Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

I know you’re busy, but Dr. Drew creates the iconic culdesac on Alex Jones. Ir really exposes TWC.


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"... Dr. Drew creates the iconic culdesac on Alex Jones ..."

Dr Drew states at 35 seconds that [during early Covid]:

"... The thinking [of the experts] was good. The intentions [of the experts] were good. ..."

Such rot! Dr. Drew is a sickening kumbaya apologist and truly an utter piece of schytt.

Thanks for confirming Drew Pinsky's true essence. And thanks for the link.

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We sorted this out last year and got a visit from the boss Foster for our trouble!


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Right. The "experts" don't "think"; they plot.

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The controlled demolition of TWC?


they are burning the documents and the cadavers in the bunker before the soviets get in!

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TWC was never a serious company, me thinks.

I think it was a way to reward some good soldiers for selling dat dere narrative Clear Coat. (Very much like book "sales" and massive Substack followings.)

Heather Gessling of Global Kovid Summit fame showed up here to protest but she was game and hung around and fielded lots of queries. She said she left but they were still using her on their promo page. And there was some legal stuff going on in that regard.

One thing a pro company does NOT do is leave a disgruntled ex-bigwig on their promo video on their damn site!

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Well, it's not like the founders or the executives needed the money anyway. They all have their own fortunes.

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🥇ding ding ding

The Real Op was to turn the "dissident Konservative" media into Pharm Reps.

They literally took the Big Pharm advertising on Tier One model and deployed it on Tier Two.

(And King of Israel promoters.)

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Ahhh, Heather! She really wanted to be so liked when she made her appearance here. She was pretty comical, really.

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Crap I transposed that to WTC in my head

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" I shouted out, "Who killed the Kennedys?"

When after all, it was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reach Bombay"

lyrics by Tavistock,

Scorpions Music Corp,

Revelation of Method, LLC.

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Ethel Kennedy is 96 and still alive.

Her Father George Skakel is of Dutch ancestry. Dutch may or may not mean Jewish.

Curiously enough, the wikipedia has erased any reference to RFK. Jr. from Ethel's article or Bobby Kennedy Sr. article. They say "Children: 11" but there is no link to the name of the children, as it happens with almost every other freaking article in wikipedia.

Why is it that the sick bastards at wikipedia and at every single major web search have been manually shadow banning links to RFK Jr.?

It's so ODD! Why do they hate him so much?

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The Trusted Source for all YouTube banners of RightThink.

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

Verrrdy interesting, Herr Rog!! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

I remember going through Alison McDowell's info on RFK Jr and finding it interesting that his grandfather George became super wealthy from running a coal corporation (the coal industry that Jr wants to get rid of)

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Same as the Rockefellers making bank on Standard Oil and then going environmental crypto-eugenics

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Do you remember James Buchanan who got the Award of the Sweden Central Bank in Loving Memory of Alfred Nobel on the field of Economics? He argued that there should not be such thing as inheritance. That it was bad for people to inherit large amounts of money. The best brains of the nation are wasted away because of a luxury life without challenges.

Perhaps "best brains" is in excess. But rich kids do get better teachers. Another confounder variable bites the dust, hehehe.

And if the lizards running State take all the inheritance of super rich entrepreneurs, surely they will rapidly give it away among the poor kids. No doubt about it. Lizards would not do anything wrong with the money. That would be inconceivable.

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Ethel Skakel Kennedy / Michael Skakel family scandal/?murder? and

possible ?coverup?:

"The Murder of Martha Moxley"


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Quite weird the whole thing.

I guess the Kennedies are like the royal family of the US, sort of. Like in European countries with a Royal family, I would expect a small number of people speaking vociferously against them, an even smaller number of people supporting them, and gigantic majority of people (~99%) actively ignoring everything and avoiding every bait and provocation to pick sides either way.

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Scorpions. Big on ritual public humiliation of their stepnfetchit Goyim. And they hold grudges like no other tribe. Multi-generational hatred is not uncommon.

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Just got these links and could. not. watch.


3 mins ago

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Ok, how about the other intelligence site?

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Sage Hana

1 min ago


I made it four seconds...

Man Bobby is just destroying that Kamelot veneer, holy shit.

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I really wanna go to the "Join The Resistance"

shindig but I'm not certain if I need my papers to get in.

Does anybody know if we need the vax pass ?

Or will that be after Trumpfi is elected ?

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Song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeFwaWFTGYU

The Dirty Mac is a group formed By 22 year old Eric Clapton, John Lenin, Keith Richards at the Bass and I don't know the drummer.

This is a great blues song, and Clapton gives a masterclass with a guitar that is not a Telecaster.

Now, compare that beautiful demonic sound of Clapton with Tears in Heaven from 1991


At some point between 1968 and 1991, Eric was touched by an angel of God. That's the only rational explanation for the difference.

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Mitch Mitchell on drums.

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He wrote Tears in Heaven after his son died. I’d hazard a guess that had a profound effect on him.

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There's always a sacrifice.

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Often a child sacrificed if the parent is in the military/Hollywood/music cult.


Clapton's son.

John Ramsey's 2 daughters Elizabeth and Jon Benet.

former CIA director William Egan Colby's daughter (and W.E. Colby also dead)

Marie Osmond's adopted son

Dominic Dunne' s daughter Dominique

WW2 military intel Louis Hezekiel Brown's daughter Nicole Brown Simpson

Military intel Paul Tate's daughter Sharon Tate

Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors. son of George Stephen Morrison United States Navy rear admiral in the (faked) Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used to escalate US war against Vietnam




The "27 club":

Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones

Jimi Hendrix

Janis Joplin

Jim Morrison of The Doors

Kurt Cobain

Amy Winehouse


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Most of those deaths were obvious fakes so those kids could move on to other roles or retire. All of the alleged presidential assassinations were also faked.

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Tanks Rog! I had forgotten all about Dirty Mac. Talk about Super Grouping all the way down. 🎵🎵🎵🎵

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

finally finished watching Laurent Guyenot's documentary- very well done.

Interesting that he showed how that guy George DeMorgehshild (something like that, guy involved w/Oswald) apparently mentioned that the Jewish mafia was after him before he died-that was new info for me, but it fits. In addition to being taken over by the Rothschild banking cartel, it really looks like Jewish organized crime has also taken over the US govt. (I think Whitney Webb said Democrat party has been controlled by organized crime for 100 yrs, GOP/ZOP slightly less than that)

One of the best JFK assassination docs I've seen is Professor Michael Parenti's "Gangster Nature of the State"- he goes over how it was obvious that Oswald was a patsy (tells story in humorous way) and he goes over the clean up operation afterward. Apparently, there was a second commission on assassinations and lots of people got killed as part of the clean up.

At the end, Guyenot hints that JFK Jr might also have been taken out, and the best documentary I've seen on that is John Hankey's Dark Legacy II-Assassination of JFK Jr. I was actually glued to the TV while that played out live, and yet I totally missed how they did their tricks.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

The Kennedy video opened some new doors. I watched the whole thing and it was the time. Thanks.

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What? Corbett's now on CHD, too?

If I recall correctly (a few years ago), he never touched the JQ in any video and sorta insisted something like, they were not a big deal. I can't remember now why I stopped watching Corbett...might have something to do with his mockery of my religion, or Christianity.

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Corbett was on with Nass several times.

Whitney Webb found her way on CHD for a bit as well.

I don't watch the stuff but I do know they were talking about IHR which is/was a major red herring as the United States/Oligarchs run the WHO.

And the Prep Act fascism bylaws are plenty in play right freaking here. As Katherine Watt has laid out and Sarah as well.

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Whitney and CAF have both expressed their regret for aligning with RFK and CHD.

Corbett has only discussed the WHO treaty.

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The WHO Treaty is and was a red herring.

Corbett also went on Dr. Drew and part of me died a little bit.

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I learned yesterday that James Roguski and Meryl Nass have a little feud or something. Don't know the details.

I think James argues that the UN is a paper tiger, and Nass says it's a major danger, but I may have that wrong.

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Sounds serious!


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Apparently, Dore made a big partisan fool of himself tonight speaking to Dr. Robert Epstein.

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Drew has a big audience and Corbett did make him look foolish.

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corbett always seemed 'off'....then I realized he was in love with the sound of his own voice, nerd fame and his 'subtle' superior persona...sort of blots out the sun where other considerations are concerned. (always wondered if he was trying to be the William F Buckley of his generation) thankfully he's no longer the biggest fish in the barrel.... (back to studying this post!)

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I agree with Corbett being ‘off’. But his four part series on Gates was helpful; I just always wondered what he deliberately left out.

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Yes, it was. Good point!

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, CAFitts said she ended her friendship w/him over Gaza, and basically insinuated that he's controlled ("who's your master?") And she also had a major problem with what he proposed at the Bitcoin conference--apparently his proposals were completely ILLEGAL and he should have known that since he's supposedly a lawyer.

And yeah, WW has also been calling him on twitter over Gaza and defending Rabbi Schmuley and Schneerson- "thanks for letting us know how compromised you are."

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

Excuse me for asking, but do you mind supplying a link to WW expressing such regret? WW is still an enigma for me. She provided a lot of info that was accurate and very unknown to most informed people and was very helpful in order to form an opinion about the vaxx before it got launched. In other words, she helped create the vaxx resisters group. That was beyond a limited hangout, imo. Then she was living somewhere in rural Chile and had a baby with some sort of serious congenital problem. Then she switched sides and joined CHF. What the hell was going on?

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She joined CHD and flew to America to hug Robert Malone at a TN Freedom Conference appearing with Robert Kennedy, Jr., says Housatonic who was there in TN and tried to ask a question and got shouted down by Jill Malone.

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

No question who wears the pants in the Garden Gnome family!

Maybe the perps squeezed (or bribed) her on her baby’s condition? It was a serious one (I think esophago-tracheal fistula) which would require surgery that only a super specialist would be doing.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

She's done it many times, I suggest you check out her website as I cant remember which show. She has also denounced Malone. I've changed my mind on many people throughout this retarded operation.

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Where was that? An offhand comment on twitter?

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Man no one loves Tier Two drama more than Quadruple Agent Rog who almost singlehandedly provoked a lawsuit between La Bamba and Incrutable Wrench.

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totally by accident, caused by naiveté and a bad moon rising!😳🏆😂

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Of course! 👍

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"... La Bamba and Incrutable Wrench ..."


I am curious. But I guess they must remain nameless (for legal reasons).

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His show that has not been published yet. We’ll see if he does.

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I've basically been suspicious of Nass for a long time.

On Corbett, though has put out a lot of good work, I've always been suspicious of him on the Israel/JQ issue. As soon as this Gaza slaughter happened (b/c of 10/7 false flag w/serious hoaxing), I've been paying attention to who speaks out/who remains silent, and I don't think I saw anything from him until recently (after how many months of slaughter and how many thousands of dead kids?)

I could totally be wrong, but I think I saw an Israeli at CHD with a regular show or something

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And I'm wondering why the MSM are suddenly reporting on the Hannibal Directive deployed on Oct 7, 2023 - 11 months after the real media already told us about it?

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Yes, I'm also wondering.

I'm highly suspicious of the entire 10/7 narrative. These people are masters of deception. I don't necessarily believe there were ever Israeli hostages, and even with all the toasted cars, I don't necessarily believe there were Israelis in them. For all I know, those are just props to sell the narrative.

We'll never know the truth about any of these operations. But I'm 100% certain it was a false flag for this pre-planned genocide and more land thievery.

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Agree with you 100%! Primarily a psyop to rationalize their ramped-up massacre of Palestinians and complete takeover of their land. Trump's SIL Kushner even waxed poetic about the construction projects planned for the beachfront in Gaza? I mean, how much more ghoulish can you get?

And is it true that Trump converted to Judaism recently, and that he was their mosiach or something to do with the golden calf? Whatever, all of them are bought and paid for by ISR. Miriam Adelson was pretty gung-ho in that speech for him. Until ISR is gone like a cancer from this earth, not much will change. Maybe the 80-year curse will take care of that for the world. They look like they're self-imploding, the psychopathic madness there is beyond one's imaginings.

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, that was absolutely disgusting from Kushner--but I'm totally not surprised. And what a perfect way of encapsulating the Zionist/Jewish supremacist mentality. To him, those 2.3 million lives are nothing- who cares about them, look at all of these real estate opportunities (!!!!)

Yes, I've heard that some about Trump converting in 2017. But I'm not completely sure. I've also seen some credible threads on twitter about him being a cryptoJew. Yes, there's a video with an American Jew (ex-Zio, speaking against Trump b/c his son is dying from the kill shot), who says that a group of Orthodox rabbis gave Trump silver crown of the Torah, which goes on the head of the the Jewish messiah, and they think it's him. He also said Sanhedrin and Knesset in Israel also declared Trump messiah.

On the 10/7 psyop/false flag for genocide, I've seen lots of elements of fakery and hoaxing. Right now, I don't think there are any hostages, but it's this hostage narrative that allows the slaughter to continue and allows them to go on the media and portray themselves as victims as thousands of innocent civilians are being slaughtered.

how come theres no footage of any of the “hostages” crossing the Gaza barrier?? https://x.com/Chase00M/status/1740790903101427923

Footage from October 7th shows so-called "terrorists" receiving their orders—in Hebrew. Yet, we continue to obsess over the false flags of the past, ignoring the one happening right in front of us. https://x.com/Chase00M/status/1827329807006171596

Did you know that family members of “hostages” can receive up to $55,000 quarterly? (lists other benefits) https://x.com/Chase00M/status/1825713414338904146 Plus scroll down to videos of family members of hostages-they don't seem traumatized/terrified. Recently released "hostage" Noa didn't seem traumatized, was later dancing in bikini w/her father, didn't seem at all concerned about her boyfriend who is supposedly still a hostage.

And then there's Miles Mathis (he's definitely not perfect, but has a good eye and spots things) https://mileswmathis.com/isra.pdf (hang gliders definitely not believable, pg 7 smiling no appropriate, pg 10 original photo clearly a rubber doll or something, but then image fixed)- looks like lots of theater to me.

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Yes- I used to listen to her a lot, way before the Oct 7 incident/Gaza - Ilana Rachel Daniel & the Jerusalem Report. She had lots of good commentary on loss of freedoms, evil mandates, etc. with the "COVID" psyop. I just stopped catching her show, can't recall exactly why.

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Back in Jessica Rose did a post from Israel where she lives regaling how she had been surrounded by four Israeli thugs asking her for ID on the Israel beach where she takes a walk.

Complete with pictures.

She spoke about how she spoke Hebrew with them and the implication that she was being targeted for Jabs Bad. The post went away almost immediately.


My whole thesis on the rise of Woke and "The Intellectual Dark Web" (social engineering), and BORDER CRISIS, and now, sadly, VACCINES BAD, Y'ALL...was to create solidarity on a few issues and then segue with your new friends into a proxy logic of WE MUST GET THIS TRIBE STRIP OF LAND.

And the overlay with the key planks of the necessary steps to get there, now laid stark with RFK and Trump is becoming a Venn Diagram.

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Psychopathic madness on a scale not seen before. Confusion reigns- as planned!

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The confusion begins to sort out when you realize that they do have to come for you in a couple of key ways:

1. Dangerous Germs are coming again and again and we thus need access to your body

2. We MUST stand with Israel

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Corbett was on a regular monthly podcast with Nass, not sure if it's still a thing.

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Did they offer you an office yet ?

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They did send a person with a quasi-MSM media background who knows a CHD exec and suggested I would be great on a show sometime.

This was way back in the day.

On a parallel path, Cliff High wrote about how TWC AGGRESSIVELY courted him and it got ugly.

I can tell you that I was also given an attempted minding (futility which they all now know) to STFU about that ballooning CHD Budget from 2021.

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Is the ballooning CHD Budget in direct correlation to the rise of turbo cancer ?

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Yeah, I've always been suspicious of Corbett b/c of the JQ issue.

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Family Saturday night movie night is the top video.

Why can we watch this?

Same question with more or less whatever features Michael Benz.

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I think the doc is well-presented but not well-sourced.

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I'm sure people are buying this BS about this time it will be different and poor, stupid, clueless Trump had no idea who he was appointing for those positions. Poor, naive, trusting Trump. And to think a serious person like David Stockman tweeted this out...


RFK Jr. says Trump admitted to him he didn’t drain the swamp his first term and has asked him to help him drain the swamp moving forward:

“He said, I didn't know anything about governing and he said, we won this election, and then all of a sudden, you got to fill 60,000 jobs.”

“He said I was surrounded by people, by lobbyists and business interests who we’re saying, you got to appoint this guy, and that's what he did.”

“They brought in a telecommunications lobbyist to run FCC. They brought in an oil lobbyist, Ryan Zinke, to run the Department of Interior. A coal lobbyist to run the EPA. Another pharmaceutical lobbyist, Alex Azar, to run HHS.”

“He told me, I don't want to do that again. He said, those were bad guys and this time, we're going to do something different.”

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To me Stockman is a typical limited hangout individual. He knows where the red lines are and is very careful not to cross him. That allows him to give out just enough info to have a “job” without appearing to have sold his soul. Which he has, if he had one to begin with.

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Hana and ALL: Your Newsletter(s) are "Preaching to the choir.". I do read most all. I have a 72 y.o. friend tomorrow (91124) will be putting up 911 truth signs and anti-joo signs on bridges (on I-5) in a major Left Coast state capitol. I did this too in Portland, OR until I was ~85 (now 90). WE must reach the masses, no matter their reaction. NOT just "Preach to the choir." 88&8, Dave Westerlund

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The choir gets extremely volatile as people regress back into their pet ideologies.

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‘Therapeutic chemotherapy’ sounds a bit like Merck’s Mectizan program


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