Not sure if you covered this, but I watched a video that documented the "Israeli art students" who had a contract of some kind to work inside the Twin Towers in the summer of 2001. They took photos of their work, which was actually to plant explosives. They knew what they were doing. I have always assumed they worked for Mossad. And Mossad worked with the CIA. And the CIA worked for the Bush regime.

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It’s a big club…

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And you ain't in it

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When the general public finally wakes up when they try or have done 9-11 2.0 (economic and biological warfare - oh wait, didn't that just happen?) , there will be calls for a most extreme vengeance. Justice will be damned. Participants politically will be doubly so.


Remember the USS Liberty. They unquestionably did that too.

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And killed JFK…

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I'm so glad to have your company Sage when I'm down these rabbit holes. It gets darker...

But at least Kunstler gave the eulogy for the the last vestige of the country yesterday.

I understand a lawyer who gave you free printable constitutions abandoned his web site a bit ago....those female pseudo ss agents make me feel better about my chances...but 5 pieces of beef just cost me 100 bucks at the store.

I should have ice cream for lunch.....

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Buckle up

got kind of quiet in here, huh.

That's the sound a tyranny's jackboot on our neck

better not speak out

better not speak your mind

definitely do not point out the elephant taking a huge shit on the coffee table.

All those murdered children.

Snipers doing headshots on babies.

Burning people alive in tents.

Bulldozing over old men grandmothers and children handcuffed with zipties.

Stealing organs from captives then murdering them in mass graves

best not to share your concerns with others.

Don't want to end up like Aaron.


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Revelation 2:9

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I bring you shameless nitpicking of words: why they say "middle east"?

Geographic terms are almost always relative. East of where? Of the US? What is near east? Norway? The Canary Islands? Why no one says "near east"?

The translation of "middle east" in Spain is "oriente próximo" which can be translated back "near east" or "proximal orient" which no sane person would ever say or write down. Obviously, that damned wasp's nest of the Levant is closer to Western Europe than to America, so, what is middle in America was translated as "near" or "proximate." I feel retarded today.

Flat-earthily speaking, Orient is related to "rising" or "being born." The word "Levant" also relates to "rising." The Sun rises every day in Japan, the country where the Sun rises. Then, the Sun goes to die to Occident, or the West. But no one says the Sun dies in California or Alaska. Nor it is said "Vancouver, the city where the Sun is put to sleep."

Ellipsoidal-earthily speaking, it is said that the planet rotates anti-clockwise, and that's why the sun appears to rise from the east of wherever you are, and it moves in the Sky towards the west. But looking from the South Pole, the planet Earth rotates clockwise, or from your right to your left. But I have never been to the South Pole.

Is there video of the apparent movement of the Sun through the sky filmed from the South Pole or nearby?

Can we take a recording of the Sun from Laponia and mirror it so that people believe it is recorded from the South Pole?

Anyway. The Hawai islands are very far away from the US, it's utter madness to speak of the middle east. Everything is far east. Everything from NYC to Seoul is one big far-east hopeless mess looking from any island in the Pacific Ocean.

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I have the same problem with the US 'midwest'. Geography's not my strong suit, granted, but this doesn't add up.

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“Land of Alternating Soybeans and Corn”

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I suggest “Land of Cucumbers and Yogurt”

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Creta? Cyprus?

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“Alexander’s Backyard”

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I second that suggestion thank you, just like that fancy island down in the Middle East of Antarctica.

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the country of the Afghans

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Ah. “Land of Meat on a Stick”

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The Simpsons did it!

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“Alexander and Stan’s”

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Dear chosen whatevers, is this your world, I mean you are calling the shots, looks very fucked up to me, I mean please do not risk anything, if there is a profit to be made I am certain you are already vying for it, like the trillions off shore Gaza. Fletcher Purty is an eye opener, no? Back away, get an overview. It is really all done by heartless manuals, like the one for the Civilian Inmate Labor Camps put out by the U.S. Army. Beautiful stuff really, so efficient. Is this world, should take a look around, been downtown lately?

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I can’t believe how many people are still asleep when they are being so overt at this point.

Yes, I saw it video in pictures of those art students/Mossad. They were definitely in on it.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Grim ain't it?

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Menahem.....menace......mayhem....mayhemnace.....hmmm.......begin....begins......begging......mayhem begging.....menace begins.......maybe not.

Hey, Sage, are you sure you want to "go there"? Into the dangerous pit of vipers? In the times of the military dictatorship here in Brazil, some newspapers usually published cooking recipes in the place of articles that were censored. Maybe we should start doing cooking recipes.

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the scorpions love their Talmudic Kabbalah wordplay, gematria and numerology -

spelling = spell casting

some people say there is a hidden layer to language - sound and frequency that are intrinsic to conjuring, so that you may pro- nounce a word, and the actual effect is something else - because; cadence (rhythym), intonation, frequency all culminate in a sort of in- vocation.

food, for thought -

twin towers = designed and built for ritual destruction

9= magic number of action

11= twin pillars of creation- of all matter = male/female gateway

and btw you do not have to believe any of their sky fairy satanic nonsense, there is still an underlying decode that unlocks this reality sim - and they love their puzzlez.

ask yourself, what if there waz a hateful insane racist little murdering band of swindlerz who happenned upon some profound mystical secrets way back when whilest robbing some ancient graves or somesuch. Ask yourself what would this little mafia cartel do with such knowledge? Would they share it with everyone and help raise up their brother and sister humanz? Or would they tuck it into their sleeve, and keep it handy, for their own uses, when needed.

Dr. Judy Wood discussing the Hutchison effect notes that the development of advanced secret weaponry was well documented well before the time of 911- and it involved massive scale electromagnetic frequency manipulation (scalar) and sound.

and because the scorpions love collective mass ritual events (because, shhh, each individual human being is a potential toroid gate to immense energetic potential that can be manipulated (if you have the secret how-to sorcery manual) and tapped via extreme emotional states ; excitement, fear, rage etc -

Walls of Jericho, Sodom and G, Beirut port bombing, twin towers, OK city, that sort of thing.

but oh we are just stupid gullible cattle, so that's all jibberish nonsense- nothing to see here haha

Bushie doing storytime, there's yer 911 signature scorpion revelation of method moment

Rock, paper, scissors

metal, paper, plane haha

and oh yes, ps we will murder you all in due time

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As Woody Allen would say, "Yes, I've said that many times".

Unfortunately, it's a symphony of rabbit holes in a gigantic cluster of kaleidoscopes, probably designed to keep you out, cause it will make you insane in seconds. Th'ts why I asked Sage if she really wants to "go there". As a musician, I have my own frequency universes to deal with, and they are hard enough for many incarnations.

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I tend to agree, but like ithe townspeople in High Noon, what is right action in the face of this onslaught?

It's maybe not so much changing your select frequency universe (because really- who will consciously choose to linger in their bloodbath hollow in C minor?) It's more about helping people shake off the spellcasting and see the trick.

Once people see the Hurdy Gurdy man playing the Music of the Spheres on his mighty Wurlitzer, the spell is broken.

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I tend to follow C. Jung's suggestion that you have to let it dissolve by itself. Nothing can be done, in other words. It became too big and too powerful. Maybe acting actually reinforces it. So we wait. It may take some 700 years more, but it will dissolve.

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I can appreciate that perspective. It is very powerful to just cut the powa to the scorpions. Master level, no question. However I see it is also a little simplistic, in that it implies a more binary option than reality presents. But I do agree on your underlying premise that the potential effect of one's conscious choice to inhabit a different 'frequency universe' as you put it is very powerful and potentially liberating, even seen in a binary choice sort of way. I just happen to see my choice to inhabit another frequency universe is so immensley powerful that I can inhabit a different intent, and at the same time can straddle the two realms, continue to stay anchored in my selected frequency realm, while inhabiting a frequency within the poisoned hallows, I remain unperturbed, impeccable. And I offer a beacon for others to recog- nize - and at- tune to. Which, by the way, you and I are riffing in that space right in the Now. In this way it can be argued it is, in the end, more effective against the onslaught than engaging against the onslaught than choosing to simply ignore- power move that that is. Salute

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Jung was very helpful and inspiring for me as well. But he has his limits- for example archetypes are not egregores, only - and unless we unknowingly power them up, so to speak. This seemingly trivial distinction is massively important to help unlock the scorpions shadowplays. And suggesting that we mere humans are better left to walk away from the massive seemingly all powerful energies reveals a profound misunderstanding of our true nature and potential.

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Jesus Christ knew the power of Energy and Frequency. But, Jesus used it for Good, to do the Will of God/Creator, in my humble opinion.

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I'm starting to feel an echo of a remote intuitive inner whisper far away, suggesting that maybe Jesus was the first victim of the cancer that has been eating up the world since then. As Sage says, promo code ground zero and global metastasis. Not that I'm a fanatic Christian or anything (Porteños are usually atheists), but man, I've been praying like a motherfucker.

PS - Thanks for the videos. Illuminating.

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It's gruesome, alright.

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SAGE! Have you seen the latest?!!!

Donald Trump says "I am not a Christian"!


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The only people surprised by this will also be surprised about the fact that there was no pandemic, and that the pastors who closed their churches in obedience to anti-Christian health authorities are as much of a Christian as Trump himself.

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Actually he said, "In four years, you're not going to have to vote again. We're gonna have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote."



The only fix is hand counted paper ballots, honest tallies, and vigilant, aware voters.

Every 4 years.

Thank you for the link.

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deletedJul 27
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I know, I can't wait to hear the Damage Control spin on this one!

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While this is part speculation on my part, I believe the Dulles brothers were essentially the head Nazis in the USA and a deal was made with proto-Israel and then Israel itself to not pursue Schicklgruber as he was allowed to escape to Argentina. In exchange for not going after Schicklgruber the promise was made to give essentially unconditional support to the new state of Israel. Now, that helped forge an unholy alliance between the Israeli security deep staters and the USA Deep State or more accurately the Shadow State. I believe it was an Israeli demolition team that came in and planted the charges in the 3 WTC buildings that allowed them to be demolished. Even Lucky Larry Silverstein was on video ordering the demolition of WTC 7 "Let's pull it!" he said on a National Geographic Special. Totally ignored just like when Biden said "I had my butt wiped." We pretend we don't hear these things because of the uncomfortable implications. I believe both Israel and Saudi Arabia, with some cooperation with Pakistani Intelligence, pulled this off on the orders of traitors within the USA, but that is another story.

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Although — BW was right away asking how Oct 7 was not intentional on the Israeli side. So I suppose would need to think where that would be leaning out for a peek over the cliff rather than jumping like jabs bad mectin good, etc

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Off topic, but found tidbit of info interesting. Guess should not be surprised.

J.D. Vance’s Hindu wife Usha is an evident handler of J.D. Vance for the British Pilgrims Society –


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YEP! And she’s first cousin with Vivek.

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FIRST COUSINS CONFIRMED: Vivek Ramaswamy and Usha Vance – Patriots for Truth


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Yes, a cozy family.

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Took a look and I believe this is but another fiber of a large series, that is the long woven rope that has been placed around the future. Incredible site and well formatted data. You sent it late, doubt anyone will see it. You should send on next post. Things are about to get incredibly real...again...

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Jul 29Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you. I have to wonder if the “assassination attempt” was done in part to keep people distracted. Seems so many are continuing to put to much attention to it and ignoring what is going on while distracted.

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Vegas odds say that it is whether intentional or not. The masses are beyond overwhelmed and have subdivided into oblivion. The only things hidden at this point are the unexpected curve balls that don't even need speed, or accuracy, just be anywhere's near the plate, as all the refs are corrupted. I can only hope people have begun to accept that future options are limited. There seems to be comfort in bathing daily in the luke warm waters of minutia.

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China is the role model for global governance! (hunger games society)

Meet the new boss, which is the same as the old boss.

Its quite possible that this western virtual reality show called "democracy" will be permanently cancelled in 2025!

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Take a look at this investigation

No planes no thermite but Direct Energy Weapons used Makes sense that the Dod have been using their new toy and keeping us confused with a whole lot of theories like science has been doing for decades

Remember the DOD has not had an Audit for 27 years and $22 Trillion has gone missing which part of that was in Building 7 of the WTC

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“Some of the most prominent spreaders of the ‘Dancing Israelis’ conspiracy as well as other theories about the ‘truth behind 9/11’ include KKK leader David Duke, British conspiracy theorist David Icke as well and Jon Minadeo III, of the Goyim Defence League.” Thejc.com

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