Mr. Goldfish, CFO of Goldfish Corp., declared to the press right before entering the Court house: "I don't remember where that trillion USD is at the moment. After all, I'm a Goldfish and known nothing about finance or moon landings, just like Donald Rumsfeld on September 10th."
Mr. Jaws, former chief of the NIAID, and the cousin of Mr. Goldfish, has said "I don't remember what we did in the last pandemic and I don't think I know what are we going to do about the next ten pandemics, because I'm a shark, and I know nothing about vaccines, all I know is to kill and to dismember silly animals with cute eyes: owls, humans, sea lions, Jesuits, etc."
Yes the ops are flying fast and furious now. Same as all the executive orders, that I can't keep up with, and am stunned by the audacity of. Every Day a new experience in Stunn.
Feb 27-Mar 9 — first NY case “confirmed” Mar 1, so that article and map around then… I should compare King county ACM to NY metro area, since clearly there was a hotter outbreak in Washingon that March. Must have had people dying left and right in the streets.
Oh but wait Snohomish Sasquatch appeared Jan 19. there. Musta hid out in the woods for a while
Sage, the more you share, the more obvious it is that Trump was not some dupe in all of this. It is revolting that so many people give him a pass or make excuses for his active participation in pushing a fake pandemic, allowing lockdowns, and funding and defending the “big, beautiful vaccines” (People also defend MAHA “pro-vaccine” RFK, Jr, who recently stated he is all for kids following the CDC 80-jab schedule). And I agree with you that Hillary wouldn’t have been able to convince Republicans to get jabbed. It is all scripted and these elections are selections.
Maybe give less personal juice to it, but never underestimate the power of your voice. There is an aggregation of force happening and you are very pivotal..
The perpetrators wanted the vaccine to take 2 or more years to arrive...
Long term lockdowns, martial law, curfews, world economic conditions in the mud, huge numbers of suicides, huge numbers of deaths from iatrogenic mismanagement, etc, etc.
The DODUS already had the required specified poison ready to send out.... the delay was in getting the production up and running.
Trump is correct in saying that he saved lives, and economies... the poison was delivered earlier than it otherwise would have been.
Remember the Deagal numbers... 8 million in Australia in 2025?
The immigrants were meant to be our saviours to get the economy going...ALL PREPLANNED.
Whatever the faux-bug [if it was a bug and not high intensity EMF - same symptoms] was, it was no worse that seasonal influenza [which is no more than a seasonal detox. if you full of shit, then your flu will be tough to handle].
that's a perplexing argument. If you look at it from the other angle, which is that the good cop and the bad cop are actually in cahoots, then... well... 2020 was a big show to nullify the opposition.
And even today, the opposition is very small and very censored.
Most people believe there was a real epidemic of infectious respiratory disease, and Saint Anthony of the Jaws saved everyone with his miracle of the magic injectable product.
It's three years to the next presidential election. Too much time to cope.
I'm rooting for AOC running on a far-right latinx nationalist campaign. She already wears the blue. She can say "those damn white supremacists can beam us with DEWs all day, but the working class will always stand for what is right, and we will win and form a more perfect union!"
Plus I remember the story (myth) of pushing the olds out to sea. Which sounds like Ezekiel Eskimo Emanuel DePop Bhattacharya Jab the Olds ice ride stuff!
The question is who lied to the president about efficacy and harm,; the pharmacology industry. Are liable for the shit they profuse, Street rules, Judeo-Christian not even a thanks for the effort. Bye now
If you remember correctly, The "Clade X" study simulated a virus that spread across the world. The virus was created in a lab in China. China was seen as the rightful villain for creating this disease...but, China also created the Cure and was seen as the "World's Savior" by creating a "Vaccine". Come to find out: "Clade X" was really just a template to be used to remove President Trump. He either had to let China be credited with "saving mankind" or, he had to rush a U.S. made "vaccine" to stave off China. Remember: China was pushed into a corner with President Trump's "America First" policies. Red Panda's literal survival is dependent upon trade with the U.S. and President Xi, along with U.S. politicians and a multitude of foreign leaders, seized upon the opportunity to blame President Trump for the "virus"...and a subsequent "cure".
Synopsis: "Covid" and the "vaccine" was a trap laid to end Trump's presidency.
Signing a 2019 flu vax EO for nat'l security then a "lab leak" happens on his watch and the world economy is shut down is some fancy footwork to avoid a future trap.
Two weeks to slow a flu spread turns into years
(with sudden, fiery, nationwide riots happening in 120 cities in the US in 2020 to kick it of...)
Children , small businesses, the middle working class all on home lockdown,
swift (brazen rather than incognito) militarized medical care,
massive transfer of wealth. Experimental injections mk-ultra-ed and coerced worldwide elderly down to infants and pregnant mothers.
Now, let us mrna designer drug (injection) your cancer 48 hours after we take a peek at your blood in a lab. Because we love you.
Because the country was in lockdown, remember?!! Sheesh Louise. It was a way to get some to think it was safe enough to reopen while the SMART could see what he was doing and stay away from that damn poison!
Which God as their are many gods throughout HIS-story. Many people call Baphomet their god. Others say wine is their god. Hermes was a god. Zeus as well. Thor and Odin were called gods.
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
Mr. Goldfish, CFO of Goldfish Corp., declared to the press right before entering the Court house: "I don't remember where that trillion USD is at the moment. After all, I'm a Goldfish and known nothing about finance or moon landings, just like Donald Rumsfeld on September 10th."
Mr. Jaws, former chief of the NIAID, and the cousin of Mr. Goldfish, has said "I don't remember what we did in the last pandemic and I don't think I know what are we going to do about the next ten pandemics, because I'm a shark, and I know nothing about vaccines, all I know is to kill and to dismember silly animals with cute eyes: owls, humans, sea lions, Jesuits, etc."
And that was just 5 yrs ago!
I don't even think people remember Ops in real time any more.
Like Luigi-gate. Or Eargate. Or...TeslaTruckGate.
or FiregateHI, FiregateCA, HurricaneGateNC.
Conyers, GA. E. Palestine,OH. Three planes down in a week.
Yes the ops are flying fast and furious now. Same as all the executive orders, that I can't keep up with, and am stunned by the audacity of. Every Day a new experience in Stunn.
Did Yogi Berra say that? (j/k)
Prototyped the cull at the LifeCare long-term aged care facility in Kirkland Washington…
Feb 27-Mar 9 — first NY case “confirmed” Mar 1, so that article and map around then… I should compare King county ACM to NY metro area, since clearly there was a hotter outbreak in Washingon that March. Must have had people dying left and right in the streets.
Oh but wait Snohomish Sasquatch appeared Jan 19. there. Musta hid out in the woods for a while
Lift that shit flurmie
OK well because I don’t really have any kind of attention span I did this instead.
OK now I scowl at those weights again
Sage, the more you share, the more obvious it is that Trump was not some dupe in all of this. It is revolting that so many people give him a pass or make excuses for his active participation in pushing a fake pandemic, allowing lockdowns, and funding and defending the “big, beautiful vaccines” (People also defend MAHA “pro-vaccine” RFK, Jr, who recently stated he is all for kids following the CDC 80-jab schedule). And I agree with you that Hillary wouldn’t have been able to convince Republicans to get jabbed. It is all scripted and these elections are selections.
This was obvious immediately.
I cannot fathom that we are still doing this and am pondering quitting the Stack as we started to solve the crime and largely did so.
Right now, it's a convalescent outpost for logicians and a reprieve from the march to Hell and also a Mass Formation ongoing documentation.
Maybe give less personal juice to it, but never underestimate the power of your voice. There is an aggregation of force happening and you are very pivotal..
?? missed it ??
The perpetrators wanted the vaccine to take 2 or more years to arrive...
Long term lockdowns, martial law, curfews, world economic conditions in the mud, huge numbers of suicides, huge numbers of deaths from iatrogenic mismanagement, etc, etc.
The DODUS already had the required specified poison ready to send out.... the delay was in getting the production up and running.
Trump is correct in saying that he saved lives, and economies... the poison was delivered earlier than it otherwise would have been.
Remember the Deagal numbers... 8 million in Australia in 2025?
The immigrants were meant to be our saviours to get the economy going...ALL PREPLANNED.
Whatever the faux-bug [if it was a bug and not high intensity EMF - same symptoms] was, it was no worse that seasonal influenza [which is no more than a seasonal detox. if you full of shit, then your flu will be tough to handle].
Man did the Spooks do a fantastic job getting all this exculpatory bullshit out to the motivated reasoners to do this shit all over again.
Man oh man.
These guys are so far out in front with the Q-anon, Alex Jones, 4/8Chan shit.
I bow to your greatness, Chosen Tribe Mind Controllers.
Right on through.
Back to one.
Take Two.
Warp Speed 2.0 with cancer and AIDS shots and let's talk about food.
This was never on my bingo card. I cannot fathom that this guy is back and the cult cannot move. Cannot move. Cannot move.
Drink the Flavor Ade.
that's a perplexing argument. If you look at it from the other angle, which is that the good cop and the bad cop are actually in cahoots, then... well... 2020 was a big show to nullify the opposition.
And even today, the opposition is very small and very censored.
Most people believe there was a real epidemic of infectious respiratory disease, and Saint Anthony of the Jaws saved everyone with his miracle of the magic injectable product.
the problem is that they are already publicly promoting another round of magic into your body.
And it's like...folks gonna have to update their copes.
It's three years to the next presidential election. Too much time to cope.
I'm rooting for AOC running on a far-right latinx nationalist campaign. She already wears the blue. She can say "those damn white supremacists can beam us with DEWs all day, but the working class will always stand for what is right, and we will win and form a more perfect union!"
Will you just admit that you are American and/or a double agent in a Tel Aviv strip mall?
I'm an eskimo, so I belong to the oldest American race.
I gots dibs!
You all have lots of words for snow I hear.
Plus I remember the story (myth) of pushing the olds out to sea. Which sounds like Ezekiel Eskimo Emanuel DePop Bhattacharya Jab the Olds ice ride stuff!
And the testing they have planned
Because that's what they wanted him to do!
The question is who lied to the president about efficacy and harm,; the pharmacology industry. Are liable for the shit they profuse, Street rules, Judeo-Christian not even a thanks for the effort. Bye now
If you remember correctly, The "Clade X" study simulated a virus that spread across the world. The virus was created in a lab in China. China was seen as the rightful villain for creating this disease...but, China also created the Cure and was seen as the "World's Savior" by creating a "Vaccine". Come to find out: "Clade X" was really just a template to be used to remove President Trump. He either had to let China be credited with "saving mankind" or, he had to rush a U.S. made "vaccine" to stave off China. Remember: China was pushed into a corner with President Trump's "America First" policies. Red Panda's literal survival is dependent upon trade with the U.S. and President Xi, along with U.S. politicians and a multitude of foreign leaders, seized upon the opportunity to blame President Trump for the "virus"...and a subsequent "cure".
Synopsis: "Covid" and the "vaccine" was a trap laid to end Trump's presidency.
Counterpoint theory: Trump was elected to persuade the MAGA crowd to go along as they would have resisted had HRC given the same goodies.
Anyhoo, if nobody is going to reckon with fake CladeX Studies and nobody is going to stand up and say, I FUCKED UP, then we just gonna do it again.
Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe the Rockefellers are right. Maybe we are just too fucking stupid and need to be culled.
Nope. No. Nein. Jamais. Niente. Non.
You're right. "We just didn't love freedom enough."
Signing a 2019 flu vax EO for nat'l security then a "lab leak" happens on his watch and the world economy is shut down is some fancy footwork to avoid a future trap.
Two weeks to slow a flu spread turns into years
(with sudden, fiery, nationwide riots happening in 120 cities in the US in 2020 to kick it of...)
Children , small businesses, the middle working class all on home lockdown,
swift (brazen rather than incognito) militarized medical care,
massive transfer of wealth. Experimental injections mk-ultra-ed and coerced worldwide elderly down to infants and pregnant mothers.
Now, let us mrna designer drug (injection) your cancer 48 hours after we take a peek at your blood in a lab. Because we love you.
Because the country was in lockdown, remember?!! Sheesh Louise. It was a way to get some to think it was safe enough to reopen while the SMART could see what he was doing and stay away from that damn poison!
I hope your whole family got the shots.
Trump was saved by an assassin's bullet by God.
Do you think God would save a Holy Man if the shots weren't good and holy?
We have to trust the plan.
Which God as their are many gods throughout HIS-story. Many people call Baphomet their god. Others say wine is their god. Hermes was a god. Zeus as well. Thor and Odin were called gods.
You got "Godly" people writing "finish them" on bombs.
This is a brutal time to try and be letting it rip, but here we are.
I hope I can discourage the more militant to just go to fucking zion hedge or Rumble or some shit, but if not....we've been through this before.
Darling Nikki, showing her devotion to the Synagogue of Satan.
Hopefully you will also plan on getting the Bill Gates AIDS Vaccines and the Larry Ellison Cancer Vaccines.
Doesn't sound like this ended with lockdowns seeing as he is still full steam ahead.
Donald J. Trump
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!
Mar 07, 2024, 6:47 PM