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Me Stuff

4 mins ago


What the effffff did you just find Sage?!? "Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than ten short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, several ongoing media projects, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website." https://kcorradio.com/guest/roger-landry.htm

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Well first , from kory: " policy makers made an assessment that they were in a “mass casualty” scenario. Policies were hastily created which removed care opportunities to care home patients."

'Splaining'. And then OMFG, *(respectfully) that fucking display of overt psy-oppery from whatever that hell bound group that tess and Kory are in is profound! Almost as profoundly transparent as this one: lol


Lord Have Mercy on us:)

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Is that like when the Rotschilds had the bible re- written around the time of the emergence of the evangelicals to influence politics through religion. Billy Graham was purportedly a 33 degree mason.

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Is this why the KJV is prized by those who follow the Bible?

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I have since found out it was written by a man whose name started with an S . It was the n the 1920’s and he was doing time for fraud. This bible came with endless notations and study notes - pushing people in the “ right” biblical interpretations. When you know Baron de Rothschild claimed he created Israel, it’s little wonder that given he funded the bible rewrite that the Bible Belt in the Us is staunchly Zionists, even in congress. I can’t tell you whether it’s KJ version.

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Why were these guys always in fucking EUROPE?




Note: They scrubbed their hilarious press blurb.


"The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid.

Now that that it seems to be coming to an end, we want to unite and combine all that we have learned from all over the world to start healing and make sure that this never happens again.

We are organizing an International Covid Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels on May 3, 2023. This event is aimed to comprehensively and objectively look at important details surrounding covid-19 and the pandemic.

We are planning to bring world renowned and highly revered professionals from all around the globe to Brussels in order to discuss the scientific, social, medical. and legal statistics and findings of the last three years.

We are organizing an International Covid Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels on May 3, 2023. This event is aimed to comprehensively and objectively look at important details look at this important information, these professionals can give comprehensive and positive strategies and suggestions to help us all move forward from this pandemic constructively, proactively and productively.


Note the DTRA Talking Point on the Alterna-Treatments:

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - The COVID pandemic took the world by surprise. Researchers were left scrambling to devise a way to best mitigate the negative impact this disease has on global health.


Yes indeed. The old pandemic took the world by surprise. The old Dangerous Germs SURPRISED US.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Sage Hana

Europe is lovely. Lived there 7 years. But the color revolution is ahead of ours with disastrous results. They probably just want to see it before it's gone. I'm sure that's all it is. 😂🙃

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A direct result of the shots. How blatant. How irredeemably criminal. Thank you for keeping it in the forefront:) I cry when I think of all those lives poisoned.

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Maybe mectin's good for that too! It's a miracle!

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A lot of natal research in the file.

Contraception. WHO Stuff.

Pre-pregnancy. Early pregnancy.

Heavy focus on glio-research and natal research.

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Did you see Lioness of Judah's stack about the fact that Norway I think it is, is pushing jabs for PG women and the baby inside? So they just tacitly admitted that vaxes cross the placental barrier.

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They're killing babies. And all that hoopla about (now discredited accounts) of houssain's? Tossing babies from incubators for reasons to start a war. Doing that to millions now, without remorse. Fie on them. Fie I say!!! Pretty sure that's an English curse that has much power:)

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I'm part English

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I hope something helps

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Tess sure likes the Mectin.


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Scrambling I tell ya!

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Europe? Because that's where they're trying to subjugate the mf''s that really know what's going on. That's "where they are". Lol Takin care if local bizness first. Much closer to home. Don'cha'know. :) *common phrase amoung the olde wives club lol. French revolution anyone? Ahh, that they were all in a particular castle. I think they learned from that. They're are still ways:)

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When they say the universe strives for novelty, ib don't think this is what they had in mind.

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“ Oh Canada

Super fake and gay

True man-boy love

In all our sons command

With spread ***-cheeks

We see the rise

The true north fake and gay

From far and wide oh Canada

We spread our cheeks for thee

God keep this land

Super fake and gay

Oh Canada! We spread our cheeks for thee!



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Bend over and take it up the Northwest Passage? They're all Newfies now...

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Huh. So those were the words.

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Jul 25Liked by Sage Hana

I got it, I got it...it was Malone with a pound of bacon in the library.

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Pierre has no clue on my status calling me a

"maskless presymptomatic 'super spreader".

When in fact I don't give a damn about Grandma and I'm a

'maskless presymptomatic 'super spreading asshole'.

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How dare you besmirch LIBERTY?

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On the contrary I'm all for liberty and also ivermecty and hydroxychloroquinty.

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Where can I get some windectin to clean my pc monitor?

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A 4 oz. stash of Wind-eze will shine your screen to a Pearly sheen...get 'em while supplies last at Gates of Heaven dot com.

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Jul 25Liked by Sage Hana

Recently saw a podcast of Lee Merrit extolling the virtues of of supercomputing and Ai how you put all the genomic sequences on n one side and all FDA approved drugs 💊 n the other, and out pops the disease and the treatment - warp speed

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Supercomputing AI and FDA approved drugs is DTRA DOMANE.


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At this rate they will have new drugs for diseases they have not invented yet.

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It's funny how they try to create the impression that human cells are a computer with buttons and parts that can be deactivated and plugged in and programmed and all that.

Because everybody knows how unreliable are computers. You know there will be a failure somehow, and if you are lucky, the failure will go away if you restart... but that has nothing to do with cells and organs and tissues and life in general. Life is reliable. There are no resets or exchanging of pieces or buttons.

I think mRNA is a far greater con than cholesterol (also related to depop) and the reliable McCullough dutifully repeats the same PR tricks that worked out fine in the past to establish the cholesterol con.

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Jul 25Liked by Sage Hana

Years ago when my cat had some health issues snd on a specific program he was prescribed by vet 1/4 Pepcid AC a dqy🤔.

Yrs before that a co-worker had horses, hated drs and horse vet suggested meds, but do NOT remember any dewormer being part of them.

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What a handy list: “Trusted authors and sites we regularly use and consult,” since these are the folks that are trusted by the liars I already don’t trust.

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Trust the Thought Leaders

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Our WHOLE lives have been a huge psy-op of B.S. lies..!!!

All I know for sure..? This experiment has failed..!!!

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Less an experiment, and more of a layered agenda to murder the world (quietly if possible) using multiple vectors of assault.

Long, long, long planned.

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BUT. When you think back to older ops - the people involved, even in 2001, seemed much more professional, believable, and well, smarter than the fake and gay we have today. Ok, maybe not dubya... but back when the "they" wore suits and could speak well and their evil oozed intelligently.

So I don't know how well the fema camps and bug eating is really going for the "them". Yes, people got weirdly injected with poison and won't stop clutching their phones, and are dying untimely deaths, but no one seems like they're in a particularly obedient mood. Or dumb enough to get too riled up for a bunch of ridiculous "leaders".

I might be wrong.

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We deserve more professional murder plots.

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Better dressed.

More believable.

Really, most people I see don't seem to notice or care WHAT is in the news.

I think we've been news bludgeoned nearly into unconsciousness.

With so much faked to begin with, and now with the incredibly stupid AI, many if not most people don't doubt they're being fed a lot of BS.

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People want the BS.

They crave it.

Cynical, but needs dinner.

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Jul 25Liked by Sage Hana

Eat well.

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Just this one genocide has been looong planned! Absolutely ! But, how about EVERYTHING else. Education system, hisssstory, religion, music industry, Hollywood, our food, water, our sky, endless wars, and what do they call it? Oh yeah, public health. Pfuck the system!

Aphrodite's Child -


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Day Tapes. Yes. Comprehensive plan.

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Why Sage, do you mean there are tapes somewhere which may shed light on such a plan?

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I am vaguely familiar with a Planned Parenthood Rockefeller Insider named....darn it...escapes me...who did warn in 1969 of a collection of plans to make sure that the Earth was not overpopulated.

It involved comprehensive agendas including war, terrorism, social engineering, and falsified science.

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Now that you mention it, I’m sure somebody wrote a couple substack posts on this. Hmm. Will have to go back through my mail folders. I know I saw something along these lines somewhere

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And a nifty little tourist attraction in Geawwjaah,

that oddly turned into a pile of rubble


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Down through timez, there have always been people (mostly women I believe) that have seen through these games. That's why we have survived. So take heart in that:) replenish that force, to continuously spread out to promote the love our future requires and deserves for surviving all this bullshit. :)

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It is interesting how they ultimately arranged for us to argue over (1) lab leak or no (2) purposeful or no (3) virus or no; among other things, and now we argue over IVM or no, HCQ or no, TWC or no, FLCC or no, among other things.

More recently the tangential issue of assassination or no has diverted our attention.

And while the arguments rage, the Day Tapes play on, people continue to suffer, people continue to die, a new shiny object is being dangled, and Bobby is still on the off ramp.

As an aside, I didn’t watch the Weekend at Bernie’s short clip last night. But I did see a couple still photos. Looks to me like the main character may have had his own encounter with the Warehouse of Hammers.

Thanks Sage for constantly reminding us to be vigilant.

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Ok Sage. Bravo. I'm the one who runs Europe Reloaded and wrote the b.s. in the About page a while ago. If you dig a little deeper instead of knee-jerking, you'll see a lot of stuff attacking McCullough, Kory, etc. And no, I don't believe in viruses and infection theory, etc. Heaps on Malone. Dig more.

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Give us the scoop on Roger Landry. Sure seems to be a lot of military connected people in this op.

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"June 16, 2016...Today with all our modern technology, medical advancements and enlightened souls, we live in a world marred by violence, greed, poverty, and sickness on scales of biblical proportions. TLB recently posted an article stating that only ten out of all the countries on this ever shrinking planet are not in some way involved in a war of some sort (foreign or domestic). We have published many articles showing the rapid deterioration of global health on a scale that most scientists consider out of control. Princeton published a study in 2014 clearly stating that America is no longer governed in a democratic process but is instead ruled by an Oligarchy, and the same can be said for a vast majority of countries on this planet, with a special focus on the European Union. And there are more people, in more countries going hungry, or are displaced from healthy environments, than at any point in modern history. Our technology, medical science and global cooperation are failing on a global scale … and more so every day we are finding out this is NOT a natural evolution, but indeed a choreographed scenario.

So The Liberty Beacon Project being a truly global project, has stepped up along with so many other mindful alternative media sources, to peek in on the wizard behind the curtain and make the truth available to you. What are the two most significant flash points for the creation or exacerbation of a vast majority of what I have stated above … The United States of America and The European Union! This network already has vast resources investigating and reporting on the former, and now we feel the absolute necessity to focus on the latter.

With all the political unrest and warmongering going on in Europe and surrounding territories today via corrupt governance, massive migration and faltering economies, Europe is the flash point for future social, political and military disasters the like of which we have not witnessed since World War Two. Without an informed and properly educated populace … disaster is imminent. We are stepping up to offer the counterpart for our flagship website The Liberty Beacon (focused mainly but not solely on the USA) to Europe in hopes of accomplishing this desperately needed education and truth. Please support this project in any fashion you wish because together the voice of the people constitute the most potentially powerful force on this planet!

I would now like to introduce the Director of the Europe Reloaded project, Pam Barker. Pam is a certified school and university teacher, originally from the UK and now living in France just outside Paris. Pam’s high level of education and outstanding grasp of the trials and tribulations of Europe and the European Union make her eminently qualified to direct this project for TLB. We are both honored and appreciative for her involvement. Please continue reading as she describes the mission, intent and goals of Europe Reloaded.

The vital need for websites such as Europe Reloaded by Project Director: Pam Barker

Pam BarkerA major question to be answered is why is the European Union in such a state of disarray, possibly leading to war, economic collapse and the splintering of Europe itself? But most important is the question, why are so many oblivious to this reality on any but the shallowest of levels?

The general answer is that we know the MSM have long become propaganda tools for our governments, intelligence services and think-tanks. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte’s admission of having been recruited by the CIA and having his editorial agenda at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung set by them has been a matter of public record since 2014.

If the MSM reports on a story relatively truthfully, then we’re only probably getting 10-20% of the full picture with much of the larger context missing. Such is the case with the Brexit reporting where readers are given a plethora of small points, problems and questions rendering them unable to see the bigger picture. Fear-mongering is always used to steer the reader into the ‘right’ path.

Then there are those stories we’re not supposed to know about, such as Fukushima, the collapse of our economies and the petrodollar, flight MH370 that just mysteriously disappeared despite having satellites combing the globe, global Geo-engineering practices, and so on.

Then there are the outright lies and distortion, which usually use Russia as the convenient scapegoat – for its alleged aggression in Syria and ‘sole’ responsibility for the European migrant crisis, for its doping scandals, for the downing of MH17 within 24 hours of it happening on the basis of almost no evidence, for its aggression in Ukraine while the US orchestrated no less than a coup, &etc.

At Europe Reloaded, we’re working firmly against these MSM biases.

Europe Reloaded also contributes value by maintaining a bridging presence between trends in Europe, as well as around the world, and those in North America.

Coming out of North America are frankly some of the best analysts and news sources around, who keep our critical focus firmly on the globalist, Washington-driven agenda. I’m of course thinking of commentators such as Paul Craig Roberts, contributors to Dr. Michel Chossudkovsky’s website Global Research, and writers such as constitutional lawyer John Whitehead, Patrick Wood, and Michael Perkins among others. And that is where I believe our value lies – in using these perspectives, which place individual liberty and the rule of law at the forefront of our criticism.

The issues Europe Reloaded will give especial attention to are :

EU as the quintessential ‘big state’ destroying national sovereignties

US foreign policy and NATO as they relate to Europe

Free Trade agreements that seek to erode sovereignty

Democratic freedoms and free cultural, ideological expression of citizens

The surveillance state and militarized police force

Globalists – their institutions and agendas, such as Soros and Gates, the IMF, the World Bank, the Trilaterial Commission and the Bilderberg group, etc.

The traditional left vs. right political divide as a piece of theater designed to distract and weaken citizen autonomy

The agenda of Europe Reloaded can best be expressed as promoting a belief in the liberty and autonomy of each and every citizen, whose interests should be served by government and not the other way around.

Above all, we aim to give readers information enabling them to make genuinely informed choices, and not be hoodwinked by the specious ways of thinking that our governments, corporations and MSM daily foist on us." So many global projects...

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"alternative media sources"

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At least the little birds are happy who survive the grey and white wing (pigs) doves. When the pig doves are not around the little birds eat to their hearts content. Thank you Costco premium bird food #50lb for $17. B

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Nothing to see here move along.

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Jeez, you have time on your hands. Over and out.

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Hi Pam, I have zero idea as to who you are. I know from when I arrived here on Substack cold with zero followers two and one half years ago, that they came for me immediately to get me to "join the team".

I found out the team was all spooks. Literally all spooks one degree from billionaires and military.

may I pick you brain?

1. Do you think we had a global pandemic that necessitated emergency medical countermeasures?

2. Are you European? Is it odd that the US sends Kory, Cole, and Malone (and Nass and Hatfill 😮) to Europe on the regular to counsel them on Freeeeedoooooommmmm ?

3. How is it that you came to write on a site rolled out by a Military Industrial Complex contractor?

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