In March, 2020, Donald Trump tried to push Anthony Fauci to Warp Speed Faster! The Real Anthony Fauci said slow your roll, Donny
Goldfish Brain Time. Maybe Bobby Kennedy, Jr. will write a new book entitled, The Real Donald Trump 😅
There are no heroes here.
Where did Trump get in his head that VACCINES were the answer, rushing them through even as Fauci of all people tells him to pump the brakes?
The executives, however, warned the president that a vaccine to deploy in a large scale public way would take a year to a year and a half even as they emphasized all are at various points in the testing stage, with some saying they could be at the human testing stage in a few months.
Trump latched on to that human testing number only to have Dr Tony Fauci, the NIH's director, put the brakes on his hopes for a quick solution.
'Like I've been telling you, a year to a year and a half,' Dr. Fauci said.
President Trump shrugged him off. 'I like the sound of a couple of months better,' he said.
'I've heard, very quick numbers, a matter of months. Pretty much a year would be an outside number. So I think that's not a bad,' he added of the time table for a vaccine.
'When is it going to be deployable,' Fauci reminded him. 'That is going to be at the earliest a year to a year and a half, no matter how fast you go.'
Video can be watched here and I *think* on CSPAN but I’m too tired to dig up that link.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
Prototyped the cull at the LifeCare long-term aged care facility in Kirkland Washington…
Feb 27-Mar 9 — first NY case “confirmed” Mar 1, so that article and map around then… I should compare King county ACM to NY metro area, since clearly there was a hotter outbreak in Washingon that March. Must have had people dying left and right in the streets.
Oh but wait Snohomish Sasquatch appeared Jan 19. there. Musta hid out in the woods for a while