Sure. But are those nuclear weapons as destructive/deadly as they claim? I always wondered for example, why Japan has some of the highest life expectancy in the West if nuclear radiation has a half-life of > 200,000 years. What about Chernobyl? How come nature and people were thriving in that area? I don't believe anything they say. Bluff, bluff, bluff, ignorance and distraction remain their strongest weapon...... I got off the fear porn train and life is better now.

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Sorting out Fear Porn vs. what is real is amazingly complex.

The real fear is what I have witnessed now twice in my life:

Mass Formation reax by indoctrinated normies who will turn on their fellow citizens when given the curated information which usually haz fundamental root lies attached.

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and do we even have nukes? If they fear porn us with them, I need to question it...how many head fakes does it take to terrorize the masses into complete surrender?

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"Indoctrinated normies who will turn on their fellow citizens."

"He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy." ~Winston Smith (George Orwell - 1984)

Normies, Karen's, or the pretty young women as described by Orwell have driven much of the discontent. Of course, the Faucis, Barics, and Bill Gates of the world are pushing the agenda, but it is usually a woman in society who is chastising you for not wearing a mask. The low-testosterone men and simps that take up so much space today have adopted the agreeableness that used to be attributed primarily to women. I suppose "normies" is a good blanket term that encapsulates the segment of society that is happy to do Big Brothers bidding. This is the bigger issue. If a large part of society said, "Enough is enough," we could end a good chunk of the craziness. But with the Israeli and Palestinian's flags on social media profiles and the "Love is Love" signs at the end of their driveways, it has become clear that the majority of our population is happily turning on their neighbors.

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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

Jerm did a podcast in Dec 2022 with Mark McDonald on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think he said it was a shit-ton of napalm

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Did not see the Mark McDonald one, but did see this.


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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

My bad...Mcdonald was the day before on something else. Reading glasses may help!

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Would this be the same McDonald who was in Puerto Rico?

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Yah, he no be there...

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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

Damn. Two posts down. I need to read faster. And wider.

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🚌💨 🏃‍♂️💨🍃

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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

Dr Michael Palmer wrote a bigass paper on it. Footnotes and all. Poked more wholes in it than a screen door. Just for fun. I’ll try to find it.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

Ran across this the other day fwiw…

Former intelligence officer and author of 'Behold a Pale Horse', William Cooper, speaking in 1992:

"Israel was created as the instrument to bring about... a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war."

"And what is the answer to that? They're going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations, and we come together as one humanity in a one world government."

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There you go. ☝️

Buttressed by Russo and Bollyn, Honneger, etc. on 9/11.

Most of the stuff in the Day Tapes, apart from...fucking coming true...and it didn't stop coming true after 1988 when Dunegan recorded them....but most of it has corroboration from others with their ear to the ground.

The Depopulation stuff is a Kissinger/Nixon speech/Population Bomb away.

People love to tell me that the Day Tapes are an Op and I say, debunk them.

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I can personally vouch for the Day tapes being born in 57.

All the memories came rushing back of all the weird topics (propaganda) along with life long questions finally started to make sense to me for the first time.

The day I first simultaneously read and listened to them I relived so many childhood memories I felt as if I was outside of myself and reliving the moments in time of classroom lessons, questions I asked parents that until then remained unanswered.

It was all surreal and still is, knowing my life was influenced by so much propaganda and lies.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

I think that the Cold War was not supposed to end so abruptly with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Some of the better informed historians think that Gorbachev was not under extreme pressure to end the system but rather that he chose to sabotage it. They could have continued indefinitely.

For the remarks about closer cooperation than people think, the go to historian is Antony Sutton, who wrote not only about US tech transfers to and early support for the Soviets but also about Hitler being financed by US bankers (associated with Skull and Bones.)

If the end of the Soviet Union was a surprise, that explains the scramble to assemble a new major threat to justify continued defense spending and a crackdown on freedom. The solution they came up with was to transform the CIA sponsored Arab mujahideen network into a global terror threat and pretend it was 'blowback.'

A remarkable example of how well they manipulated the narrative can be found in some books. I've been reading Dollars for Terror published in 2000 by a Swiss journalist. In it, he details the incredible money network that moved Saudi funds around the world to support terror. The original Arab Afghan networks were managed with CIA assistance by Pakistani ISI and Bin Laden. He shows how radical Islam was very commercial and generally served US globalist interests. In fact, radical Islam has ties to the Nazi intel networks later absorbed by the US (via Muslim Brotherhood) and British imperial interests (via Saudi Wahabbism). It is a long term Anglo-American sponsored movement despite pretensions to the contrary. He also mentions how the blind sheikh who they blamed for the first World Trade Center bombing was brought into the US on a passport issued by a CIA agent, in what the government described as a 'series of errors.'

Then you have the pulitzer prize winning The Looming Tower, which says exactly the opposite. Bin Laden was a nobody who was swindled out of his inherited wealth in Sudan. He didn't do anything in Afghanistan other than as a symbol and his family and Saudi royal family ties weren't really important since he was 'officially' banned from Saudi years before 9/11. He definitely didn't handle logistics for the CIA weapons flow due to being able to bring in people from his father's major construction company. No one could have seen something like 9/11 coming because Bin Laden was so peripheral and so it was a big shock to US intel.

It becomes more and more obvious that the Pulitzer prize winning book was part of an officially crafted cover story. The proof becomes more obvious with each passing year as, for instance, when we see radical Islam serving US (and Israeli interests) in Syria by forming an Islamic state. Or we can watch Putin mention 'incidents in the north Caucusus' about which he warned the CIA he knew they were involved. Or sudden radical Islamic terorr attacks in Moscow after dark hints by US officials.

The pattern is clear: radical Islam, with the exception of a few aberrent attacks in the post Cold War period, serves US interests. It was simply used as a convenient reason to point to for certain desired outcomes in much the way that we sponsored and then hated Saddam without the public batting so much as an eyelid over it.

So I think the Day tape mentions of nuclear war were in anticipation of the Soviet Union lasting past the millenium. When they didn't, they had to adjust the plans but now that we have evil Putin's omnipresent Russian threat, I guess we are back on the original script.

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Epic comment and educated me a great deal. Thank you. 💥

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

There was one particular point in Dollars for Terror that really stood out to me. The author cites an Israeli ex intel official c late 1970s about the strategic, regional plans of Israel. In short, their first priority was the splitting of Iraq and Syria into ethnic or sectarian blocs to weaken them.

Just think about this: what was the #1 achievement of the war on terror globally? It was the invasion of and partition of Iraq into an autonomous Kurdish northern region with a conflicted Sunni / Shia gov for the rest of the country.

The second main consequence of the war in Iraq was the rise of ISIS and their influence on the Syrian civil war, which continues to this day with US occupation of key oil reserves. In other words, exactly the goals this Israeli official mentioned so many years ago and that were printed in 2000 in this book.

BUT ONE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY DIRECT U.S. ACTION AND THE OTHER BY A "TERROR" GROUP. Both of those served the same ends. It blows my fucking mind because I was -in- Iraq fighting 'global terror' and now I see what was really going on and I am ashamed and pissed off to degrees that surpass my ability to explain.

Here is a photo of the page in that book detailing the strategy and also a bit about how US and Israel supported radical Islam in Yugoslavia (also mentioned by Putin when talking to Tucker about how he knew that there would be no rapprochement with the West after the end of the Soviet Union.) Sorry for the crappy photo.


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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

I'll mention something even more wild. One of the major events that was supposed to show the public how islamic terror was opposed to the US were the Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam bomb attacks in 1998. These were extremely professional jobs. They exploded only 4 minutes apart. Among the hundreds that died were only 12 Americans.

The attacks had been preceded only one day earlier by a statement from an otherwise unknown group that they were angry at the US for capturing some of their Islamic brethren in an eastern European country.

Now what does this remind you of? Oh yes, of course, there was already predictive programming for this in place. Die Hard. The "classically educated" group of European and US criminal thieves steal from a bank vault while masquerading as a terror group. They read a statement on the phone demanding the 'freeing of their revolutionary brethren.' Exactly like the message related to the embassy attacks-- the real life message from real life terrorists AFTER the movie.

Die Hard reads like a plot for a global movie where the only thing they had to change for the live exercise was marxism to islamic terrorism and nakatomi towers to the twin towers.

Here is a relevant passage from Dollars for Terror:


I believe these attacks were part of converting the CIA's Arab mujahideen networks into 'global terror' networks in the public mind by highly visible strikes on the US.

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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

It's mindblowing to me that the greatest conspiracy in the history of man, played out over generations and across nations basically boils down to this: "Hey uh, dat's a purty nice set of cities and countryside you got der, bub. Sure would be a shame if something happened to them. Why don't you just take this collar instead."

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Assuming that they don't just shut down ALL the wrongthink and murder those who keep asking questions...

Hoooomanity may be on the cusp of a great awakening. (Murdering the world is hard.)

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Apparently this is 'fact checked' and everyone is like "Sudden deaths soar. This is fine. Fact check approved."


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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Ok, so, I’m not sure if you are being sarcastic, but…

It just occurred to me that ‘murdering the world is hard’ might be your version of ‘so you’re saying I have a chance!’ I’d always read it as ‘poor monster. Your work is really hard. (said sarcastically)’. Am I correct? Do I detect a modicum of…hope? Or something hope adjacent?

Crazy how hard it is to embed meaning into words. So easy to misinterpret.

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"Murdering the World is hard." = It is difficult to keep everybody on the same page. It is difficult to coordinate.

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Welp I just found me a couple dozen fat spears of wild asparagus in the bushes SO SCREW YOU FOOD SHORTAGE GLOBALIST MFERS!!!

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Make sure you PCR test them for Covid.

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I was counting on that for the sauce

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It is so past time for the Great Retaliation...the Great Uprising...call it whatever you want, but it needs to go kinetic...RIGHT NOW...

I thought this article was summing it up pretty well...


Keep driving those Day Tapes home - I do the same with the NASA leaked doc, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and the Iron Mountain Report...rinse and repeat...in fact, I'm due to roll those babies out again...thx

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This is a bit like the Day Tapes https://youtu.be/rw4z-rSwNjY?si=8mzztt5nRHbNktRh

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Apr 15Liked by Sage Hana

AlllllrightyThen! This explains the bigger picture of why the Day Tapes even happened to come about. Thank you so much for this. Everyone needs to hear this because the more people that realize their potential as he describes it, the more power we have to make changes to their plans. Amazing information:)

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Plans never survive contact with the enemy....

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

"people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System."

Before covid, I would never have thought this, Sweet Summer Child that I was. But now it is without a doubt. When I talk to neighbors, I see this. I brought up the MAID program with a neighbor who's a generation younger than I. She was in favor of it. Too many people, says she. Very rigid, but her whole life centers around this since she's never had children and is an only child. So netzero and not taking up space is her center. Shock, but I see how she's bought the "too many ppl" far more than I did and I did that was bad enough (only two kids to save the world).

This was the recent shock, but I've had other conversations, including a grandma who wouldn't visit her grandkids, though invited, bc the family was against the shots. And many more. These 2 ppl are both angry and their anger is directed at anyone against the narrative. No one insulted them personally, but it's as if they had. I keep trying to have these conversations bc that seems the right thing to do, but it is very thick. Add other friends and family where it's even worse.

One friend has been a fan of the freedom docs and is against the shots. He's a fan of Kory, as I once was. However, the Day Tapes may be a bridge too far. I don't think he'd turn on anyone though. I plan to call him soon.

His sister, my best friend in childhood is pro-shots and her husband says to stop talking to anyone who badmouths them. (I was doing so at the time trying to talk her away from getting more). And yet, this is way beyond that. I feel more than a bit hopeless thinking about it. But somehow I managed to absorb this information, though I've been as brainwashed as anyone. So maybe others can. And now, the nuclear thing, maybee not real! OhNo. Every time I read on this stack, it's like getting an icewater shower. Srsly.

Thing is, it's hard emotionally to look at how large an evil this is. Maybe my pessimism is why I seem to do it where others haven't. Is there a way to make others more pessimistic? Weird thought, but still. . .

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There are alot of people in alot of places now. They gonna Lahiana all of us?

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They’re gonna give it the ol college try!

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come watson, the games afoot long nuclear submarine running on pluto in the same studio as the moon landings. vaaiirrrreeeeee interestingk.

i know personally (high school physics peer) who worked on the mars moon landing equipment and someone whose father worked on some of the early moon rockets. hmmmm. like the convid, some elements of truth to mask the expanded fakery?

and what about the nuclear bombs that destroyed the fukushima reactor that had been shut down and empty of all nuclear material at the time it was blasted on 3/11 and flooded with a man made tsunami? hmmmmm.

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If nuclear bombs exist, that is. I’m sure their regular bombs could do the job as well. And not poison “their” earth.

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The UK supply of depleted uranium munitions that went up in a mushroom last year... https://sputnikglobe.com/20231110/fallout-from-catastrophic-ukraine-depleted-uranium-explosion-reached-england-1114872089.html As you sow, so shall you reap... Or it's all just 'fog'.

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I’m surprised they haven’t nuked us yet!

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What I’m seeing in the ME isn’t very convincing.

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