn't you have to say that there was an organized murder campaign by the State?

Why would you dance on the graves of the dead and maimed so your little Fee-Fee World would not be "lost to you"?

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

I'm reading this: http://davidrasnick.com/ewExternalFiles/Chromosomal%20Imbalance%20Theory%20of%20Cancer.pdf

It's a formal science book from 2012, not a popular book, where the author explains the history of the hypothesis of contagious cancer (by viruses) and explains why it's wrong. Cancer is not contagious or a product of an infection. HPV vaccine goes off the window, with all its profits and population control features.

He then explains his cancer theory. Which basically indicts every poison out there, including drug ingredients, vaccine ingredients, herbicides, and many other things.

Cancer is like a chain reaction of a nuclear reactor, and it's caused by the accumulation of changes and an imbalance in chromosomes. (The chromosomes are, if I understand it correctly, a form of manifested by genome during cell division; a way to package the code and copy it for the new cell)

So, if the aneuploidy theory (chromosome imbalance) is true, then I can imagine them creating an injection that will cause cancer slowly, and blame it on virus or the misfortune of environmental contamination. It's a very Machiavellian plan, no one will ever notice it.

Did they have a project to equalize the cancer mortality among the age groups? I wonder this because people die of cancer when they are old, having accumulated much damage over many years of exposure to bad stuff.

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

I spent a lifetime reassuring my brilliant mother, who had a cancer germ phobia nearly identical to Howard Hughes's phobia, that cancer was NOT contagious.

Her comfort from my assurances was always short lived, because her paralyzing fear was trapped in her body - actually physiological - due to numerous barbaric medical experiments done on her.

Thanks for this reference ManyNames.

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I think much of what is going on with Cancer is meant to make it "contagious" as with viruses (HPV) and now...parasites.

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Yesss. But I'm still lost in the historical weeds of variolation for smallpox. Indigenous deaths by blanket and a large batch of boys, of all ages, simultaneously itching their various degrees of bad chickenpox.

At least the lice outbreak was visible.

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Contagion is indeed where this must go. IMO>

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You’re welcome.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Works against an outbreak of unicorns too. People always forget that. Huge selling point. I mean, do you SEE any unicorns around? Your honor, I rest my case.

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This is the magic of prophylaxis.

If you don't get "it", it worked.

If you do get "it", then imagine how much worse it would have been if you had NOT been taking the elixir.

Oh sure, we laugh at the jabbed who say this. Sure do.

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Aug 8Liked by Sage Hana

Also applies to: sky fairy and pascals wager. This one weird trick really does some heavy lifting.

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You still have to sell the Threat Matrix.

You have to sell the Threat Matrix.

And then the Prophylaxis.

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THC lives there as well. In the fat cells. What is Grey matter or white matter in your brain. Fat cells. Just saying.

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I take issue with your chiding and accusation of one living in a 'fee fee world'.


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Don't read the shit then.

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I can give you even more information. I was privy to see the gene sequencing of covid before the drug companies allegedly got it. I've got a cousin that is a geneticist. CRISPER files are availible when published everywhere pre print. Gain of function was an understatement. They put in everything but the kitchen sink into that virus. HIV was encoded 3 separate times. I would think to increase the voracity of the virus. To make it hold on much longer than a normal corona virus. The 1st cov 1 vaccine worked well for the monkeys they tested it on. Until they were intoduced to the spike protein again. At which point they died in under 24 hours. I don't know if any of this is still on any servers. My cousin's girlfriend at the time worked for another geneticist that corona virus was his specialty here in the states. In January 2020 I had a chance to read his notes from most of what he'd worked on for cov1 he was the one that had the gene sequence.

At the end of it all you should know. It was never about the virus. Because corona virus and the spike protein have been around as the common cold forever. It was about the Vax and the systemic killing off of a better part of the world population. I was not born in to that world. Nor were any of you I imagine. That of the super wealthy. They don't want you and I around asking questions. But ask we must and take extensive histories and notes because when it come again and it will we must be able to stand and not comply. To resist this wrecking of of world for a few thousand rich egolomaniacs. That want it all. Not some of everything but all of everything.... But that is a story for another day.

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I'm seeing this late

Y 'all are cracking me up I really appreciate the dark humor this morning, it helps me more than you could know.

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Inquiring minds wanna know. 🤔

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TBH, Ron Johnson knew nothing about medicine or Covid treatments in 2020, and still only knows what the many foxes who slaughtered the chickens in the henhouse, like Dr Kory, have told him.

He trusted doctors the same as any other patient did, and was misled by allopathic professionals either covering their asses or talking out of them. Johnson is also being pressured by everyone in the Pharma industry, and by colleagues to not pursue the subject. He cannot possibly come to an accurate, official conclusion on anything Covid. But at least he's trying. Politicians today are not even mentioning Covid, not even during during debates. They're trying to memory hole the entire affair. Imagine if Trump had been killed. That and what came next would have erased the horrors of past 4 years, and all involved would be off the hook.

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My heart bleeds that Ron Johnson is being pressured by the Pharm industry.

And that he holds hearing after hearing about Jabs Bad always placating (calming the marks) and making them feel like something is going to be done.

This is his role in this Operation.

Dude's an Oligarch. He is work well over one hundred million and has magnified his wealth in office quite a lot.

This may be difficult for you, but we are in 2024.

He is Homeland Security. It's in the name. Security State.

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Ron Johnson is Homeland Security and knows a lot.

This is a variation on every single excuse that I have heard to avoid that you got sold out by people who you like.

If you like them, they got duped.

If you don't like them, hang them.

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Kory partook in the murder, to sell the threat matrix, therefore he can't admit he was guilty of the murder, because then his world (life) would be justifiably over.

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