👐I don’t think she moved her hands enough. Retake!

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

It’s likely the tip of the spear. 💉💉💉

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"What you think is the point is not the point at all but only the beginning of the sharpness."

(Flann O'Brien)

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

Some believe that doing bioconvergence type stuff to people / (animals) / (beasts in human form) pushes their souls further down the Sephirotic Tree of Life down into chaos and nothingless, where they belong; thereby allowing their own souls to travel up the Sephitoric Tree of Life, where they belong.

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

I think it makes their souls dead so something purely evil can slip in and have a body again.

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Look at the eyes of certain people and their demeanor. Billy, Yuval, Klaus, for instance.

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Yuval’s light right up if you hand him a fruit salad

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He IS the fruit salad.

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Ohhh...totally the game plan. Hillary needs a redo.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

My question is why are they selling the idea of bioconvergence SO HARD? I mean they are beggggging us to believe them.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Sagely, u had 66 comments, andd bcz I dislike #Nυmer0I0gy, I'm adding one >:: We WONT NEED Doctors to write our scripts; Αl will do it 4us via WΒΑΝ :: see Rappaport s SS

💬WΒΑΝ is here in INGESTIBILE Ρills::AI scripts

How about using WBAN to measure physiological population response?Heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, PH levels, temperature—WBAN is measuring and reporting all sorts of body data.

They’ve even got sensors that STIMULATE parts of the brain.This isn’t the future. WBAN is being deployed widely right now.These sensors can be placed on the skin, just under the skin, and even inside your body’s organs.

They’re also wearable. Wearable suggests monitoring for purposed other than medical. Like surveillance.

Here, take this indigestible pill. It’s a sensor. As it passes through your digestive system, it transmits medical data—and the data are picked up by personnel through the Internet. Boom. Someday, maybe tomorrow, AI will pick up the data instead, make a disease diagnosis, and write out a drug script for you.It’s called WBAN. Wireless Body Area Network. Look it up. I’m not kidding.Monitored, tracked, analyzed, and under control"

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And the electric signals don't do anything to the body electric.



Closing and opening channels.

Al we need is radio ga ga.

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you Sage,

Amazing how far we have fallen from health since the start of the industrial revolution. Prior to that life evolved on earth starting about 3+ billion years ago. Life had developed various immune systems in all those years. They worked extremely well otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Wow in just a few hundred years sense the dawn of the industrial revolution humanities health and well being has declined so much that now we need to save what is left and augment it with "Bio-Convergence" because Nature and life just can't manage the polluted planet that the industrial, chemical, bio, revolution etc has wrought. So to the rescue Israel.

Remember commentariat you will be the guinea pigs that perfect this augmentation (if that is possible. Remember the artificial heart?). And you get to pay for it. Bill Gates will not be the first in line to be augmented. The rich will harvest the perfected tech. And the mass of death and disfigurement that litters the road to progress in "Bio-Convergence" will be swept away from memory.

Wow how nice. Can't wait.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I am not at all convinced they will ever perfect the convergence to match their vision. Bio-Carnage, yes.

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Hi BRK7_2

I agree with your doubts.

Hence the reference to the artificial heart. Please note today we use real hearts and transplant them. The artificial heart didn't work out to well.

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Yes, for sure, a clear win for biology, wm. Old friends I hadn’t seen in a year dropped by 2 days ago. He had a heart valve replaced last year. Bovine. So that was reassuring - and they both looked at me in bewilderment when I said so. As you say, it’s a race-track to hell if we let them get away with it.

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Does he moo? Can he give milk?

Seriously, I've heard that people who have had transplants end up different, like some of the other person comes along with the body part. Not sure what to think of this idea, though.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

😆 he didn’t while he was here, but I did ask if he has become fonder of salad since. They said that porcine was another option. End of questioning. There must be a ton of people walking around out there with these 4-legged parts. What do you think will happen to this lucrative business when 🐣hoax destroys our meat/milk/egg food resources? Can’t eat it but can wear it?

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Yes, destroying our resources is part of their goal. Our food supply has gotten worse and worse over the years.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Like Comment, wm

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

What an odd video! Very fast talking with musiclike sound makes it hard to follow what they are saying. Not only is the speech fast but it cuts from one person to the next rapidly. What they are all saying is a mishmash of buzzwords. And the walking around thing! Is this meant to impress people and want them to come to Israel? Christine noted the odd hand movements in the "main character" but similar ones in the other woman. Also the "happy talk" inflections. Pep rally.

If the message was instead trying to sell me a used car, I'd turn around and walk straight out. Something very fishy going on.

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She is using white magic to intimidate? And casting spells at the same time aka SH “brain vectors”.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

the elite will have a elite command inplant that controlls all other inplants and ai robotics , ai robotic medicine ai robotic police ai robotic military ai law making and enforcment ai credit creation ai controll of our mind feelings perceptions .... good God please help us deal with this evil by your gracious wisdom

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Have you or Sarah done anything on Dr. Lynn Fynn? She is another questionable person involved in all of this that has also done speaking tours and lots of influencer white-coat stuff with the likes of Robert Malone, Ryan Cole and the rest of the crew. She got big mad when I tried to have a convo with her about the whole viruses are a fraud discussion. She didn't want to argue with me because she has "worked with them for years and she knows they exist and it was too late for her to argue with me". She's sus. https://globalcovidsummit.org/author/lynn-fynn-md

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Ι worked w her ,as a volunteer in Mc"Kull's" Group,in 2020, where i LEFT in a ΗUrrΥ... She + )ikkγ aka "Ι Said" are ΝΟΤ υr fwends...

LγΝΝΤΗΕFγΝΝ works w t PublicaSΗΙΟΝ 'MurikasFr0nΤLΙΝΕD0ktors aka <AFLDS> which comes ΟυΤ 0f

<ls ReaI>

Both )ικκγ zee Μουse + LF are ΜαΙ-0ΝΕ Αdνοkate$$$

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Someone @soothspider sent me this link from"χ"





Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella @Fynnderella1



He's not claiming anything. He blocks many everyday. Your Acct isn't a topic of conversation. Never even came up

7:20 PM Feb 23, 2024 67 Views

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How to prevent disease for cheap: stop believing propaganda.

How come the prevention of disease is more profitable for the people who sell the products to prevent disease, than for the consumers of those products?

Is it possible these days to have a profitable business without using terrorism as a business strategy?

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Yes. Yes it is. Going on 35 years now and we have not changed our business model: Every job great or small, do it well or not at all.

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Sage: I can’t keep up. Dr McMillan, Vejon Health speaks of Geert and his moving to a different area in Europe and the coming TidalSurge of covid variants sweeping the highly vaccinated populations. C’mon now, you’ve got to be cruel to be kind, in (hopefully) the right measure! Im ready for you to smolder my grey matter, it already smells of smoke 🤣🤪 Your take?

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Maybe GVB knows something is coming.

He been Doom Porning for a very long time.

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"If the word of Geert is anything to go by..." www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hJQ18S6aag&t=1s

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The picnic baskets crooner must have been Mr. Bean. Phenomenal skit.

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This Mr Bean of which you speak - he used to live in the next road to me. We get some mighty winds here. Bloody big hills too.

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"... mighty winds here ..."

Wondering if the winds were strong enough to blown his McLaren off the road into a tree? Likely "Mr. Bean" just likes to drive fast:

[Peterborough] "... the 56-year-old Atkinson, an avid sports car enthusiast who races in his spare time, was driving his McLaren F1 supercar when he lost control of the vehicle on a wet road and smashed into a tree and then a lamppost around 7:30 p.m. outside of Haddon, a hamlet 85 miles north of London. No other cars were involved in the accident.

"The McLaren—one of the world's most prized vehicles, which the funnyman purchased for around $1 million and which can go 0 to 60 in 3.2 seconds and reach speeds of up to 230 miles per hour—burst into flames and was totaled.

"But this isn't Atkinson's first high-speed adventure to end badly. The thesp suffered minor whiplash after crashing his McLaren into another vehicle in 1999 in Lancashire. No word whether it's the same McLaren."


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He is an engineer, too, right?

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Indeed you are right!

"... After receiving top grades in science A levels,[12] he secured a place at Newcastle University, where he received a BSc degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1975.[13][14] He subsequently obtained an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering at The Queen's College, Oxford in 1975 ..."


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He's no Marc Bolan.

PS You don't get winds like that in Peterborough! I'm talking about Blackadder country in the wilds of County Durham - Mrs Miggins and all :-D

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Crashing the McLaren was Atkinson's experiment in bio-vehicular-arboreal convergence. Truly a man ahead of his time!

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Like... There used to be a YT clip of that sketch with the OG Beyond the Fringe cast. Haven't seen it in a long time. If BTF is new to you, try these two:



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I enjoyed them very much! I had no idea Dudley Moore was so agile on one leg, impressive athletic ability.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Could be Vlad knowing this: “USAG Brussels is one of the essential military facilities operated by the United States of America in Europe. It is located in Brussels, in the capital of Belgium. It is a few minutes away from the NATO headquarters, therefore it is very important for the safety measures in the area…” Not to mention a high concentration of royal ancient deep state. I am sure there is more than one loaded gun under the poker table.

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Funded by the U.S.A.

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Bullshit word salad video

Not unlike the sow’s ear that’s trying to convince you it’s a silk purse.

May they all rot.

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And where will the new capital of the NWO be located? Guesses anyone?

Who is behind 15 minute cities?

Who is behind social impact markets?

Who prides themself on intelligence operators?

Who wants to be on the cutting edge of security technology?

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Geneva, ConfedHelvétiques #CH

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Dr. Rose getting arrested for no reason lol.

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The mUuszak.

The bUullshit.

Bio IS con RA verg EL ence.

The HUubris

The Burlesque with a White Coat

3D Print THIS

Thousands of Dead Palestinians


"Could Not Afford To Be Here"

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