Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, you can have a hug! 🎯🔥

Thank you for zeroing in on what's real day after day.

The parasites cancer layer of the cake is personal (lost my mom to cancer) and they prey on fear, and give people false hope. I hate it.

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My condolences.

Both my parents as well.

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry 😞

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oowww...it's just not right

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry to hear that.

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🤗for the Bread. 💕

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Bread Friday. 😅

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Ugh .. You're definitely a better writer than DJ.

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

I had to listen to the whole song.

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“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone."


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❤️ Love him! My favorite of his is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QYThANlFtA

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

SH, you know Billy Gates loved injecting Africans. Africa has always been the pharma dumping ground. Think the AIDS epidemic was some zoonotic shit or more "testing"? I know where my money's at. Perhaps cancer is the solution to stop the overbreeding. Wait for the Malaria mRNA vax; more profits in the making. "You pay us to kill you."

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A ground-breaking public-private partnership

In order to reach this goal, Merck leaders recognized that many organizations with unique skills would need to work together as a team. To enable this collaboration, Merck established the Mectizan Donation Program (MDP), a ground-breaking public-private partnership. Operating from the Atlanta-based *Task Force for Global Health, the MDP coordinates technical and operational activities between Merck, WHO, endemic countries, and a range of public and private stakeholders.



Major funders include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CDC, WHO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, de Beaumont Foundation, United States Agency for International Development, Sightsavers, Pfizer, Merck & Co., Johnson & Johnson, and GlaxoSmithKline. The Task Force is affiliated with Emory University, headquartered in Decatur, Georgia, a town in metro Atlanta, and has regional offices in Guatemala and Ethiopia. The Task Force currently supports work in 154 countries.[12]

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Killing them with kindness.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

https://i.imgflip.com/90j679.jpg. 😁

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That line just has so much mileage to it as a meme. Public-Private Partnership always screams BOHICA! It's almost like seeing "sustainable" in a subject; the strong smell of bullshit wafts over it. I love keyword bingo!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

To me it screams fasces. Maybe Paperclip nabbed some businessmen too?

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Not really. Look into the how the Bush family made their money. Prescott somehow turned a charge of essentially treason into a Congressional Seat. The bastards were already here. When you realize it's one big theater club and only you suffer the consequences, the rhyme of it all just appears in the cycles of history.

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There was also the Dengue fever jab which killed untold numbers of children in the Philippines.

The mRNA platform is dead in the water. No one will take them, or at least not enough that they can turn a profit.

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It won't stop them from trying. Who says they'll be honest about the shots? Plasmid contamination has been an "issue" for a long time. SV40 sequences are a big Rockafella fave for a long time now.

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It is more desperation now. They have sunk extremely large amounts of their money into these things and risk losing it all; this is the only play they have left.

Unfortunately for them, there has already been way too much carnage to be covered up. Who's gonna' take something that dangerous, or allow their kids to get it?

And, the People will come after them - hopefully soon.

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Who has sunk money in? Why is this about money? What is money? What is money, to them? They go brrrrr by the trillions. They shake off money like a dog shakes off water. Money is just a silly game they make us play, so they have people to serve caviar for them. This is not them with a lemonade stand trying to sell mRNA. They are not worried about money.

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They only get serious when you start talking gold. Look how that worked out for Khadafi.

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Even then, I think it’s a bit of play acting, so they continue to get free labor. The currency they trade in is ruthlessness and raw power. Money is power? No. Power is power.

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

once you see the laser pointing scorpions, they are everywhere

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

the spellcasting in

"treating cancer" pegs the meter

what a treat it is to have cancer !

treat yo self ! (Parks n Rec)

cancer bad! cancer needs to be fought! but, first, let's treat it!

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We should have a Cancer Moonshot!

Courtesy the DOD.

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Working on a proposal for Elon to send Bill Gates up on a Starship with a dunk tank full of king crabs

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I am not endorsing the parasite/cancer connection but don't you find it interesting that Nitazoxonide, Mebendazole/Febendazole and Ivermectin are all anti-cancer drugs but anti-parasitic drugs as well.

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I do find it interesting, yes.


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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Globalactics 🤑 bank roll the antiviral/prophylactics to all the world (because they care about humanity so much)

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When I was a young lad, Prophylactics were to protect yo 🌭 from bad little girls. 😎😎

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Have you noticed that all the cars/ sun's have their own special oil

Yet they inject all of huuuumanity with one jab and now want to fix things with the mectins

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

They do wonders for unicorns and faeries too. I’ve been unicorn free since I started squeezing tubes straight into my gullet.

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I've been slamming the DDT and I am also unicorn free.


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You may still be unicorn presymptomatic

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The faeries are a bitch though…worse than lice.

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I like unicorns

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"the 'mectin will continue until the wasabi improves." <<<-- this is what every delicensed doctor says these days.

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Can I haz hug?

long distance *hugs* to you Sage

Do you really believe there is any way to know what is in the mectin? processed food? bottled drinks? sausage and hamburg? drinking water? your garden soil?

I don't know of any...

Just another day in paradise...

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Sage Hana

Damn. Just got done reading your other post and was going to thank you for the shout out. And then you stab me in the back with Baby I'ma Want You. 😂

I don't know, but I don't think parasites cause most cancers. If you can trust the science, all the mectins, including wasabimectin, kill parasites by binding to their nerve and muscle cells causing paralysis and death, while not binding to those same cells in mammals. Ivermectin does affect several cellular pathways in humans though. It binds to the hsp90 heat shock protein, suppresses the action of TAMs, which can suppress tumor cell death, and upregulates the tumor suppressing p53 gene. Ivermectin can kill tumor cells, but not all of them, maybe 75%, so it won't cure cancer on its own. Haha, if you can believe the science, that is.

I think some real science must be done or they wouldn't know what to falsify. Every drug has various actions on various biochemical pathways, so to call something an anti-parasitic is an oversimplification and doesn't address what it does in the body, the HOW of its killing effect.

That said, you have convinced me that there is some type of op going on, and unless I actually have cancer I won't be touching the stuff.

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It's as if the medical industry doesn't use any logic whatsoever, but, at the same time, is really confident about things that are not supported by scientific evidence.

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☝️By design.

By design.

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Parasites thrive in a toxic environment. They do not cause cancer, or autism and many other conditions for that matter, but they are accumulation indicators of heavy metal pollution. The toxicity causes illness and God knows we get enough of that served to us in food, water, air and injectables. I dove into this after (AFTER) my first born was diagnosed with autism.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Sage Hana

Isn't this why we're hanging here and not elsewhere?!

from Elias Lonsdale: “But to access and do honor to this advanced faculty is rare (seeing the inner essence of things…the code). For seeing the whole truth is excruciating to the ego-mind.

And therefore the battle is on to awaken to that innermost truth…or to succeed brilliantly in adapting your truth to the marketplace, selling your soul to the highest bidder.”

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Aug 17Liked by Sage Hana

No hugs for you...only bread and water until you stop telling lies about all out lies. Signed, the AMA, CDC, WHO, UN, FDA, NIH and DOD.

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Yasssss! Bread! Now you are defs my favorite writer! :)

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Ivermectin is spermicidal and causes male infertility. That's why certain people are so invested in pushing it. It's not the only medicine for internal parasites. Lots of people in the south take one dose of turpentine in the spring and one in the fall. If you have a parasitic infection such as candida (a common one), a doctor has written a protocol for the use of turpentine: https://archive.org/details/turp_candida_daniels/mode/2up

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This was cool to find out about, thanks!

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There are a million different parasites and they all do different things in the body. Some release chemicals that turn genes on and off. Some invade your joints and nervous tissue (candida yeast). All release toxins, especially when they die off. Some of the animal parasites release dopamine to reward desired behaviors such as gluttony and release toxins to punish undesirable behaviors such as fasting. It's not that parasites cause cancer, it's that certain parasites release chemicals that change DNA and cause tumor growth as a food supply. I am just learning about this stuff, but I've noticed behaviors in some of the jabbed that make me think internal parasites are running the show. When people have unusually large pupils (black eyes) it could be because they are raging on dopamine released by internal companions. If the black eyed rage corresponds to animal cruelty, I think the behavior could be the result of a parasitic infection. Check out Tessa Lena's work: https://tessa.substack.com/p/parasites-and-philosophy-of-medicine She doesn't talk about parasites and mind-control, but one could learn a lot from her.

Did you know cruelty to animals is way up? https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vaxxed-people-turning-sadistic-or Are we witnessing a terrain war between parasites? Most people with dogs and cats share internal parasites with their pets. Is that why the jabbed are expressing cruelty toward animals? Because their new parasites don't want competition? What is with the globalist's bent on replacing pets with robots? Does having mammalian companions prevent the takeover of alien/novel internal parasites? Having chickens and rabbits does improve human immune systems, and I think the proximity of dogs and cats could have similar impacts on the human terrain. Was the 1998 movie The Faculty predictive programming about the reality of parasitic mind control of humans? There is also a Star Trek Next Gen. episode about a race of symbiotic people, where a parasite lives within a humanoid host and it's actually the parasite that lives on after its host's body has died.

Ask yourself this: If parasites are not causing cancer and debilitating mind diseases and cognitive injury, then why are anti-parasitic medicines curing these problems? There is a cheap, widely available medicine. Pure gum spirits of turpentine. Loaded with terpenes. All parasites hate it.

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