If they knew in 1979, earlier since it takes time to design, print, distribute, etc. an album, that the time would be perfectly right on 9/11/2001; all the pieces would be in place 20 years later?!? I mean I can't schedule a few guys a week in advance without something going wrong and having to juggle everything to even get close. If this is true, and I'm definitely not saying it isn't, wouldn't that come really close to pointing towards something other-worldly? This album cover boils down to a "prophecy". I can't predict the future ten minutes from now, can any of you? Not steering towards any conclusion, but damn, what are we actually up against?

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I don't know if the album cover is prophetic. Aren't you the one who sent me Mountain Dew Star Spangled Splash.




They didn't say 2001 on album cover. They selected the date 9/11. Year unspecified.

What are we dealing with?

"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." 1969


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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

Im actually calling in to this show from Spooky Action At A Distance Archipelago (which is 1,300 nautical miles southwest of Jabs Bad Not a Virus Cove, the outer island just off Jabs Bad main Island) but- Im calling in to say- its actually not that hard if you are the serial killer that buys the plane ticket to go kill yer next victim to predict the date of the next murder.

And - this entire realm is a reality simulation we project in a collective yet predominantly unconscious effort not (yet) realizing we are being actively attacked hijacked and redirected to en-vision the scorpions sky fairy murder the world revenge script

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The first 911 call was made in 1968, so I suppose you could be right about the plane ticket buyer. I do believe that what we experience is not base reality.

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We were born into the billionaires' playground. They don't like you. They want to kill you. They don't want to be too obvious.

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Oh it's pretty base for me:)

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Yes, I sent that. Nice answer about unspecified year. Just letting my imagination run wild for a minute to see what shakes out.

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I think that the musicians in supertramp were offspring of people that knew of the "plans", jooish? Supertramp is an outstanding, intelligent group of minds:) much like the 60's bands who were offspring of military families. Doors, Zappa, the whole cia mind fucks thing. Laurel canyon op lol. So yeah, they knew. Trying to warn us maybe. I love their music. But like you said, you can recognize some music now, like with the yavistock. I see things differently now lol. I'm pretty sure they paid those screaming, fainting Beatles fans. So dramatic!

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They like to troll, do they not?

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

watching us freeze like a deer in the headlights struggling to make sense of the existential horror of it all- the occult level mockery, the trolling - for the scorpions it's just too funny, they just cannot resist hitting that crack pipe again and again

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Ritual humiliation.

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

Like demoralization.

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Paging Harry Potter

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Since that card game is so spot on, can some one tell people where the next tragedy is going to happen, so that they can save their lives?

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Trump being shot is done, next is his reelection.

There is also an “enough is enough” card that Hulk Hogan announced at RNC.


Pick one:


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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

1979? Childs play for them. How about 1958?


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Yeah, I saw that when Sage posted it. It's just incredible, isn't it? That through all of the random things random people do, billions of us doing trillions of things, over decades, that they could be able to do this? Without something other worldly going on? I'm starting to wonder— Is Satan real? Are alien overlords real? 😂🤣 👽 👹

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Lizard people 🦎 😅

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

Having lived so long, and looking back, Day gave talk in 69, ten years later, cover of Super Tramp's album comes out with plane and Twin Towers on it (how odd) and all that has happened since WWII....all planned. Just musing.

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

Ok, about identity. People in this culture, at some point became identified as what they buy. TV and screens especially brought this in. This has been going on for a very long time. "Keeping up with the Joneses" was a slogan representing that. I remember reading an opinion piece "Why the Self is Empty" a number of years ago, written by a psychologist, Philip Cushman. His contention was that the consumer society produced people who were without a self. People everywhere were searching for their "self." Trying for "self-actualization" (whatever that is).

And then we had the identitarian movements, race being one feature, sex being another, to fill that empty self. It led to woke or identity politics with extreme "identification" with these "movements". These are normally cults or cultlike.

Religion is more complicated, I think. Harmful religious cults lead to "soul murder." Using that phrase, most people would know what I mean. MKUltra figures in here.

When we see particularly "empty" people, ones who have been raised in cults, for instance, what is going on there? It seems like evil figures in. Not all people raised in cults are like this. But they have to be "red pilled" (for lack of a better term) as to the cult.

Some random thoughts about identity, jmo.

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Yes, to be born into or associated with a cult of any kind, the only thing you can do is either escape or play the role while knowing your true identity. Many women have had to suffer this predicament. Here in OK, I see many women either brainwashed or stuck in a situation, usually because of their children and their welfare, they tend to go along with the narrative. Isreal and the chosen ones theme with revelation influences. Much love goes into when those who are trying to protect their children and I pray they have a way out and take it:)

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

I saw this a while back. It makes sense to me. I'm probably going to get a flip phone sometime soon. My smart phone hasn't worked right for a long time. Also various businesses like pharmacies want me to pay in response to a TEXT message on my phone. Hell, no! I don't even pay my bills via computer.

I don't want RING cameras, I don't want any "smart home" devices. They changed my meter to a smart meter, we were not given a choice by the utility company.

Now our city is talking about having a "local" power company with solar as the base. They seem to be headed in the direction of "smart cities" and I've had qualms about the mayor/city council for a long time, before I knew what I know now, before covid. The mayor reminds me of a less oleaginous more midwestern version of Newsom, for some reason.

These are all things that need to be resisted, IMO. But yes, start with the smart phones.

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

Nobody will give up their government surveillance tracking devices.

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correct, lab rats like sweet things.

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

fwiw- here are my links on Israel/Zionist and 9/11

Masters of Deception


Victor Thorn- 9/11 Evil


9/11 The Deception That Changed the World-


9/11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic By Ed Hendrie



9/11 Missing Links (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11)


Stranger than fiction : an independent investigation of the true culprits behind 9-11


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Jul 29Liked by Sage Hana

I, being a Jew, am totally appalled by what is happening in Gaza and how many of my Jewish AND non-Jewish friends believe the propaganda. How easy it is for them to fall into the hypnotic trance.

I was so concerned and so shocked when I read about one of the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) soldiers who shot a young girl because she was carrying a backpack. He of course was found not guilty.

Orders are everything. "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."

But the hatred was alarming. I was surprised. Where did all this come from?

I finally saw an excellent documentary by a Israeli Jew. It is outstanding and have suggested it to others. They all came back with the same comments.

"The documentary was excellent and how can they brutalize these Jewish high schoolers? It is abuse."

Now I understand how this much hatred against the Palestinians and others is so rampant.

Since I am friends with many people from the Middle East and was married to my Muslim husband for years and who I have remained friends with I wanted to understand where this craziness came from. It is so over the top. It is embarrassing to me as a Jew. It is a sickness and it was hard to understand this kind of hatred until now.

I am hoping people will watch this film. I borrowed it from the library but then mention of it on Solari (Catherine Austin Fitts' website) as a "MOVIE OF THE WEEK" and a link to it on YouTube. It is free.

I will be buying the movie because you never know when they will de-platform it. An important piece.

I am hoping many of you will watch it and share it. It is a very important piece.

To all the awakened out there, Peace, Love and keep digging for the Truth. It will set us free.

Defamation! Full film


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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

Oh Jesus Sage....(forgive my swearing) is that 60 minutes REALLY only 5 days old? Oh Crap.

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Yeah I saw a video today (will try to find it lol.) Talking about just this, and how it was in multitude of headlines. All the same subject. 2027 readiness for when Russia, China, n Korea and Iran all have their act together to join forces in action. "Plans" .and in the military "plans" a general or somebody says, We don't want to be burdened with 'Standard Operations" ?? dews? Idk but in my book, "Thou shall Not Pass" but they're basically telling everyone we're getting ready for this huge money making, life threatening war. Just say no lol. Fuck them. Losers.

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

No wonder Raytheon was finally up…so i sold a bunch … figured nah ukraine war is over

I should probably watch a little tv…..had if off since 2020….

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I was counting on bird flu and famine.....still believe famine...we won't be able to afford food.....but please no war......

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Oops..just listened to Reese re deagle report....yup collapse of $$, pensions etc. Famine and emigration and death. Right here in River City.

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I identify as a liver supremacist.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

New footage from 2001 just dropped, courtesy of Kai Sugimoto:


"Footage I filmed of the World Trade Center Collapsing on 9/11/2001. Filmed from the roof of 64 St Marks Place in NYC on a Sony VX2000 with teleconverter. For historical archival purposes only."

27:22 First tower collapse

55:58 Second tower collapse

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

AI sez: I can do this all day, chumps.

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All day in 24 time zones.

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Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

Vigilant Wellness Towels pointed me at it.

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☝️ Of course he did.

And just in time for Bibi's visit.

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Is Bibi taking ozempic? Did he get a good discount from The "I FEELZ GOOD" Consortium?

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Right. Don’t know if above has that but with the Japanese posts I saw this in came with the 5 dancing Israeli clips… Yes timing makes sense.

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Note how zoomed in the shot is for the first tower collapse. Impossible to see any other explosions happen further below

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Adam Green knocking it out of the park in his latest news breakdown:


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You left out gender and generation.

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I have zero idea why I keep writing a Substack.

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is your job here done?

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Is it over? Hmmm....I just got another clone troll subscriber today and rest assured posts like this which force the discomfort into the awareness of those who really just want to get back to Reality TV and CIA Tucker Carlson will hasten the "concern Ops" and the hostile Ops just the same.

I still enjoy the detective search for understanding.

Have rolled through enough Ops and Broken Brainz to see that it will be appealing for a while to some, esp. if it overlays with some Yes Ladder.

And much like the Meyers-Briggs logician liver eating prognosis will boomerang on me on a loop.

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Should we warn people they can't go back to Rality TV because they are now the Reality TV?

Wasn't that the whole point of youtube, you become the tube?

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

Ok, I'm doing some electric repair work currently. I'm an avid DIYer by necessity, and I also enjoy it (except when I'm swearing about it). Youtube is a godsend when it comes to repair and building things, gardening, and sometimes artist stuff. But the political crap is BS.

Of course, I did get pulled in to Weinstein and the like and that was crapola. Usually the only stuff I watch is stuff linked from SH and a few other substacks. Of course, now we have TwitterX. I occasionally look on there, but sporadically. Is that reality. It has been Xed out.

We are living the reality. And it ain't pretty.

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I use YT for DIY tips from time to time, but my kid brother uses is a ton for household improvements and auto repair, too. I also use it to keep up with the real serious USA politics, namely the WNBA vs Caitlyn Clark. WNBA was aggressive and took the early lead, but CC took the cheap shots and is turning the tide.

Be very respectful of 220V no matter what taunts it throws out about you or your friends and family...it's honorary OG WEF psychopathic.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Sage Hana

If you had a prize available (maybe a small plaque?) to new subs who display the highest levels of Concern, then if they displayed their 'ship to' addresses, some of us with time on our hands and enough extra dough to afford postage could send them sort of bonus packages, like Welcome Wagon does when you move into a new town. Just trying to help...my level of concern with The New Kids on the Block is surpassed only by that of the late Bill Hicks. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_26oUSHcbV4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLutha0_nCk

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😂In ze communist-Artificial-Identity, bio-warfare redistribution of health Hammerica, Substack writes you!

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Probably free computer stuff and bottom surgery.

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Highly intelligent and badly damaged.

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But healing.

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Oprah 1-4-9 is here.

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😁 Everything good and real gets stolen first. The scorpions don't bother co-opting fake stuff.

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The buildings next to it managed to avoid collapse too. Unlike Bldg. 7.

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Judy Woods documented the damage (very odd, unlike any damage ever seen before) to 2 or 3 other WTC buildings. I think #'s 3, 4, and 6. Few people are aware of this. That is why those buildings were also removed.

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Yeah, I ran two posts on Judy Woods and DEW.

Two daze before HI fires.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

::head asplodes::

(new footage, btw. Again. https://x.com/ChestyPullerGst/status/1816486733116031449 )


Tangentially, I recall a lot of stories in the 70s and 80s, in the vein of bigfoot or ufos or Atlantis. Stories about spontaneous combustion. I don't know why, but that particular legend had a moment then. When space lasers were being built. Coincidence? Who knows.

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Ant experiments. Too bad they don't have a mama to beat the heck outa them. I remember my son stomping on bugs outside and I reprimanded him, saying, how world you feel if they stomped on you?!! He still remembers that lol.

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I don't think spontaneous combustion went away, but during the heyday it had in the 70s & 80s, I remember accounts (maybe even with what were purported to be photographs of the ashen remains) that went back waaay earlier than the invention of lasers, much less space lasers or DEWs. Now, for an 'all options open' sort of inclusivity, I suppose there could have been people (mostly in the UK as I recall the reports) who got zapped by left-over & curated Atlantean crystal-powered weapons...but if it's a real thing it's been happening for a real long time...and if there are/were weapons involved, they aren't all current vintage lasers. YMMV : Your Memories May Vary

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Pays to take out insurance against terrorism

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Especially when you know ahead of time when the terrorists plan to strike so you don’t have to waste money on any extra payments!

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what happened afterwards? did they demolished them to rebuild everything, or did they preserve some buildings?

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Not 100% sure, but I think they must have been demolished. You should read Where Did the Towers Go?, but she has fascinating birds’ eye view pictures of giant holes (from the roof to the floors) in at least two of the buildings I mentioned. They beg the question: What could do this damage?

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I was in Costa Rica from 2009-2018. My adopted older brother was a big Ancient Aliens buff who was also interested in 9/11 (he was the one who turned me on to the books Dr. Mary's Monkey, A Rose by Many Other Names, and Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and a couple more). I remember Sam showing me photos of at least one other WTC building that is almost certainly among the two or more you're referring to. I recall what was left of one of them resembling what was left of the building after the OKC event. No planes, not even hologram planes.

Last time I looked for photos of the other damaged buildings, they were easily available on the internet...maybe scrubbed now, but no doubt there are digital copies on private & local computers out there.

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IT, I would very much enjoy taking you up on your generous offer of getting together and I would like to reciprocate if you ever find yourself in S. Cal.

I highly recommend reading Where Did the Towers Go? It is well-worth the money, easy reading and probably 500 or more pictures one can review, along with maps and eyewitness accounts.

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I moved to SoCal in 1987 and lived there until my wife and I moved to Costa Rica in 2009. Moved back in 2018 to a town of 20K in NC. I have some dear friends from COsta Ricca who also moved back to the US in 2018-19 and they are in the Palm Springs CA area. If I decide to relocate to Austin to live with my kid brother, the drive from there to SoCal is something I've done maybe a dozen times and would do again to meet up with my Palm Springs friends, so it's not out of the question that we might have us some fish tacos on Taco Tuesday at a Rubios near you, or near Palm Springs if you feel like driving to that nearby casino, or for all I know, you might live down the street from my friends. Small world sometimes...it would be fun, I downloaded a digital copy of Dr. Woods' book years ago but haven't studied it. Based on what I've read about her and the book, I figure it's the 'default assumption' to explain most of 9/11. The first two of the three books I mentioned in a comment above are similarly useful in fleshing out a lot of the JFK history. Cheers...

Where, roughly, are you in SoCal? Not offering to ship computer equipment, just want to estimate the driving time from PS. :-)

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I take it very personally what happened in OK.

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All the interiors were gone in the other buildings and the veins of some victims had exploded

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9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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I have asked you not to spam repeatedly. Blocked.

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They want heroes, we give them heroes.

Albert Pike, Grand Mason.

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Back to the Future also has significant 9-11 foreshadow.


The notion all this is meticulously planted as predictive programming is a bit much. The WTC was a prominent landscape feature, and a symbol of NYC essentially being the global capitol. It was begging for this treatment; it was an obvious target.

There are many synchronous events and anomalies, and attributing these to human agency is perhaps easier than engaging the spiral staircase of time, the fractal holistic nature of causality, and concrescent events. Of course cabals do conspire, and plan, and direct the media, so it's always a possible explanation for any such foreshadow.

In Blues4Kali, a mystical futurist novel written in 2005, a number of accurate "predictions" are made: that 2020 would be an extraordinarily hellish year, that humans would eventually become hermaphrodite, that cannabis would be legal and meat banned. These were just part of a wild story, and there are certainly details are spotty and symbolic. But if you read between the lines, there's a whole lot that came truer than anyone could have guessed, including the author.

History rhymes, because time is a cycle.

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Your use of the term "Sky Fairy" seems to indicate atheism.

99.9999% of scientists now believe that The Universe isn't past-eternal, but rather suddenly came into existence at The Big Bang about 14B years ago. So we went from a state of affairs with nothing into a state of affairs with space, matter, energy and time suddenly commencing. If it wasn't God who wrought that change, what did?

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the Dueling God Concepts like to murder people. That's the point.

I can believe in God, but is it your God?

Do those 99.9999% of scientists (not really sure we want to use The Science as a Trusted Expert, but okay to keep going with your thought bubble) all agree that it's okay to Napalm little kids for FREEEEDDDOOOMMMMM, say?

Does your God believe that a few are Chosen?

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Forget about “which God”, and consider mere Theism. When you use the term “Sky Fairy”, you sound like a campus Woketard, which I don’t think you are. If you can think of a different cause for nothing to suddenly sprout space, time, matter and energy, please state it. A first cause is necessary, and it can’t be material.

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” — Werner Heisenberg, Father of Quantum Physics.

“The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who—in their grudge against traditional religion as the "opium of the masses"—cannot hear the music of the spheres.” — Albert Einstein.

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Such a long brainwashing tool. And "hey, I know, we'll prophecie' some things and then make it happen, so everyone will believe it is "ordained " and our future descendemats can use it to their advantage to rule the world". Not saying there weren't 'seeers'. But it's becoming to look like they've taken advantage (as always) of whatever scenario they could to take more power for themselves. Still doing it. Change it up people! New thoughts, their "planning" is their weakness. Don't be predictable. We have been blessed with the actual mind of unfathomable strength. Call it whatever you want, but its there i know it. Imagination is creation! The more we know of their "plans", the more we can.raise up obstacles. So everyone who becomes aware of their game can do their part by tapping into our gifted power to imagine and manifest a beautiful world . What did Jesus say? The kingdom of God is within you. They have tried to suppress that knowledge. But it's there. Use it. And Abide:)

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I've discussed the God concept with many Steves.

The humans don't agree and when they do they are usually fucking kids and murdering people.

You wouldn't do that of course. You have a line on the real God.

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The globalists have been planning for 200 years with their newly kids training to continue

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