Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana

I’m STILL unpacking this headline and it’s like a GIANT babushka doll... never-ending! And also... WTF????!!!?! 😫😫😫😫😫😫

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Just a rich Jewish billionaire concerned about antisemitism that donated some of his largesse to his alma mater a University in South Africa where two Ivermectin promoters from two completely separate(?) organizations the World Council for Health and the Frontline Covid Critical something something with promoter #1's former colleague at said university worked and they do studies together and stuff like that and they both like Ivermectin for the Dangerous Rogue Koronavirus as does the Jewisch DARPA Depopulation mini-oligarch who looks like and kinda shares the name of the first Jewish billionaire dude.

Clear as day! 😹

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20 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

👏🏽👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽

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Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana


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20 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Came here to say roughly the same thing! I'm gonna have to download it all and try to sort it.

I'm still laughing that the first "Jewish South African Billionaire" that came to mind was the owner of Neuralink.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Pretty sure the Oppenheimer clan (diamonds, Jewish) is the richest and most influential family in South Africa. They'll control the politicians there.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

And the DeBeers Family.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Purely a coincidence!!!! Riiiiight!!! 😂😂😂😂

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Such good info. I love it!

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Marie Fredriksson, the girl from Roxette, passed away in 2019, from brain cancer.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

What are the causes of brain cancer?

We are told there is such thing as the blood-brain barrier. The main work of many pharmacologists is how to overcome that barrier to gain access to ze brains. Thus, many "adyuvants" have been designed. For example, in vaccines.

Turns out that a healthy body is smarter than bureaucrats and rejects the vaccine. There is no or little reaction to the antigen. We can't have that, that's not socialistic. You will produce antibodies as you are told. You have to satisfy your quota of ABs, citizen.

The repurposed toxins and named them adyuvants, to increase the working dignity of those millions of worker-class healthy bodies.

Maybe, antigens reach places they should not reach. Maybe the escape from the deltoid is extremely common, and the pantomime since 2021 is just a revelation of what has been happening since the 1980s.

How many brain cancers have been caused by flu vaccine, yellow fever vaccine, measles vaccine, shingles vaccines, etc.?

Well, Comrade, obviously zero. The Health Soviet would not betray us like that, would they now?

Brother Sage, every time I read "soviet" I read instead "Sanhedrin." It makes more sense. The greatest good for the greatest number, the smallest bad the smallest number, etc.

They always say "it's either genetic or a virus." Gallows humor, I'm a afraid.

What's the point in exposing the internal organs of the body to terrible poisons? The type of substances that would never reach internal organs?

There is no benefit to this risk.

Murderers lie.

I like tautologies.

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The Kirsh Foundation has donated to the Clinton Foundation, which supports reproductive health initiatives, including those partnered with Planned Parenthood. Nathan Kirsh's business partner, Stephen M. Ross (related to Related Companies), has donated to Planned Parenthood.

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Finally home.

Time to unpack.

philanthropist 🔊


1. One who practices philanthropy within the construct of saving humanity by means of eugenics.

Uses advanced AI scientific modeling to mold humanity into 500,000 superior bunker dwellers.

2. A person who loves mankind (the human race) in general.

3. A very generous person or institution.

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Kriss, Kross, Kirs(c)h, Krash...... look at what little Stevie said here,,,,, might be "safe" vaccines in 5 yrs.....don't you anti-vaxxers discount it .... the MRna will be more beautiful and perfected in about 5 years, folks! https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/613ETxyZp4W1G3eJubt3Nb

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Perfect, in 5 years.

That is sufficient time to cull the remaining beat down peeps with the

'New and Approved Vaccine'.

2030 SDG's is right on schedule.

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Right on target.....

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Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana

OH! The places we'll go.......with Sage!

Vegas, New York, Puerto Rico with the boyz (and a gal)....

Africa, is it now - South Africa.

I never know where I'll end up with this newsletter's research.

Thank you for your sleuthing work.

Kinda weird, that I'm also reading today's post from Malik about Dr Jackie Stone who apparently was so legally tortured by the medical hierarchy in Zimbabwe, she took her life a few days ago.

She was a huge proponent of the dewormer and a part of the crowd, presumably, that you write about here.


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The 5 minute video - Dr Stone's last public video - at the end of Malik's post, is very telling about how she felt after hosting the last summit.


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“Potchefstroom” sounds like what you would call a small busy industrial town with tall smokestacks puffing fluffy smoke rings

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Located in a Nordic town somewhere...

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Wasn't Potchefstroom in the Harry Potter books?

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Dr Paul Marik is doing the rounds here this month, I might go see him only costs $5 bucks. Promoting the teir 2 talking points, you know boosters bad, turbo cancer, minus the nanotechnology.

They still can't get rid of the white clots, nor clean up the blood, or the bodily tissues for that matter.

Green lasers I love you, oh yes I do.

Guns and Roses anyone.

Plus one of the Drs likes me. 😁

I know these Drs know of the nanotech, they look at their own blood, I've spoken to some of them. Plus the state politicians know, which means the federal politicians know.

So it's basically this Alex quote.

We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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A well-loved quote!

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana

Eswatini King was poisoned recently,wonder if there's any connection,also Bill Gates is a big funder of Wits University,also Kirsch ia a member of what's known in South Africa as the Stellenbosch Mafia,also funds most of our political parties here as well.

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Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana

He's an illustrious passport carrying citizen of the kingdom of eswazini (formerly swaziland). Eswazi has its sites set on ecommerce and education - especially since the covid non-crises, no surprise there. What is surprising though is the extraordinarily high percentage of desf and hearing impaired people in eswazi. It's one of the biggest people groups in the country. Officially blamed on HIV (aka toxic soup delivery). I wonder how involved dear old Mr. Kirsch is in the delivery of toxins to his beloved eswazinis and of course, helpful treatments.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Couldn't resist a little dive into this rabbit hole. So Tess's researchgate list of published studies reveals that she was heavily focused on cancer and reproduction / pregnancy related work prior to covid. Seems like she'd know that the leading cause of poor pregnancy outcomes in Africa is anemia. Avermectin (animal ivermectin) causes anemia. In fact, drug combos used to treat HIV (& friends, like TB, kidney failure, etc) include these drug families and are known contributors to hearing loss. All these drugs, hearing loss, HIV, kidney probs, and poor pregnancy outcomes share at least one commonality - anemia.

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Huh... Kirsh owns the small airport near to where I am currently residing... Jandakot

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20 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Love the added (c) in the name.

On another level, it immediately reminds me of the greatest money-laundering/pilfering scheme ever created (not to mention, critical, to effective PsyOppery executions): the "non-profit" designations of 501(c)3 and 501(c)4. Outside pallets of cash, no better ways to hide hoards of thrown (away) money!

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Get a Load of This Saga of Corruption and Intrigue in Eswatini

Kudos to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for exposing the country’s role in the underground money-shuffling industry. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a62421973/eswatini-corruption-investigation-icij/

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Oct 7Liked by Sage Hana

Damndest-looking Swazi I ever did see...:).

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

"Founded in the 18th century in what is Belarus today, the Chabad Lubavitch movement is now based in Brooklyn, New York, and its operating costs alone amount to almost a billion dollars a year. This does not include the construction costs of their new buildings, which often cost several million dollars, such as the Chabad campus in San Diego for 25 million dollars.

Wealth Through Financially Strong Supporters

These large investments are made possible by extremely influential donors. These include, for example, Eduardo Elsztain, Argentina’s largest real estate entrepreneur and president of Chabad Argentina. Joseph Safra, who died in 2020 and was the richest man in Brazil during his lifetime, was also one of Chabad’s supporters, as was the South African billionaire Nathan Kirsh." <-------Boom


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