
Business as usual...

So Pfizer is an interesting one. It actually has a negative effective tax rate for 2023, and that's in part because of restructuring charges and tax losses that are unique to the company. But make no mistake - it reported almost 60 billion in revenue in 2023. So yes, that's less than it was at the height of the pandemic, when governments around the world were making these big bulk purchases of Pfizer's COVID vaccine. But the revenues are still higher than they were pre-pandemic, and that vaccine is still among the top 10 bestselling drugs in the world. So that said, Pfizer won't pay any taxes in the U.S. for 2023 but will pay some foreign taxes. When I asked Pfizer about this, the company said it abides by the law and pays all taxes due.


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Pfizer was obviously set up as the patsy if needed. (Narrator: Not needed, yet. Despite much Security State media hand-wringing to placate the marks.)

When I saw all the Pfizer Bad Tier Two Minders with Pfizer branding, I knew that it was sus.

And now I suspect that the Aaron Siri/HIghwire lawsuit to FDA leading to Pfizer was set up to laser point away from DOD and Moderna (who is Infodemic Warrior Spying on us, straight out of the WEF)



(While Moderna's work goes on with their collaborators.)




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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

thanks for these! yes...all for appearances. gets clearer by the day...

sky fairy concept is said to collect our tears...collecting the scales falling from our eyes might be more apt.

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It's so good that you brought this issue up.

From many financial articles that I read on Amazon financial statements, the only part of Amazon that is profitable is their AWS which is funded and subsidized by the USG.

Their retail and other departments are all losers.

The same for our fren Elon, and Tesla and SpaceEx, which have never been profitable, but are also funded and subsidized by generous government contracts.

If not for their government subsidies and contracts they would both be bankrupt.

On to the next elephant question in the room, that is never asked or answered.

Where is all of the juicy billions of debt interest on government debt going?

Of course, the answer to that is obvious, is it not?

We are being screwed worse that we ever knew!

Some companies have to be sacrificed for the Greater Good, and never mind the victims who are being screwed. Poor Boeing is screwed now too?

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The technological “beast”….the system of systems built by the global predatory class can only be defeated by literally unplugging from it. Seriously, all the enlightenment relative to the psych ops and research regarding their twisted plans to quantify and manage humanity makes little difference….except to document how programmable (hackable) the masses are and how disinterested the majority is in being stewards of their own future. You cannot slay the system (beast) from within. You must merely pull the plug on it in all facets of your life….get off social media. Demand to speak to a person when dealing with the doctor’s office or other institutions. Let cashiers check you out at grocery stores—-leave the machines idling. It is the only way. And sadly, we lack the will and/or confidence to claim our future by being willing to own our part and responsibility for what manifests in our individual lives and community.

The answer….live as best you can and as often as you can in the real world…not the virtual or cheap digital twin. Be you. Be real. Otherwise, we all go down.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

I LOVE this comment Laura G.

Yes, yes, yes a million gazillion times yes!

Living on a somewhat remote island taught me decades ago, to only buy from small companies who know who I am and answer their phone - who will get food to me anyway they can.

I dropped the big bank a few years ago and never bought from the faceless online entity, the big A. No fb or meta or apple or mac or microshit.

No "doctors", or lawyers or anything with administrations or managements or "campuses".

I beg daily for people to return to landlines.

I can't be the only one who felt it start with tsa in 2001......Silly me thought the vast majority of people would not comply with spreading their arms and legs and the pat down and whole search and seizure thing.

And 30 million people around the world ALL demanded the obliteration of Iraq NOT happen.



And millions of people have spent their entire lives working to stop the genocide of Palestine.

And yet here we are.

Hang on to your tellers and checkers, produce people and ranchers and each other for dear life!

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And still….here I am, like others, waiting for a critical mass of people waking up….that might make a difference. Hope perched on our shoulders even as we witness the rising tide.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you for this. And the Israel centrality is much greater than I had been aware of.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, Day Tapes.... ✊👊🤛🤜

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Remarkably explanatory Cheat Codes that explain how the magic trick gets done.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

🎩🐰🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️📄 Abracadabra! 💥

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😅 Made me smile, Stella!


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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Love ya back! 🤗😘

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Words create a reality, illusion or delusion.


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My words or theirs? Not sure who you are referring to....

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Liquid lasers! Far out man!

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

The need for ostensible reasons is indeed strange. As you say they have all the resources. Be it funding, technology, middle managers, and pretty party goers. Consent of the governed has proven a laughable concept. Some would say they need to get past that pesky free will thing.

All the vectors are gamed. And there are threshold values of indifference or call to action if you prefer. They have to put it out there to get feedback on progress and resistance. Wouldn’t want multi vector resistance coalescing unexpectedly and find themselves on the end of a rope. Could also be soft lobs setting the things in multiple vectors for more options. Identify threats for special ops. Setting things in motion to stretch out the opposition or set up the slam. If you have all superstars why not?

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They just don't have the tech yet.

They still need voluntary compliance on many fronts. So if people stop getting mRNA boosters, they switch to BUT WE WILL CURE CANCER or fill in blank. (Inulin and diabetes is coming....how do I know? Sales Rep Bret Weinstein told me.)

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Not yet. A few more billion dollars or couple hundred million eaters might do it though. We are fortunate that murdering the world is hard.

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Murdering the world IS hard. 😅

It's hard to get everybody on the same page!

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They don't need everyone on the same page.

All they need is half of us on their page, which they have.

That's the power of binary choices!

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I would say less than that. Maybe 30% or even less. 30% with apathy or easily manipulated. So 60% plus works and no binary choice left to chance.

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Math is hard

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Easier every day

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Murdering, and restructuring the whole world.

The most grandiose, hubristic, scheme ever devised..

Genghis Khan, for instance, had no idea how far the world extended when he gave it a go.

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Sagey... U might like this article, although WE ALL KNEW th@ our DNA s used 4ΜΑΚlΝg.ΕΤΗΝΙΚ.Βl0WΕΑΡ0ΝΖ... ΤΗΕΥ R AII in it...RockiesLockieStep


💬DNA testing kits are a SCAM to develop ethnic-specific bioweapons

Lawmakers who attended the recent Aspen Security Forum warned that DNA testing services to identify ancestry could be fronts to harvest information for ethnicity-tailored bioweapons programs.

U.S. Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, is one such lawmaker who says there are already bioweapons programs currently in development that are "designed to target specific people," and that this would not have been possible if not for DNA testing services.

"That's what this is, where you can actually take someone's DNA, take their medical profile, and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person or take them off the battlefield or make them inoperable," Crow stated.

Since personal data privacy pretty much went out the window ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, young people today have "very little expectation of privacy," which explains why many of them are eager to participate in data mining fronts like 23andMe.

"People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background," Crow said. "And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company. It can be sold off with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection."

Pentagon a major player in DNA harvesting and biological weapons development programs

Crow wants the United States to create a new set of guidelines for the protection of personal health data because in his view, "that data is actually going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development of these systems."

Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees, having stated back in 2017 that biological samples were being harvested "purposefully and professionally" all over Russia by various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups for unknown purposes.

The 5gon (Pentagram), meanwhile, is actively collecting DNA and using it to develop biological weapons, which is exactly what Putin is worried about – and could be one of the reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine and is now challenging the Western globalist matrix of control.

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Yeah, i know... NatNews + bitter apricots + wαIΤαΗ's $qualene...

Another stupid site..

At least t Instagram s whistle blower says some truths.

Unfortunately, Neither T n0r ΒοοΒγ can SΤΟΡ the dystopian trajectory we are in...

We r the swamρ they want 2clean... Been saying on Twatter since 2020(!), which = Y I left site...

Be well..Sage!

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LIKE Annika's comment

And by the way, I used to be able to buy shark liver oil - from dog sharks - and it cured just about anything instantly. No kidding. AKA squalene.

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Like 👆 very much.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, here's a Damar side note. Damar lives!!

"Tagovailoa collapsed to the turf in pain and showed signs of a traumatic brain injury, according to multiple experts, after being hit by Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin. Tagovailoa's history of brain injuries includes two in the span of one month in the 2022 season. "

Or does he?? Maybe Damar 2.0. 😎😎

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😅 Experts agree commotio cordis is treatable with Ivermectin.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for this key overview. The unrestrained hubris and success of the massive ar’many feeding from this pigs’ war trough make that dinner entree of Netflix and ‘popamectin’ 🍿 countermeasure almost irresistible final straw for ‘hesitants’..

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Fantastic article!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you, Me!

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you, Sage. You've put together many things that were just floating around in the ether (Goliath, etc). What has been happening (for decades) all makes sense when you see it laid out like this. Even the names sound dangerous (darpa, barda, etc) and they are dangerous to natural life.

I appreciated the part about capitalism. We've been indoctrinated that the "companies" have to make a profit. But they aren't companies or banks in the original sense of the word. Or even in the sense of the many small or medium sized businesses where we know the owners. Those small businesses were mostly devastated by the shutdown. Amazon scooped up many of their customers. Since small/medium sized businesses aren't designed to control and surveil us, or to murder us, those behemoths are not in the same category as the others.

I wonder how much those who report the business news understand this. Not just the top managers, but on down.

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Amazon was not profitable until it received US government contracts. It is used for its servers. It receives a special post office deal. It gets free money to grow too-big-to-fail. It has caused failure of small mom and pop stores so as to elevate its status. It has been created to misinform and surveil.

Alexa. Show me some love.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

And don't forget the Rothschilds, to whom, as per a video on blockchain transactions which they put out a few years ago, we are:

'Inevitably obsolescent human capital.' Just take that in.....

Another Rothschild wrote a novel about international art crime, in which a character muses on the lives of ordinary people: it doesn't matter much what you do to them, as their pathetic little lives working for peanuts and living in tiny apartments, 'can't really be called living'. Charming.

This character also believes that any actions, any crimes, are justified in order to protect the continuity and status of The Family (in the novel, big time art dealers).

Interestingly the author, daughter of the late Jacob, was recently drafted in to the main business in order to 'caretake Rothschild's for the next generation', having had a lacklustre career as a film maker.

My reading of the novel is that she is struggling somewhat with the ineradicable psychopathy of her family. She observed, in an interview, that until recently, no female Rothschild appeared in the family tree, being beneath notice. Gotta love 'em!


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Good article, Sage. Linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks, Watchman!

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Not to worry.

Natural News, 9/12/2024:


Huge announcement - Health Freedom History to be made with Trump, RFK Jr, attorney Jonathan Emord and more

Mike Adams

We have very positive, inspiring news today about a truly historic opportunity to make history for health freedom.

I've interviewed attorney Jonathan Emord and ANH-USA founder Dr. Rob Verkerk today, and their plans for legal action against the FDA, when combined with Trump in the Oval Office and RFK Jr. at HHS, would make history for health freedom.

This is the most exciting "dream team" of pro-health, pro-freedom champions ever assembled in our lifetime.


They are all in it together, knowingly or unknowingly.

Only one way out of this evil, matrix world: NarrowWayTruth.com

Jesus said very few would actually do it, and here we are...

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They did the best they could and waited it out as long as they could.

And now they simply must ADVOCATE. They must...forget.


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Thank you for the proton Narrow.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

It's obscene. All of it. Let alone immoral.

The govt funds NOTHING. The govt has NO money.

It all comes out of our hides.

Either through direct taxation..or indirect.


Which devalues yours

The rich get richer and the middle class and working classes get poorer.


I know how long it took me to figure this out.


down to your health insurance (it takes 2,700 families paying 24 grand a year for health insurance to pay the ceo's salary now theyve gone public.

Your property taxes?

The schools have not been paying their bonds..they are rolling the interest up and extending them...so they need a minimum of 5 % to pay the interest each year.,,,not even the principle,


It's simple math.

You will lose your home..and have to rent it.



Ok rant over.


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The perpetrators don't care about outdated concepts such as morality. These peoeple are Übermenschen.

Humans are smackable.

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Same Chateaux...different vintages...pick your poison...sustainable, just not at scale?

1969... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8IefXJfR14

1993... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H22Vm00uY6E

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Ben bernanke is SCUM .

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