In a perfect world, someone would be investigating what Dr Day knew in 1969 when he said they had cures for cancer. We aren’t in that world.

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I *think the cancer research of the day (pardon the pun) was lumped in with nuclear radiation testing and was thus, "top secret".

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

I have dug not at all on this. How do we know that what is identified as cancer by modern medicine is actually dangerous? Is cancer screening shades of virology and PCR screening? Meaning, horseshit to get access to ze bodies? Get that radiation flowing inside. Sure, people grow lumps from time to time. Is that deadly? I don’t know. Sam seems the go-to for direction on digging into virology. Who is the go-to on cancer? Anyone? Or is cancer as a disease beyond reproach and solidly scienced?

Perhaps cancer is echoes of “all of my patients are dying!”

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MiriAF has touched on this topic.


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Thanks for the pointer! I read the first two paragraphs, and will for sure read the rest at a slower moment. Looks like a great place to start.

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The fact some humans see dollar $igns when phrasing cancer as a “growth market” is disgusting

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Our economy is heavily rooted in people being sick.

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And the sick people being certain that more testing for everything is always better and the "experts" know the things and can prescribe the "fixes" because they are big smart and they surely aren't compromised by funding and how dare you try and understand anything because this is MEDICINE and I'm sorry but when I say SCIENCE that means you shut up and take this cancer poison, asshole.

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Sarah….did you see Nass’ latest substack today?

It is an unusual (she even says so) post by her. And to be honest, does not fit with her usual narrative points.

Seems to me a bit like a brain vector deploy by the dream team to capture those who understand the greater degree of deceptions? Your thoughts?

Sure feels like an opening salvo designed as a nod to those who, like Alison Hawver McDowell, believe that TPTB are actually trying to access the “field” or energy of potentially inter-dimensional time/space.

Hard for me to articulate exactly what I’m referencing, but I do believe Alison is right that much is about energy and attempts to manipulate “reality” or “truth” through access to the field.

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🤮 <- How I feel about Meryl's post.

I think you are spot on, Laura. And affirming that people like Alison McD and Sabrina Wallace are over the target, at least to some degree.

Also eccentric and easily called batshit crazy...which is super convenient.

Maybe Meryl will start her own alternative health platform to gather the remaining few that aren't buying the bullshit.

She can call it the Etherness Company.

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Thanks, Sarah. While I trust and rely on my gut….have a hard time with Nass suddenly espousing gut wisdom. Wonder if her gut wisdom warns her off Malone. Lol.

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I have not...will take a look now.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana


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20% of GDP just in direct services

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Aug 9·edited Aug 10

....but wait...Paul Offit just posted this.... it's because we don't have FAITH in the "vaccines", guys! ..but Paul has a plan...

Restoring Faith in Vaccines

A recent op-ed in the New England Journal of Medicine offered a solution that is readily available but unlikely to succeed https://pauloffit.substack.com/p/restoring-faith-in-vaccines

...so I commented this "Faith in vaccines? Why would we need faith in science? That's religion...why are we getting the two things mixed up.... something's not right here...." ...can't wait for the response....

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana


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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

His name is All Profit. 😅😂🤣

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Here is an update on my comments.....very interesting.... https://pauloffit.substack.com/p/restoring-faith-in-vaccines/comment/64978038

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

“If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA Vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe. April, 2023"

Since that didn't come to pass, spectacularly, have they all retracted their gushing praise for this 'marvelous' technology? The LNP/Graphene/whatever that is common to all of the MRNA bioweapons having proven themselves to be killers in their own right, regardless of that alien protein coding which may or may not be in the vials.

Cancer is big business. I didn't realise just how big. Closing on half a Trillion/year in a few short years. Growing at a CAGR of 11%, which I'm guessing is going to spike higher...

Talk about an investment opportunity!

One wonders, what will it take to pull down the cult of vaccinology? Not sure if viruses are real or not. Not sure what I got sick from recently, again. But it is objectively true that putting toxic substances into your body to protect it from 'something' else is beyond insane.

...And has almost certainly yielded this harvest of cancers around the world.

A bountiful harvest for Wall Street and the Parasites.

They create the demand then they sell the cure.

Hell of a business model, literally.


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"I never saw no miracle of science That didn't go from a blessing to a curse" Miracle of Science (Sting)

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Is there any proof these will come close to working before they murder the patient? I highly doubt it. Do not trust any FDA trials. I'll never take any fizer products. Besides, it is in Pig Pharma's best interest to never have drugs that cure much of anything. Healthy patients = fewer patients and less profit. Drug companies are all about profit, even if they have to murder the patient. See recent mRNA plague of death over the last 44 months. It's still in vogue.

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"Besides, it is in Pig Pharma's best interest to never have drugs that cure much of anything."


Right. Just pretend that an anti-parasitic from Merck is not Big Pharma.

Just re-brand it as Freedom Sauce. For a SYNDROME.

Who the fuck needs proof?

You just need a Goody to go on Rogan.

Just set up a Tier One and a Tier Two.

Watch the marks tumble off the cliff.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

::exercises great restraint::

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

You are a better person than I. I’m not a pitchfork sort of person, but if I was, she’d make the short list of a dozen or so during Covid responsible for the most deaths.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe she knew too much. Maybe it was just jabs of poison. I got no science problems with poison. That shit is real, and it seems they've found ways to make it work real slow. Is that cancer? Who knows.

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We make the cancer then sell you the so-called cure at huge mark-ups. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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*WE=DOD, US State, regardless of which Figure Head Puppet. Donald Trump. Joe Biden.


Thus the problem, Watchman.

Thus the massive disconnect from a bunch of broken brains.

Thus the massive disconnect from those who cannot get over the hump on how this Cancer cookie gets baked.

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Do auroras cause cancer? Because we got another one ‘coming in’.


Yes. Another one. Every week now. 🙄

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Thank you, HAARP 👆🏻 I’m just going to blame them for everything now.

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Yeah. Spoiler alert. It’s haarp. It’s just haarp (et al).

I post these comments sorta on the key of “calling balls out of the chute”. But Jesus… these ‘super rare all my life solar flare/aurora combos’ are coming once a week now. They are working overtime to vector this little plot line into noggins. I think this Op is live. ‘Lights out’ is coming in hot. You see the cyber scenario planning session is happening on 911 this year? 🙄 23rd anniversary. Nice ol prime number. Who was it that likes primes again?

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A whole host of Secret Societies - and not Nikola Tesla 😎. SS is being really wonky this evening. I do believe all of us in this group are being watched.

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For sure. No doubt.

Did Nikola have a prime number thing? I didn’t know that!

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Yep, WE is one big happy fam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Where there are lots of jabs, there tends to be lots of 5G as well.

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I guess I’m trying to work out which parts of the bet Pfizer made and which parts taxpayers made.

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The money printer goes brrr....

Taxpayer money is a control/incentive/social engineering tool.

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::A bloodied Sage Paul picks up liver and raises fist:: “Fight Fight Fight and End the Fed!”

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Elon, synthetic drug technology is NOT the way forward. Neither is mRNA LNP crap. Does it make billions in profits? Oh hell yes. Is it good fur ya? Hell no! You suck Elon. How bout studying how to live in harmony with nature? You know, the way it was always meant to be. I wouldn’t want to be your kid either. And if I was, I’d disown you too, & change my name. Why don’t you practice leaving people & animals alone for a change? You & Gates & the rest. Evil bastards.

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All of his businesses are Monster. Miliary. INQTel funded. He quit Stanford after one week (CIA U) to become an oligarch.

Was promoted on CNN in 1997

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Okay, this is super weird!

The bot who I think is impersonating Celia Farber sends me this message: "Ok I'm waiting for you. I have something profitable to introduce to you"

to which I answer: "Sorry, I'm not interested in anything profitable. This is weird!"

The potential bot answers: "Text me I'll explain to you"


Sage of Hana, the Potans are beckoning.

Should I go?

Playing paranoid by balk shabbos in my head.

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Do not engage, Triple Agent Rog.

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I figured as much.

But she has been unable to click like in comments for months. Maybe she has created another account.


My decision is: I remain firmly on substack, I'm not installing anything.

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Okay! 👍

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

Hell no!

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99% sure it is a bot phishing people. It has been going through all comments responding with programmed invitations, it's impossible any human posts so many messages so fast.

I guess some people will give away credit card numbers out of ignorance. Celia's followers have a lot of confidence in her and the attackers aim to exploit that.

I think it's impossible the real one is doing this. This must be an attack.


I imagine this has to be linked somehow with her new book, which denounces the genocide of babies with the covid vaccine.

Censorship is based on threats and smearing reputation.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

Time to block. STAT. I was gaslit on FB for YEARS. Block/report/do what needs to be done.

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Update: the comments from the bot are gone. Substack support or someone else has erased everything in that regard. (I hope CF has not been subjected to the painful task of cleaning every bait comment.) No new post explaining the situation. The saga gets more mysterious.

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Hero worship indoctrinated doc is a fan of SH?


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Shows what they know. Nobody in their right mind would put sage in a fruitcake

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Or the corner.

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My original idea, was that you took a BLUE pill to get your pecker hard, and then you took a RED pill, after you were finished using it.

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Since this is your most recent post I thought I'd say, "You're a good fella Sage." The only reason I comment on your posts is because I want to be invited to the smarty pants party. You're exceptionally clever and I appreciate your work. I often feel like I'm in a silo of understanding while the others are much like hummingbirds feeding on sweet propaganda nectar. For some reason this elevator only goes down and I'm wondering if it's ironic or if I'm a special needs bumpkin.

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